
发布时间:2018-06-27 16:05:04   来源:文档文库   



  They eat whatever they can find. 他们找到什么就吃什么。

You can take whatever you like.你喜欢什么就拿什么吧。

Actually, girls can be ________ they want to be just like boys, whether it is a pilot, an astronaut, or a general manager.

A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whoever


解析:本题考查表语从句中连接词whatever的用法。连接代词whatever在从句中既起连接作用又作be的表语。D 项虽然也是连接代词,在句中也可作表语,但不符合句意。AB两项为连接副词可引导表语从句,但与句意不符。本题句意为:事实上,女孩可以和男孩一样想从事什么职业就从事什么职业——不管是飞行员、宇航员,还是总经理。

二、whatever作连接形容词,意为"无论什么样的"。应当注意, 此用法的whatever必须同其被修饰的词一起放在从句前引导从句。如:

  I can do whatever work I can find.我可以做我能找到的任何工作。

  Whatever difficulties we meet, we can work them out.无论遇到什么困难,我们都能解决它们。

She would tell him whatever news she got. 她得到的任何消息都会告诉他。

College students are seen doing whatever work they can find. 我们可以看到,只要有工作,大学生们什么都干。

Dont lose heart whatever difficulties you meet. 不管遇到什么困难都不要灰心。

Whatever excuse he makes will not be believed. 不管他找什么借口都没有人相信。

We will be grateful for whatever amount you can afford. 你买得起多少,我们都欢迎。

Take whatever measures are considered best. 凡是被認為最優良的措施都請採用吧。


1. Whatever从句有时可以省略。可省略从句中的动词be。如:

Whatever your argument, I shall hold to my decision. 不管你怎样争辩,我还是坚持自己的决定。

The building must be saved, whatever the cost (is). 一定要挽救这座建筑,不管花多大代价。

Whatever your argument (is), I shall hold to my decision. 不管你有什么理由,我都坚持我的决定。

2. or whatever诸如此类

I don't really want to be a poet, dramatist, or whatever. 我并不真想当诗人,剧作家,或其他诸如此类的人。

3. (用在与no, any连用的名词之后)一点...(),任何...();毫不(=at all)

He hasn't got any brains whatever. 他一点脑筋都没有。

I know nothing whatever about him. 我对他一无所知。

4. whatever you do 要紧的是,无论如何

Dont miss the train, whatever you do. 千万不要误了火车。

Whatever you do, dont mention my name. 无论如何,不要提起我的名字。

_______ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.

A. However the weather is like B. However is the weather like

C. Whatever is the weather like D. Whatever the weather is like


