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Module 1
上周你们班召开了有关英语学习经验交流的班会。 请你以“How I learn English”为题,根据下面的提示写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍一下你学习英语的方法。短文除应包括提示内容外,可适当发挥。开头已给出,不计入总词数。
1. 课堂上认真听讲,做好笔记;
2. 课下经常阅读英文杂志、报刊等;看一些英语类节目; 3. 经常用英语给美国笔友写电子邮件等。
How I learn English
I am good at English. I think learning English is easy. In class I listen to the teacher and take notes carefully. If I make mistakes, I’ll correct them and try not to make the same mistakes. After class, I often read English magazines or newspapers. I also watch English language programmes. It can help me to improve my pronunciation. I have a pen pal from America and we often write e-mails to each other in English. If we have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well. Module 2

1. 中国首都;位于中国北部 2. 人口约2,069
3. 历史悠久,名胜古迹众多
1. 中国最大的现代大都市;位于中国南部 2. 人口约2,347
3. 高楼林立,东方明珠电视塔(Oriental Pearl TV Tower 闻名于世
Dear Tony,
I’m very glad to tell you something about Beijing and Shanghai.
Beijing is the capital of China. It’s in the north of China. It’s an old city with a long history. The population of Beijing is about 20.69 million. It’s hotter in summer and colder in winter than Shanghai. There’re lots of great places, such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace.
Shanghai is bigger and newer than Beijing. It’s in the south of China. There’re about 23.47 million people. There’re many tall buildings. Oriental Pearl TV Tower is very famous in the world.
Yours, Li Ming

Module 3
内容包括: 1. 你喜欢的运动;
2. 你做这项运动所花费的时间及频率; 3. 你对该项运动的认识和看法。
I’m a middle school student. Playing tennis is my favourite sport. I often play it with my friends after school. I play it three times a week and for about half an hour each time. I think playing tennis is more exciting and safer than playing basketball or football. I think playing tennis is a good way for me to relax after a day’s study. Of course, different people have different ways to relax. What is your way to relax? Module 4
步行 骑自行车 乘公交车

比步行快,但是人数太多,不利于在路上同一管理学生,不安全。 费用最为昂贵,但是最快,也最安全。
I’m He Xiao. Our class will go on a trip to the Forest Park next weekend. What is the best way to travel? Travelling on foot is the cheapest way, but it is the slowest. Travelling by bike is faster than on foot, but it’s hard to manage all the students on the road, because there are too many students. So it’s not safe. Travelling by bus is the fastest. And it is the safest too. So, I think going there by bus is the best way.


Module 5
请写一篇80词左右的英语短文向大家介绍你喜欢电影或电视节目。要求包括以下内容:1. 电影或电视节目的名字;
2. 故事发生的时间和地点或电视节目播出的时间; 3. 主要情节或节目内容; 4. 自己的感受。
I like the film The Sound of Music. It took place in Austria in 1938. It was a story of Maria and the Von Trapp family. Maria helped look after the seven children. Their father George told Maria to make the children study hard. They had a good time every day. In the end, George fell in love with Maria and married her. I think the best part of the film is the song in the film. It is very beautiful and interesting. Module 6
上周六,八年级三班的学生去郊外远足,在回家的路上,李琳同学发现了一只小鸟,它的翅膀(wing 受伤了,不能飞。她把它带回家,细心照顾它。现在小鸟好多了,她打算让它飞回蓝天,因为那才是它真正的家。
请根据上述提示,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。 要求:
1. 短文除包括上述提示外,可适当发挥; 2. 语句通顺,不必逐字翻译。
Last Saturday, the students of Class Three Grade Eight went hiking for a field trip. On the way home, a girl named Li Lin found a little bird under the tree. There was something wrong with its wing. It couldn’t fly at all. So she brought it to her home and looked after it well. Now the bird is getting better and better. Li Lin is going to let it fly back to the blue sky because the sky is the bird’s real home.


Module 7
假如你阅读了Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland这本书,请根据下面的要点提示,写一80词左右的英语短文,简单介绍这个故事,并表明你对这本书的看法。

This summer holiday I read the book Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Alice was a girl with fantastic imagination. She followed the strange Mr. Rabbit, and walked into a new world. Strange things were happening all the time. Things could become big or small and the plants could speak, too. She was excited but in the end she found that was just a dream.
This is an interesting book. I like it a lot because the story is full of imagination and fun.

Module 8
假如你是学校英语报的记者,目睹了一起交通事故。请你根据下面的要点提示,以A Traffic Accident 为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文,报道一下这次交通事故的具体情况。
要点提示: 1. 时间:昨天早晨 2. 地点:新华大街
3. 原因:汽车司机疲劳驾驶,撞倒了一位在等待过马路的女孩 4. 结果:女孩受伤严重,被送到医院 5. 你的感想……
A Traffic Accident
Yesterday morning, I saw a terrible traffic accident on Xinhua Street. A girl was waiting to cross the road while the lights were changing to red. The car behind her didn’t stop in time because the driver was a bit tired. It hit the girl and hurt her badly. Someone called the police and took the girl to the hospital.
A few minutes later, two policemen came and asked the driver some questions about the accident. I hope things like this will never happen again.


Module 9
请你根据下表中的内容提示,The Old Town of Lijiang为题写一篇英语短文介绍一下这座古城的情况。
要求:1. 短文除包括所给提示内容外,可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺,80词左右。

The Old Town of Lijiang 人口数量 交通便利 风味小吃 环境优美
云南省西北部 (northwest 1,100,000 公交车,出租车
过桥米线 (Cross Bridge Rice Noodle 天蓝水碧,污染很少,公共服务齐全

The Old Town of Lijiang
The Old Town of Lijiang is in the northwest of Yunnan. It is famous for its old buildings in the world. The population of this town is about 1,100,000. You can take a bus or a taxi to visit the places that you like. Its delicious food is Cross Bridge Rice Noodle.
It has blue sky, clean water and fresh air. There is less pollution and public service is better here than some other cities. I hope you can visit it some day. Module 10
假如你是李良,你的笔友韩冰来信说要参观你的家乡,请根据要点提示,给他写一封80词左右的回信。开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:1. 你的家乡在山东东南部;
2. 春天是来这儿的最佳时机;
3. 白天天气温暖、干燥、多风;夜间有点凉; 4. 其中一件最有趣的事情是在田野里放风筝; 5. 你的期望和祝愿……
Dear Han Bing,
I’m glad to hear that you will come to my home town. Let me tell you something about it. It is a small town in the southeast of Shandong. The best time to visit here is in spring. The weather is warm, dry and windy. But sometimes it’s a bit cool at night, so remember to bring some warm clothes. One of the most interesting things is to fly kites in the field.
I wish you to visit my home town soon. I’m sure you will have a good time here.
Yours, Li Liang

Module 11
假如你是李雪,请你根据下面的提示给李明写一封邮件,介绍一下韩国的风俗习惯。 提示:
1. 初次见面要鞠躬问好;互换信息卡,仔细看后再收起来; 2. 乘坐地铁时不要大声交谈; 3. 访问朋友时要带礼物。 要求:
1. 邮件内容除包括以上提示要点外,还可适当发挥; 2. 80词左右,开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Li Ming,
I’m glad to hear that you will go to South Korea next week. There are many special traditions in South Korea. They are very different from ours. For example, when you meet someone for the first time, you should bow to him or her. Then you will change information cards with each other. Read the card carefully and then put it in the pocket. When you take a subway, you should stand in a line and you had better not speak loudly. If you want to visit somebody, you need to take a present. I hope you will have a good time there.
Yours truly, Li Xue

Module 12
Hello, everyone. Today I’ll tell you what to do when an earthquake happens. Here is some advice:
If you are in the classroom, please stay calm. Hide yourself under the desk. Stay away from the windows. Don’t jump out of the building. When the ground stops shaking, leave quickly. You’d better not use the lift.
If you are outside, please move to an open area like a playground. Stay away from the tall buildings, trees and the power lines.
In short, follow the advice I give you. I think you can enjoy a much safer life at school.
That’s all. Thanks.



