
发布时间:2024-03-14 04:23:05   来源:文档文库   
The oldest rocks on Earth have been discovered in Canada, offering scientists a glimpse at the origins of the planet, armounced scientists in a study to be published Friday.
The rocks, found in a belt of ancient bedrock in Quebec, are eshmated to be 4.28 billion years old.
The find pushes back the age of the most ancient discovered remnants ofthe Earth's crust by 300 million years.
“Our discovery opens the door to further unlock the secrets ofthe Earth's beginnings," said Jonathan O'Neil, lead author ofthe study and a geologist at Gill Univarsity in Montreal, who collected and analyzed the rocks.
"Geologists now have a new playground to explore how and when life began, what the atmosphere may have looked like, and when the first continent formed," said o'Neil.
The rocks also suggest that continents formed very early in the Earth's history, said Richard Carlson at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, coauthor of the study, to be published in the September 26 edition of the journal Science.

Estimates of the rocks' age were made using isotopic dating, a technique which can only be used to date rocks roughly 4.1 billion years old or older. 这些岩石的年龄是经过“同位素测年法”测定出来的。同位素测年法只能够用于测定至少有41亿年历史的岩石的年代。
This is the first time the technique has been used to date terrestrial rocks, because nothing else this old has ever been discovered on Ealrth. 这一方法首次被用于测定陆地岩石的年代,因为之前在地球上还没有发现过这么古老的东西。
The specimens were found in an area known as the Nuvvuagittuq greenstone belt, along the eastern shore of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec, a region recognized in 2001 as being a potential site for finding ancient rocks,
这些岩石发现于魁北克省北部哈德森湾东海岸沿线的Nuvvuagit-tuq绿石带口2001年,地质学家曾鉴定有望在这地区发现古岩石。 英语六级经典美文:畅游微笑的国度
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选择旅行目的地时,你考虑的重点是什么呢?我们都有自己理想的度假方式,但无论你考虑的重点是什么,你都有可能在泰国找到你想要的。每个人想要的东西泰国都有。 Just 15 years ago, fewer than l million people traveled to Thailand every year. Those travelers liked what they found, and quickly spread the word. Today, the polite and hospitable Thais play host to more than 8.5 million visitors annually, all of whom are eager to experience Thailand's ancient culture and sample its many attractions. 就在1 5年前,每年去泰国旅游的人数不到100万。那些游客喜欢他们在泰国发现的一切并很快地将其传了出去。如今,礼貌又好客的泰国人每年要接待8500多万游客。这些游客都迫不及待地想要体验泰国的古老文化并且亲临许多引人人胜之处。
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