元音字母I 在单词中读音

发布时间:2018-06-27 12:55:56   来源:文档文库   

元音字母I 在单词中读音(70个)

1)绝对开音节/ai/ 如:hi你好 die死lie说谎;躺下pie馅饼tie领带

2)相对开音节/ai/ 如:bike自行车hike徒步旅行like喜欢;像

                    pipe管子 hide躲藏 ride骑 bride新娘wide宽广




                    wine 葡萄酒 fine美好的,健康的  line行,线  mine我的  nine九  shine照耀

3)闭音节/ i / 如:bit一点点fit适合hit击中sit坐



               ship轮船 tip小费,提示lip嘴唇

4)与r构成-r音节,读作/ ?: / 如:sir先生bird鸟girl女孩shirt衬衫skirt裙子first首先

5)字母组合ie/i:/   field田野piece片niece甥女,侄女

           ight/ait/ light轻的;灯night夜晚right正确;右边bright明亮的flight飞行


No.5   April 16th


1)绝对开音节中/?u/  go  no  so如此  do/du:/ open打开photo照片

2)相对开音节中/?u /  hope希望rope绳子slope斜坡

nose鼻子  rose玫瑰  code密码  hole close关上

vote投票 note笔记

3)闭音节中   / ? /  box盒子/箱子 fox狐狸  ox

not dot pot lot许多  hot got得到

long along沿着 belong 属于 song歌曲 wrong错误  fog dog blog博客 frog青蛙

                                         cock公鸡 lock block街区clock

3 字母组合or / ?: / or或者for为了horseforce力量

or /?: /worse更差worst最差work工作word单词world世界

            oy/ ?i /  boy男孩toy玩具joy快乐enjoy享受employ雇佣 

            ou/ au / house房子mouse老鼠 cloudblouse女式上衣loud大声

            ow/au/ how如何 now现在 cow奶牛 down向下town城镇

            ow /?u / know知道snowlow slow grow生长



Part II英译汉


1)I am a manager.我是个经理。

2)He is an engineer.他是个工程师。

3)She is not a doctor.她不是医生。

4)You are doctors. 你们是医生。

5)They are doctors.他们是医生。

6)They are engineers.他们是工程师。


1)I am waiting for an important telephone call. 我正在等一个重要的电话。

2)He is talking to a customer.他在和一个顾客谈话。

3)He is having lunch in a restaurant in the center of town. 他在市中心的一家饭店吃午餐。

4)He is currently working on advertising. 他目前从事广告工作。(currently目前,眼下)

5)They are looking at the photos.他们正在看照片。

某地有某人或某物(There be +人或物 + 地点)(the通常译成这个、那个或这些那些)

1)There are three desks in the office. 这个办公室里有三张桌子。   

2)There is a fax machine in the office. 这个办公室里有一台传真机。

3)There are 3 chairs in our room. 我们房间里有三只椅子。

4)Are there any computers in the office? 这个办公室里有计算机吗?

5)Are there 50 students in the class? 这个班级有50个学生?    

6)There is a chemist next to the post office. 那家邮电局旁边有家药店。(chemist药店;化学家)


1)The bus stop is outside the greengrocer's.  公交车停靠站就在那家蔬菜水果店外面。

2)The newsagent is on the corner. 那个书报亭就在拐角处。


1)The table is not big enough for two people. 这张桌子不够两人坐。(enough要放在形容词或副词后)

2)The living room is not comfortable enough.这间客厅不够舒服。

3)The bedroom is too small. 这间卧室太小了。

4)The furniture is too old fashioned. 这套家具太过时了。

5)The flat is too far from the tube. 这套公寓距离地铁太远了。


1)He always eats in the canteen. 他总是在食堂吃饭。

2)She is often late for class. 她经常上课迟到。(be late for迟到)

3)She never goes to work by bike. 她从未骑车上班。

4)Do you usually finish early on Friday?  你通常在周五早下班吗?(finish完成)

5)I usually have a sandwich at lunch time. 我通常在午饭时吃个三明治。


1)I like reading newspapers in cafes. 我喜欢在咖啡馆里看报纸。

2)Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢看英文报纸吗?

3)She doesn't like borrowing things from others. 她不喜欢向他人借东西。

4)Do they like watching English films? 他们喜欢看英语电影吗?

5)My parents don't like travelling.我父母不喜欢旅游。


1)He has got very short hair with blue eyes. 他长着一双蓝色眼睛,留着短发。

2)He has short hair with a beard. 他长着一头短发,留着胡须。

3)She has got long, fair, wavy hair. 她长着一头波浪型的金色长发。

4)She is average height and slim. 她中等个子,身材苗条。

5)He is not very tall and wear glasses. 他的个子不很高,戴着眼镜。


1)How long does it take to get from the airport to the city centre?机场到市中心要多长时间?

2)It takes about 20 minutes to get from the hotel to the station by taxi.坐的士从旅馆到车站要大约20分钟。

3)How long does it take to get to your home by bus? 坐巴士到你家要多长时间?

4)How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 坐出租车到机场要多少时间?

5)It takes about half an hour to get to my house by tube. 坐地铁到我家大约要半个小时。


Part III 考试类型题


1)你有空吗? Are you free?

2)不运转了。it doesn’t work.

3)天气怎么样?How is the weather? =What is the weather like?

4)他外出了 He is out.=he is not in.

5)不擅长 is not good at

6)你为什么不Why don’t you

7)你更喜欢 do you prefer

8)乘地铁去你的办公室 go to your office by tubesubwayunderground也是地铁

9)我感觉不舒服 I’m not feeling well

10)谁负责?who is responsible for

11)你要杯茶吗?do you like a cup of tea?

12)您要留言吗?do you want to leave a message?

13)不够安静 is not quiet enough

14)星期四可以 Thursday is OK

15)你想要喝点什么? What do you want to drink

16)你今天感觉如何?How are you feeling today?

17)我也不喜欢 I don’t like it, either.too‘,用在肯定句,either‘用在否定句

18)这主意不错 It’s a good idea.(不错=good

19)在计算机行业工作work in computer industry.

20)在7点之前给我打电话 telephone me before 7 o’clock

21)我们为什么不? Why don’t we

22)您是哪位? Who is speaking?(也可用Is that XXX?)两者均是打电话时的用语。

23)不如伦敦那样令人兴奋 is not as exciting as London.

24)我得了感冒I have got a cold

25)他长什么样子?what does he look like?

26)要不要我来?Shall I come?

27)我能转达吗?Can I take a message?

28)我也不擅长I’m not good at it, either.


1. I don't like the flat. It's too near the road.

2. I am looking for a flat on the third or fourth floor.

3. I think the area is too noisy and not safe enough.

4. The flat is large, light and modern.

5. I'm interested in that large flat.

6. I prefer watching TV to reading the newspapers.

7. I'm interested in web-design.

8. He's keen on learning languages.

9. He's good at doing presentation.

10. She's very experienced at training.

11. Shanghai is as modern as London.

12. He is as crazy about football as many other Englishmen.

13. Shanghai is not as busy as London.

14. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in New York.

15. He is different from others.

16. My son is not very confident of himself.


是重量,是货币。weather天气  climate气候

living room 是起居室,客厅。 定冠词the 常要译成这个/那个,或这些/那些


《元音字母I 在单词中读音.doc》
