关于疫情的英语作文篇--2020抗击疫情 感受 征文作品比赛 范文 大全

发布时间:2020-04-11 15:30:30   来源:文档文库   



This epidemic has brought us a different new year. These days, Ilived at home. In order to understand the dynamics of the epidemic, I not onlymet academician Zhong Nanshan, who was born in a medical family, but also metLi Lanjuan, who studied hard from barefoot doctor to academician and infectiousdisease expert of Chinese Academy of engineering, and Zhang Wenhong, leader ofShanghai medical treatment expert group—— A doctor'sdegree from Fudan University, who studied in Hong Kong and the United States tobecome a postdoctoral medical bully, met the medical staff who used theirprofessional knowledge and dedication to intercept the epidemic in the hospitaland isolate us in safety, met the professional journalists who went deep intothe epidemic area to interview and report, who let us see the real epidemic,and recognized those who provided authoritative answers Our experts, they makeus calm down from panic... And all of these are inseparable from a core -knowledge.


《关于疫情的英语作文篇--2020抗击疫情 感受 征文作品比赛 范文 大全.doc》
