
发布时间:2016-06-13 15:59:55   来源:文档文库   

  在经历了多次启动与中止发行之后,2015年6月2日中国人民银行发布了《大额存单管理暂行办法 》,再次重新推出大额存单,允许商业银行、政策性银行和农村合作金融机构以及中国人民银行认可的其他存款类金融机构,面向非金融机构及个人投资者( 企业认购金额不低于1000万元,个人认购金额不低于 30 万元) 发行标准期限的记账式大额存单凭证,并以市场化方式确定利率 。


  大额存单(Certificates of deposit,CD),是指由银行业存款类金融机构面向个人、非金融企业、机关团体等发行的一种大额存款凭证。与一般存单不同的是,大额存单在到期之前可以转让,期限不低于7天,投资门槛高,金额为整数。大额存单是银行存款类金融产品,属一般性存款,纳入存款保险范围。这是继放开同业存单后利率市场化改革的又一重要举措。我国利率市场化改革的步骤是“先贷款,后存款;先长期、大额, 后短期、小额”按这个思路,现在就剩下存款利率市场化这最后一步,而大额存单重启无疑会加快我国利率市场化改革。















After experienced several times to start with the suspension of the issue, in 2015 June 2, the people's Bank of China issued "certificates of deposit" Interim Measures for the administration of again to re launch certificates of deposit, allowing commercial banks, policy banks and rural cooperative financial institutions and the people's Bank of China recognize other deposits of financial institutions, for non financial institutions and individual investors (enterprise subscription amount of not less than 10 million yuan, personal subscription amount not less than 30 million yuan) entry certificates of deposit certificate issued standard terms, and market-oriented approach to determine the interest rate.

First, the status quo of China's large deposit certificate business development

Of deposit Certificates (CD), is refers to the bank deposit type financial institutions for individuals, non financial enterprises, institutions, such as the issuance of a large deposit certificate. Different from the general certificates of deposit is that large certificates of deposit before maturity can be transferred, the period of not less than 7 days, the investment threshold is high, the amount of an integer. Certificates of deposit is a bank deposit financial products, is a general deposit, into the scope of deposit insurance. This is another important step in the liberalization of www.xueyuanpai.net www.gu6e.com www.qdvacuum.com interest rates after the interbank deposit market reforms. The steps of the market-oriented reform of interest rate in our country is "first loan, deposit; first long-term, large, after a short period of time, small", according to this idea, and now there is only the deposit interest rate market of the last step, and certificates of deposit restart will undoubtedly accelerate the speed of China's market-oriented reform of interest rates.

June 15, 2015, including industrial and Commercial Bank of China, agricultural bank, Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Bank of communications, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, China Merchants Bank, industrial bank, CITIC Bank nine market interest rate pricing self-discipline mechanism is a core member of the first issue of certificates of deposit.

Large deposit period of one year or less of the main, the first batch of certificates of deposit advantage is that capital preservation, withdrawal is relatively flexible, large deposit rates generally lower than the benchmark interest rate up 40%.

Two, the significance of the resumption of large certificates of deposit - to promote the pace of interest rate market

Large negotiable certificates of deposit (referred to as certificates of deposit or CDs) is an important breakthrough in the deposit interest rate market. Affected by the impact of interest rate marketization and Internet banking, of the total deposits in commercial banks of our country as a whole the downward trend, the restart of the certificates of deposit, on commercial bank debt source structure, financing cost and synthetical strength of the produced great influence, of stable deposits of commercial banks, active debt management bring severe challenges.

Certificates of deposit essentially is a money market instruments, is not limited by a ceiling on deposit rates, the issue can not only meet the demand the depositor liquidity and the depositor to obtain the higher interest rates, but also to meet the demand for bank a stable source of funding. Is a large transfer of certificates of deposit to promote the representative of financial innovation, the fed in 1970 June to more than $10 million, within 90 days of certificates of deposit to cancel the restrictions on interest rates, in 1973 further removed from a all certificates of deposit interest rate ceilings, formed a small deposit interest rate limited and large deposit interest rate can free floating situation. With the development of the large deposit market, the U.S. commercial bank deposit pricing ability to significantly improve, for the 1980s after the full liberalization of interest rates to lay the foundation.

At present, China's rapid economic development, accelerating the pace of financial reform, to further promote www.bjbhzhy.com www.chengxinxy.com the market-oriented interest rate reform, the conditions are ripe, certificates of deposit business restart is "from bottom to top" market selection and "top-down reform of common results. Certificates of deposit can not only implement part of the deposit interest rate market directly, can also promote the improvement of deposit interest rate marketization degree, can also avoid the deposit interest rate of a sudden release of banks and the real economy, the fierce impact.

The process of marketization of interest rate of our country should be fully absorb lessons from the United States, to develop a reasonable and steady liberalization of certificates of deposit issued by the interest rate cap, prevent the adverse effects of high or low interest rate cap on the market; at the same time, after the introduction of the deposit, the progressive development of OTC and exchange market, step by step to the construction of certificates of deposit in the secondary market, and enhance market liquidity.

Three, restart the impact and challenges of large deposits of commercial banks

1 to change the debt structure, there are four transformation"

Certificates of deposit with low starting capital, flow higher degree of marketization, transfer is better, the term variety is congruent characteristics, will make the structure of bank debt will be presented with the following changes. One is to accelerate the demand deposits on a regular basis. Two is the short-term deposits. Three is to accelerate the personalization of public deposits. Four is to accelerate the table outside the capital table internalization.

2 intensify banking business pattern differentiation

The development of commercial banks in China has been mainly based on deposits, the source of bank profits is also the vast majority of income difference, the huge profit margin has been the basis of business and scale expansion. CDs may be to accelerate the deposit interest rate market, the bank will further promote the pattern of differentiation. One is to improve the degree of price competition. In order to attract investors to buy large certificates of deposit, a bank will give investors a more favorable price than other banks, which will undoubtedly increase the level of competition in the bank. Two is to change the banking business structure. Generally, the relatively high prices of small and medium bank deposits, which will make small and medium banks gradually fade out of the field of large enterprises financing, the vision more into the small and medium enterprises. Three is to narrow the income of bank interest income, accelerate the transformation of the bank. In order to attract customers, the bank will make a large deposit rates as much as possible, this will increase the cost of bank financing.


