中职计算机专业英语教学设计Lesson 3 Hardware

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Lesson 3 Hardware 一、教学目标
1.了解计算机硬件的相关知识 2.熟记单词 3.阅读课外文章 二、课时分配

本项目共2个任务,安排3课时。 三、教学重点
计算机已成为人们生活和工作中不可或缺的一部分。本项目主要介绍电脑硬件的相关信息。熟记相关重点单词,与英语语法。 四、教学难点
1.熟悉单词中文意思。 2.拓展课外阅读 3.熟悉相关语法。 五、教学内容
Hardware is a word to describe computer devices. It refers to the actual machinery that makes up computer systemthe CPU, input devices, output devices and storage devices. Some parts can be seen, and some parts cannot be seen from the outside. With a computer, hardware is the physical partthe stuff you can touch, feel in your hand. Hardware performs four major functions which are input, processing, output and storage. Input devices of a computer usually include keyboard, mouse,modemand scanner which provide a way of communicating with a computer. They
translate data that we can understand into a form that a computer can process. The processor which is often called CPU (Central Processing Unit中央处理器 is the main chip in a computer and is also the most important part of a computer. It can be described as the brain of a computer. It processes instructions and manages the flow of information through a computer system. Actually, it is quite small in size. This part is put inside the mainframe. No matter how powerful CPU is, people can never get the information they want without an output device because the data a computer processes cannot be understood by human beings. Output devices can translate the data into the information we can understand. They enable a computer to communicate with us. The outstanding output device is a monitor which can be found in every computer. Another ordinary output device is a printer. Besides the functions of input, processing and output, a computer also has another excellent functionstorage. The storage devices hold information and data when the computer is not using them. There are several kinds of storage devices: a hard disk drive, floppy disks, and CDROMs. Words and Expressions

Notes 1. It refers to the actual machinery that make up computer systemthe CPU, input devices, output devices and storage devices. 它指的是构成计算机系统的真实的机器——中央处理器, 输入系统,输出系统和存储系统。
that 引导主语从句,修饰the actual machinery,例如:
It is the sun that makes the moon bright. 是太阳的光使月亮变得明亮。 2. Hardware performs four major functions which are input, processing, output and storage. 硬件执行输入、处理、输出和存储四大功能。
which 引导定语从句, 修饰前面的“four major functions
3. Input devices of a computer usually include keyboard, mouse, modem and scanner which provide a way of communicating with a computer. 计算机输入系统通常包括键盘、鼠标、调制解调器和扫描仪。人们通过这些设备与电脑交流。
include 是“包含,包括”的意思,类似的表达还有:be composed of, comprise, consist of, etc.
be composed of 用于被动语态, consist of 用于主动语态, 例如: The United States is composed of 50 states. 美国有50个州组成。 A week consists of seven days. 一星期有7天。

4. They translate data that we can understand into a form that a computer can process. 它们把我们能理解的数据转换成电脑能处理的数据。
两个that分别修饰的是 the data we can understand the data a computer can process
5 No matter how powerful CPU is, people can never get the information they want without an output device because the data a computer processes cannot be understood by human beings. 不管CPU有多大威力, 没有输出系统人们不可能得到想要的信息。因为计算机处理的数据我们看不懂。
no matter how意思是 “无论怎样 可以换成 however, 类似的有: no matter what= whatever; no matter who= whoever,例如:
No matter who(whoeveryou are, you shouldnt jump the queue. 无论你是谁,你都不能插队。
6.They enable a computer to communicate with us. 它们能让计算机与我们交流。
enable able 的动词形式,表示“使能够”。这是一种典型的英文构词方法,将形容词词首加en变成动词, 例如:richenrich; largeenlarge; sureensure
7. Besides the functions of input, processing and output, a computer also has another excellent functionstorage. 除了输入,处理,输出功能,电脑还有一个出色的功能——存储。
besides意思是“除……之外”except不同,二者有本质区别。 例如: Everyone is present besides Jim. 除了Jim每个人都到场了。 (Jim 到场了。
Everyone is present except Jim. 除了Jim外每个人都到场了。Jim 到场。

1. Computer 小常识。

随机存储器RAM(Random Access Memory 随机存储器就是我们常说的计算机内存,是使用最多的一种类型。RAM是靠电流进行存储的,如果电源关闭,所存数据就会立刻消失,你的辛苦劳动就会付诸东流。因此把RAM称为易失性和非永久性存储器。
只读存储器 ROM (Read Only Memory 只读存储器主要用来存储程序。这些程序是做在ROM芯片中,或称“硬连线” ROMRAM速度慢一些,因此,如需要快速处理,可将ROM中的一些内容传送到RAM中去。
ROM中的内容可以阅读,但不能改写,新的内容也不能写到ROM中。 2. 扩展词汇。
LCD (Iiquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器 inkjet printer 喷墨打印机
laser printer 激光打印机 light pen 光笔 graphics tablet 图形板 pixel 像素 resolution 分辨率
stereo system 立体声响系统

Reading Comprehension
The Introduction of Windows Windows uses a GUI (Graphical User Interface图形用户界面 so that you can easily see on the screen the tools you need to complete specific file and program management tasks. The explorer window includes many different elements, such as the menu bar(菜单栏, title bar(标题栏) and icons(图标). The fastest way to
start an application program in Windows is to double click the program item icon. Directions are indicated(指示 by folder(文件夹)icons, files are indicated by document icons and program files are indicated by the program item icons. The clipboard(剪贴板) is a temporary storage area that you can use to copy or move selected text or objects among any Windows accessories or application program files. No matter where you are working, your computer will be easier to use and to manage, because Microsoft Windows XP is more compatible(相容的 and more powerful than any workstation youve used before. With Windows XP, you have faster access to information, and you are able to accomplish tasks more quickly and easily. You and your network administration can work more efficiently now, because many of the most common computer management tasks are automated and steamlined with Windows XP. With Windows XP, your workstation will be easier to: set up, administer, support. It offers increased compatibility with different types of networks and with a wide array of legacy(遗传,遗产) hardware and software. It also provides:1 Improved driver support. 2 Increased support for newgeneration hardware and multimedia多媒体) technology. 3 Integration of the new Euro currency symbol. For all your computing needs, it provides industrialstrength reliability, the highest level of security and powerful performance.
Questions 1. What is the fastest way to start an application program in Windows? 2. Use your own words to describe the explorer window. 3. What is the clipboard? 4. What are the advantages of Windows XP?
不管CPU有多大威力, 没有输出系统人们不可能得到想要的信息,因为计算机处理的数据我们看不懂。输出系统可将数据转换为我们能看懂的形式。它们能让计算机与我们交流。最突出的输出装置是显示器,几乎每台电脑都有一个显示器。另一个普通的输出装置是打印机。
Windows 的介绍
因为Windows 使用图形用户界面(GUI)所以你可以很轻松地在屏幕上看到一些完成特定文档和程序管理任务的工具符号。

无论你在哪里工作,电脑都很容易操作。因为微软Windows XP比你以往使用的任何工作站都更兼容更强大。用Windows XP,你可以快速找到信息,可以更快捷更轻松地完成任务。
你和你的网络管理系统可以更快捷地运作,因为许多常用的电脑操作任务在Windows XP中都是自动的。
Windows XP 你的工作站可以更容易地启动、管理和维护。 它提供更高的对不同网络的兼容性,拥有广泛的硬件和软件设备。它还提供:①升级的驱动支持;②升级的新版硬件和多媒体技术的支持;③新的欧洲货币符号的集成统一。为了满足你对电脑的所有需求,它还提供工业化的可靠性,最高级别的安全性和强大的表现力。 六、课后习题


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