
发布时间:2019-02-09 15:08:52   来源:文档文库   



a 一个词: ●great! / nice! / perfect! / good! / very good! / wonderful! / correct! / excellent! / careless! / unclear! / untidy!

b.短语 ●well done! / neat and tidy!

/ very nice! /quite correct! /quite ok (okay)! /well-written! /just so- so. /far from correct. /so careless!

c. . 语气 ● your english is excellent. ●

i wish you would work harder. ● how i wish you would be more careful. ● pay attention to your spelling

e. 句型 ●thats ok! / that’s all right!

/ thats wrong.what a good job you have done! /what a good boy you are! / ●how carefully youve worked! /how nice your work is! ●now you can do better

than before. ●your handwriting is excellent! ●your english will become better if you work harder. ● it is clever of you to do so. /its nice of you to say so./its careless of you to write this way. ●youve done so nicely. /youve made such a careless mistake! ●try to do better next time! /see what youve done! / correct your mistakes. /dont do that again! ● i find youve made a lot of progress! i think you

can work more carefully next time. i m sorry youve made so many mistakes in your work. ● your handwriting is not so nice as maggies. youve done better than last time. you can do best of all if you try harder. f . 段落 ●although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever success belongs to the diligent learners. i am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your spoken english. g. “what a beautiful handwriting! if only be more careful!” (多漂亮的书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好了!)“well done! but would you please improve your handwriting?” (做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书 法怎么样?) “im so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.” (你的作业进步这么大,我真高兴! “im pleased that you have made so great progress now. thank you! (很高兴看见你现在取得 这么大的进步。谢谢你!) “try again; im sure you will do better next time!” (再努一把力!相信你下次会做得更好!) “well done! try to be better next time, will you?” (真棒!争取下次更好,行吗?) “if only your handwriting were better! (要是你的字能写工整点该多好啊! “how i wish you did your homework all by yourself! i

think you can!” (我多希望你能自己 完成作业啊!我相信你能做到。 “would you please pay attention to???” (请你注意??好吗?) “im afraid you used chinglish here, do you think so?” (恐怕你在这儿用的是中国式英语, 你说呢?) “chinglish “chinese english” 的幽默说法) “i’ve found your handwriting is better than before. thank you!” (我已发现你的字比以前 好了,谢谢你!) “wonderful in spite of a few mistakes! you have made progress now!” “ i believe you can do it better next time! ” “ you must believe in yourself! ” “ you have made much progress work harder and you will realizeyour dream. ” “ excellent! ” “ perfect! ”

well done! it’s excellent you havent made any mistakes, but it’s much better to be creative. 而对那些中等程度的学生,就要抓住优点,用略为夸张的感叹句进行肯定和赞扬,顺带提出希望,这样效果较好。例如,对字迹工整、认真但作业却有错,或是作业基本正确但书写不够工整、认真的学生,笔者的批语是what a beautiful handwriting! if only be more careful! well done! but would you please improve your handwriting?





you have made great progress! good job!

congratulations! i wish you success in the coming examination. 等等。

尤其是学习后进生,经常得到老师真诚的关爱,学生会产生一种积极向上的情感动力,促其奋进。因此写评语时,要客观、公正地对待每个学生,更应该注意他们的点滴进步,及时给予鼓励,并保持一定的连续性。例如:i have found your handwriting is better than before.

thank you!

dont lose heart! failure is the mother of success.

where there is a will, there is a way.

no pains, no gains. i hope you will make more

progress in the future. i’m so glad to see your work has improved! you will catch up with others soon!


对于一些重要问题和学生经常出现的错误,我们也可以加一些提示型的评语。笔者经常利用作业批语,为学生搭建梯子,点燃他们的创新火花,诱发他们的创新思维: you are different from the others, excellenti don’t know the way you put forward, i should from you. you are so clever, your answer is better than mine. 等等,这样能充分调动学生主动自觉学习的积极性,引导他们自主增强探索学习的能力。


恰当给学生的作业写评语,会使学生的内心油然而生一种希望, 进而产生一种动力,从而感到自身的价值所在。如:

where there is a willthere is a way.(有志者事竟成。) actions speak louder than words.(说到不如做到。)




2)短语well done!neat and tidy!


thats ok!what a good job you have done!

now you can do better than before. your handwriting is excellent! keep it up. your english will become better if you work harder.


although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever.

keep it up. remember that little by little one goes far.


practice makes perfect.

where there is a will, there is a way.


good!great!super!try hard!


fabulous! both of your handwriting and spellings are very good.

you should do more listening work after class.


its good to be correct. its also important to be creative.

excellent. you havent made any mistakes, but do try to make your handwriting neater (better).


you had better be more careful! pay more attention to your handwriting.

your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes.


i like your handwriting very much, but there are some mistakes here. i am sure you can correct them.

you have done your work better this time. i think that nothing is impossible if you work hard. practice makes perfect.

学困生的作业如果有进步,就应得到表扬和认可,教师可以写上 your work is much better now.等等之类的话。反之那些优等生的作业如有不足之处,则应该提出婉转的批评。如:i am afraid this time your work isnt good enough. be more careful next time.总之,我们不能总是用一成不变的眼光去看待学生的作业。如果教师对于学生的作业不进行客观的评价必将伤害学生的自尊心,挫伤其学习积极性,这样的情形是任何教师都不希望看到的。

教师的评语要多鼓励、少批评,给学生以温馨的开导、安慰,带给学生以潜移默化的影响,学生就会受到教育。诸如“good!”“well done!”“youve made some progress.”之类的评语,往往最具有鼓励性。如果我们纯粹因为一个学生的作业中有各种各样的错误就把它一棍子打死,那必然会挫伤学生的学习积极性。因此,学生的作业即使做得再差,哪怕较之前次只要有一点点进步,评语也应该给以肯定。记得有一次我在批改一个平时不喜欢记单词的学生的作业时,发现他的字迹很清晰,便在他的作业本上写道:“your handwriting greatly interested me. well done!”作业本发下后,我观察到他马上拿出字典翻阅,急切想知道我在他的本子上写了些什么。

错误,就写下了如下评语:your work is not so good. please rewrite it. 重新写下了这样的评语:your handwriting is quite good now, but would you please correct your wrong spellings?

提出协助订正错误的方案,如:please read the dialogue in page ... first.等等。


英语作业评语集锦 ? 英语 作业评语不仅仅是对作业本身进行评价,也可以包括学习和生活的各个方面,它的语言形式更是丰富多彩,千变万化,既可以是一个词或一个短语,也可以是一句话、一个段落或一则格言。例如: a 一个词: ●great! / nice! / perfect! / good! / very good! / wonderful! / correct! / excellent! / careless! / unclear! / untidy! b.短语 ●well done! / neat and tidy! / very nice! /quite correct! /quite ok (okay)! /well-written! /just so- so. /far from correct. /so careless! c. . 语气 ● your english is excellent. ● i wish you would work harder. ● how i wish you would be more careful. ● pay attention to your spelling. d. 格言 ●practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 ●where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成 ●a good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成功的一半。 ● a man becomes learned by asking questions. 不耻下问才能有学问。 ●a man cannot spin and reel at the same time. 一心不能二用。 ●care and diligence bring luck. 谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。●complacency is the enemy of study. 学习的敌人是自己的满足。 ● confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. 自信是走向成功的第一步。 ●industry is the parent of success. 勤奋是成功之母。 ●.never deter till tomorrow that which you can do today.今日事须今日毕,切勿拖延到明天。 .●.diligence is the mother of good fortune. 勤勉是好运之母 ●failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母 e. 句型 ●thats ok! / that’s all right! / thats wrong.what a good job you have done! /what a good boy you are! / ●how carefully youve worked! /how nice your

work is! ●now you can do better than before. ●your handwriting is excellent! ●your english will become better if you work harder. ● it is clever of you to do so. /its nice of you to say so./its careless of you to write this way. ●youve done so nicely. /youve made such a careless mistake! ●try to do better next time! /see what youve done! / correct your mistakes. /dont do that again! ● i find youve made a lot of progress! i think you can work more carefully next time. i m sorry youve made so many mistakes in your work. ● your handwriting is not so nice as maggies. youve done better than last time. you can do best of all if you try harder. f . 段落 ●although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever success belongs to the diligent learners. i am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your spoken english. g. “what a beautiful handwriting! if only be more careful!” (多漂亮的书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好了!)“well done! but would you please improve your handwriting?” (做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书 法怎么样?) “im so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.” (你的作业进步这么大,我真高兴! “im pleased that you have made so great progress now. thank you! (很高兴看见你现在取得 这么大的进步。谢谢你!) “try again; im sure you will do better next time!” (再努一把力!相信你下次会做得更好!) “well done! try to be better next time, will you?” (真棒!争取下次更好,行吗?) “if only your handwriting were better! ” (要是你的字能写工整点该多好啊! “how i wish you did your homework all by yourself! i think you can!” (我多希望你能自己 完成作业啊!我相信你能做到。 “would you please pay attention to???” (请你注意??好吗?) “im afraid you used chinglish here, do you think so?” (恐怕你在这儿用的是中国式英语, 你说呢?) “chinglish ” “chinese english” 的幽默说法) “i’ve found your handwriting is better than before. thank you!” (我已发现你的字比以前 好了,谢谢你!) “wonderful in spite of a few mistakes! you have made progress now!” (好极了!尽管有点小 错,但你已经进步了!) 英语作业评语 自上初三以来, 许多同学便开始抱怨, 英语怎么这么难学了 课文也难了, 语法也不是一看就会了, 明显感觉难度加大了很多!好多同学也开始慢慢的对英语失去了兴趣,有的就干

脆开始放弃英语了。 这时候, 学校领导要求老师们在批改作业的时候要适当的加些鼓励性的评语。 对啊 ,我何不利用写作业评语的方法来激励某些同学呢 ! 还记得初一初二时的英语作业, 每次要么就是听写单词,短语,要么就是抄课文,翻译课文。每次都是一个呆板的“ pass ”“ a a- b+... ” 看多了学生也就觉得乏味,麻木了 . 觉得作业只是一件任务,只忙于去应付作业,久而久之便会慢慢地对英语失去了兴趣。现在已经到了初三的关键时期了,这时候,适当的评语也许能起到很好的作用。例如: “ i believe you can do it better next time! ” “ you must believe in yourself! ” “ you have made much progress work harder and you will realizeyour dream. ” “ excellent! ” “ perfect! ” 一句好的评语,不仅能反映学生解题的正误,对学生进行恰当的学法指导,使学生形成正确的解题思路和方法,而且还能挖掘学生的潜在能力。通过积极引导,拓宽学生的思路,培养学生自主创新精神。


浙江宁波镇海区骆驼实验学校 顾寅









1. 作业评语有助于小学生对所学知识的理解和记忆




2. 评语有利于激发小学生的学习热情


3. 作业评语是师生沟通的桥梁







well done!neat and tidy!


thats ok!

what a good job you have done!

now you can do better than before.

your handwriting is excellent!

keep it up.

your english will become better if you work harder.


although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever.

keep it up. remember that little by little one goes far.


practice makes perfect.

where there is a will, there is a way.


