
发布时间:2020-07-17 20:37:12   来源:文档文库   



2Good morning ./ afternoon .上午/下午好!

3Good morning / afternoon ,boys and girls .同学们,上午/下午好!

(回答:Good morning / afternoon , Mr/Mrs Wang .Good morning , teache r.)

4Good evening .晚上好!

5How are you today ?你好吗?

(回答:Fine,thank you .And you/How are you ?)

6It's nice to see you again .再次见到你非常高兴!

7Goodbye /byebye!再见!

8See you! 再见!

9See you tomorrow!明天见!

10Good night .晚安!

11Have a nice weekend.周末愉快!

12Have a good time.过得愉快。





17Very good!非常好!

18Great job!真是好样的!

19Well done!做的好!

20You have done a great job.你做的非常好。

21That was great.太棒了!

22You are a very good boy !/girl!你真是个好孩子!

23You are the winner!你们赢了!

24No,that's not right.不,那样不对。

25It isn't nice.不是很好。

26Stop talking.停止说话。

27Don't be late.不要迟到了。

28I'm sorry you are wrong.对不起,你错了。

29Thank you .谢谢。

30Excuse me .对不起,打扰了。

31I'm sorry.对不起。

32The class is dismissed.下课了。

33Be quiet!安静!

34Sit down ,please.请坐。

35Stand up ,please.请起立。

36Sit straight.坐直。

37Hands behind ,please.请把手放在后边。

38Please be quick.请快点。

39No rushing .请不要到处乱跑。

40It's dangerous. 危险。

41Be polite,please.要讲礼貌。

42Say sorry to her,ok?向她道个歉,好吗?


44Wash your hands.洗洗手。

45Drink water.喝点水。

46Let's go back.咱们回去吧。

47Are you happy?高兴吗?

48Take it easy.别紧张。

49Don't be shy .不要害羞。

50Speak English to your Dad and Mum.跟爸爸妈妈说英语。

51That's all for today.今天的课就上到这儿。

52Let's dance.咱们一起跳舞吧。

53Let's draw a picture.让我们画画吧。

54Take out your cards.拿出卡片。

55Look at the blackboard.看黑板。

56What did you see?刚才看到了什么?

57Stop playing.别做小动作。

58Come on ,boys and girls.Lets study English together.


59Put on your name card,please.请带上你的名字卡片。

60Can I help you ?我能为你做点什么?

61Be careful !小心点!

62I ask and you answer .我来问,你来答。

63A star for you !给你一颗小星星。

64You've made great progress.你进步很大。

65Come om ! 加油!继续!

66Go back to your seat .请回座问。

67Follw me .跟我学。

68Can I help you ?我能帮助你吗?(你想借什么书?)

69Would you like some water ?你想喝一些水吗?

70Yes please . No ,thank you .是的,请来一些水。不,谢谢你。

71 I'd like some water /buns please.我想要些水/面包。

72What will we have for the breakfast /lunch/supper?


73I'm full .我吃饱了。

74I'm hungry .我饿了。

75Can I have some more vegetables?我可以再要些菜吗?

76Our school yard is so beautiful and letsprotect it !


77Keep off the grass .勿踏草地。

78Let's play football /bastball /table tennis/chess .


79Don't lean out of the window.不要把头探出窗外。

80Don't spit in the bus !请不要在车上吐痰。

81Don't eat anything in the bus !禁止在车上吃东西。

82It's time to get up .该起床了。

83Please put the shoes in line .请把鞋子摆放整齐。

84I'm glad to see you .很高兴看到你。

85Welcome back to school.欢迎回校。

86I have to go now .现在我必须走了。

87Who's on duty today ?今天谁值日?

88Can I ask a puestion , teacher ?老师,我可以问一个问题吗?

89Open the door , please .请开门。

Close the door , please .请关门。

90Speak loudly , please.请大声说。

91Speak slowly , please .请慢慢说。

92May I come in ?我可以进来吗?

93What can I do for you ?


94Would you like a glass of water ?你想要杯水吗?

a)Yes ,please .好的。 b)No ,thank you .不,谢谢。

95It's time for chass .Let's go .该上课了,走吧。

96Please sit down and have a rest .请坐下休息一下。

97I'm sorry to trouble you .很抱歉打扰你。

98Thanks a lot .It's very kind of you .多谢,你太好了。

99See you then !到时见。

100Let's discuss it .让我们讨论一下。

101How are you today ?你今天(身体)好吗?

102Keep quiet !It's time to sleep .请安静!该睡觉了。

103How many students are there in your class ?在你们班有多少同学?

104What do you do at the weekend ?你在周末做什么?

105What day is today ?今天星期几?

106What is the date today ?今天几月几号?

107What time is it ?几点了?

108What are you doing ?你在干什么?

109Are you form England ?你从英国来吗?(或:你是英国人吗?)

110What colour is it ?它是什么颜色?

111How do you go to school every day ?你每天怎样去上学?

112I ride my bike ?我骑自行车。

113What is he doing ?他在干什么?

114How much is the shirt ?这件衬衫多少钱?


