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在雅思写作考试中一共包括两部分,分别是大作文写作和小作文两部分。其中大作文的考题比较灵活,而且更偏学术一些。今天为大家准备了雅思议论文题目和写作例文,大家可以参考一下,通过练习熟悉雅思议论文的解题思路。 Sample Answer 范文
It is hinnan nature that leads people in the voyage of learning. Within only fifty years human beings have dramatically pushed the frontiers of cognition. But all are at a cost. Hence comes the arwment that outer space research is a waste of a massive sum of money and resources (human labour included. I, howeveq hold an entirely different opinion for some good reasons.
The term"waste"is defined as an activity, act, or behaviour that exhausts a huge volume of energy or other resources but produces little, if any valuable consequences neither will the act have some potential benefits. In this sense, by no means can outer space research be deemed as a waste. The majority of the outer space research projects
lead to some positive outcomes that can have immediate and direct benefits for humail
beings. Mat is to say, these pMects have certain value or significan ce. For instance,
landing on the Moon has already oflered some solutions to human population issues and the problems of environment pollution. It is claimed that within the foreseeable
future human beings will be able to dispose the wastes in outef space. Moreover,significance of space research has gone far beyond the hotizon of science. In fact theydeepen into human spirit and soul. It is the outer space feseatch that makes peoplerealise we human beings are not the dominant creators but fathef simple creaMes. Thiseducates people to love each other rather than to hate. Also, it teaches people to laiowthat wars, conflicts, and discriminations are all in vain.
Bearing these achievements inmin¢ who can claim that outer space research is a waste?
Admittedly some of the research projects do not have immediate consequences. Butshall we thus conclude that these projects waste human resolHces and money? If so,then we might be short-sighted creatL'ires. In fact, viewing these projects fiom a longrun, we find that each of the projects has the potentials that human beings demand. itmight be that the ultimate solutions to human disasters, diseases, and other troublescan only be found through these outer space research projects. All in all, whether the benefits are evident, elusive, or even invisible to the contemporaryeyes, they manifest the importance of outer space research. Therefore, who will still be
so short-sighted as to denoturce the importance of outer space research? (394 words


