英文春联 English couplets

发布时间:2018-02-24 09:53:37   来源:文档文库   

英文春联 English couplets

English language couplets have become a new and stylish way among Chinese young people to celebrate the Spring Festival.

在中国最大的网络购物平台淘宝网上,有几十家网店在出售多个版本的英文春联there are dozens of shops selling several kinds of Spring Festival couplets in English。其中一副英文春联上联是:eat well, sleep well, have fun day by day吃的好睡的好开心每天,下联是study good, work good, make money more and more学习好工作好赚钱多多

普通英文春联售价约25元,是中文春联价格的近两倍almost double the price of the Chinese couplets。大多数英文春联的买家是年轻人,他们觉得这样看起来很酷,也愿意为时尚产品多掏钱pay extra for fashionable things。还有人送给外国朋友当礼物some send the couplets to foreign friends as gifts,此外,住在中国的老外也会买英文春联庆祝春节。

春联是按照平仄规则写成的两句对仗诗句two complementary poetic lines,是庆祝春节时最常见和最重要的习俗之一one of the most common and important customs to celebrate Chinese New Year,通常被装饰在门和墙上,表达对来年的期盼和喜悦之情they are often used to decorate doors and walls to express hope and happiness for the coming year

一家春联网店的店主于先生说,卖出更多英文春联的关键是单词要简单the key to selling more English couplets is that they should consist of really simple words,这样人们就更容易看懂。他说:语法并不重要,中式英语也可以接受'Chinglish' is also acceptable。如果句子有语法错误the sentence is grammatically incorrect,人们反而更喜欢,就像人们用good good study, day day up来表达好好学习,天天向上一样。

上联:大顺大财大吉利 Great peace, great wealth, and great luck
下联:新春新喜新世纪 New year, new joy, and new century
横批:万事如意 Everything goes well

上联:佳年好景随春到 A good year and a nice view follow the spring
下联:福乐安康顺意来 Happiness and health arrive as you wish
横批:辞旧迎新 Ring out the old, ring in the new

上联:瑞雪纷飞辞旧岁 The old year leaves amidst the falling snow
下联:旭日东升迎新春 The new spring comes with the shining glow

上联:等了一年又一年 I've been waiting year after year
下联:年年结婚没有咱 Each year lots marry, but not me
横批:再等一年 Wait one more year

上联:长寿如美国队长 Live as long as Captain America
下联:财富比钢铁大侠 Earn as much as Tony Stark

marvel [ˈmɑ:vl] v.
If you marvel at something, you express your great surprise, wonder, or admiration.

Her fellow members marveled at her seemingly infinite energy.

Sara and I read the story and marveled.

marvel [ˈmɑ:vl] n-count
You can describe something or someone as a marvel to indicate that you think that they are wonderful.

The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the marvels of creation.

A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.

marvel [ˈmɑ:vl] n-count
Marvels are things that people have done, or that have happened, which are very unexpected or surprising.

She almost died, but the hospital's skill achieved great marvels.

He's done marvels with the team. 他与全队创造了奇迹。


《英文春联 English couplets.doc》
