
发布时间:2019-12-18   来源:文档文库   
1、艺术给我们插上翅膀,把我们带到很远很远的地方。 Art gives us wings and takes us far away. 2、诗是有声的画,画是无声的诗。 Poetry is a sound picture, and painting is a silent poem. 3、应从习作中寻求快乐。 We should seek happiness from our exercises. 4、艺术家的任务是在没有阳光的时候创造阳光。 The artist's task is to create sunshine when there is no sunshine. 5、艺术乃德行的宝库。 Art is the Treasury of virtue. 6、艺术是人类的天性。 Art is human nature. 7、艺术的基础存在于道德的人格。 The foundation of art lies in moral personality. 8、我不是在寻找,而是在探索。 I'm not looking, I'm exploring. 9、艺术并不超越大自然,不过会使大自然更美化。 Art does not transcend nature, but it will make nature more beautiful. 10、艺术使自然更完美。 Art makes nature more perfect. 11、领悟音乐的人,能从一切世俗的烦恼中超脱出来。 He who understands music can be free from all worldly troubles. 12、艺术是发扬生命的,死神所在的地方就没有艺术。 Art carries forward life, and where death is, there is no art. 13、笔墨亦由人品为高下。 Pen and ink are also high and low in character. 14、外师造化,中得心源。 Outside teacher's creation is the source of our hearts. 15、死神所在的地方就没有艺术,艺术是发扬生命的。 Where death is, there is no art. Art carries forward life. 16、音乐是人生的艺术。 Music is the art of life. 17、如果没有音乐,生活就是一个错误。 Without music, life is a mistake. 18、美术一旦脱离了真实,即使不灭亡,也会变得荒诞。 Once art is divorced from reality, it will become absurd even if it does not die out. 19、艺术家用脑,而不是用手去画。 Artists use their brains, not their hands. 20、艺术是一种使我们达到真实的假想。 Art is a hypothesis that enables us to achieve reality. --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

21、诗歌是艺术的女王。 Poetry is the queen of art. 22、艺术是一种享受,一切享受中最迷人的享受。 Art is a kind of enjoyment, the most fascinating enjoyment of all enjoyments. 23、“艺术”的力量远比“需要”弱小。 The power of "art" is far weaker than that of "need". 24、伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。 Great art has always been the most decorative value. 25、艺术家气质是一种折磨业余爱好者的疾病。 Artistic temperament is a disease that afflicts amateurs. 26、一首伟大的诗篇象一座喷泉一样,总是喷出智慧和欢愉的水花。 A great poem, like a fountain, always sprays with wisdom and joy. 27、艺术上的骗子先骗自己,再骗别人。 Artistic liars deceive themselves first, and then others. 28、艺术,就是自然与人。 Art is nature and man. 29、艺术是一门学会真诚的功课。 Art is a lesson to learn to be sincere. 30、艺术是高尚情操的宣泄。 Art is the catharsis of noble sentiments. 31、音乐是人类的共同语言。 Music is the common language of mankind. 32、诗是寄寓于文字中的音乐,而音乐则是声韵中的诗。 Poetry is music embedded in words, while music is poetry in rhyme. 33、艺术是生活的镜子。 Art is the mirror of life. 34、艺术是活的科学。 Art is a living science. 35、舞蹈是脚步上的诗歌。 Dance is poetry on foot. 36、太生活化了也就没有艺术了。 There is no art if we live too much. 37、许多年轻人在学习音乐时学会了爱。 Many young people learn love when they learn music. 38、音乐是唯一可以纵情而不会损害道德的宗教观念的享受。 Music is the only religion that can indulge without damaging moral enjoyment. 39、我们的艺术应当比现实站更高,应当使人不脱离现实又高于现实。 Our art should be higher than the reality and make people not divorced from reality but higher than reality. 40、画素描是从我们看不见的东西开始,而以看见的东西结束。 Drawing begins with what we can't see and ends with what we can see. 41、治疗苦恼的灵丹。 --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

A cure for distress. 42、每当一位艺术家逝去,人类的一些幻想也随之而逝。 Every time an artist dies, some human fantasies die. 43、艺术的成功在于没有人工雕琢的痕迹。 The success of art lies in the absence of artificially carved traces. 44、每部杰作是激情迸发的产物。 Every masterpiece is a product of passion. 45、科学和艺术是一枚硬币的两面。 Science and art are two sides of a coin. 46、学习像一个儿童那样作画用了我一生的时间。 It took me a lifetime to learn to draw like a child. 47、艺术之艺术,词藻之神采,以及文学之光华皆寓于纯朴之中。 The art of art, the grace of words, and the brilliance of literature all reside in simplicity. 48、音乐是空气的诗歌。 Music is the poetry of air. 49、意存笔先,画尽意在。 First of all, the meaning of the pen, the intention of the painting. 50、一切艺术、宗教都不过是自然的附属物。 All arts and religions are merely appendages of nature. 51、缺乏盛情的艺术家好似没有颜料的画家。 An artist without affection is like a painter without paint. 52、屋中有画,等于悬挂了一个思想。 Painting in a room is like hanging an idea. 53、美到处都有,对于我们的眼睛,不是缺乏美,而是缺乏美的发现。 Beauty is everywhere. For our eyes, it is not lack of beauty, but lack of discovery of beauty.


