
发布时间:2012-02-18 00:02:52   来源:文档文库   



1. 词义剖析

1.表示让步:意为“无论如何”“不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词,其词序为:however+形容词/副词+主语+谓语,相当于“no matter how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语。这样用的however其实具有连词的功能,用以引导让步状语从句。如:however much he eats, he never gets fat. 不管他吃多少,他永远吃不胖。

用于此用法时,请注意以下几点:①此用法属however所有用法中最重要的考点②这样用的 however no matter how 大致同义。如:People always want more, however [no matter how] rich they are. 人总是富了还想再富。however [No matter how] hard I worked, she was never satisfied. 无论我多么努力地工作,她从来没满意过。③有时从句谓语可用情态动词。如:Dont laugh, however funny it may be. 无论多么有趣也不要笑。Ill try to finish it in time, however hard it may be. 无论多么难,我也要按时完成。④“however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语”有时可以有所省略。如:I refuse, however favorable the conditions. 不管条件如何有利,我都不干。(conditions后省去了are)Id rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room. 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个人住一间,而不愿意与别人合住一个房间。A grammar rule, however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood. 一条语法规则,不管如何正确,除非能懂,否则毫无用处。

2.表示转折:尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时,表示转折,其意为“可是”“仍然”等。可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。如:My father, however, did not agree. 但是,我父亲不同意。My room is small; however, its comfortable. 我的房间很小,但却很舒服。He said that it was so; he was mistaken, however. 他说情况如此,可是他错了。

3.表示惊奇或强调:相当于how ever的用法,其意为“究竟怎样,到底以什么方式”。如:however did you get here without a car? 没有汽车你究竟是怎样来的呢?


Eg: However it may be ,I shall take your word.无论如何,我将会相信你的话。

二.辨析 however but



I really don't like cheese, but I will try just a little this time.我实在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是这次我要尝一点。

(1) however不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开。however不能像 but(但是)那样直接连接两个句子(注意正句中的标点符号)


正:We all tried our best, but we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best; however, we lost the game.

正:We all tried our best. however, we lost the game.

It was raining hard. However, we went out to look for the boy. 雨下得很大,不过我们还是出去寻找那个孩子

1.howeverbut用的场合更正式,so however用于书面语,but 常用于口语.类似的有: 肯定式为,否定式为not,用于书面语和正式文体;not,用于口语和非正式文体。对于一般学习者可以不加区分。第一个是:不是像什么一样的 。做个比较第二个是:不是像什么那样的。描述一个事物物。

2.however后有"," but 没有




一、whetherif都可以与or not连用;但写在一起时,只能用whether不能用if

whetheror not连用时,只用whether不用if。当or not放在whether引导的从句句尾,则可以用if来替换。
      : I dont know whether or not he will come.我不知道他是不是回来。
I'll be happy whether/if I get the job or not我能不能得到那份工作都一样高兴



I wonder if/whether you can examine him now

I asked him whether he had done all the work himself or whether he had had any assistance. 我问他这些工作都是他自己做的还是别人帮他做的.
( 注意: 在两个供选择的从句之间若用or, 则须重复whether一字. )


Whether I'll have time to go with you I am not sure.我很难说我们是否有时间跟你们一起去。


:She was undecided about whether she should accept his offer.她拿不定主意应该不应该接受他的好意
     They discussed whether they should leave at once.他们讨论了是否应该马上离开。  We discussed whether the house should be sold. 我们讨论了这房子是否应卖掉
 5 whetheror 连用表示明确的选择时,只用whether不用if
   :He asked me whether I wanted to go there by train or by bus.他问我是想乘火车还是坐公共汽车去那里。

He hesitated about whether he should drive or take the train.他开车去还是坐火车去, 犹豫不决。

:whether or 连用还可以引导让步状语从句,此时也不用if
如:We'll go on with the work, whether we can find the necessary tools or not.


Whether or not it rains / Whether it rains or not, we're playing football on Saturday. 无论下不下雨, 我们星期六一定踢足球.



:The question is whether to go to Munich or Vienna. 问题是去慕尼黑还是去维也纳.
She doesn't knows whether to get married now or wait. 是否现在结婚或是等待她不知道。
We were wondering whether to go today or tomorrow. 我们弄不清是今天走还是明天走.
I'm not sure whether to resign or stay on. 我拿不准主意是辞职还是留任.


Everything depends on whether he is ready


The question whether we'll build another lecture building hasn't been settled.

如: Whether they win or lose is all the same to me. 他们是赢是输於我都一样.(此时whether不能换作if It's doubtful whether there'll be any seats left. 说不上还有没有空座位了. (此句whether能换作if)

Whether he comes or not doesn't concern me


What Maria doesn't know is whether there will be enough snow


If I were youI would not buy

Whether he agrees or notI shall go there

1. The question has not been answered ____ Taiwan will be included on the Olympic torch relay route.
Athat       Bwhether       Cwhich        Dif
2. You have not yet answered my question _____ I can join in the party tonight or not.   
   A. whether                B. if                              C. that                         D. which
3— I d like to invite you to a party this evening.
— Thank you, but _____ Ill be free I m not sure at the moment.
A. while                  B. if                      C. when        D. whether
4---What are you anxious about?
A.      If we succeed   B.That we can succeed      C. Do we succeed   D.Whether we can succeed
5. Only when _____ the painting _____ decide ______the painting is worth buying.   

A. he sees, he can ,whether    B. does he see, can he,   if  
C. he sees, can he ,whether    D. sees he, he can,that
6. _____ English is his favourite subject
    A. I asked him if     B. I asked him that whether C. I asked him that     D. I asked him which
7. _____ theyll go to the Summer Palace ____ the weather.
    A. If; depends on     B. Whether; depends upon C. Whether; depended on     D. If; depended upon
8.It isnt quite _____ ______ he will be present at the meeting.
    A. sure; whether     B. sure; if      C. certain; whether     D. certain; that
9. _____ the 2008 Olympic will be held in Beijing is not known yet.
    A. Whether     B. If     C. Whenever     D. That
10. No one was sure _____ he would be asked to speak next year.
    A. when     B. whether     C. what     D. how
11. It is still a question to us all _____ there is any living thing in some other places in the space.
    A. whether     B. which       C. what     D. where
12. I doubt _____ he will come here on time.

A. that     B. whether      C. when     D. where
13.    The point is not who said the words, _____ they are true or not.

A. but whether     B. and whether     C. but how     D. and how
14. What did he ask you? _____ I would be late.
A. That     B. When     C. Where     D. Whether
15. He treated all the people around him,______he knew or he didn't know,______.
     A. if, friendly                 B. whether, friendly
     C. if, in a friendly way      D. whether, in a friendly way
16. At the meeting, we discussed _____ we should employ more workers.
     A. if      B. whether     C. that     D.不填


