西游记之女儿国 中英结合,剧本

发布时间:2018-06-30 05:30:09   来源:文档文库   

旁白: The master and his three appretences come to the kingdom of females. They plan to take a break here for couple days. But with so many women, there perseverance is facing challenge. The pig guy lose control of himself…


孙悟空: Master, we are walking too long, why can’t we find a place to have a rest?


唐僧: Look, there is a palace! (pointing to the front )


旁白: The master and his three apprentences come to the door. The king that never see man come out and meet them.


国王: Who are you?

唐僧: We are the monks from the east. Can we stay here for a few days?


国王: Sure, we are so glad we have male gusts. But you can’t bully the girls in my kingdom.当然可以,但是你们不能欺负我们国家的姑娘们

唐僧: Sure.当然

猪八戒(said to the monkey) The girls are beautiful!(对孙悟空说:这些女孩都好漂亮!)

孙悟空: You don’t think about that, we are monks.


猪八戒: (depressed) Ok (失望地)好吧

旁白: Although the pig know that he can’t come close to the girls, but he still put his eyes on them. And the view in the palace is very beautiful, he don’t want to travel with the master any more. Life in here must be very comfortable, and have many beautiful girls, why not to live here?



猪八戒: Could I stay and live here.我能住在这里吗


猪八戒: Because the journey is too hard, so I want to stay here. And in you palace there are many pretty girls.因为旅途太艰苦,所以我想住在这里,而且这里有好多漂亮姑娘。

国王上下打量猪八戒)Ok, you can stay here if the girls in my palace like you.好吧,如果这里的姑娘喜欢你的话你就可以留在这里


猪八戒: (ask one girl) Do you like me?你喜欢我吗?

女生: (Shake her head ) No.不喜欢

猪八戒: (ask the other girl ) Do you like me?你喜欢我吗

女生: No, I don’t.不我不喜欢

旁白: The pig ask all of the girls, but none of them like him. So he do not stay here.


And at the same time, the master and his disciples know what the pig do. And the are mad at him.


唐僧: You are not my good disciple, don’t you remember we have the mission to the west? We have common goal!


孙悟空: We can’t like girls, we are monks.

沙僧: You let me down!你太让我失望了!

旁白: The pig realize his fault and apologize to everyone.

猪八戒明白了自己的过错 向每个人道歉

猪八戒: I’m sorry I won’t do it any more.对不起 我不会再这样了

唐僧: We are going to leave now, Thank you for your hospitality these days. And I’m so sorry for the pig’s fault.


国王: See the pig’s attitude I decide forgive you. Wish you good luck, bye bye.

看到猪八戒的态度我决定原谅你们。祝你好运 拜拜

旁白: Life will encounter many temptations. We must learn to refuse to temptation, not like the pig.


1. Which character you like best?

2. How do you think of the pig?

3. What do you learn from the story?


《西游记之女儿国 中英结合,剧本.doc》
