
发布时间:2018-06-29 20:39:11   来源:文档文库   

游客须知营造文明、和谐旅游环境,关系到每位游客的切身利益,做文明游客是我们大家的义务,请遵守以下公约: 1.维护环境卫生。不随地吐痰,不乱扔废弃物,不在禁烟场所吸烟。 2.遵守公共秩序。不喧哗吵闹,不并行挡道,不在公众场所高声交谈,不在景区行、酗酒滋事,不驾驶机动车辆进入景区。 3.保护生态环境。不踩踏绿地,不摘折花木和果实,未经批准,不在旅游景区内采集物种标本。 4.保护文物古迹。不在文物古迹上涂刻,不攀爬触摸文物,拍照摄像遵守规定。 5.爱惜公共设施。不损坏景区设施,节约用水用电,不在景物、设施上刻划、涂污。 6.尊重别人权利。不强行和外宾合影,不长期占用公共设施,尊重服务人员的劳动,尊各民族宗教习俗。 7.讲究以礼待人。衣着整洁得体,不在公共场所袒胸赤膊,礼让老幼病残,礼让女士,不讲粗话。 8.提倡健康娱乐。不携带易燃易爆等危险物品及兽类宠物进入旅游景区,抵制封建迷信活动,拒绝黄、、毒。

Notice to tourists

Building civilized and harmonious tourism environment relates the vital interests of each tourist, please observe the following conventions:

1.Please keep the environment clean. Do not spit everywhere with the chewing gum and litter or

smoke in public.

2.Please follow the public order. Do not make too much noise and parallel the way. Observe order

in line and loud does not converse in the public place. Not to get drunk and rowdy or beg in the

area and do not drive a motor vehicle to enter the scenic area.

3.Please protect the ecological environment. Do not stop on the grassland. Do not pick flowers and

fruits.Without permission, tourist areas are not acquired species specimen.

4.Protect the historical relics and sites. Do not paint or carve on the historical relics. Do not climb

up the historical relics. No photos without permit.

5.Value the public facilities. Do not destrory any facilities in the scenic area. Save water and

electricity. Do not scribe or carve on any facilities and scenic spots.

6. Respect other people 's rights. Do not force foreign tourists to take photos. Do not occupy public facilities for a long time. Respect people in the service sector. Respect religious customs of different nationalities.

7.To be polite. Wear clean and proper clothes. Do not wear clothes exposing undisguisedly in public places. Take care of the elderly, children, the sick and the handicapped. Do not utter dirty words.

8.Advocate a happy and healthy way of life. Do not carry inflammable, explosive or other

dangerous goods and animal pets into the scenic area. Resist superstition. Avoid pornography,

gambling and drug.


