
发布时间:2020-07-12   来源:文档文库   


1. salmon 三文 谈到吃鱼,西方人最常吃的就是这两种了。 2. tuna 枪鱼 多刺的鲫鱼、鲤鱼是他们对付不了的。
3. pasta 意大利面食 饮食本身就是一种文化,它反映不同民族的生活方式和思想观念。 4. soy 大豆
5. olive ; olive oil
6. calorie 卡路里(位)现代人的健康意识越来越强,谈及食品、健身话题时,经常会用到这个词。 7. ingredient 成分,尤指烹原料

8. cuisine ;菜肴 9. option 选择
We need different options because we don’t know what everyone else likes. 10. résumé 简历 求职时,一份吸引人的简历很重要哦。 11. semester 学期 semester多用于美国,英国多用term 12. assignment (分派的)工作,任;学生作
You will need to complete three written assignments per semester. 13. stain 污渍 不小心将红酒溅到衣服或地毯上会留下wine stain 14. laundry 洗衣店,洗衣房 15. stuff 西,物品,玩意儿
But we read all kinds of stuff. (指代物) I only have healthy stuff. (指代食品) 16. contact 系,联络
I don't have much contact with my uncle. (用作名 I've been trying to contact you all day. (用作动词
17. lobby 18. closet 壁橱,小室
19. cabin 机的)座;(通常木制的)小屋

20. lawn 草坪
21. bug 小昆虫 any small insect,多在美语中使用。 22. costume 戏剧影的)装,演出服
23. witch 女巫 女巫、吸血鬼等是西方文学中常出现的元素。 24. make-up She never wears make-up. 25. grocery 食品杂货
But I doubt whether we’ll find everything we need in the grocery stores.26. charger charge作为动词,意为“充电”。 27. landlord 租房是听力对话中常见的话题之一。 28. sink 池;洗碗槽 29. oven 烤炉;烤箱 30. cable 线电视
We can cancel the cable and get cheaper plans for our cell phones. 31. economy 经济 32. contract 合同,合

My service contract ran out four years ago. 33. client
34. cruise 乘船游 旅游已成为人们生活中的一部分,乘坐游轮较之其他出游方
a cruise ship 大型游 更加放松舒适。 35. resident 居民 36. mayor 市长 37. principal 校长 38. composer 作曲家 39. cashier 纳员 40. buck 美元
中常用buck代替dollar 41. loan

I'd like to take out a loan to buy a house. 42. property 财产

We'll also need a list of all the property you own houses, land, cars, even shared vacation homes. 43. counselor 询师

西方人喜找咨询师寻求帮助。心理有障碍找心理咨询师,婚姻出现问题找婚姻咨询师 44. region 地区 45. protest
He served in prison for his protests and became a symbol for his people. 46. miracle 奇迹
It really is one of life’s wonders — it’s still like a miracle when the little baby comes into the world. 47. vet

随着社会的进步,人们越来越关爱动物,尤其是自己的宠物。 宠物医院遍地开花,vet这个职业也越来越受欢迎了。 48. Facebook 脸书
随着互联网的发展,这些社交网站如FacebookTwitterLinkedIn 49. Twitter 推特网
和社交应用如InstagramYouTube等越来越广为人知了。 50. LinkedIn 领英(人际关系网) 51. Instagram 照片分享应用 52. YouTube 视频网站 53. electronics 电子设备

54. roller coaster 过山车

1. awesome 极好的;令人惊 形容某事极好,是国外年轻人脱口而出的词。 That’s fine, but it would be awesome to get something big like an iPad. 2. available 得的;有空的;可得的;能找到的
Scholarships are available to certain students based on the income and family situation.
3. bossy 好指人的;横的
老板boss后面加y变成形容词,是不是很形象呀?! 4. chilly 寒冷的 It’s a chilly morning. 5. complicated 6. exhausted 不堪的
I stayed out so late that I was exhausted during the test, and I failed it. 7. exotic 来自异国(尤指热带国家)的
I listened to the rainforest birds and looked around at all the exotic plants. 8. fake 造的

可作名词,意为“赝品”;亦可作动词,意为“伪装”。 9. financial 金融的 10. incredible 以置信的 This is incredible!
11. miserable 痛苦的;悲惨的 12. mean 的,小气的;刻薄的 Don’t be so mean to your little brother! 13. naked 裸体的
I thought being naked in public was against the law! 14. organic 有机的
食品安全问题是眼下大家关注的热点,健康的、有机的食品经常被提到。 15. partial 局部的;部分的
I have a large, sunny room and a partial view of the bridge. 16. professional 职业的,专业 17. spicy 辛辣的
聊到四川菜时,这个词会经常用到。 18. scary 吓人的
It looks a little scary to me!

19. supportive 予帮助的;支持的
She has been very supportive during my illness.
20. indifferent 漠不关心的 人类有丰富的情感。这几个形容词:indifferentrelievedjealous常出现在情感态度题的选项中。 21. relieved 感到慰的,放心的 22. jealous 嫉妒的

1. barbeque 在烤架上烤
We barbequed that white fish and put tomatoes, onions, and peppers on top. 2. crawl
You expect me to sleep when there’s a flying insect crawling all over me? 3. distract 使分心
You’re distracting me from my work. 4. faint
I nearly fainted when they told me the price. 5. grab (尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝 Do you have time to grab a cup of coffee?

6. hop ;跳 7. imply 暗示
What does the man imply? 8. motivate ;激励 9. nominate 提名;推荐 10. register 11. trip
I tripped on a step in the dark. 12. skip 不做(做的事等),不参加 Her daughter started skipping class. 13. pop up 忽然出
I love this game, but these ads pop up all the time. 14. sleep in 懒觉
You’ll just sleep in all morning tomorrow! 15. slip one’s mind
slip原意是滑倒,亦可作名词,如:a slip of the tongue(口误)。 His name slipped my mind. 16. split the cost 摊费

Let’s split the cost of the picnic. 17. spit it out
If you’ve got something to say, spit it out! 18. tune into (收音机)到某
Thank you for tuning into News 740, the best source for your weather forecast. 19. wrap up 圆满完成
We’re hoping to wrap up the negotiations this week.

1.absolutely 绝对 认同对方的观点时,外国人常挂在嘴边的是absolutely 2. definitely 明确地;一定地 definitelyexactly这些副词,而不是Yes 3. literally 地;字面上地

I literally just turned it on five minutes ago. 4. way 大大地,远远

These exam results are way above average.


