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Unthrifty loveliness, why dost thou spend 不懂节俭的可人呵,你凭什么 Upon thyself thy beauty s legacy? 在自己身上浪费传家宝 美丽? Nature s bequest gives nothing but doth lend, 造化不送人颜色,却借人颜色, And being frank she lends to those are free. 总是借给慷慨的人们,不吝惜。
Then, beauteous niggard, why dost thou abuse 美丽的小气鬼,为什么你要这样 The bounteous largess given thee to give? 糟蹋那托你转交的丰厚馈赠? Profitless usurer, why dost thou use 无利可图的放债人,为什么你手上 So great a sum of sums yet canst not live? 掌握着大量金额,却还是活不成? For having traffic with thyself alone, 你这样一个人跟你自己做买卖, Thou of thyself thy sweet self dost deceive. 完全是自己敲诈美好的自己。

Then how when Nature calls thee to be gone, 造化总要召唤你回去的,到头来, What acceptable audit canst thou leave? 你怎能留下清账,教人满意? Thy unused beauty must be tombed with thee, 美,没有用过的,得陪你进坟墓, Which, used, lives th executor to be. 用了的,会活着来执行你的遗嘱。 Those hours that with gentle work did frame 一刻刻时辰,先用温柔的工程
The lovely gaze where every eye doth dwell 造成了凝盼的美目,教众人注目, Will play the tyrants to the very same 过后,会对这同一慧眼施暴政, And that unfair which fairly doth excel; 使美的不再美,只让它一度杰出; For never-resting Time leads summer on 永不歇脚的时间把夏天带到了
To hideous winter and confounds him there, 可怕的冬天,就随手把他倾覆; Sap checked with frost and lusty leaves quite gone, 青枝绿叶在冰霜下萎黄枯槁了,



