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gre阅读出题点(1:时间和数字(number 一般来说,出现时间概念的*(essay或段落通常和时间顺序(order有关,作者会用不同的时间点串出一条时间线索(clue个别数字的出现则意味着这个数字所阐述概念的重要性是不容忽视的(ignored,因此,除非*中出现了数据堆积的现象(phenomenon,考生都需要把数字记录(record下来。在记录时间和数字时需要注意两个问题(question一是在记录时间的同时要同步记录下该时间点所发生事件的关键词,二是无论*中的时间和数字是什么形式(form,考生在记录的时候都一律记录成阿拉伯数字,以便于之后做题时的查询。
gre阅读出题点(2:主题段和主题句的关键词(key words gre*中的主题段和主题句都是参与搭建*结构的,因此记录它们中的几个关键词对于把握全文的结构非常重要。同时,*有很多的重要信息(information也会包含在这部分内容中。

gre阅读出题点(3:人名、地名和专有名词(proper noun 这些概念在*中出现的时候,一般都会出现大写字母或引号等标记(sign,非常有利于信息索引和定位。此外,当提到这几个具体的概念时(concept*通常是在用这些概念说明某个理论或者观点(opinion,因此记录下这些概念对于理解相关理论和观点可以起到一定的辅助作用。
实际上(in factgre考试中考查这些例子具体内容(specific content的时候非常少,而更多的是考查作者使用这些例子的原(reason或它们所证明的观点。因此,考生在快速笔记中只需要记录下例子是什么就可以了,至于例子中所阐述的具体信息,可以适当忽略(omit
点还是举例大家都应该注意(pay attention to因为它显然是作为重点在*中被强调的(emphasized
gre阅读出题点(6:重要的逻辑关系(relation 很多考生在阅读*的时候只注意到了*所阐述的重要内容,是忽略了信息之间的逻辑关系,因而对信息关联理解不准确(incorrect,这也是一种严重的错误(mistake。因此,在阅读过程中记录下信息之间所产生的逻辑关系可以避免(avoid考生丢失信息之间的关联信息。
问题解释型。全文论证一个观点型的结构特点是,*Topic Sentence经常出现在第一段中,有可能是第一句话也有可能是最后一句话,这需要借助逻辑连接词去判断,除去第一段剩下的每一段的第一句话都是对这一段的一个概括总结。新旧观点对比型的结构特点是首先会提出一个旧观点,然后对旧观点进行描述,指出旧观点的缺陷和不足之处,接下来就会提出新观点,新观点也有可能存在缺陷。Topic Sentence是对新观点概述的一句话。问题解释型的结构特点是会在*的开头提出一个现象或者是有待解决的问题,然后会对问题或者现象进行一些解释,最后是对解释的一些评价。
接下来就是注意表示作者态度的句子,作者通常用副词状语或者形容词定语来表达态度。态度题有五种类型,正态度,负态度,客观态度,无明确态度和复杂态度(即有让步成分的态度但是在看表示态度的句子时,一定要注意是的态度。 还有需要注意的就是事物之间的关系,主要出题的有三种关系:相似,不同和比较。表示事物之间相似的标志词有:like, be equal to/with, be alike, be similar to, equivalence等。如果问题问的是A事物,我们可以通过B事物的特征来回答问题。表示事物
之间不同的标志词有:unlikediffer from contradictwhilefar from等。出现事物不同的关系时,原文通常叙述的是A,而问题问的是B,这时对A的叙述取反就可以得出答案了。表示事物之间比较的标志词有:最高级和比较级,以及分数倍数的表达。 最后需要重点注意的是表示事物缺陷的部分,其特征词是defect imprecisedeficiencyinappropriatedrawbackfalsityunfortunately等。这些特征词都是与负态度相联系的。对事物缺陷的提问方式会有两种:What the limitation of…? Which of the following can remedy the shortcomings…in the passage? 遇到这种问题要考虑负态度和事物的缺陷。 GRE阅读理解逻辑练习题
1. Patel: Although enrollment in the regions high school has been decreasing for several years, enrollment at the elementary school has grown considerably. Therefore, the regional school board proposes building a new elementary school.
Quintero: Another solution would be to convert some high school classrooms temporarily into classrooms for elementary school students. Which of the following, if true, most helps to support Quinteros alternative proposal? (A Some rooms at the high school cannot be con-verted into rooms suitable for the use of ele-mentary school students. (B The cost of building a high school is higher than the cost of building an elementary school. (C Although the birth rate has not increased, the number of families sending their children to the regions high school has increased markedly. (D A high school atmosphere could jeopardize the safety and self-confidence of elementary school students. (E Even before the regions high school population began to decrease, several high school class-rooms rarely needed to be used. 2. Peter: More than ever before in Risland, college graduates with science degrees are accepting permanent jobs in other fields. That just goes to show that scientists in Risland are not being paid enough.
Lila: No, it does not. These graduates are not working in science for the simple reason that there are not enough jobs in science in Risland to employ all of these graduates. Which of the following, if true in Risland, would most undermine the reasoning in Peters argument? (A The college graduates with science degrees who are not working in science are currently earning lower salaries than they would earn as scientists. (B Fewer college students than ever before are receiving degrees in science. (C The number of jobs in science has steadily risen in the last decade. (D A significant number of college graduates with science degrees worked at low-paying jobs while they were in college. (E Every year some recent college graduates with science degrees accept permanent jobs in nonscientific fields. 3.Counselor: Every year a popular newsmagazine pub-lishes a list of United States colleges, ranking them according to an overall numerical score that is a composite of ratings according to sev-eral criteria. However, the overall scores gen-erally should not be used
by students as the basis for deciding to which colleges to apply.Which of the following, if true, most helps to justify the counselors recommendation? (A The vast majority of people who purchase the magazine in which the list appears are not college-bound students. (B Colleges that are ranked highest in the magazines list use this fact in advertisements aimed at attracting students. (C The rankings seldom change from one year to the next. (D The significance that particular criteria have for any two students is likely to differ according to the students differing needs. (E Some college students who are pleased with their schools considered the magazines rankings before deciding which college to attend. 4. A thorough search of Edgar Allan Poes correspon-dence has turned up not a single letter in which he mentions his reputed morphine addiction. On the basis of this evidence it is safe to say that Poes reputation for having been a morphine addict is undeserved and that reports of his supposed addiction are untrue. Which of the following is assumed by the argumentabove?
(A Reports claiming that Poe was addicted to mor-phine did not begin to circulate until after his death. (B None of the reports of Poes supposed morphine addiction can be traced to individuals who actu-ally knew Poe. (C Poes income from writing would not have been sufficient to support a morphine addiction. (D Poe would have been unable to carry on an extensive correspondence while under the influence of morphine. (E Fear of the consequences would not have pre-vented Poe from indicating in his correspon-dence that he was addicted to morphine. 5. Adelle: The governments program to reduce the unemployment rate in the province of Carthena by encouraging job creation has failed, since the rate there has not changed appreciably since the program began a year ago. Fran: But the unemployment rate in Carthena had been rising for three years before the program began, so the program is helping. Which of the following, if true, most strongly counters Frans objection to Adelles argument?


