
发布时间:2020-03-26 14:52:28   来源:文档文库   


Unit One Can you play the guitar?

1弹钢琴 play the piano 2下棋 play chess

3拉小提琴 4加入音乐俱乐部

5敲鼓 6说英语

7游泳俱乐部 8运动俱乐部

9擅长讲故事 10喜欢画画

11讲故事俱乐部 12学校演出

13和某人谈话 14表演功夫

15让某人看某物 _________=__________ 16忙于做某事

17在周末_________=_______ 18空闲________=___________

19善于应付… 20与某人交朋友

21在体育方面提供帮助 22说英语的学生

23在敬老院。 24在六月

25在六月一日的上午 26教某人做某事

27想要做某事 28什么俱乐部

29帮助某人做某事 help sb _____/_____/______ sth 30让我们现在参加吧!

31需要做某事need sb _____sth 32需要帮助教音乐need help_____

33跟人们一起做游戏 _______________________ people

34在音乐室______________ 35.It +adj +_____ sb_______ sth 36 开心做某事have fun ______sth

37.和… 连接 _______...with 38.学生运动中心________________

Unit One 句子:
























Unit Two What time do you go to school?

1. 什么时间 2. 早起床

3. 穿衣 4. 去上学

5. 刷牙 6. 吃早饭

7. 洗淋浴 8. 一份有趣的工作

9. 在夜晚 10. 去上班

11. 在早上 12. 上班迟到

13. 在周末 14. 我的最好朋友

15. 做作业 16. 打扫房间

17. 吃晚饭 18. 散步

19. 早点去睡觉 20. 运动

21. 在八点三十分 22. 吃得快

23. 放学后 24. 半小时

25. 到家 26. 要么…要么…

27. 吃一顿好的早餐 28. 早餐吃水果

29. 吃晚饭后 30. 对…有好处

31. 尝起来很好 32. 健康的习惯

33. 在四点半 34. 从周一到周五

35 三点一刻a ____ _____ three = three ____________ 36第一节课

37在大约1020____ _______ ten twenty 38有许多时间have _____ ______

39 经常_______ 通常 ___________从不 _________ 有时___________=___________

总是__________=_________________ 40.在广播电台

41六点45a ______ ____ seven= six __________

Unit Two句子:










9 Anna 从不吃早饭。






Unit Three How do you get to school?

1.到校 2.骑自行车到校

3.乘地铁 4.乘火车

5.乘公共汽车 6. 乘出租车

7.走到学校 8.开车上班

9.多长时间 10.从你家到学校

11. 321公里 12.到家

13.多远 14.每天

15.认为 16.在…和…之间

17.实现 18.离开村子28.过河

19.公共汽车之行 20. 在大约六点半

21离这 22.一个十一岁的孩子

23.和某人玩 24地铁站

25步行________________ 26在上学的日子_______school _______

27像…一样 28.过河

29.对于他们来说 30.在村子里

31害怕….be ___________ ______sb/sth 32.村民们的梦想_________________________

33滑索道上学_____ ______a ____________to school 34.…怎么样?


1.公交之行从来不会无聊。______________is _____________boring.

2.回家花我十分钟时间。 It _________me ten _________ ______ go home.

I spend ten minutes ___________ home.

3.河水对小船来说很湍急。The river ______________________ ____for boats.


So these students ____________________________________________to school.

5.你家里学校多远?___________________________________to school?


6.到校花你多长时间?________________________________get to school?

大约半小时It ________me about ______________________________.

7.她每天怎么上学?_____________go to school ______________?

她每天走到学校。She _______________________to school __________.

8.我想知道Bob 住在哪? I want to know ____________________________________

9.Mary 想知道他觉得这次旅行怎么样?

Mary wants to know _____________________________________the trip ?


Unit Four Dont eat in class.

1.在课堂上 2.学校纪律

3.在走廊 4.上课迟到

5.按时 6.在教室

7.在餐厅 8.听音乐

9.与某人打架 10.在外边吃

11. 戴着帽子 12. 我上学的第一天

13. 穿校服 14. 安静

15. 在图书馆 16. 禁止说话_____talk=No_______

17. 出去 18. 练习说英语

19. 做早饭 20. 看望朋友

21. 打扫房间 22. 在平时的晚上

23. 晚饭之前 24. 太多的制度

25. 整理床铺 26. 必须

27. 考虑 28. 制定规章制度

29. 遵守纪律 30. 留短发

31. 和某人玩 32. 玩得高兴

33 在音乐室 34.洗餐具

35不要吵闹 36更多的规则

37跑到学校 38 记得做某事

39把它带到这bring it ____ 40对某人/某事严格要求be _______ ______sb _______sth

41学会做某事 42.到达某地

43把某物带到某地_______sth ______sp 44. 祝你好运 Good ________ ________you.


1.不要上课迟到。Dont ____________________________________.

2你必须准时。You __________________________________________.

3这是我上学的第一天。This is my ______________________________.

4我们一直得穿校服。We always ____________________________________.

5你还得做什么? What ______do you ___________________?


We have to ________________________________________________.


You can watch TV ___________________________________________.

8不要把脏的碟子留在厨房。 Dont __________________________________in the kitchen.

9我的父母对我要求很严。 My parents ________________________________________me.

10我认为最好不要违反纪律。 I think its _________not ________ __________the rules.

Unit Five Why do you like pandas?

1.想先看熊猫_______ ___ ____the pandas 2非常可怕really __________

3. 有点可爱____ ____cute 4. 来自非洲be _______ ___________

5. 整天睡觉sleep______ ___ 6. 南非 _______ _______

7. 相当有趣 _______________ 8. 非常喜欢…like_____ ____/____ _____

9. 什么其他动物_____________ 10. 救助大象____the ___________

11. One of +名词复数+动词单数 12. 这些动物之一_____ _____the ______

13. 好运气 Good__________ 14. 长时间行走walk _____ ____ ____ _____

15. 迷路 _____________ 16. 记住打扫房间________ ____ _____the room

17. 有食物和水的地方places_____ _____and ____ 18.一万 one _____ ______

19. 砍伐树木_______ _____the trees 20. 失去他们的家园______their____

21. 由…制成 be______ ______/_____ 22. 脱离危险be _____ ____ _____

23. 欢迎来到动物园______ _____the zoo. 24. 忘记告诉你_____ ____ ____you

25.我最喜爱的动物my ______ animals 26.用两条腿走路walk______________

27.养宠物have/_______a ______ 28.整天 ___________=_____________

29.对某人有好be_______ ___sb 30. 各种各样的_________

31.一个八岁的男孩___ ________boy 32.泰国的重要性_________in Thailand

33.在旗帜上_____________________ 34.好运的象征________________

35 画地很好 ___________________ 36 象牙制品__________________

37拯救树木____________ 38一个走失的孩子_____________

39面临巨大的危险_______________ 40泰国大象节_______________

41超过_______=_________________ 42在…的南方__________________

43聪明的动物________animals 44我们的第一面旗_____ _____flag

Why not +do? because Lets do shall we? Let us do will you?


1. 让我先去看熊猫吧!___________________________________________.

2. 为什么你想看狮子呢? ______________________________?


3. 他为什么喜欢大象? _______________________________?


4. 他还喜欢什么其他的动物?_______________________does he like?

5. 他来自哪儿? 他来自非洲. Where _____he _______ _______? He ______ ______Afria.

7.你为什么不喜欢猫?_______ ______ _______like the cats?


8.大象是泰国的象征之一。The elephant is _______________________________.



We must ____________________and not _______________________________.


The elephants can ___________________________________________________.


The elephants can _______________________and _______________.

Unit 6 Im watching TV

1. 看报纸_______ 2. 做汤__________

3. 去看电影__________ 4. 出去吃饭 ___________

5. 看书__________ 6. 打电话__________

7. 做他们的家庭作业 _________ 8. 喝茶__________

9. 想要做某事_________ 10. 洗餐具_________

11. 明天早上_________ 12. 去购物_________

13. 和某人在一起__________ 14. 使用电脑_________

15. 谈论某事____________ 16. 有点无聊_________

17. 洗衣服_________ 18. 在水池_________

19. 在六点半_________ 20. 在周末_________

21. 做晚饭_________ 22. 因…感谢_________

23. 先在我家见_________ 24. 看龙舟赛_________

25. 寄宿家庭_________ 26. 和…一起生活_________

27. 在电视上_________ 28. 节日前一晚_________

29. 任何其他晚上_________ 30. 希望做某事________

31. 给某人读故事_________ 32. 我家庭的一张照片_________

33. 非常想家_________ 34. 看足球赛_________

35. 听起来好_________ 36.在客厅____________

37.在报纸上_____________ 38使用某物做某事_________

39.两杯茶____________ 40.在超市_____________

41.为…而学习___________ 42幼小的儿童______

43.美味的食物_____________ 44.许多男人_____________

45.错过做某事___________ 46.使用use (adj)___________

47考虑做某事___________ 48.没有地方像家一样 No place _____home

49.包粽子____________ 50.端午节_____________



1. 玛丽正在做什么?_________Mary_________?


2. 他们正在做什么?_________________________?


3. 他们正在哪儿踢足球?_________they_______________?

4. 他想什么时候去?______does she__________________?

5. 英语老师正和谁在交谈?_________the English teacher_______________?

6. 这是我家庭的一张照片。This is a_______________________

7.你想和我一起吃晚饭吗?Do you ___________________for dinner?


She _________________an American family in New York.


10.但是千好万好不如自己的家好。But ___________still_________________.


1. The __________(man) are playing cards under the tree in the park.

2. Listen! Lisa (sing) in the next classroom.

3. Look, Jack! Who ____________(clean) the blackboard?

4. We want ___________(buy) some books.

5. Can you ______________(look) after the child, Ann?

6. It is seven o’clock . They _____________(eat) some cakes.

7. ___________(do) he often get up early? Yes, he does. He __________(read) English now.

8. Lets ____________(have) some salad. Good idea . I like it very much.

9 Listen, some boys _______________(talk) in the room.



Unit One Can you play the guitar?

1弹钢琴 play the piano 2下棋 play chess

3拉小提琴 play the violin 4加入象棋俱乐部 join the chess club

5敲鼓 play the drums 6说英语 speak English

7游泳俱乐部 swimming club 8运动俱乐部 sports club

9擅长讲故事 be good at telling stories 10喜欢画画 like drawing

11讲故事俱乐部 the story telling club 12学校演出 school show

13和某人谈话 talk to sb 14表演功夫 do kung fu表演中国功夫do Chinese kung fu

*15让某人看某物 show sb sth=show sth to sb *16忙于做某事 be busyindoing sth

17在周末 on the weekend=on weekends 18空闲 be free=have time

19善于应付… be good with 20与某人交朋友 make friends

21在体育方面提供帮助 help with sports 22说英语的学生 English-speaking students

23在敬老院。 At the old peoples home 24在六月 in June

*25在六月一日的上午 on the morning of June 1st 在上午in the morning *26教某人做某事 teach sb to do sth

27想要做某事 want to do sth 28什么俱乐部 what club

29帮助某人做某事 help sb with/do/to do sth 30让我们现在参加吧! Lets join now!

31需要做某事 need sb to do sth 32需要帮助教音乐need help to teach music

33跟人们一起做游戏play games with people

34在音乐室in the music room 35.It +adj +for sb to do sth *36 开心做某事have fun (in )doing sth

*37.和… 连接 match...with 38.学生运动中心Students Sports Center

Unit One 句子:

1.--你会拉小提琴吗? Can you play the violin?

--不会,但是我会下棋。 No, but I can play chess

2.--你爸爸会拉小提琴吗?Can your father play the violin?

--是的,他会。 Yes, he can.

3.--/想加入什么俱乐部?What club do you want to join / What club does she want to join

--/想加入艺术俱乐部。 I want to join the art club./She wants to join the art club.

4.我妈妈擅长讲故事。 My mother is good at telling stories.

5.他可以加入讲故事俱乐部。 He can join the story telling club.

6.我的弟弟喜欢画画。 My brother likes drawing.

7.--你弟弟会干什么? What can your brother do?

--他会打篮球。 He can play basketball. (情态动词can后面用原型)

8.那么,你可以参加我们学校的音乐节。Then, you can join the school music festival.

9.张平会说英语还会弹钢琴。 Zhang Ping can speak English and can also play the piano.

10.我们需要你在运动方面提供帮助。We need you to help with sports.

11.你和老人们相处得好吗? Are you good with old people?

12.我们交朋友吧。 We make friends.

13.我们需要学生参加学校的表演。We want students for the school show.

14.请拨打62112356与我联系。 Please call me at 621-12356.

15.它即轻松又简单。Its relaxing and easy.

16.周末你有时间吗?Do you have time on the weekend? = Are you free on the weekend?

17.学校需要(人员来)帮助教音乐。The schoolneeds help to teach music.

18来加入我们吧! Join us !

19.我会说英语,我也会踢足球。I can speek English , I can also play soccer.

Unit Two What time do you go to school?

1. 什么时间 what time 2. 早起床 get up early

3. 穿衣 get dressed 4. 去上学 go to school

5. 刷牙 brush teeth 6. 吃早饭 have/eat breakfast

7. 洗淋浴 take/have a shower 8. 一份有趣的工作 an interesting job

9. 在夜晚 at night 10. 去上班 go to work

11. 在早上 in the morning 12. 上班迟到 be late for work

13. 在周末on the weekend=on weekends 14. 我的最好朋友 my best friend

15. 做作业 do homework 16. 打扫房间 clean the room

17. 吃晚饭 eat/have dinner 18. 散步 take /have a walk

19. 早点去睡觉 go to bed early 20. 运动 do sports/play sports

21. 在八点三十分 at half past eight 22. 吃得快 eat quickly

23. 放学后 after school 24. 半小时 half an hour

25. 到家 get home 26. 要么…要么… either ...or

27. 吃一顿好的早餐 eat a good breakfast 28. 早餐吃水果 eat fruit for breakfast

29. 晚饭后 after dinner 30. 对…有好处 be good for

31. 尝起来很好 It tastes good 32. 健康的习惯 healthy habits

33. 在四点半 at half past four 34. 从周一到周五 from Monday to Friday

35 三点一刻 a quarter past three = three fifteen 36第一节课 first class

37在大约1020 at about ten twenty 38有许多时间 have much time

39 经常 often 通常 ususlly 从不 never 有时 sometimes

总是 always 40.在广播电台 at a radio station

41六点45a quarter to seven= six forty-five

Unit Two句子:

1.--你通常几点刷牙? What time do you usually brush teeth?

--我通常六点三十分刷牙。I usually brush teeth at half past six.

2那个时间吃早饭真有意思! Thats a funny time for breakfast.

3.晚上我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games.

4.她知道这对她的健康不利,但它味道好。She knows its not good for her (health), but it tastes good.

5.你的广播节目几点? What time is your radio show?

6他们通常晚上7:15吃晚饭。 They usually have/eat dinner at a quarter past seven in the evening.

7我没有很多时间吃早饭。I dont have much time for breakfast

8你需要吃完东西后刷牙。You need to brush your teeth after eating.

9 Anna 从不吃早饭。Anna never eats breakfast.

11.我上学从不迟到。Im never late for school.

12.我不喜欢早起。I dont like to get up early/ I dont like getting up early.

13.放学后,我偶尔会打半个小时的篮球。After school , I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.

14.我到家后总是首先做我的家庭作业。When I get home,I always do my homework first.

Unit Three How do you get to school?

1.到校 get to school 2.骑自行车到校 ride a bike to school

3.乘地铁 take the subway/by subway 4.乘火车 take the train /by train

5.乘公共汽车 take the bus /by bus *6. 乘出租车 drive the taxi

7.走到学校 walk to school/go to shool on foot 8.开车上班 drive the car to work/drive to work

9.多长时间 how long 10.从你家到学校 from your home to school

11. 321公里 three hundred and twenty-one kilometers 12.到家 get home

13.多远 how far 14.每天 every day

15.认为 think of 16.在…和…之间 between ..and...

17.实现 come true 18.离开村子leave the village

19.公共汽车之行 the bus ride 20. 在大约六点半 at about half past six

21离这 leave here 22.一个十一岁的孩子 an eleven-year-old boy

23.和某人玩 play with sb 24地铁站 subway station

25步行walk/ on foot 26在上学的日子on school days

27像…一样 be like /look like 28.过河 cross the river

29.对于他们来说 for them 对许多学生来说 for many students 30.在村子里 in the village

31害怕….be afraid 32.村民们的梦想 villagersdream

33滑索道上学go on a ropeway to school 34.…怎么样? What about/how about...?


1.公交之行从来不会无聊。The bus ride is never boring.

2.回家花我十分钟时间。 It takes me ten minutes to go home.

*I spend ten minutes getting home.

3.河水对小船来说很湍急。The river runs too quickly for boats.


So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.

5.你家里学校多远?How far is it from your home to school?

我不肯定。I am not sure.

6.到校花你多长时间?How long does it take you to get to school?

大约半小时It takes me about half an hour .

7.她每天怎么上学?How does she go to school every day ?

她每天走到学校。She walks to school every day .

*8.我想知道Bob 住在哪? I want to know where Bob lives

9.Mary 想知道他觉得这次旅行怎么样?

*Mary wants to know what he thinks of the trip ?

10.他们的梦想能实现吗?Can their dream come true ?

11.你认为这次旅行怎么样?What do you think of the trip?= How do you like the trip?

Unit Four Dont eat in class.

1.在课堂上 in class 2.学校纪律 school rules

3.在走廊 in the hallways 4.上课迟到 be/arrive late for class

5.按时 (be) on time 6.在教室 in the classroom

7.在餐厅 in the dining hall 8.听音乐 listen to music

9.与某人打架 fight with sb 10.在外边吃 eat outside

11. 戴着帽子 wear a hat 12. 我上学的第一天 my first day at school

13. 穿校服 wear the school uniform 14. 安静 keep/be quiet

15. 在图书馆 in the library 16. 禁止说话Dont talk=No talking

17. 出去 go out 18. 练习说英语 pratice speaking English

19. 做早饭 make breakfast 20. 看望朋友 see friends

21. 打扫房间 clean the room 22. 在上学期间的晚上 on shool nights

23. 晚饭之前 before dinner 24. 太多的制度 too many rules

25. 整理床铺 make ones bed 26. 必须 must

27. 考虑 think about 28. 制定规章制度 make rules

29. 遵守纪律 follow the rules 30. 留短发 keep hair short

31. 和某人玩 play with sb 32. 玩得高兴 have fun/have a good time

33 在音乐室 in the music room 34.洗餐具 do the dishes

35不要吵闹 Dont be noisy 36更多的规则 more rules

37跑到学校 run to school 38 记得做某事 remember to do sth

39把它带到这 bring it here 40对某人/某事严格要求be strict with sb. in sth

41学会做某事 learn to do sth 42.到达某地 arrive at+小地方 in +大地方

43把某物带到某地 bring sth to sp 44. 祝你好运 Good luck to you.


1.不要上课迟到。 Dont arrive late for class. / Dont be late for class.

2你必须准时。 You must be on time .

3这是我上学的第一天。 This is my first day at school.

4我们一直得穿校服。 We always wear the school uniform.

5你们/你不得不做什么? What do you have to do?

6我们必须得遵守学校的规章制度。 We have to follow the school rules .

7你能够在看完书后看电视。 You can watch TV after you read a book.

8不要把脏的碟子留在厨房。 Dont leave the dirty dishes in the kitchen.

9我的父母对我要求很严。 My parents are strict with me.

*10我认为最好不要违反纪律。 I think its best not to break the rules.

11.我帮妈妈做早饭。 I help my mom make breakfast.

12.她不得不在图书馆保持安静吗? Does she have to be quiet in the library?

13.我在能看电视之前必须先读书。 I must read a book before I can watch a TV.

*14.你还能做什么? What else do you have to do?= What other things do you have to do?

Unit Five Why do you like pandas?

1.想先看熊猫 want to see the pandas first 2非常可怕 really scary

3. 有点可爱 kind of cute=a little cute 4. 来自非洲 be from Africa/come from Africa

5. 整天睡觉 sleep all day 6. 南非 South Africa

7. 有点有趣 kind of interesting 8. 非常喜欢… like .....a lot / like ......very much

9. 什么其他动物 What other animals 10. 救助大象 save the elephants

11. One of +名词复数+动词单数 12. 这些动物之一 one of the animals + is

13. 好运气 Good luck 14. 长时间行走 walk for a long time

15. 迷路 get lost / be lost 16. 记住打扫房间 remember to clean the room

17. 有食物和水的地方 places with food and water 18.一万 ten thousand

19. 砍伐树木 cut down the trees 20. 失去他们的家园lose their homes lose ones home

21. 由…制成 be made of /be made from *22. 脱离危险 be out of danger

23. 欢迎来到动物园 welcome to the zoo. 24. 忘记告诉你 forget to tell you

25.我最喜爱的动物 my favorite animals 26.用两条腿走路 walk on two legs

27.养宠物 have/keep a pet 28.整天 all day

29.对某人友好 be friendly to sb 30. 各种各样的 all kinds of 一种 a kind of

31.一个八岁的男孩 an eight year old boy 32.泰国的重要性 importance in Thailand

33.在旗帜上 on the flag 34.好运的象征a symbol of good luck

35 画地很好 draw very well 36 象牙制品 things made of ivory

37拯救树木 save the trees *38一个走失的孩子 a lost child

39面临巨大的危险 be in great danger *40泰国大象节 Thai Elephant Day

41超过 over=more than * 42在…的南方 in the south of

43聪明的动物smart animals * 44我们的第一面旗 our first flag

45.为了象牙杀死大象 kill elephants for their ivory

*Why not +do? because Lets do shall we? Let us do will you?

Why dont you go to bed now=why not go to bed now?


1. 让我先去看熊猫吧! Lets see the pandas first.

2. 为什么你想看狮子呢? Why do you want to see the lions ? 因为它们可爱. Because they are cute.

3. 他为什么喜欢大象? Why does he like the elephants ? 因为它们很聪明. Because they are very smart.

4. 他还喜欢什么其他的动物? What other animals does he like? What animals do you like 的拓展)

5. 他来自哪儿? 他来自非洲. Where does he come from? He comes from Afria.

Where is he from? He is from Afria

7.你为什么不喜欢猫? Why dont you like the cats? 问他:Why doesnt he like the cats?

因为他们有点无聊。 Because they are kind of boring.

8.大象是泰国的象征之一。 The elephant is one of Thailands symbols.

9.大象从来不忘记。 An elephant never forgets..

10.我们必须拯救大象并且不买象牙制品. We must save the elephants and not buy things made of ivory.

11.大象也能记住有食物和谁的地方。 The elephants can also remember places with food and water.

12.大象能长时间行走并从不迷路。 The elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost .

13.我们是来自泰国的学生 We are students from Thailand.

14.大象处于极大的危险之中 The elephants are in great danger.

15.她难道不漂亮吗? Isnt she beautiful?

16.人们砍倒了许多树,因此,大象正渐渐失去它们的家园 People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.

17.她对人们很友好 She is very friendly to people.

Unit 6 Im watching TV

1. 看报纸 read a newspaper 2. 做汤 make soup

3. 去看电影 go to the movies 4. 出去吃饭 eat out

5. 看书 read books / read a book 6. 打电话 talk on the phone

7. 做他们的家庭作业 do their homework 8. 喝茶 drink tea

9. 想要做某事 want to do sth 10. 洗餐具 wash the dishes

11. 明天早上 tomorrow morning 12. 去购物 go shopping

13. 和某人在一起 with sb 14. 使用电脑 use the computer

15. 谈论某事 talk about sth 16. 有点无聊 kind of boring

17. 洗衣服 wash the clothes 18. 在水池 in a pool/in the pool

19. 在六点半 at half past six 20. 在周末 on weekends=on the weekend

21. 做晚饭 make dinner 22. 因…感谢 thank you for=thanks for

23. 先在我家见 meet at my home first 24. 看龙舟赛 watch boat races

25. 寄宿家庭 host family 26. 和…一起生活 live with sb

27. 在电视上 on TV 28. 节日前一晚 the night before the festival

29. 任何其他晚上 any other night 30. 希望做某事 wish to do sth

31. 给某人读故事 read a story to sb 32. 我家庭的一张照片 a photo of my family/ my family photo

33. 非常想家 miss the home a lot 34. 看足球赛 watch a soccer game

35. 听起来好 sounds good 36.在客厅 in the living room

37.在报纸上 in the newspaper 38使用某物做某事 use sth to do sth

39.两杯茶 two cups of tea 40.在超市 at the supermarket/in the supermarket

41.为…而学习 study for 42幼小的儿童 young children

43.美味的食物 delicious food 44.许多男人 lots of men

45.错过做某事 miss sth 46.使用use (adj) useful a useful book

47考虑做某事 think about sth 48.没有地方像家一样 No place like home

49.包粽子 make zongzi 50.端午节 Dragon Boat Festival

51.在美利坚合众国 the United States


1. 玛丽正在做什么?Whats Mary doing?

她正在看书。She is reading a book./ She is reading books

2. 他们正在做什么?What are they doing?

他们正在打电话。They are talking on the phone

3. 他们正在哪儿踢足球? Where are they playing soccer ?

4. 他想什么时候去? When does she want to go?

5. 英语老师正和谁在交谈? Whos the English teacher talking to ?

6. 这是我家庭的一张照片。 This is a photo of my family

7.你想和我一起吃晚饭吗? Do you want to join me for dinner?


She is living with an American family in New York.

9.他们正在电视上看龙舟比赛。 They are watching boat races on TV.

10.但是千好万好不如自己的家好。But theres stillno place like home.


1. The men(man) are playing cards under the tree in the park.

2. Listen! Lisa is singing (sing) in the next classroom.

3. Look, Jack! Who is cleaning (clean) the blackboard?

4. We want to buy (buy) some books.

5. Can you look(look) after the child, Ann?

6. It is seven o’clock . They are eating(eat) some cakes.

7. Does(do) he often get up early? Yes, he does. He is reading(read) English now.

8. Lets have(have) some salad. Good idea . I like it very much.

9 Listen, some boys are talking(talk) in the room.


