
发布时间:2021-04-23   来源:文档文库   


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In the vast world, there have been thousands of small flowers embellishment, let us look at, everywhere fragrance. Dedication - love is deeply rooted in boundless love, but it always comes from selfless dedication, so that love can thrive. 20XX年的春节,本该是全家团员的日子,但是受新型冠状病毒的侵袭,有多少家庭因疫情而无法团聚,又有多少医护人员因疫情成为逆行者,又有多少武警官兵公安战士奋战在抗击疫情第一线。面对严重的疫情,如今已经84岁的钟院士再度出现在公众视野,出任国家卫健委高级别专家组组长时,针对疫情,他给出的建议是:“我总的看法,就是没有特殊的情况,不要去武汉。”www.zuowenla.cn
Novel coronavirus is the time of the Spring Festival in 2020, but how many families are unable to reunite due to the outbreak of the new coronavirus, and how many medical personnel are turned back as an epidemic, and how many armed
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police officers and soldiers are fighting the first line of the epidemic. In the face of serious epidemic, academician Zhong, who is 84 years old, once again appeared in the public vision. When he was the leader of the high-level expert group of the national health and Health Commission, he gave advice on the epidemic: "my general view is that there is no special situation, do not go to Wuhan." 18日傍晚,84岁的他还是义无反顾地赶往武汉防疫最前线;隐瞒了身患渐冻症的病情,顾不上被新型冠状病毒感染的妻子,武汉市金银潭医院院长张定宇,坚守在抗击疫情最前沿,用渐冻的生命,托起信心与希望;武汉科技大学天佑医院肿瘤科护士李慧,在医院征集志愿者时主动要求到任务较重的呼吸二病区参与一线工作,并要求如有不幸,捐献我的遗体研究攻克病毒。 18 novel coronavirus, 84, was still on the way to the forefront of the epidemic in Wuhan. At the age of 84, Zhang Dingyu went to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. Li Hui, a nurse in the oncology department of Tianyou hospital, Wuhan University of science and technology, actively asked to participate in the first-line work in the second respiratory ward where the task was more important, and asked to donate my remains to
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study and conquer the virus if there was any misfortune. 从除夕到初一,这个内心有些怕的95后护士仍然坚守在一线……他们勤勤恳恳的工作,他们付出了时间和精力,只为二字﹣﹣奉献。这是人间最无私的爱,从他们身上流出的不仅是淋漓大汗,更是源源不断的爱!付出﹣﹣爱的茎叶花朵的鲜艳和芬芳,让人醉于其间,但我们是否顾及花朵下那默默无闻的茎叶?只是一个特殊的群体,出没于大城市各个角落﹣﹣繁华的别院,喧闹的工地,脏乱的平房…他们源于中国最朴实的基层农民,但却奔波于异地,只为赚钱养家。他们叫农民工。
From New Year's Eve to the first day of the new year, the post-95 nurse, who was afraid of something inside, still stuck to the front line They are diligent in their work, and they have devoted their time and energy to two words dedication. This is the most selfless love in the world. What flows out of them is not only sweat, but also endless love. The bright and fragrant stems and leaves of love make people intoxicated. But do we take into account the unknown stems and leaves under the flowers? It's just a special group, appearing in every corner of the big city - bustling other yards, noisy construction sites, messy Bungalows ... They come from the most simple grassroots farmers in China, but they travel far away to earn money
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and support their families. They are called migrant workers. 他们终日饱受日晒雨淋,却从未叫苦喊累。曾经在报纸中看到某工地的模范工人,他的故乡在遥远的山西,却不远千里跑到南京打工。家中两个婴儿,一个失业的妻子,以及家中病倒的老母。沉重的家庭负担让他心中压上了一块巨石,但他依然乐观地工作生活。在向家中寄钱用时,还在暗中资助一名同村儿童读书。 They are exposed to the sun and rain all day long, but they never cry. Once in the newspaper saw a site model worker, his hometown in the distant Shanxi, but traveled thousands of miles to Nanjing to work. There are two babies in the family, an unemployed wife, and a sick mother in the family. The heavy burden of his family put a huge stone on his heart, but he was still optimistic about his work and life. When I sent money to my family, I secretly supported a fellow village child to study. 烈日下,他黝黑的背影总闪着耀眼光芒。千千万万位农民工,撑起祖国现代化建筑的一片蓝天,他们默默的付出和爱只为我们过上美好的生活。有了坚实的深根和甘愿付出的茎叶,在千千万万的人们的不懈努力之下,我们的生活蒸蒸日上。万紫千红遍布着我们的社会,爱的曙光映照着人们幸福的脸庞。简单而无私的爱,让生活更美好。
In the hot sun, his dark back always shines with
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dazzling light. Tens of thousands of migrant workers, supporting the blue sky of the modern construction of the motherland, they silently pay and love only for us to live a better life. With a solid deep root and willing to pay for the stem and leaf, under the unremitting efforts of thousands of people, our life is booming. All colors are everywhere in our society. The dawn of love reflects people's happy faces. Simple and selfless love makes life better.

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