
发布时间:2018-09-15   来源:文档文库   

出国留学长篇文书中英文指导 Common 长篇
1. Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. 描述你的一次有意义的经历、成就、完成的任务或者面对的一次道德困境。 2. Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you. 选择一个关于个人的、本土的、国家的或者国际的议题讨论,并说明这个问题对你的重要性。
3.Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence. 描述一个对你产生重要影响的人。
4.Describe a character in fiction, a historical figure, or a creative work (as in art, music, science, etc. that has had an influence on you, and explain that influence. 选择一个小说人物、历史人物或者一件作品(艺术、音乐、科学等作品,对它进行描述并且说明它对你的重要影响以及原因。
5.Given your personal background, describe an experience that illustrates what you would bring to the diversity in a college community, or an encounter that demonstrated the importance of diversity to you. 说明你的个人背景、经历对大学可能带来的影响,或者阐述这种多样性对你的重要性。

写作要领:反映一个中学生从不成熟到逐渐成熟的成长心路。 【精彩例文】
Becoming a Real Man My mother said she never thought about me as an athlete. I did not, either. When I was little, I often got sick and would stay inside the house instead of playing wildly with other boys. I,the “science guy,” spent much time watching science programs and enjoyed being set as a good example in my neighborhood. Then, my parents brought me to Macau when I was fourteen. We walked on the streets of Macau and happened to see a Manchester United Football Club store. About twenty Manchester fans were wearing the red team shirt and were watching a game on TV cheering for their team. I stopped and stared at those red spots that were jumping, yelling and smiling at one another, and I could feel the passionate flame hidden in my body was kindled; I belonged there. Turning to my mother, I asked for a red Manchester United shirt with my name on it. She was stunned by my request and warned me that I couldn' t have anything else if she bought me this one. Without any hesitation, I agreed, and this red shirt was the only thing I brought from Macau. Back at school, I immediately joined the football club. Everyday I spent there made me feel lucky that I had the chance to get to know this wonderful sport. Pass, shoot, and gain a point; it was great to freely run across the sports field and I felt like a hero. Unbelievably, half a year later, the “science guy” became the assistant-coach of our school women ’ s football team.
Proving my talents in athletics, I was selected to take part in the sports meets in my last year in the junior high school. Enrolled in two games, I aspired to win two gold

medals for my class. I did win the long jump, but I sprained my ankle in my last jump. My head-teacher asked me to give up the 4* 100m relay race the next day; however, seeing there was no replacement for me, I decided to take part in the competition anyway. I was the last runner of my team, and by the time I got the stick from the third runner, our team was almost 300m behind. The idea of “game over”flashed in my head but then smashed by me. My classmates watching the game beside the track used all their strength to shout, “Run,YZ! Get past them! You can do this! Come on! ”
“Yes, I can do this. I won’ t let you down,” I said to myself. Bearing the pain from my ankle, I tried my best to pass the students ahead of me one by one. Six, five, four, three, two, one left, the whole class ran to me and held me up! The silver medal that hung from my neck shined even over the golden one. The green and red sports field left me with great pleasure. The days I spent with it were rewarded with strength, determination and responsibility, which helped me grow up into a real man. 【成为一个真正的男人】

我的表现证明了我的运动天分,在初中的最后一年,我被选中参加运动会。我报了两个项目,信心十足地要为我的班级赢得两枚金牌。我赢得了跳远比赛的第一名,我却在最后一跳的时候扭到了脚踝。班主任让我放弃第二天的4*100米接力比赛,然而在得知没有人可以替代我参赛的消息时,我决定依然参加比赛。我是全队的最后一棒,当我从第三棒手中接过接力棒的时候,我们队落后其他队伍300米远。追不上了这几个字在我脑中一闪而过,但立刻被我击碎了。观看比赛的同学们用尽全身力气为我加油,“加油啊,YZ!超过他们!你能超过他们!加油! ”
难得的成长。文章末段作者用三个词概括了这种成长-- strength (,determination (坚定的信念,responsibility (责任感,这也正是一个男孩成长为一个男人所应该具备的品格。苹果公司创始人史蒂夫乔布斯曾经说过当你向前看,你无



