
发布时间:2011-03-26   来源:文档文库   
Jame's Alliance Leveling Guide 版权归原作者 by 豆芽精灵 一区 尘风峡谷 战士


开工了!首先,到沙塔斯城,这里能通向任何你想去的主城。然后我们回到荣耀堡。 进旅馆并把它作为你这一阶段的驻地。 在这之后,穿过黑暗之门,进入诅咒之地。
出门后从 守望堡指挥官雷索恩奈瑟维 那里接任务 [61] 跨越黑暗之门 e. 再次穿过黑暗之门,向 指挥官杜隆 交任务任务并接下一步任务 [61]抵达外域. 往南走,找到 阿米什蛮锤, 交任务 任务 接下一步. 再次回到黑暗之门 ,往北来到诅咒之地的守望堡. 进入邮箱边上的大房子,村子北部的那个.进去后左转再左转, 你会发现一个叫波尼海斯坦,NPC,买瓶 守望堡烈酒 . 后面的任务中我们会用到, 别把它喝掉. 用炉石回到 荣耀堡. 找到 伊斯多尔元帅, 地图上走走,会发现一个"?". 交任务任务 接下一步 [60] 指挥官达纳斯. 南走进入最大的建筑, 在那的二楼,你会发现 指挥官达纳斯 , . 交任务 任务 并接2个后续任务: [61]重生的军团 [61] 知己知彼.
1. 上马, 从西门出村子,来到一个破碎的岗哨,. 从岗哨门口的 达姆菲接任务 [61] 回收材料, 进入岗哨, 交任务任务 接下一步 [61] 邪兽人清理者. 2. 岗哨中出来往东北方向走,很快能发现 噬骨兽人,沿着荣耀之路。 向东走,边走边杀。边走边捡可利用的木头和金属。
3. [58] 邪兽人清理者 [61] 回收材料, 完成后向西南方向骑马回去交任务, 接后续任务: [58] 恶的咒语 [61] 烧毁掷刀车. 4. 上马,从荣耀堡东门出去,找到 沃图姆斯中士 , 交任务 任务 接下一步 [61] 苦痛之路. 5. 上马,向东偏东北方向,在坐标(65,58)可以发现一群烈焰行者小鬼和地狱火战争使者,把他们都杀掉,包括那些恐惧呼唤者
6. [61] 苦痛之路, 完成后骑马,向北穿过荣耀之路,沿着悬崖向西,当遇到魔狱兽人就杀掉,可以看到部落的刀刃发射器在(58,47,走到边上,使用包里的“燃烧的火炬”,继续向西,四个都烧掉 7. 完成 [61] 烧毁掷刀车, 上马,向西穿过城墙,沿着小路向西,直到(29,46)的分叉,你应该能看到一个更小的小路向西北,沿着它可以到达 塔哈玛特神殿 (23,41.
取得任务: [62] 致命的猎手 [62] 寻找瑟丹 [63] 残忍的监工 [63] 剥石者的女王. 以上任务都在 塔哈玛特附近接。往左边可以买到急救手册的技能上限升级书。NPC的名字叫波尔寇 回到旅馆,从智者 阿曼 [62] 阿苟纳之池。 出旅馆,向东,开鸟点。
8. 鸟点右边(东),悬崖下面不远处,可以看到撒旦的尸体,它被 白光 包住了,很容易看到的。走下悬崖去交任务任务,并接下一步 [62] 返回欧巴迪身边. 9. 上马,回塔哈玛特神庙,交任务 [62] 返回欧巴迪身边. 向边上的玛库鲁接 任务 [63] 玛库鲁的复仇. 10. 回鸟点飞回 to 荣耀堡.
1. 东门出来,往下去守卫塔,交任务 [58] 苦痛之路 [61] 远征军岗哨. 2. 荣耀堡 ,西门出来 交任务 [61] 烧毁掷刀车
3. 上马 西南方向 失事的残骸 (49,75. 任务s [61] 掠食者的卵 [61] 以防万一. 4. 上马 西南方向直到(42,83。捡地上的蛋,顺手杀掉所有的劫毁者。
5. 捡满12个蛋,上马 回到 坠毁的飞艇 ,交任务 [61] 掠食者的卵, 接下一步 [61] 地狱野猪,又一种白肉. ==注意== 从现在起,发现地狱野猪就杀掉,地狱野猪 有机率掉落 被污染的地狱野猪肉,用包里的 净化用混和物净化它们,这任务得慢慢来,不急。 6. 上马,往东到达 远征军军械库,路上收集飞机残骸。
到“白骨之谷”(57,73. 沿路收集飞艇残骸,并杀光所以的怪物。
沿着谷地向东走,直到尽头,大概能收集到20个飞艇残骸,往南可以看到塞斯高。 7. 杀兽人,直到捡到被诅咒的护符,任何白骨之谷的兽人都会掉。

8. 捡到护符后,上马向东到远征军营地 (71,63. 交任务 [58] 邪恶的咒语 接后续 [58] 被诅咒的护. 交任务 [61] 远征军岗哨 and 接下一步 [62] 阻断援军. Also get [61] 燃烧吧,塞斯高
9. 往南,回到塞斯高,但是不要回到主要的入口,从东边的堡垒开始破坏塔。清光往南塔(71,71路上的怪,走到塔下用烽火信号,下一个塔在西北边,山丘下。从原路走出塞斯高,下一个塔在塞斯高的南边(68,67
记得:要顺便当路上的地狱野猪,还有捡飞艇残骸。最后一个塔有点难到,因为它在塞斯高的中间。穿过西门(66,74,然后清出一条向南的路到最后一个塔标记它。 现在四个塔都标记了。你要做的就是杀兽人直到捡满12个被诅咒的护符。 10. 被诅咒的护符和飞艇残骸都捡满后,向东骑回远征军营地。
交任务 [58] 被诅咒的护符 ,接下一步 [60] 血环督军. 交任务 [60] 燃烧吧,塞斯高! 11. 回到 塞斯高,清一条路向主要的建筑,那栋座落在南塔(最后一个标记的)东边。 警告:那边有很多巡逻,要清干净点。督军莫克在建筑的中间,杀了他再捡莫克的破碎护甲。 12. 回远征军营地,交任务 [60] 血环督军and 接下一步 [61] 返回荣耀堡.,卖垃圾和修装备。 13. 向北走进军团前线(71,60),杀光所有的恶魔,直到有四个恶魔符文石。
14. 回到远程军营地, 交任务 [62] 阻断援军 and 接下一步 [62] 任务:穆尔凯斯和沙德拉兹之门. 我建议你将包里的PU-36爆炸物放到快捷键,因为你会用鼠标瞄准,再用鼠标点,不如用热键。 准备好之后,向空军指挥官要一个轰炸的任务。你只要在飞近的时候,使用炸弹(热键),然后用鼠标炸传送门就可以了。
15. 完成轰炸任务后去交了,然后接 [60] 破碎岗哨. 路空军指挥官说话,他会送你去破碎岗哨, 交任务 任务 [60]破碎岗哨 接下一步 [60] 空军指挥官格莱芬加尔. 走进塔里面, 交任务 任务, 接下一步 [62] 任务:地狱岩床. 把包里的52区特殊物品同样放到热键上,去跟狮就专家风怒说话,他会送你去地狱岩床,她站在鸟点的右边。轰炸任务可以分多次完成,不急着一次性炸光。

1. 完成轰炸任务, 交任务 任务. 接下一步 [61] 奔赴前线. ,回到狮鹫专家风怒那里,让他送你回荣耀岗哨(69,28 . 着陆后,交任务 任务 [61] 奔赴前线 接下一步 [61] 铸魔营地:暴虐. 2. 向西走到铸魔营地:暴虐,杀十个甘纳格仆人和锋据。注意那些火炮,伤害高但血少,可先打掉。 3. 完成后回到荣耀堡 交任务 [61] 铸魔营地:暴虐 接下一步 [61] 我的敌人的敌人
4. 回到铸魔营地:暴虐,杀三个 Fel Canon MK1,恶魔火炮 ,回荣耀堡接任务,接下一步 [61] 陆场:歼灭. 5. 上马,去登陆场:歼灭 (54,28 . 下马杀光所有在营地前的恶魔直到北边的悬崖,在营地的北边,恶魔熔炉的前面战争使者阿瑞克斯阿摩就在那里,杀光附近的怪后解决它。从它身上捡燃烧军团入口钥匙、燃烧军团公文。
走到传送门,使用包里的燃烧军团入口钥匙,再左键点浮在传送门里的石头。然后对石头点右键开门。现在应该已经完成[61] 登陆场:歼灭. 6. 清光营地出去的路,骑回荣耀岗哨. 交任务 [61] 登陆场:歼灭. 右键点包里的燃烧军团公文接 [58] 邪恶的信件. 7. 炉石回 荣耀堡. 在旅馆里接: [61] 古老的礼物and [62] 长须兄弟. 买点食物和饮料。 上楼交任务 [61] 返回荣耀堡 and 接下一步s: [61] 邪灵 and [61] 挖掘念珠. ==注意== 现在 荣耀堡的声望应该是友善了. 在隔壁跟哈玛买一条丝线。
走出塔跟下坡,直走到纪念碑附近,跟士官长崔西波特威欧接 任务 [60] 地狱火半岛的工事 跟他说话,问他的狗菲菲,然后买菲菲的狗饼干。跟他的狗菲菲说话然后给他食物后跟着他,直到他带你到菲菲的贮藏所,右键点它就会得到仪式祈祷者珠串。

回到军营,到二楼跟中尉查德威克接 [62] 攻陷城墙

==注意== 现在开始,如果看到有团再找地狱火堡垒的,自由加入。如果团队等级低,做这个任务有点困难,所以要早点去试试。如果不喜欢副本,可以种田来代替。 8.从西门出荣耀堡,去守卫塔接 [61] 阴魂不散. J再跟南边矿口的工头比干莫斯 任务s [61] 聪明人的工作 and [61] 矿场的骚动'

9. 往矿坑的 西南方向 走,会发现野猪跟大蚯蚓,主要是要打蚯蚓,如果有野猪也杀了。记得顺便净化猪肉。待在这附近直到完成这2任务:
1. [61]聪明人的工作

打蚯蚓得到磨损的皮箱,大约有10%的机率会掉。点皮箱接 [61]遗失的信件. 10. 上马 西南方向 葛卡兹哨站 (46,74. 在可以拉到兽人的距离里,使用隐士圣物,在圣物边上杀兽人,每杀一个都会出现恶魔灵魂,杀10个收工。
11. 上马往东南到 遠征隊軍械庫 (55,76. 完成[61]不屈的灵魂. 顺便在这边种田种到61级,这边是个很棒的种田地点,怪命中不高,重生很快,又会掉符文布、灵纹布。如果你不爱种田,可以去地狱火堡垒副本。

如果你想学技能或是去拍卖场,最快的就是去沙塔斯城使用它的三个传送点。好了就炉石回到荣耀堡. 回到旅馆二楼交 [61]邪灵 and [61]挖掘念珠. 接下一步 [61]尤勒斯的驱魔仪式. 从包里找出仪式祈祷珠串放在快捷键上,一会儿会用到。
一旦你恢复好了,就跟隐士巴瑞达说话,开始仪式。20秒后,会有飞天骷髅跟污泥在地上。它们不太好点到,用TAB键。你可以用普攻打,如果一次只出一只(它们有1000血),但是只要有怪,就点祈祷珠串,那会杀掉房里的怪物。珠串有15秒的CD。只要在2分钟内杀光所有的怪,不要让巴瑞达死掉就行了,这是个简单的任务,感谢祈祷珠串啊! 当仪式结束,去找乔治上校,然后任务完成。
交任务给助手 克拉图 and 接下一步 [61]托爾貝恩在找你. 走出旅馆,去主堡找占星师克里交 [61]邪恶的信件(2nd Floor, 接下一步 [61]黑暗之心. 同时接了 [61]荣耀之路. 交任务 [61]托爾貝恩在找你 and 接下一步 [62+]教官祖罗克. 接任务 [63+]霸王 as well. 现在荣耀堡跟你是友善的,去找军需官确认,有可能的话试着去提升装备。

1. 从西门出去,到守护塔1那边, 交任务 [61]不屈的灵魂, 接下一步 [61]寻找首领. 2. 往南矿坑里走, 交任务 [61]聪明人的工作. 进去,杀12个甘纳格工人,当你完成任务时,出去交任务并接 [61]幕后的黑手. 回去矿坑最里面,杀了希卡洛,回去交任务。
3. 上马,向东北去 荣耀之路 (63,49. 在那个坐标上,应该会有个像骨头的东西在地面上,叫“被践踏的骨骸”。
4. 一旦捡完8个,回荣耀堡. 回主堡二楼交 [61]荣耀之路 (2nd Floor and 接下一步 [63]The 神庙 of 塔哈玛特. 5. 飞去 塔哈玛特神庙. 回到旅馆,交任务 [63] 塔哈玛特神庙, [61]帮助塞纳里奥哨站 [63]艰巨的计划. 6. 上马,往南直到走上大路,大路的西边一点有 塞纳里奥哨站 (16,51. 交任务 [61]遗失的信件 [61]帮助塞纳里奥哨站. 接下一步 [63]恶魔的玷污. 和其它全部任务 [63]扫清棘牙岭 [63]巨人的威胁 [62]塞纳里奥远征队
如果你还没完成 [61]地狱野猪, 又一种白肉. 那一路上杀地狱野猪过去。另一个野猪任务[63]恶魔的玷污, 只有丑陋的野猪才掉,所以要注意杀这一种。
7. 往东南方向,直到Dustquill 峡谷 (24,65.清光到峡谷的路 主脉的西边,找到“?”(24,72. 那里,交任务 任务 [62]长须兄弟, 接下一步 [63]鸦人的威胁 [63]钢牙掠食者. 同另一个矮人对话,接下一步 [62]绝世好帽.
8. 东南方向进入 海尔哈什洞穴 (26,71. 杀死每一只鸟或鸟人 。顺路往下,出峡谷时左转,上坡,再左转,你会看到一个鸟人Avruu. 试着解决它,打断他的施法,抢了它的球,右键点击 亚维鲁的宝珠, 任务 [63]亚维鲁的宝珠.
9. 回到主道上,现在往东南走进入海尔哈什峡谷 (26,78 . 继续往东南,看到“?” "Aeranas". 复好了再点击它 一个元素怪会打你,你必须把它的血打到15%以下, 交任务 任务 [63]亚维鲁的宝. 清路,完成 [63]鸦人的威胁 and [62]绝世好帽 只要打路上的就可以了,因为这些怪会跑。. Tip: 果遇到鸟巢,打一打,也掉东西。 10. 都完成了后,到矮人那交任务。
11. Now go slightly northwest and kill 10 Quillfang Ravagers. When you are done, go back to Grumni Longbeard and 交任务 [63]钢牙掠食者. 12. Go 东北方 and enter The Great Fissure (27,70. Start to ask in general channel if anyone is interested in doing 任务 [63+]剥石者的女王, she is in the cave in the same area. In the meantime, kill Stonescythe Whelps and Alphas while heading towards the cave (34,63.
13. Anyway, once you are done with killing whelps and alphas, you can try to go and solo Blacktalon the Savage if you haven't found a partner yet. Pretty much all ranged classes can kite it to death, just make sure you clear the way before you engage it. If you can't solo it and can't find a partner, just abandon 任务, you can come back here at level 70 and do it solo for some extra gold. 14. Mount up, 上马 east and get out of the great fissure. You should be right next to the PvP objective called "Broken Hill". If you feel like it, you can do the pvp quest now, all you have to do is stand inside the objectives until they become controlled by the alliance (this can't work if it's already controlled by the Alliance, so you might have to come back later. This quest only gives 5000 experience, but it gives reputation and marks which you can use as currency to buy some rewards at the 荣耀堡 quartermaster. And a little bit of PvP is a nice break from questing/grinding. However this is optional, so it's your choice! I personally did that quest on my rogue while looking for a healer who wanted to team up to do [63]教官祖罗克
(explained below. 15. Now let's get back to business. There's one elite quest we can try to get out of the way right now, most kiting classes can solo it, but it's difficult. So what you can do is look for other players who want to do [62+]教官祖罗克. Melee classes will definitely want to bring a healer along. You can go to the next paragraph and proceed with the guide while you look for other players. If you got a group (or if you wanna try soloing it, here is the fastest way to kill Drillmaster Zurok. Go to Hellfire Citadel's bridge, coming from the south, and if you look down to your left you should see Drillmaster Zurok down there, as well as other orcs. Here is where you must jump down at (49,55:

When down there, kill all the orcs around the Drillmaster and behind you to have a lot of space. Once there's only the Drillmaster Zurok left, kill him. He hits for 500 on clothies, has a lot of HP and has two special abilities: 1. Knockback -- that's why we clear the area, or else he'd toss you into some adds and it'd get ugly very quick.
2. Whirlwind -- it hurts a lot but all you have to do is back off when he does it, so no problem. Once he's dead you just have to clear the way out and get out of 荣耀之路. If you really can't find help to do this quest, you can abandon it and come back at level 70. It's not a big deal. 16. So, let's do some solo quests while you look for help for [63+]教官祖罗克. If you still haven't completed [61]地狱野猪, 又一种白肉 make a stop at the area just 西南方向 of 荣耀堡 (50,69 and kill all the boars there. 17. 上马 to 坠毁的飞艇 (49,75, 交任务 [61]地狱野猪, 又一种白肉, 接下一步 [61]万无一失. 任务 [61]以防万一 and 接下一步 [61]疯狂的虚空行者. 18. Go further south to the Warp Fields (46,82, there you should see a Warp Portal with Voidwalkers around it. Find an "Uncontrolled Voidwalker", take it down to 15% HP or lower, then click the Sanctified Crystal in your inventory. A red crystal will appear, click it and you should receive a Glowing Sanctified Crystal. Now keep on killing voidwalkers (any type in the area until you have completed [61]疯狂的虚空行者. 19. Go east to 遠征隊軍械庫, clear the way towards the southern area of the armory, you will find Lieutenant Comamnder Thalvos standing in the southern most house in rubbles (55,84. Kill him. About 50 yards northwest of this spot you should find Arch Mage Xintor (54,81 standing on flat ground next to some wooden practice dummies. Kill him too. Go south and behind the armory, you should see a destroyed house in the distance, go there. Infront of the house you should see a white book called Mysteries of the Light (55,87. Loot it. 20. 往东北方到白骨之谷 (56,73 ,杀秃鹫,直到打满12个任务物品。

21. 做完了, 上马 往西/西南方向 坠毁的飞艇, 交任务 [61]疯狂的虚空行者 and [61]万无一失. 22. 炉石回 荣耀堡. 交任务 下面的任务(有些是随意的,你也可以在70级以后回来做) [61]古老的礼物
[60]地狱火半岛的工事 (Optional [62]教官祖罗克 (optional [61]神庙 (in the west tower 卖垃圾,修装备 飞到塔哈玛特神庙. 交任务: [63]艰巨的计划 [62]致命的猎手
[63]剥石者的女王 (Optional
1. Exit 塔哈玛特 and go 东北方 - while killing Hulking Boars - and enter the path going through the mountain (28,36 then keep going 东北方 until you encounter some Mag'har Orcs. Time to rampage through the Mag'har Grounds until you have 10 Mag'har Ancestral Beads. They can only drop from Grunts and Debilitated Grunts. 2. When you're done with that, go back down the mountain, and then 上马 east and then north, to 阿苟纳之池 (38,44. Before you kill anything, start to ask in the general channel if someone wants to do [63+]霸王. The mob you have to kill to complete this elite quest is in the same area, so look for a group to kill it while you do the other two quest. I recommend having a tank, a healer and some DPS class or killing Arazzius the Cruel will be a pain. Anyway, once you got a group together, go to the next paragraph and read infos about Arazzius. In the meantime, kill Oozes and Terrorfiends until you complete both quests [61]黑暗之心 and [62]阿苟纳之池. The terrorfiends cast fel flames and it kinda hurts, so interrupt it or move away from it.
3. [63+]霸王: This quest is not mandatory, but completing it early is very nice because the reward is worth it and will help you through leveling up to 70. If you really can't find people to help you, it's not a big deal, you can always come back later and try again. Anyway, Arazzius the Cruel is at the end of the canyon in 阿苟纳之池. He is guarded by two mistresses of doom, make sure you pull both before you engage Arazzius himself. Arazzius casts Pyroblast, Shadow Bolt Volleys and Inferno. You must absolutely interrupt inferno, or he will summon Infernals and things will get hectic. You can just heal through Pyroblast and Shadowbolt Volleys. However if you got plenty of classes with interrupts in your group, you might as well interrupt all his spells. But just make sure Inferno is kicked, pummeled or shield bashed, counterspelled or even earth shocked. 4. 你应该已经完成上面提到的2个任务, 回到大路上,上马回塔哈玛特. 如果你现在还没找到队伍做 [63+]霸王, 继续找,我们马上要去 阿苟纳之池 了。
在塔哈玛特神庙,交任务 [63]玛库鲁的复仇, ,在2NPC一段对话后,可以接: [63]赎罪之锤 回神庙,交 [62]阿苟纳之池 [63]赎罪之锤, [63]沙纳尔圣物 [62]净化水体. 5. 离开塔哈玛特, 往东北方, 杀野猪,如果你还需要的话,然后往东去 阿苟纳之池. 6. 清出一条路到 阿苟纳之池的最北边, 在那你能看到一个巨大的骨架 (39,30. 在这使用任务用品。

63级怪 阿苟纳斯 在里面,怪很容易杀,但是会恐惧,所以要清光周围的怪。
7. Once he is dead, get back on the road, go east through the great wall, and then 东北方 until you find 工头拉泽克拉兹 (51,31. Get his quest [61]外域这烂地方!. 8. Go to the valley 西南方向 and look for Shredder Spare Parts (look for wooden crates on the ground. 9. Go back to 工头拉泽克拉兹, 交任务 [61]外域这烂地方! and 接下一步 [61]如何为地精效力.
10. 上马 西南方向 towards the great wall, stop at the orc camp on the nothern side of the road. Locate Manni's Cage (45,41, clear the way to him and free him. 11. Now go to the orc camp south of here, just on the other side of the road (warning: sometimes a fel reaver passes by. Locate Moh's Cage (46,45 and free him. Just a bit south of this cage you should find the last one, Jakk's cage (47,46. Free him. 12. Go back to 工头拉泽克拉兹. 交任务 [61]如何为地精效力, 接下一步 [61]肮脏的工作. 13. Click the Felhound Whistle from your inventory while standing next to 工头拉泽克拉兹. This should summon a Fel Guard Hound who will follow you around. Go kill the 地狱野猪s west of here. Each time you kill a boar, your Fel Hound will eat them and then leave some Felhound Poo behind him. Right-click the poo, if you are lucky you will find the Shredder Key, if not, keep killing boars until your Fel Hound produces the right type of poo 15. 现在进入矿场杀掉最里面的怪。 16. 回到工头那, 交任务 [61]萨尔玛的地下. 17. 炉石回 荣耀堡. 交任务任务: [61]黑暗之心 [63+]霸王
恭喜你 在得到新饰品的同时,你已经到62级,不到也不用担心,马上会到的。

14. 回到工头拉泽克拉兹, 交任务,接下一步 [61]萨尔玛的地下. LEVEL 62
卖东西修装备,回 塔哈玛特. 交任务 [62]净化水体.
1. 回到神庙,如果你还没完成 [63]恶魔的玷污 到东北方杀野猪,直到完成这个任务。
2. 上马 西南方向到 塞纳里奥哨站 (16,52. 交任务 [63]恶魔的玷污, 接下一步 [63]测试解毒剂. 找笨拙的地狱野猪,营地的东边有许多,让野猪的血低于50%后点包里的恐牙的鲜血样本。猪会变成恐牙,杀了他。回到塞纳里奥岗哨交任务 [63]测试解毒剂. 3. 往西南,走到夏纳废墟 (14,55. 杀了伊利达雷监工,还有不要理崔互德战士,只要杀了伊利达瑞监工他们就会不见。顺便捡地上的夏纳圣物。避开无情的阿尔塞斯,他在废墟中间的路边。
(15,59的房子 跟召火者阿库罗,接任务 [62]纳拉杜. 4. 纳拉杜,在(16,65,无情的阿尔泽斯离开后就赶快爬上楼梯,他在一个小屋子里。交任务 [62]纳拉杜 and 接下一步 [62]叛徒.
在梯子下面的屋子(14,63)可以找到金属保险箱,里面有沙纳尔钥匙。回去找纳拉杜, 交任务 任务 [62]叛徒 and 接下一步 [62]残冠长者. 等无情的阿尔泽斯离开后,下去左转的第一间屋子可以找到鼓风者莫洛德,跟他说话释放他。召火者阿库罗在(15,58,唤火者阿亚蓝在(13,58.都释放后回去找纳拉杜,接[62]阿尔泽斯之死. 现在要那个大恶魔还债了,老是要我们等他才能上下楼梯。等无情的阿尔泽斯,靠近使用残冠长者法杖,这样他就变成普通怪了,很简单就可以独自解决。
注意:他还是对减少移动速度的技能免疫,像冰箭,所以别去试怎么风筝他了,尽速杀掉。 Go back to 纳拉杜 and 交任务 [62]阿尔泽斯之死. 同时你也应该完成 [63]沙纳尔圣物 and [63]残忍的监工 完成后就准备离开这地方了。
5. 往西北边到 棘牙岭 (12,50 2种棘牙者。同时开始找人一起 [63+]巨人的威胁. 巨人就在这附近的棘牙丘陵,但是大部分职业要SOLO真的太难了,不过 [63+]巨人的威胁. 这任务很值得做,2万的经验值呢。
6. 第一只巨人会掉火红水晶碎片,右键点击接任务 [63]火红水晶中的线索. 7. 完成 [63]扫清棘牙岭! and [63+]巨人的威胁, 回去 塞纳里奥哨站 交任务 [63]巨人的威胁

[63]火红水晶中的线索, 接下一步 [63+]大地束缚者. 交任务, [63]扫清棘牙岭!. 马上交任务 [63+]大地束缚者. 交了后大地束缚者卡拉/夜风,会下土堆种一个种子。之后就会跑出一个精英巨人,只要把大地束缚者卡拉当坦克,就会好很多,记得先让她取得足够的仇恨。巨人死后接 [63+]自然的治愈.这个任务可做可不做。不过有13550的经验,还有不错的奖励,但是这个比之前杀巨人还难,因为你要清一条路到红然水晶(13,39)使用新生之种,而附近都是巨人。使用了以后,会生出哥利亚森,他会击飞(这就是为什么要清光周围的怪),大多数职业不能独自完成,所以你必须找人一起做。如果真的找不到,那就到70级再来吧。
8. 上马 back to the 塔哈玛特神庙, 交任务 [63]残忍的监工. Go to the Inn, 交任务 [63]沙纳尔圣物 and 接下一步: [63]先知的圣物. ,到鸟点那边,跳下他身后的崖
9. 到瑟丹的尸体旁边,使用先知的圣物,看戏直到任务完成就回去神庙,交任务 [63]先知的圣物. 你现在做了很多地狱火的任务了,除了副本的。你应该到62了,现在相当适合去副本,看你想去哪:
o 远征军军械库,血少还会掉布,虽然他们流血免疫。 o 军团前线 (71,60, 血少掉钱和布

o 死亡泥潭, 在赞加沼泽(81,40. 个人喜好到这边,因为可以提升孢子人声望,还会掉未经辨认的植物,可以提升塞纳里奥远征队的声望。

1. 进到赞加沼泽的塞纳里奥避难所,接: [62]暗泽部族 [63]赞加沼泽的植物
从第一间房子的通辑通告榜接: [64]暗潮纳迦的首领 [63]血鳞纳迦的领袖
到旅馆, [62]崩溃的平衡, 然后到旅馆老板那边,将炉石设在这边, [62]塞纳里奥远征队 and get [63]暗泽湖的异常 and [64]监护者哈穆特. 到另一个建筑的最上面交[64]监护者哈穆特, [64]热情的欢迎. 2. 骑上马,沿着路往北然后在第一个叉口转西,再沿着路直到泰伦多尔。那有个平台可以让你搭到塔上 (70,49. 接以下任务: [64]奥雷柏尔营地 [62]博哈姆废墟 [62]图雷姆的命运 [62]死亡泥潭 [62]遗留事务 [62]灿烂的孢子
[62]Too Many Mouths to Feed [62]沼牙的威胁 开飞行点。


3. 开始往东走,杀了路上的每个沼牙撕裂者,往东走一会儿到一个木桥,往北走,直到 死亡泥潭 (81,49. TIP: 在近战距离杀了小孢子蝙蝠。会得到一个BUFF,杀完路上所有能看到的吧。 4. (84,43 可以找到,死亡污泥样本捡起来,就像下面这个:

杀了枯萎的巨人直到掉了 枯萎的孢芽. 右键点接 [62]枯萎的孢芽. 5. 5 (77,45.找到斯柏温,杀了。
6. 6,杀了路上的沼牙撕裂者,直到10个杀完。
7. 回到泰兰多尔,找灿烂的孢子,如果没完成也没关系,后面还有机会。 回塔那边交任务:
[62]遗留事务, get the follow up [62]黑钉之刺. [62]死亡泥潭, get the follow up [62]不正常的干旱 [62]沼牙的威胁, get the follow up [62]电鳗鱼片. [62]枯萎的孢芽, get the follow up [62]枯萎的血肉. ==Note== 别卖 成熟的孢子 后面需要10个交任务。 8. 回到3,杀光那边所有的东西,直到完成下列任务: Complete [62]不正常的干旱 Complete [62]枯萎的血肉
收集20个未经辨认的植物,6个泥沼领主卷须。 ==Note== 这些东西不要扔掉,可以提升孢子村声望。 9. 回到2,这是最后一次收集灿烂的孢子

交以下的任务: [62]灿烂的孢子 [62]枯萎的血肉 [62]不正常的干旱

1. 往东南骑到 暗泽湖 (72,60的北方.。杀光路上的多头蛇直到2,他们在岸边。顺便也杀了路上的纳迦。
2. 往南走到蒸汽泵(71,79,完成[63]暗泽湖的异常 ,杀了湖边的多头蛇直到十只。
3.完成后,使用包里的强效水下呼吸药剂,去杀湖里的鳗鱼,直到收集了8个鳗鱼片,这需要点耐心。 4. 杀完后到4,82,74,找到伯克拉斯,杀了它。他虽然是精英但是很好解决,长CD技能全用还有药水都喝就可以了,他恐惧免疫,移动减速对他也没用,但是可以被晕、打断施法。 5.5暗泽 Village (83,80.,杀了所有任务怪,往南移动。 6. 进到(85,90)的建筑,杀了二楼的卡塔鲁,完成[62]暗泽部族.
7. 完成后到村中 (83,85, 跟凯拉,长须接[63]逃离暗泽村。护送他完成后返回8 8. 在避难所:
o [62]暗泽部族, [62]阴冷之地.

o [63]赞加沼泽的植物. 10个未经辨认的植物,[64]鉴定植物可以重复交,提高声望直到尊敬,有机会从确认过的植物包里接到[63]未归类的植物等声望到尊敬之后再交 [62]拯救孢子人 [62+]保护观察者

o 回旅馆交 [62]崩溃的平衡.
o [63]暗泽湖的异常, [63]乌鸦的飞翔. ,交了 [63]逃离暗泽村.
对鸟鸦护符点右键,什么都不用做,等飞回来时就做好了 [63]乌鸦的飞翔, 接后续 [64]恢复平衡. 修装备,卖垃圾,买食物和水。

1. 1 (75,90 ,进洞,在第一个叉路右转,第二个叉路再右转,捡 起平台上的盒子,像下面图一样的东西

o [62]拯救孢子人 o 孢子人中立 o 达到63

2. 打完后到2 暗泽湖 Steam Pump (71,81. 杀了蒸汽监督者。如果他掉了排水结构图,就接 [63]抽水泵结构图. 如果没掉,就用包里的铁藤之种,会让蒸汽监督者再生,直到得到排水结构图。 3. 骑到(50,41,必须潜下去一点完成 [63]抽水泵结构图. 4. 4, [62]保护观察者 [62]拯救孢子人 [62]阴冷之地
顺便交出所有的植物,现在塞纳里奥远征队的声望应该已经友好了,接[64]古树的祝福 跟村里的大树人说话,会有BUFF
回旅馆,接 [63]观察者莉萨奥 and [63]塞纳里奥树林出事了?. [63]抽水泵结构图, [64]通知塞纳里奥议会. 找唤风者黑蹄,交 [64]古树的祝福. 。现在可以找树人加BUFF,持续30分钟,一个加法伤,一个加攻击。
5. 骑到地狱火半岛Cenarion Post (16,52 ,交 [64]通知塞纳里奥议会 [63]返回沼泽. 现在可以回沙塔斯学技能和卖垃圾了。
6.好了后,炉石回塞纳里奥避难所. [63]返回沼泽 接下一步 [65]失踪的先遣队. 注意:如果看到有人要去打盘牙水库的副本,就跟他们去吧,除非你不想打副本。

1. 回泰兰多尔,交 [62]电鳗鱼片 and [62]僧多粥少, [62]透明的虫翼. 2. 265,41,应该可以到一个纳吉斯法亚司的纳迦,是个精英,大部分职业不能单独解决,她的冰箭大约800HP,还会击飞,召唤元素,缠绕或捕捉陷阱免疫。当你在附近种田时,找人一起解吧,真的找不到就放弃。
3. 362,41,到控制台使用铁藤之种。 4. 骑到 奥雷柏尔营地 (42,30.开飞行点
接任务 [64]匕潭的秘密. [64]奥雷柏尔营地, [64]安葛洛什的威胁 and [64]匕潭的威胁. Also [64]通缉:穆玛基酋长 . ==注意== 现在开始路上要是发现灿烂的孢子,就捡起它,待会任务要十个。
5. 出村子,到5 (27,22 顺便杀了路上的巨魔。到达之后,杀了附近的匕首怪,同时找匕首沼泽毒药瓶,有可能在帐篷附近,因为很小,要仔细找。

6. 找到瓶子后,到(24,27,上螺旋梯之前,先把血/魔补满,因为你必须同时杀三个怪物,还包括酋长,杀完后捡酋长图腾,还有地上的沼泽毒药手册,完成 [64]匕潭的威胁. 7. 回到7,杀了所有的巨魔直到完成 [64]安葛洛什的威胁.
8. 回到4, [64]匕潭的秘密, [64]匕潭的威胁, [64]通缉:穆玛基酋长 and [64]安葛洛什的威胁, [64]戈尔费斯大王.
现在,应跟卡尔奈是中立,会有新任务可以接 [64]天然的护甲, [64]沼泽中的毒液, [64]通讯路线, [64]沼光湖的恐怖. ==注意== 现在开始杀了路上的大蜜蜂,像萤光娥等,还有杀了沼牙分割者,还要杀了跟孢子蝙蝠跟行者,拿成熟的孢子.
1.Get out of the village and head southwest, follow the road, go around Zabra'jin Village (horde and get back on the road, go further south until you find 观察者莉萨奥 (23,66. Turn in [63]观察者莉萨奥 and get [63]观察孢子人. 2. Head west to the Spawning Glen. Look for a Sporelok named Fahssn (19,63. Get his 3 quests:

[63]孢子人的困境 [64]天敌 [64]孢子村
Turn in [64]天敌 (you should have the 6 Bog Lord Tendrils from before. Turn in any additional 6x Bog Lord Tendril you might have for extra faction. 3. Go further west in the Spawning Glen and look for Mature Spore Sacs.

Kill giants on the way and stay in this area until you have 10 Mature Spore Sacs and got the "Investigate the Spawning Glen" message. 4. Go back to Fahssn, turn in [63]孢子人的困境. 5. Go back to Leesa'oh, turn in [63]观察孢子人 and get the follow up [64]狼吞虎咽. 6. Head east to the Quagg Ridge (27,63. Kill giants in the way while looking for Discarded Nutriments on the ground:
7. Once you have 10 of them, go back to Leesa'oh and turn in [64]狼吞虎咽, get the follow up [63]熟悉的蘑菇. 8. Go back to the Quagg Ridge, and this time clear the way east until you exit it. You should end up in a swamp area with Marshfang Slicers and Sporebats (33,60. Kill stuff in this area until you find a named nether ray called Count Ungula. Kill it and loot "Count" Ungula's Mandible. Right-click it and start the quest [64]沼泽中的伯爵. Stay in this area and kill Marshfang Slicers until you finish [64]通讯路线. 9. Go southeast to 博哈姆废墟 (44,66. Clear the way up the stairs. There is an elite called Elder Kuruti inside the house, don't attack it. You just need to step inside the house to get the "Explore 博哈姆废墟" complete message, without aggroing the elite. 10. Go down the stairs, mount up and ride east / southeast towards The Lagoon and go around it until you end up on the eastern side of the lake where you should encounter Nagas. Clear the way to the steam pump (63,65 and disable it with your Ironvine Seeds. 11. Now we're gonna kill an elite naga called Rajah Haghazed. He can be found in the middle of the naga village under at gazebo structure directly southeast of the steam pump. Most classes can't solo this, so look for a partner to duo it with while killing nagas in the area. Stay in the area at least until you finish [64]热情的欢迎. If you really can't find help to kill Rajah, just abandon the quest.
12. Mount up and go north to Telredor. Turn in [62]博哈姆废墟, get the follow up [62]蛮沼雕像, sell junk and repair.
1. Go west and then slightly southwest until Feralfen Village (50,59. First, we're gonna find and kill a named wasp called Blacksting, she is very close to Feralfen Village, just north of it. Loot Blacksting's Stinger. Now go inside Feralfen Village and kill stuff while looking for Feralfen Idols .
2. Mount up and go north, to Serpent Lake. Swim in, use a charge of your Water Breathing Potion and look for Fenclaw Trashers. There's plenty of them close to the steam pump in the middle of the lake. If needed, you can eat and drink on one of the pump's steel tubes. The drop rate on Fenclaw Hide is 100%, so you just need to kill 8 Trashers. 3. When you're done, hearthstone to 塞纳里奥避难所. Turn in: [64]热情的欢迎
[63]血鳞纳迦的领袖 (optional [64]暗潮纳迦的首领 (optional

Turn in any Unidentified Plant Parts you have, sell junk, repair, get buffed by the ancient trees.
4. Ride to Telredor, turn in [62]黑钉之刺 and [62]蛮沼雕像, get the follow up [62]收集材料. ==Note== From now on, whenever you find a Fen Strider or a Spore Bat (not young spore bats on your way, kill it. 5. Fly to Orebor Harborage, turn in: o [64]天然的护甲, get the follow up [64]玛克图的复仇. o [64]通讯路线

6. Head directly south, kill Giant Bees on your way, enter Serpent Lake and swim to the small isle at (42,42. On the northeastern tip of the isle, you should find Mragesh just under the surface of lake. Kill it. 7. Go northwest to the ogre village and kill ogres until you have 15 Mushroom Samples. 8. Head west, go to the area just north of Marshlight Lake (25,31, kill every Marshlight Bleeder
you see in the area. 9. Go southeast to the naga village, called "Bloodscale Enclave" and clear the way to the steam pump (25,43 and disable it with your Ironvine Seeds. 10. Go southwest of the steam pump, swim to the southermost isle of Marshlight Lake (23,45. Kill every Bogstrok on the isle besides Terrorclaw. Kill him last because he casts fear and you don't want to fight him plus 2 or 3 extra crabs. 11. Go southwest and you should find 孢子村 (19,51. Get the quest [64]亮顶蘑菇 and turn it in if you already have enough 亮顶蘑菇. If not, go gather them now, you can find plenty around 孢子村. Turn in [64]亮顶蘑菇. Then turn in [64]孢子村.
You should now be friendly with 孢子村. If you are not friendly yet, go south to the Spawning Glen
and kill giants until you are. A bunch of new quests should now be available to you, take them all: [65]我还要红色木槿! [64]既然我们仍是朋友…… [65]孢子叶 [65]黑色阔步者 [64]成熟的孢子
==Note== From now on, kill the following mobs on sight: Marsh Walker, Fen Strider, all types of Sporebats, all types of Giant Bees.
==Note== If you see a group for the Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog instance, feel free to join. You got all the quests and it's a nice instance, so better start trying to get a group for it early, unless you really don't want to group.
1. Go south / southeast to 观察者莉萨奥 (23,66, turn in: o [63]熟悉的蘑菇, get the follow up [64]偷回蘑菇. o [64]沼泽中的伯爵

2. Hearthstone to 塞纳里奥避难所, turn in [64]恢复平衡. Sell junk and repair. 3. Go northwest, we are gonna grind in the area which is southwest of Telredor (63,51(as shown on map in the circle. Focus on Fen Striders and Spore bats mostly, until you complete [62]收集材, but kill Stringers also if you see any. 4. Ride to Telredor, turn in [62]收集材料, get the follow up [62]蛮沼的信使. 5. Fly to Orebor Harborage, turn in [64]玛克图的复仇 and [64]沼光湖的恐怖. Make Orebor Harborage your home location.
6. Head west / northwest to the Ogre Island, you can find a bridge to access it at (17,13. Cross the bridge and turn right (don't enter the cave. Go up the hill and to your left you should see a small ogre building, 戈尔费斯大王
is in there. Kill him. Keep grinding in the area until you have completed [64]戈尔费斯大王 and [64]偷回蘑菇.
7. Go southeast to Bloodscale Enclave (26,36,kill 12 Bloodscale Slavedrivers and 12 Bloodscale Enchantresses. 8. Now we're gonna hunt Marshlight Bleeders. Go to the northern tip of Marshlight Lake. From there, go all around the lake's western bank, as shown on the map. You should find plenty Marshlight Bleeders, some spore bats and marsh striders and finish [62]透明的虫翼, [64]沼泽中的毒液 and [64]成熟的孢子. Just make laps on the western side of the lake until you finish all 3 quests. 9. Go southeast to 孢子村, turn in: o [64]既然我们仍是朋友…… , don't get the follow up, it's just a repeatable quest for 孢子村
o [64]成熟的孢子, don't take the follow up, it's another repeatable faction quest. This should make you ding level 64. If it doesn't, you can go grind south of here at the spawning glen, this is especially good for herbalists since the giants can be harvested but it's up to you, you can also go grind on ogres or nagas.
No map needed for the following circuit, it's very short and easy. 1. Go to 观察者莉萨奥 (23,66, turn in [64]偷回蘑菇. 2. Ride east to 博哈姆废墟 (44,66. Clear the way up, step inside the building. and click the Ahuurn's Elixir you should have in your inventory (a pink potion. You'll turn into a birdman, go talk to Elder Kuruti, go through his dialogue and you should get a quest complete message for [62]蛮沼的信使. 3. Hearthstone to Orebor Harborage, turn in [64]戈尔费斯大王 and [64]沼泽中的毒液. Get [64]前往塔拉. 4. Fly to Telredor, turn in [62]蛮沼的信使 and [62]透明的虫翼. 5. Fly to Shattrath. After landing, on your minimap you should see a yellow "!" showing the location of a Haggard War Veteran, get his quest [65]阿达尔. Ride straight to the center of Shattrath, turn in the quest [65]阿达.
Now get the quest [65]圣光之城 from Khadgar and follow his servant around until you get a complete message. Go back to Khadgar and turn in [65]圣光之城 and now comes a choice you have to make: become an ally of the 占星者 or of the 奥尔多? In my opinion it doesn't really matter, it's up to personal preferences. Here are the rewards you can get from each faction:

The 奥尔多 The 占星者
==Note== From now on I will be the following color code for 奥尔多 and 占星者. 奥尔多
Get the quest [65] 伊沙纳. On the 奥尔多 Rise, ride further northwest to the main building, turn in [65] 伊沙纳, get the other quest [64] 重现圣光. Go to the innkeeper (28,49 and set Shattrath as your home location. 占星者
Get the quest [65] 先知沃雷塔尔. Head south and take the lift to the 占星者' Tier. Go up to the main building and turn in [65] 先知沃雷塔尔. Find the 占星者' Inn. Make it your home location. ==Note== The next part involves a quest which has been removed as of patch 2.4.0. So if this quest isn't available for you, just skip the following paragraph in italic. Get the quest [65]镇静剂
from Magister Falris. Take the lift and go down back to the Terrace of Light. Go a little bit northeast and find the Marksman Regiment's Cooking Pot (61,51, which should be next to the 奥尔多 npcs which hang out close to the 占星者' bank. Click the cooking pot, turn in the quest. A script will take place, but you don't have to watch it. Both
Go to the central room and take a portal to a main city and train your new skills, sell stuff, re-stock consumables. Hearthstone back to Shattrath City (or get a teleport to Shattrath if your Hearthstone is still on cooldown. Now before we start with the quests in Terrokar, there is one last thing we can still do in Zangarmarsh: instances. Try to get a group going for the Slave Pens and The Underbog and do all the quests if you haven't done them already. Hopefully you'll get some decent upgrades. If you can't or don't want to do those instances it's ok, we'll just need to grind more at the end of this level. Once you're done with The Slave Pens and The Underbog, move on to the next paragraph.

1. Go to the nothern part of Shattrath, in the Lower City. Find the Inn (64,16 and get the quest [64]宁可去钓鱼' from Seth. 2. Go west to the Skettis area, move up to the tree house and get [65]流亡者的交易 from Vekax. 3. Get down and get [62]斯克提斯之眼 from Rilak the Redeemed (53,21. 4. Mount up and ride out of Shattrath by the northeastern tunnel. You should find Silmyr Lake (38,13. Use a charge of your water breathing potion if you still got one. Dip in and hunt Shimmerscale Eels until you complete [64]宁可去钓鱼'.

1. Go south until you hit the road and then follow it east to 塞纳里奧灌木林 (44,26. Find Earthbinder Tavgren and turn in [63]塞纳里奥树林出事了? Get the follow ups [63]树林中的线索 and [63]Strange Energy. 2. Enter 塞纳里奧灌木林, follow the path and turn left, you should find Warden Treelos on the way, get his quest [64]它在盯着你!. Go inside the tower and clear the way up. Get full HP/Mana before you get to the top, then go and kill Naphthal'ar (be careful he does a little knockback, so fight with a pillar behind your back. Go to the other building on the other side of the path, in the middle of it, in front of the counter you should see a Strange Object:
Right-click it and examine it. Find Warden Treelos and turn in [64]它在盯着你!. Kill Vicious Teromoth until you have 4 Vicous Teromoth Samples. Get out and turn in [63]树林中的线索.
3. Now start killing Teromoth south of the road until you have 4 Teromoth Samples. Go back to Earthbinder Tavgren and turn in [63]Strange Energy, get the follow up [63]不择手段. 4. Now we need to find Empoor, he patrols on the path in between Shattrath and Tuurem. Be full HP and ready when you find him, because when you talk to him he'll attack you and so will his friend. You just need to get Empoor below 30%HP and he will stop attacking, then you will be able to turn in the quest [63]不择手段. Get the follow up [63]星界商人拉斯莱. 5. Ride southeast, all the way to Allerian Stronghold (57,51. Go in front of the main building, find the wanted poster and get [65]通缉:白骨秃鹫!!. Enter the building, get [63]奧雷巴油. Further inside the main building, find Lieutenant Gravelhammer and get his two quests: [62]剿灭鸦 and [64]援助列兵维克斯. Exit the building, on your right-hand side and behind a ballista, find Thander, get his quest [64]教训鸦人. Furher east stands Bertelm, get his 2 quests: [63]野蛮的邻居 and [64]森林座狼的尾巴. Just north of Bertelm and inside a building you should find Andarl, turn in [62]图雷姆的命运 and get [64]魔法扰动. Now go get the new flight path, further east. ==NOTE== From now on, kill every Timber Worg/Alpha or Warp Stalker on your way and also look for 奧雷巴油. They can be found in every forest area in Terrokar and look like this:
6. Head straight north, kill stuff on the way and gather some 奧雷巴油. Go all the way to Veil Shienor (59,27. Enter Veil Shienor, clear the way to the eastern tree and enter the front door.Go up, then cross the bridge to the next tree and loot the Eye of Veil Shienor:
Go back down and find Ayit in a small hut in between the two trees. Kill it. 7. Go west and then north to Veil Reskk (50,20. Clear the way inside the village until you find the wooden bridge going up to the tree house, Ashkaz should be on top of the tree house, if he's not there, someone killed him recently, so wait for him to respawn. Cross the bridge to the 2nd tree house and loot the Eye of Veil Reskk.
奥尔多: Find the 3 altars and right-click them. Northern Altar: (51, 17 Eastern Altar: (49, 20 Western Altar: (48, 14.5 Both
Now kill Arrakoas until you've completed [62]剿灭鸦人. 8. Hearthstone to Shattrath. Sell junk and repair. 奥尔多: Turn in [64] 重现圣光 Both:
Go find Rilak the Redeemed in the northwestern part of Lower City, turn in [62]斯克提斯之眼, get the follow up [63]寻找基尔利克. Go east to the Inn, turn in [64]宁可去钓鱼'. Go southeast to the lower end tavern, located on the east side of Lower City and find 星界商人拉斯 (72,31, turn in [63]星界商人拉斯莱 and get the follow up [64]私人事务. Take the southeastern tunnel to exit Shattrath.
1. Go east until you find Private Weeks (40,36, he should be easy to spot on your minimap thanks to the golden quest dot. Turn in [64]援助列兵维克斯, get the follow up [65]他们是谁?. Don't attack anything from now on or you'll lose your disguise. If you do lose it, go talk to Private Weeks and he'll disguise you again. 2. The entrance to Grangol'var Village is just a few steps southeast of here. Enter the village, make sure you stay far away from the Shadowy Hunters, they see through the disguise. Talk to an initiate, there is one by the pond in the middle of the village. Enter the main building and talk to the
Shadowy Advisor inside. Get out of the building and find a Shadowy Laborer, he can be anywhere in the village, he goes from building to building. Go back to Private Weeks, turn in the quest and get [65]暗影议会必须死!. Go back into the village, this time kill everything on the list. Shadowmaster Grieve is inside the big building. 3. Exit the village by the western gate and then go south to the Refugee Caravan (37,50. Turn in [63]寻找基尔利克, get [64]基斯鸦巢:泰罗克黑石. Also get [63]黑暗前夕, [64]失踪的伙伴 and [65]被感染的保卫者 from the other NPCs at the caravan. 4. Head northwest to Veil Skith (31,42. Find the Darkstone of Terokk in the middle of the camp. Use your Rod of Purification and destroy the stone. Just a few steps west of the stone you should find a wooden bridge going up to the tree houses. Clear to the last tree house and kill Urdak. Now kill birdmen until they drop Veil Skith Prison Keys, and use those keys on the Prison Cages to free children - make sure there are children in the cages before you use a key. Keep killing birdmen until you complete [64]失踪的伙伴, [65]流亡者的交易, [64]私人事务 and [64]教训鸦人. 5. Head back to the caravan - kill a couple of treants on the way. Turn in: o [64]基斯鸦巢:泰罗克黑石, get the follow up [64]哈兹鸦巢:邪恶的幽灵 o [64]失踪的伙伴

Get the 2 new quests: [65]圣光之墓 and [65]复仇的先驱者. 6. Head southeast to The Shadow Stair (40,56. Kill fel orcs there until you finish [63]黑暗前夕 and find 秘教的命令 on one of them. Right-click them to start the quest [64]秘教的命令. 7. Head east - kill as many Bonelashers as you can on the way - until you find 圣光之墓 (47,55. Start looking for help, as most classes won't be able to solo [65]复仇的先驱者. Kill ethereals and bonelashers while looking for people willing to team up. Once you have found help (or want to try your luck solo, go inside the tomb, go to the eastern room, clear the whole room. Stand on the circle at the end of the room and click your Draenei Tomb Relic. An arcane guardian will spawn, then 4 waves will attack you: - 2 Vengeful Draeneis - 3 Vengeful Draeneis - 3 Vengeful Draeneis - 1 Vengeful Harbinger
All non-elite, so it should be relatively easy to duo unless you get a lot of respawns in the room at the same time. If you are successful, your guardian will move up and die. Then some purple energies will gather in the middle of the circle and a shade will materialize, right-click it to turn in the quest [65]复仇的先驱者. Warning: it's rather hard to see the shade, so look and search above with your mouse pointer.
清出去跟完成 [65]圣光之墓. 8. 回到酒馆的路上杀鞭骨者,交: o [65]圣光之墓 o [63]黑暗前夕

o [64]秘教的命令, [64]暗影墓穴. : [65]收集骸骨.
==NOTE== 现在开始找地上的无法安息的白骨,像下图:

9. 9,完成 [65]通缉:白骨秃鹫!. 炉石回沙塔斯,修装备卖垃圾
找威卡斯 (46,18 [65]流亡者的交易, 后续不要接,是个重复声望任务. 回去找 星界商人拉斯莱 (72,31 ,下层城市的酒馆前,交[64]私人事务, [64]调查图雷姆. Allerian Stronghold,
o [64]教训鸦人

o [65]通缉:白骨秃鹫!, [65]托苟斯! o [62]剿灭鸦人 o [65]暗影议会必须死!

1. 1,杀灰座狼,扭曲行者,还有收集种子。应该可以在(65,50)发现一个兽人森林,杀了每只原生灰座狼后,再杀12只苦工,之后狼重生了再次杀光他们。
2. 2 (70,45. [63]野蛮的邻居 : [64]莉塞蕾·火纹 and [64]削弱军队. 3. 回到兽人森林,杀光原生灰座狼(如果还需要尾巴)。清光到主建筑的路,进去杀织火者。完成后,看她站的地方,会找到邪兽人计划,接 [64]邪兽人的计划.. 清出去顺便完成 [64]削弱军队. 4. 现在回到森林,杀座狼/扭曲行者/收集奥雷巴种子,直到完成 [63]奧雷巴油, [64]魔法干扰 and [64]森林座狼的尾巴. 5. Allerian Stronghold, : o [64]森林座狼的尾巴, [64]狡猾的铁腭. o [64]邪兽人的计划. o [64]魔法干扰
o [63]奧雷巴油, [63]强大的容器.
6. 6 (53,35.杀杜瑞猎人/拾荒者时,顺便找德莱尼容器,像下图


7. 7,杀了 (54,30.的小屋里叫火翼情报员的怪,捡密封的箱子。收集完8个德莱尼容器后就清条路出去。
8. 8 (44,26. [64]调查图雷姆, [64]这些东西是什么?. 给那些完成赞加沼泽副本的人,这些应该够升到65级了。其它的人该去耕田,我推荐 (70,40,去打印记,尤其,如果你是占星者声望。奥尔多就可以去暗影之墓跟暗影阶梯,那边也很好
希望你享受第一部分的指南,这是值得等待的。 -Jame
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