
发布时间:2011-03-09 15:54:38   来源:文档文库   


1. 一家瑞士公司已经找到办法将动物的废弃物转变为燃料。

A Swiss company has found a way to convert animal waste into fuel.

2. DVD已经迅速成为颇受欢迎的观看电影的媒体工具。

DVDs have quickly become an extremely popular medium for film viewing.

3. 我们需要一种灵活的、能满足客户需求不断变化的经营体系。

We need a flexible management system, able to meet the changing needs of our customers.

4. 如果说他曾经给我们提供过什么信息,也并没有人把这信息传递给我。

If he provided us with any information, no one passed it on to me.

5. 现在我们不得不越来越多地同国外公司进行竞争。

Nowadays we have to compete more and more with foreign companies.

6. 为了感谢他多年所做的贡献,公司为他举办了一次盛大的告别晚会,并赠送给他一些礼物。

The company rewarded him for his years of service with a grand farewell party and several presents.

7. 走遍世界各地后,她最终选择了做一名教英文的老师。

After working her way around the world, she ended up teaching English as a foreign language.

8. 政府刚刚发起了一年一度的圣诞节禁止酒后驾车的运动。

The government has just launched their annual Christmas campaign to stop drunken driving.

9. 银行在决定提供贷款时通常优先考虑大公司。

Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans.

10. 这个年轻选手的表现给人留下了深刻的印象,他在前十分钟内就得了12分。

This was a very impressive performance by the young player, who scored 12 points within the first 10 minutes.

11. 你怎么能在众人面前怀疑我的判断让我丢脸呢?

How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?

12. 市议会对这座新建筑的提案采取了坚决反对的态度

The city council has taken an uncompromising stand against the proposals for the new building.

13. 该系统的设计使用户能够快速方便地获取所需要的信息

The system has been designed to give the user quick and easy access to the required information.

14. 自从那次意外发生,他便失去了对运动的热情

After the accident he lost his enthusiasm for the sport.

15. 我们需要迅速对这些新产品采取什么样的行销策略做出决定

We need to decide soon what marketing strategy we should pursue for these new products.

16. 我最终还是辞掉了那份公司文秘的工作,做了一名自由写作者。可能我还真不是做那种朝九晚五工作的料

In the end, I quit the job as a secretary in the company and become a freelance writer. Maybe I am just not cut out for a nine-to-five job.

17. 下午慢慢熬过去,爱玛心里觉得越来越焦虑,不过专注于工作能让她暂且忘却一会担忧

She was feeling more and more anxious as the afternoon wore on, but concentrating on work could help to keep her worries at bay for a little while.

18. 这种模型最迷人的地方在于它能够根据变化的环境提供迅速的反馈并随后对目标进行修改

The most fascinating part about the pattern is that it can provide rapid feedback and the consequent modification of goals in light of changing circumstances.

19. 这些漂亮的新书里面充满了道德说教和大团圆结局,可以帮助我们保留过去讲故事的传统

These beautiful new books, filled with morals and happy endings, help us hold on to our story-telling heritage.

20. 我们应该牢记长远看来诚实是最好的策略,所以不管怎么样,一定要诚实待人

We must bear in mind that in the long run honesty is the best policy, so no matter what, always be honest to people.

21. David给他的印象是一个典型的好莱坞顽童,任性自私,被迫过快长大

David struck him as a typical Hollywood brat, indulged, selfish and forced to grow up too fast.

22. 在护理这个行业,男人们占据大多数高层位置,而女人们则承担较低职位,这一现象并非偶然

It is no accident that men fill most of the top jobs in nursing, while women assume lower positions.

23. 一个指导原则就是确定可以到达的目标,因为追求现实一些的目标并将之实现有助于树立自尊心

One guiding principle is to set yourself targets you can reach, because it helps build up your self-esteem to go after a realistic goal and realize it.

24. 这项计划的新颖性在于他是第一个官方赞助的移民计划的实例

The scheme’s novelty lies in the fact that it is the first instance of an officially sponsored immigration programme.

25. 这些孩子大多数被剥夺了正常的家庭生活,终日和一群街头混混儿混在一起

A lot of these children have been deprived of a normal home life, hanging out with the street loafers all day.

26. 丹本来想跟老板请一天假,丹在最后一分钟却失去了勇气,因为他觉察到老板心情不好

Dan wanted to ask his boss for a day off but he lost his nerve at the last minute because he was conscious that the boss was in a bad mood.

27. 我希望爱玛不要出现在晚会上,她实在是让我心烦

I hope Emma isn’t going to make her appearance at the party—she always gets on my nerves.

28. 她终于下定决心和他离婚了,因为她实在受不了他的暴躁脾气

She finally made up her mind to divorce him because she could not put up with his violent temper.

29. 我当时觉得特别狼狈不堪,心想千万别碰见熟人才好

At that time, I was in an extremely embarrassing situation and only hoped not to run into any acquaintance.

30. 当我们发现这其实是一次很随便的聚会时,对自己西装革履的样子实在觉得有些不合时宜

We therefore felt quite out of place wearing business suits when we realized that actually it was a casual party.

31. 理论上说来,政府提高税收的决定和他们关于通货膨胀的政策是相矛盾的

Theoretically speaking, the government decision to raise taxes was at odds with their policies on inflation.

32. 北爱尔兰人大都不愿意支持劳工党,因为如果劳工执政的话,他们将受劳工党管辖

There was a general disinclination among the people in Northern Ireland to support the Labour Party, because they will be governed by the Labour Party when it comes to power.

33. 委员会决定将投票的日期推迟到下个月,因为有些委员认为他们需要更多的时间来评估这项决议

The committee decided to put off voting on the proposal until next month because some members thought they need more time to assess the proposal.

34. 那次受伤剥夺了他参加足球比赛的机会,甚至可能会让他永远离开足球

The injury robbed him of the opportunity to attend the football game and even may keep him out of football for good.

35. 克林顿在本次总统竞选中获得了胜利,成为美国历史上自肯尼迪以来最年轻的总统

Clinton, victorious in the campaign for the presidency, because the youngest US. President since Kennedy.

36. 他出席了那次为奥运英雄举行的宴会,因为他的儿子在本次奥运会上获得了跳高冠军的称号

He was at a banquet in honor of the Olympic heroes and heroines because his son won the championship for diving at this Olympic Games.

37. 经济发展的资金可通过在伦敦资本市场发行债券获得

Funds for economic development can be provided by means of bond issues in the London capital market.

38. 很显然,恐怖分子正试图阻止这次大会的顺利召开

Obviously some terrorists are trying to hinder the conference from being held successfully.

39. 在欧洲,白色象征着纯洁,但在亚洲,白色却经常是深切哀悼的标志

In Europe, the color white symbolizes purity but in Asia it is often the symbol of deep mourning.

40. 孩子开朗外向的性格往往与相对和谐的家庭关系有关,因为生活在这样的家庭里的孩子更容易表达和接受感情

Children with cheerful and extravert personalities are more often linked to relatively harmonious family relationships, because expressions of affection and acceptance may be easier for those children living in such a family.


Now every manufacturer is launching fierce competition in order to win more customers. On one hand they drive down their prices dramatically; on the other hand, they also often give away some of their products and services.


I had hoped to get 50,000 dollars for my second-hand house, but had to settle for 30,000 dollars when the housing prices continued to drop.


The timetable published on the newspaper is subject to alteration, so we recommend friends who are interested in joining us contact us to confirm the final schedule.


Participants in the meeting held a heated discussion on the possible change of the concepts of education in the process of social change.


Fortunately there is no need to rely on occupation alone to assess social and economic status.


On our third date Melissa began to open up and told me about her family and about the years she spent in Italy.


Getting more and more confused, Jenny can’t help blurting out: “Sorry to cut in on you, but there are one or two things I don’t understand.”


He is hard of hearing, which is a main obstacle to prevent him from communicating with people.


Of course, good melody will sound fine at any tempo, so play slowly and gradually pick up speed.


Organizing the school trip will be a lot of work, so I need some volunteers to help out.


It is typical for men to carry their own breath mints, or make sure to brush their teeth before leaving for the party.


He reflects that the so-called ideal love is largely due to meeting the right person at the right age.


Bathed in the quiet moonlight, the whole village presents a peaceful and beautiful picture.


’Don’t talk to strangers’ is a message drummed into children from an early age.


The bearded chemist carefully measured out a dose of medicine according to the prescription I handed to him.


She lingered for a moment at the door with a worried frown, uncertain what to do.


Talks were resumed last week and then recessed for want of an agreement.


Chilled by their bitter experience and wretched situation, I could feel my courage ebbing away.


When I saw his disappointed look, guilt sweeps over me, for I felt I was too ungrateful.


It is a very common kind of grass which you may pass by and not notice, but its indomitable life force is marvelous to me.


He admits that although he has known her for a long time, he has no clue as to her financial circumstances.


If you go on idling away your time like this, you will end up nowhere, lamenting in vain when you are old that you do not work hard at youth.


Market research has always loomed large in product development, but never more so than today.


The analysts believe that the recent healthy economic growth can be attributed to an increase in trade as opposed to interest rate fluctuations.


Mary is emerging as a successful career woman in business and her name keeps popping up in the newspapers.


Compared with twenty years ago, our life now is better off.


As long as we don’t give up trying, what we expected will take place sooner or later.


In the face of difficulties, she is not at all afraid. On the contrary, she decided to move on.


It is at least more efficient for a host of people to work together than somebody to work alone.


After receiving a toy similar to that one, the little kid stopped crying.


This desk is made of wood, but it does not follow that it is not strong enough.


I won’t do anything imposed upon me unless there is a good reason to persuade me.


In the long run, we have to resort to the method he mentioned in this case. We have no choice.


He had what she said yesterday in mind all day long, and I am afraid these ideas will take root in his mind.


As to this incident, he is still in doubt. You might as well confine yourself to your home in case that you will get involved.


It is not strange to put crisis precaution in the first phase of crisis management, but it is odd that many people neglect this simple and economical method.


Each member of this team will get an inspiring award (both spiritual and material) when he completes his own mission.


It is evident that the person who conceived this plan is very creative.


Tomorrow the Prime Minister will host the ceremony to celebrate the victory in war.


The Chinese people waged inflexible and courageous fight against the rule of imperialists.

81. 她对滑旱冰非常感兴趣,但是没人陪她一起去

She is high on roller skating, but nobody will go with her to play.

82. 顺便说一句,他逐渐地喜欢上保龄球了

By the way, he warmed to bowling gradually.

83. 昨天他骑自行车撞倒了一位老太太,因为送老太太去医院,他上班迟到了

Yesterday he knocked over an old lady with his bicycle, and he was late for work because he had to send her to hospital.

84. 班长召集了一次会议,但是在开会的过程中有很多人走了

The monitor called a meeting, but during the meeting some people walked out.


After a few days of hard work, this task came to an end.


This world-famous company will acquire our research and development team, and it does not rule out the possibility of restructuring us.


By far, he is a bit crazy once in a while; for most of the time, he is calm.


When you arrive at the new school, you should try to adapt yourself to the new environment, and get along well with others.


She is capable of hosting a family party successfully at just one day’s notice.


I stick to that as long as we are aware of the problems, we should take measures to prevent loss.


To a large extent, he still depends on his parents for his college expenses.


It will be late if we draw up a plan when problems come along.


We should figure out whether he made some achievements in terms of economics.


When I came across him yesterday, he told me there were a few engineers working in their company, but not enough to go around.


On one hand, the used newspaper took up a lot of space; on the other hand, he was quite sure he would never read them again. Therefore, he decided to throw it out.


We made a decision to take a walk after dinner instead of staying at home and watching TV.


To tell the truth, I attempted to persuade her to go to cinema with me, but when I saw her so busy, I changed my mind.


While he was opening an account in the bank yesterday, he ran into his business rival.


His irresponsible behavior caused dramatic loss to the company.


As he passed through the library, he looked around hoping to see the beautiful girl he came across last time.


The government released control over private business, which enables medium-sized and small-sized firms develop rapidly.


Our achievement should be credited to our coach.


He asserted that if he was in charge of this task, he would complete the task successfully, but he quit the next day.


We stayed up all night last night. As a result, we all fell asleep in class today.


Since the product was geared to customer requirements, it caught on quickly.


In addition to hard work, we need to learn new things all the time, and this is true in all walks of life.


In the new century, China is supposed to place importance on economic development instead of class struggle.


He is always concerned about what I eat and drink, on the contrary, I hope he can reach out for my soul.


Out of our expectation, his ignorance saved his life.


Her company made my miserable life full of hope.


He always flatters his boss in a relaxed manner, so he is promoted rapidly.


The beginning is the most difficult. If the first step is taken, it’s easy to go on.


She whipped out a bunch of money and threw it onto his face, then turned away.


He is always hesitant, but he mustered up enough courage yesterday and made this big decision.


The problems of these two countries should be resolved on a basis of mutual understanding.

Unit 24

1、 只有一种办法对付淘气的孩子,那就是要对他们严厉些。

There’s only one way to deal with naughty children and that’s to be strict with them.

2、 扣除这项税收之后剩余的收入数额为可支配。

The amount of income left over after deduction of this taxation is known as disposable income.

3、 观看表演的观众非常多——有小孩子,也有他们的祖父母。

The show had a massive audience, ranging from children to their grandparents.

4、 如果你现在就能把申请表交上来,我可以保证然给你参加面试。

If you send the application form in straight away, I can guarantee you an interview.

5、 事实上,由于通货膨胀,我们现在是比去年挣的少了。

In effect we’re earning less than last year because of inflation.

Unit 25

1、 经济补助的多少已经成为学生选择学校时考虑的更核心的问题。

The amount of financial aid offered has become more central to students’ decisions about which school to attend.

2、 教师应该尽量避免将自己的观念强加给学生。

Teachers should try to avoid imposing their own beliefs on their students.

3、 年轻司机处交通事故的可能性药比年长司机大得多。

Young drivers are far more likely to have accidents than older drivers.

4、 这部电影使她几乎一夜之间就从一个无人知晓的女学生变为一个演艺巨星。

The movie transformed her almost overnight from an unknown schoolgirl into a megastar.

5、 经过多年的研究,科学家们已经找到了导致该疾病的病毒。

After years of research, scientists have identified the virus that is responsible for the disease.

Unit 26

1、 银行的经营目标是使利润最大化,而这需要冒一定的风险。

The bank’s function is to maximize profits, and that requires some risk-taking.

2、 她喜欢工作带来的那种兴奋感。挣钱并不是她工作的唯一动力。

She enjoyed the excitement of her work. Money was not her only motivation.

3、 皮肤癌通常是由于在日光下曝晒引起的。

Skin cancer is often caused by too much exposure to the sun.

4、 该药品的副作用之一是能够增加感染的机会。

One of the side effects of the drug is an increased susceptibility to infections.

5、 根据联邦法律规定,歧视少数民族和妇女是违法的。

Under federal law, it is illegal to discriminate against minorities and women.

Unit 27

1、 成千上万的孩子连鞋子的样子都没有见过,更不用说有鞋子穿了。

Many thousands of children had never even seen, let alone owned a pair of shoes.

2、 一个长期从事舞台表演的演员是很难转向电视表演的。

It’s difficult for someone who’s been a stage actor to make the transition to television.

3、 尽管这些病人身体有残疾,我们还是设法让他们尽可能依靠自己。

Given that the patients have some disabilities, we still try to enable them to be as independent as possible.

4、 在这样激烈的竞争环境里,一些公司破产是不可避免的。

In such a fiercely competitive environment, it’s inevitable that some companies will go out of business.

5、 他明确承诺政府会一直沿着经济改革的道路走下去

He has clearly committed his government to continuing down the path of economic reform.


1、 这是典型的青春期的表现——脱离对父母的依赖都要经过这个过程。

This is typical adolescent behavior-part of the process of becoming independent from your parents.

2、 今年通货膨胀很可能会进一步加快,从而加剧利率上涨的压力。

Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.

3、 露西老师说,她和其他孩子沟通相处得很好。

Lucy’s teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.

4、 我们认为其他工业化国家将会出自提供食品以及其他供给。

We assume that other industrialized nations are going to help with money for food and other supplies.

5、 把工作简历带在身边,这会显示出你是个做事很有条理的人。

Taking a career history along with you will be a clear indication that you are well organized.


1, 这些本书中你要哪一本?

2, 他是我所知道的最和蔼可亲的人

3, 她邀请了什么人参加她的生日宴会?

4, 你要喝什么?茶还是咖啡?

5, 这是我有的唯一的一枝铅笔

6, 这就是我昨天谈起的那个男孩

7, 那些星星离这儿数百万英里远

8, 这位就是他们告诉我的负责人

9, 他说他在那里看到了我,那是谎话

10, 你将来想成为什么样的人

116Which of these books do you want?

117He is the kindest man that I ever know.

118Who(or whom) did she invite to her birthday party?

119Which will you have, tea or coffee?

120This is the only pencil that I have.

121This is the boy of whom I was talking about yesterday.

122Those stars are millions of miles away.

123This is the man who I am told is responsible.

124He said he saw me there, which was a lie.

125What are you going to be in the future?


1. With their help I realized that I had been wrong

2. The play had already started when we got the theatre

3. He told me not to worry. The teachers would surely take good care of me

4. Every evening he would go and talk with the workers

5. He was sixty-eight. In two years he would be seventy






Unit 8

1. 她被选为学生会主席

2. 运动会什么时候开

3. 他粗心大意,应当受到批评

4. 所有的申请书应在星期五以前交上来

5. 工程将在六月份完工

131. I was introduced to Dr. Felix last year.

132. Large areas of forest are being destroyed every day.

133. The land next to our house has been bought.

134. The accident had already been reported before I phoned.

135. I hope all the marking will have been completed by tomorrow.

136. The tennis court was being used, so we couldn’t play.

137. You will be told when you should go in to see the doctor.

138. The hotel should have been finished by the time you arrive.

139. No doubt I will be blamed for the problem.

140. Better results are expected soon.

141. She was elected chairman of the Students’ Union.

142. When will the sports meet be held?

143. He should be criticized for his carelessness.

144. All applications should be handed in before Friday.

145. The project is (going) to be completed in June.

Unit 11

1. he made a long speech only(to show) his ignorance of the subject

2. we all rejoiced (to hear) of your success

3. they are eager (to take part) in the work

4. in the lectures (to follow) she will give us some information about the situation in Africa

5. we could see her anxiety (to settle) the thing herself

6. he has the inclination (to overlook) difficulties

7. your haven’t kept your promise (to write) us regularly

8. the enemy failed in their attempt (to land) on the island

9. that will be a good opportunity (to exchange )experience

10. he was annoyed (to hear ) them talk like that

11. we found the house very comfortable (to live in)

12. she has a lot of things (to attend to )













Unit 13

1. 她讨厌受人奉承

2. 她是第一个选上这样位置的妇女

3. 受批评可能是件好事

4. 有很多事情要做

5. 这事多半还没有通知他

She hates to be flattered.

She was the first woman to have been elected to such a post.

To be criticized might be a good thing.

There are still many things to be taken care of(to take care of).

He is not likely to have been notified about it.


A typewriter is a machine with keys that you type in order to print letters of the alphabet onto paper.

A cooker is a large piece of equipment for cooking food on or in.

A ladder is a piece of equipment used for climbing up to or down from high places.

A burner is a device which burns gas, oil, electricity or coal in order to provide hot water.

A boiler is a container for boiling water that is part of a steam engine, or is used to provide heating in a house.

A barber is a man whose job is to cut men’s hair and sometimes to shave them.

A massager is someone whose job is to deliver messages or documents, or someone who takes a message to someone else.

A steamer is a container used to cook food in steam.

A mixer is a piece of equipment used to mix things together.

A dealer is someone who buys and sells a particular product, especially an expensive one.

Unit 16

1. please excuse my interrupting you

2. they insisted on my staying there for supper

3. I remember mother once telling us a story about the fox

4. he was awakened by someone knocking on the window

5. nothing is worse than our bowing before difficulties






I disapproved of his smoking in the house.

The plan envisages Tony’s becoming Director next year.

We objected to the company’s building a petrol station in our road.

It amuses me to think of his sitting at a desk in a suit and tie.

Unit 17

Spending is encouraged in capitalist countries.

I insist on your (you) coming with us

A group of armymen helped us to cut the rice without being asked.

He is used to taking a cold bath every morning.

We are looking forward to seeing a new film very soon.

I remember telling him about the appointment when I saw him yesterday.

It’s no use blaming me for the waste of time.

I won’t consider having my hair permed.

Unit 19

1. the news is exciting

2. we were excited to hear it

3. he is an interesting person

4. interested members will meet at two

5. taking a dictionary, she began to prepare her lessons

6. taken separately ,the problems are not difficult to solve

7. I heard someone opening the door

8. I heard the door opened









Last year we had a dry spell lasting 140 days.

There are a lot of boys on the sports ground playing football.

What’s the language spoken in that area?

We’ve already met the target set in the program.

Is there anything planned for tonight?

Unit 21

1. they worked neither for fame not four personal gains

2. he entered the room while his mother was praying

3. as it was already rather dark, we decided to stop at the temple for the night

4. she stood there until they had passed out of sight

5. 你儿子既然已经痊愈,你就再没有值得烦心的事情了

6. 如果我们不能按时把一切准备好怎么办

7. 他犯了校规,因此不得不离开学校

8. 她一再解释,惟恐人们误解





Now that your son has recovered, you no longer have anything to worry about.

What if we could not get everything ready in time?

He broke the rules of the school; consequently, he had to leave.

She explained again and again lest people should misunderstand her.

Unit 23

Do you know who invented radar?

That the earth is round is known to every schoolchild.

I don’t know whether these figures are accurate.

The city is no longer what it was ten years ago.

We’ll give you whatever help you need.

She reminded me that I had a meeting to attend that evening.

What made her sad was that no one showed any interest in her suggestion.

It is surprising that anyone should believe such a strange rumor.

Unit 24

1. The idea that (the problem will resolve itself)is ridiculous

2. We expressed the hope that (they would come and visit china again )

3. The fact that (the prisoner was guilty)was plain to everybody

4. I had no idea that (you were here)

5. I ‘ve come from Mr.Lin with a message that he won’t be able to see you this afternoon

6. The explanation that (he couldn’t see the car) is unsatisfactory

7. Have you any proof that (he is a thief)

8. There can be no doubt that (he is qualified for the job)

B 1.你应该帮助他,那是你的责任





A 英译汉

1、 问题会自己解决

2、 他们再来中国旅游

3、 犯人是有罪的

4、 你在这儿

5、 他今天下午不能见到你

6、 他看不到汽车

7、 他是个贼

8、 他胜任这份工作

B 汉译英

1、 It is your duty that you should have helped him.

2、 My suggestion is that we (should)go there by bus.

3、 What doctors have proved is that everyone dreams.

4、 I know nothing about what he did yesterday/

5、 We have learned (that)the earth is part of the solar system.


1, 他们再 的时候,三年已经过去了

2, 我正要锁门的时候,他来了

3, 他们爬到山顶上,因而看到了很好的景色

4, 代表团所到之处都受到热烈的欢迎

5, 你们既然都了解这个问题,我就不多说了


1、 three years had passed before they saw each other again.

2、 I was about to lock the door when he came.

3、 They climbed to the top of the mountain so that they saw a beautiful view.

4、 The delegation was warmly welcomed wherever it went.

5、 Since (now that) you understand this question, I wont say any more about it.

D 完成句子

1、 since I have read the magazine

2、 where we are needed

3、 act as the teacher asks you to

4、 danced as they sang

5、 If it rains tomorrow

6、 Unless you work harder than you do now

7、 Wherever we go

8、 The dinner the air becomes


1. 除非周密计划,否则我们是吧会成功的

2. 我要是你,我要重新考虑他们的建议

3. 要不是有他们的支持,我们的处境就会很困难

4. 我要是早点动身就赶上火车了

5. 万一发生水灾我们怎么办

6. 即使再次失败我们也不会泄气

7. 我要是细心一点,是可以做得更好的

8. 如果他多得六票,他现在就是我们的主席了


1、 we wouldnt succeed unless we planed well.

2、 If I were you, I would consider their proposal.

3、 If it werent for their support, we would be in a very difficult position.

4、 If I had left a little earlier, I would have caught the train.

5、 Should there be a flood, what should we do?

6、 We wouldnt lose courage even if we should fail again.

7、 I could have done better if I had been more careful.

8、 If he had received six more votes, he would be our chairman now.

D 英译汉 汉译英





5I am sorry that he should be in such poor health.

6I have loved you as if you were my son.

7He took his raincoat with him lest it should rain.

8It would be a shame to stop the work halfway.

D 英译汉 汉译英

1、 They demanded that the aggressor troops be withdrawn immediately.

2、 It is important that we close our ranks in the struggle.

3、 My suggestion is that we (should)send a few people to heip the other groups.

4、 It is a great pity that he should be so conceited.

5、 我真难过,他身体竟然这样不好

6、 我一直爱你,就仿佛你是我的儿子。

7、 他带了雨伞,以免下雨。

8、 半途而废就太遗憾了。

Unit 1

一份工作 a piece of work

一顿脾气 a fit of anger

一阵掌声 a burst of applause

一阵好运 a stroke of good luck

一块面包 a loaf of bread

一张纸条 a slip of paper

一张纸 a piece of paper

一根线 a piece of thread

一块肥皂 a cake of soap

一瓶墨水 a bottle of ink

一块冰 a block of ice

一枝粉笔 a stick of chalk

一件衣服 an article of clothing

一(大)笔钱 a (large) sum of money

一管牙膏 a tube of tooth-paste

Notes 1

…letting you know I like you seems as risky to me as skydiving into the sea. It is risky to let you know I like you just as it is risky to skydive.


I know dating has changed … Date is different from appoint. An appointment is an arrangement for a meeting at an agreed time and place, for a particular purpose. A date is an occasion when you go out with someone that you like in a romantic way.


…simply the thought of my asking you out spells naughty. It is improper even to have the idea of asking you out.


During my three years at Berkeley, I have learned otherwise. In all these years studying in Berkeley, I have learned something different from what I was taught about dating.


Then why am I digging my nails into my hand trying to muster up courage? Then why am I clutching my fist to gather courage? 那么我何必使劲攥紧拳头为自己鼓气呢?

…their chemistries clicked. 他们倾心相爱了,他们正式确立了恋爱关系。

It is believed in the western countries that love is kind of chemical reaction and process, and that’s why the author says so. 西方有一种理论认为男女之间的爱情是化学反应过程,故有此说。

go Dutch: to share the cost of a meal in a restaurant. 各自付饭费,AA制。

…had I paid for my dinner. (…if I had paid for my dinner.) …如果我自己付了饭费。

…and he looked at me as if I had addressed him in a foreign language. (He looked at me surprised as if I had spoken to him in a foreign language.) 他看着我就好像我在用外语和他说话似的。

Unit 2

Beijing is the capital city of China.


Pass me the novels, please.


A student should work hard.


Look! There is an apple on the ground.


I always like getting good news.


Mr. Smith is hurrying to work.


My brother likes playing football.



black sheep: a member of a family or other group who is considered undesirable or disreputable. 败家子,害群之马。

They thought that they had me figured out. This sentence means they thought they knew what I would become. 他们以为他们很了解我将来会变成什么样子。

…she was also a below average, non-college bound student. 她成绩也是中下等,不是上大学的材料。

Lewinsky: once a White House intern. It is said that she had love affairs with the then president Bill Clinton. 莱温斯基,曾经是白宫的实习生,相传与当时的美国总统克林顿有染,成为当时的热门话题之一。

Unit 3

7th Duchess of Bedford: the Duchess is said to be the first person who arranged the afternoon tea. 据说,第一位开始喝下午茶的人应是19世纪初期、维多利亚时代一位懂得享受生活的英国女爵安娜贝佛七世。

When she was exposed she was not ridiculed, as she had feared, …When people found out what she had done, they didn’t laugh at her. She was always afraid that people would laugh at her before that. 当人们发现她的小秘密后并没有像她所担心的那样嘲笑她

…but evolved over a period of time, as many cultural customs do. But like many other cultural customs and traditions, afternoon tea developed over a period of time. 就像其他的文化习俗一样,下午茶也经历了一段时间的发展变化。

By the mid 1800’s most of the coffee houses had evolved into exclusive clubs, each geared towards a certain segment of the population. By the mid 1800’s most of the coffee houses had developed into special clubs, each of them cater to a certain group of people. 19世纪中期,大部分的咖啡屋都发展成专有俱乐部,每一个俱乐部都是满足不同人群的需求的。

The at home tea was a common practice. It became very common to have tea at home.在家里喝茶成了司空见惯的事情。

After the model of the French salon: follow the example of the French salon. 模仿法国沙龙的模式。

If sent an at home notice it was expected that unless regrets were sent that all who received a notice would attend. If the hostess sent an invitation to friends attend tea party at home, she expected all guests to attend the party unless someone sent a reply of decline. 主人发出邀请后,除非收到某位客人谢绝的通知,否则主人就认为所有的人都会来参加。

There was at least one person holding an at home day on any given day, …on any day at least one person is holding an at home tea party. 每天至少都有一个人在家里举行下午茶聚会。

In both cases it is the host with the most power who serves the tea, … in both situations the most powerful host will serve the tea. 在两种情况下都是家里权威最高的人上茶。

…but as consumable luxuries they still suggested power and wealth. They were still expensive and luxurious goods, so they showed power and wealth. 作为奢侈消费品,它们还是权力和财富的象征。

Unit 4

The moment I pass through the doors of a bank and attempt to do business there,

an irresponsible fool 一个不知道干什么的傻瓜

My voice sounded as if it came from the grave. 我的声音好像从坟墓里发出来的(指被吓得厉害,说话声音都变了)。

…and it made me worse. It made me feel worse. 这使得我更加难受。

a son of Baron Rothschild 富商罗特希尔德德公子。

He will place fifty-six dollars in it. Good morning. Good morning can also be used when people are saying goodbye to each other in the morning. Here is a case in point. Good morning在此处不是上午见面时的招呼。 上午说再见也可以说good morning, 这里是在下逐客令。

I was too upset to reason now. I was so upset that I could not explain it in a clear way. 我太狼狈了,讲不清楚。

All the clerks had stopped writing to look at me. All the clerks stopped doing their job and looked at me. Stop doing sth to do sth 表示停下做某事而做另一件事情。

A foolish hope came to me that … 我产生了一个傻念头,希望

Unit 5

…a bill for $3 more than you had in your pocket? ....... 付款单上的应付款比你口袋里的钱超出3美元?

a dime 一角

In the United States 5 cents, 25 cents, and 1 dollar are called a nickel, a quarter and a buck respectively.美国口语里还分别称5美分、25美分和1美元为a nickel, a quarter and a buck

how to stretch your dollar. How to use your money sparingly. 如何节俭用钱。

No matter how he goes about it, however, this much is certain … No matter how he chooses what combinations to buy, one result is certain … 不管他选择如何做,有一件事情是确定的……

They are natural resources, human resources, and capital resources.它们是自然资源、劳力资源和资本资源。

Indeed, economists frequently describe the wealth of a country in terms of the capital it possesses. 的确,经济学家们经常以一个国家所拥有的资本来描述该国的财富。

Unit 6

First, the teacher’s personality should be pleasantly live and attractive. First, the teacher’s personality should be active and attractive. 首先,教师应该性情开朗,具有魅力。

…because many such have great personal charm. 很多这样的人或许更具有个人魅力。

a capacity to tune in to the minds and feelings of other people, … 能够设身处地地倾听他人的心声,……

…but of the frailty and immaturity of human nature which induce people, and again especially children, to make mistakes. 而是人类脆弱与幼稚的本性,这才是诱使人们尤其是孩子犯下错误的根本。

I hold it essential for a teacher to be both intellectually and morally honest. I think it is essential for a teacher to be both intellectually honest and morally honest. 教师在知识和道德方面诚实坦荡也是必要的。

There is no contradiction in my going on to say that a teacher should be a bit of an actor. This is not contradictory to what I am going on to say, which is that a teacher should be like an actor. 这与下面我要说的并不矛盾,就是教师应该具备几分演员的素质。

…but it is all too easy, even for people of above-average intelligence, to stagnate intellectually---and that means to deteriorate intellectually. 但是智力超群,却停滞不前、不进而退者也屡见不鲜。

…we are none of us born like that. None of us are born like that. 谁也不是天生如此。

…the methods by which they can best be taught to the particular pupils in the classes he is teaching. 因材施教的最好方法。

Unit 7

And that’s when they decided that humans were the up and coming species and dogs were going to throw their lot in with them. And that’s when dogs decided that human beings were upper than them in the ecological cycle and decided to follow human and be their friends. 正是在那次会议上他们做出了决定:人是上进的物种,狗要与他们共命运。

Dogs being guileless signed and delivered. Dogs are straightforward, and they signed and delivered the manifesto. 老实厚道的狗签署并发表了那项声明。

I grew up in a non-pet friendly home. In my home pet is not favored. 我生长在一个不喜欢宠物的家庭里。

When the Cossacks are chasing you around Europe you need to travel light. 当哥萨克人追着你满欧洲跑的时候,你需要轻装上路。

One giant “Please Dad” and I caved completely. When our son said “Please Dad”, I gave up completely and agreed. 只一声伟大的“求求你了,爸爸”,我就彻底屈服了。

Chester is what psychiatrists mean when they talk about unconditional love. Chester is like what psychiatrists says about unconditional love. 切斯特就是精神病学家所说的那种无条件的爱。

…who was a regular victim of Chester’s lunging love bombs…who was often hurt by Chester’s lunging love bombs. (Previously the author mentioned that he was so happy to see you he would knock you over)经常受切斯特发自肺腑的爱弹袭击的(有谁一走进家门, 它那么高兴地见到你, 会把你撞倒)。

Unit 8

Winston S. Churchill(1874-1965): British leader, English on his father’s side, American on his mother’s. He was a combination of soldier, writer, artist, and statesman. On May 10, 1940, in the midst of this cataract of disasters, Churchill was called to supreme power and responsibility by a spontaneous revolt of the best elements in all parties. He really was chosen by the will of the nation. 温斯顿.丘吉尔, 英国首相。1940510被各个政党一致选为首相,并带领、鼓舞英国人民终于取得第二次世界大战的胜利。

The House of Commons: The House of Commons is a democratically elected body, consisting of 646 members, who are known as “Members of Parliament” or “MPs.”

Members are elected by the first past the post system of election for limited terms, holding office until Parliament is dissolved ( a maximum of five years). The House of Commons was once far less powerful than the House of Lords, but is now by far the dominant branch of Parliament. The House of Commons’ legislative powers exceed those of the House of Lords. 下议院, 议员由民主选举产生, 共有646名议员。下议院在历史上一度权力低于上议院,但是现在下议院是英国议会的主导力量, 它的立法权已经超过了上议院。

Parliament: is the supreme legislative institution in the United Kingdom om and British overseas territories (it alone has parliamentary sovereignty). At its head is the Sovereign; it also includes an Upper House, called the House of Lords, and a Lower House, called the House of. 英国议会,是英国最高立法机构,由上、下两院组成。

Labour: The Labour Party is a centre-left or social democratic political party in the United kingdom, and one of the United kingdom’s three main political parties. Under its leader Tony Blair it won by a landslide in the 1997 general election, and formed. its first government since the 1979 general election. It retained its position in the 2001 general election and the 2005 general election. 劳工党,英国左翼社会民主党派,英国三大政党之一。它的领导人托尼.布莱尔1997年当选首相,2001年和2005年又两次连任。

Opposition: The opposition is usually the largest political party or coalition which is not a member of the government. This is usually the second-largest party in a legislative house, although in certain unusual circumstances it may be a third or fourth party. The current official opposition is the Conservative Party. 反对党,通常是最大的在野党,也是立法机构中第二大党,现在的反对党是保守党。

Liberals: The Liberal Party was one of the two major British political parties from the early 19th century until the 1920s, and a third party of varying strength and importance up to 1988, when it merged with the Social Democratic Party to form a new party which would become known as the Liberal Democrats. 自由党,从19世纪到20世纪20年代,自由党一直是英国两大政党之一,1988年与社会民主党合作,之后成为自由民主党。

The British Empire: The British Empire was the world’s first global power and history’s largest Empire. British Empire overseas territories linked to Great Britain in a variety of constitutional relationships, established over a period of three centuries. The establishment of the empire resulted primarily from commercial and political motives and emigration movements. At its height in the late 19th and early 20th cent., the empire included territories on all continents, comprising about one quarter of the world’s population and area. 大英帝国是世界上第一个全球性国家和历史上最大的帝国。大英帝国统治着与大不列颠相联系的地区达三个世纪之久。大英帝国的建立主要出于商业、政治动机和移民运动。在19世纪末和20世纪初,是大英帝国的鼎盛时期,她的疆土达到了所有的大洲,拥有世界上四分之一的人口和地区。

Unit 9

Mark Twain : He was an American writer, journalist and humorist, who won a worldwide audience for his stories of the youthful adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. 马克.吐温, 美国著名作家,记者,幽默大师。其代表作有《汤姆索亚历险记》和《哈克贝里芬历险记》。

…for it is in one’s tender early years that such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable. Because such things will best take root and be most enduring and most valuable in one’s tender early years. 在幼年的时候这种事情最容易生根,也是最宝贵最有价值的。

…because if you don’t, they will make you. If you don’t obey them, they will force you to obey. 如果你不听话,他们也会让你听话的。

Leave dynamite to the low and unrefined. the low and unrefined 指的是低等的,没有教养的人。dynamite n. 炸药;具有潜在危险的人(或物) vt. 炸毁 adj. 极好的

But a lark is really the best thing to get up with. 英语中有谚语叫做get/be up with the lark, get up early的意思,所以作者在这里这样说。

Many a young person has injured himself permanently through a single clumsy and ill finished lie, …A lot of young people have injured themselves through a single stupid and ill finished lie. Many a 后面跟单数名词表示很多人,但是后面的谓语动词用单数。

…upon these only, may he rely as the sure foundation for future eminence. 这是个倒装句,实际语序应该是he may rely only upon those as the sure foundation for future eminence.

…right in the next farm house to the one where I am spending the summer, …right in the farm house next to the one where I am spending the summer. 就在我夏天度假旁边的农场的房子里

Unit 10

Andrew C. Revkin: A prize-winning journalist and author, he has spent 20 years covering subjects ranging from murder in the Amazon to the anthrax attacks, from the plight of the working poor to the political clash over global warming. 他是纽约时报的记者和编辑, 曾多次获奖。他写作内容的主题多样化,从亚马逊河谋杀事件到炭疽病,从贫穷工人的苦难到全球变暖的政治冲突等。

Given that some losses are inevitable, …If some losses are inevitable.假使一些损失是不可避免的。

…is it a valid fallback strategy to bank organisms and genes in zoos, DNA banks or the like, …is it a reliable and safe strategy to put the organisms and genes in zoos, DNA banks or other similar places, ……把生物有机体和基因保存在诸如动物园、基因库之类的地方是一种有效的保全策略吗? “bank” is a verb here, meaning to put something in a bank.

biological “hot spots” or species of concern: “hot spots” here refer to those biological areas which are threatened of vanishing, “species of concern” are the species that are endangered. 受到威胁的生态地区或者令人担忧的物种。

Waters of the Sargasso Sea:马尾藻海海水 water”本来是不可数名词,加复数的时候表示海水。

The San Diego Zoo has its parallel Frozen Zoo, an archive of thousands of DNA samples and cell lines from a host of species. 圣地亚哥动物园有一座与其相应的“冷藏动物园”,其中保存了许多物种的数千个DNA样本和细胞株的资料。

Nonetheless, given the overwhelming complexity of nature, …However, considering the complexity of nature, …….即使如此,考虑到自然界极为复杂……

Unit 11

“…they don’t say ‘how do you do?’ they say ‘what do you do?’”

“How do you do?”是西方最常用的问候语, 通常用于初次见面。但在多伦多,人们见面不问候,却要询问对方的工作,可见对职业的重视,不愧为“careerist capital”

…because they don’t wish to be defined by or awarded status or demerit points on the basis of their work.” 他们不想因为工作而被人界定,被人尊重或看轻。

forensic pathologist: 法医病理学家

“… one of life’s great drama. There’s usually a Greek chorus (the parental unit), an unexpected twist in the road (can’t get into medical school) and a crisis or two to be overcome.” 选择职业就好像人生的一出戏剧:最开始是(父母的)希腊剧式的合唱,然后是人生路上一点意想不到的转折(比如不能如愿进入医学院), 最后是一两次有待克服的危机。

“Sometimes I think people invest their careers with the same mythology they do their love lives---the great passion, the career that got away, now looms larger than life.”

有时我觉得人们对于他们的职业投入了像对待爱情一样的幻想,一种极大的激情。没有实现的职业理想显得比生命还重要。 Mythology means ideas or opinions that many people have, but that are wrong or not true. “loom large than life” means to appear more important than life.

“And which is why the word ‘passion’ is today popping up in more and more career consultants’ marketing come-ons.” 这就是为什么(激情)passion 这个词突然出现在越来越多职业咨询师的推销广告里面。 “pop up” means to appear suddenly. “come-on” means something that someone does deliberately to make someone else interested in them.

Career day: 职业日。 在美国或加拿大,学校有时会邀请社区里各行各业的家长到学校去为学生介绍自己的工作,以便让他们对各种职业有初步印象。

“…that’s a narrow spectrum ---a handful of doctors and lawyers”, 请去的家长范围非常狭窄,只不过是少数几个医生或律师而已。Doctors and lawyers are considered desirable careers in western society.

“The graduates in good shape are the ones who emerge even hungrier to learn. That’s what a great education should really foster: a big appetite for learning, and just a little bit of bravery.” 心态良好的大学毕业生应该是那些在毕业时有更强烈的求知欲的人。这也正是好的教育应树立的观念:更强的学习欲望和一点点去闯荡社会的勇气。

Unit 13

“We have lost our sense of wonder at the elements.” 人类已经失去了对大自然基本要素的好奇。

our lives are full of forces that are so new and barely understood that we are confused shadows of what we should be.” 我们的生活中充满着各种新的力量, 而我们对这些新的东西却很少理解,对自己充满困惑,人类成了自己困惑的影子。

“I may grow old there, and wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled and measure out my life in coffee spoons.” 作者向往着住在喜马拉雅山麓的一个小村庄里,挽着裤腿,悠闲地喝着咖啡,任生命一点点流逝,而自己也在这种恬淡的生活中逐渐老去。

Unit 14

“his family being wiped out” means every member of his family except him was killed. 当时,法西斯在欧洲大肆屠杀犹太人,很多家庭都遭全部灭绝。波兰属于首先遭受打击的国家之一。

The Federal Government would subsidize tuition, fees, books, and educational materials for veterans and contribute to living expenses incurred while attending college or other approved institutions. 联邦政府将为退役军人的学费和其他费用,书本和其他教育材料提供津贴,并为其在大学或其他学院读书所发生的生活费用提供帮助。

Veterans were free to attend the educational institution of their choice.退役军人可以自由选择学院去就读。

Colleges were free to admit those veterans who met their admissions requirements.大学可自由录取符合其入学要求的退役军人。

Unit 15

“Traditionally businesses have had to compete within a given industry, but the Internet is blurring the very boundaries between markets.” 过去,企业之间的竞争一般存在于同一行业中,但是现在网络正使行业间的界限变得模糊。 意即现在的竞争不仅仅局限于同行业内,也包括跨行业的竞争。

“That seems to put Amazon on a collision course with Yahoo’s Yahoo Store initiative, which also lets Web surfers comparison shop and order products.” 这里是指Amazon收购Junglee 后获得了网上对比购物的技术,而Yahoo网上商店的初期行动也是想方便网上浏览者对比购物。二者相互冲突,成了竞争对手。

…on the Web, being No.1 is awesome, No.2 is okay, No.3 is tough, No.4 is the pits, No.5, Huh? Who?” 在网上,第一名是颇让人敬畏的,第二名算还可以,第三名日子就比较难过了,第四名则相当糟糕,第五名差不多要被人遗忘。

“This may be an understatement, given the potential for increasing returns and huge economies of scale.” 考虑到上述这些公司越来越可观的利润潜能和巨大的经济规模,这种说法可能有些轻描淡写了。

“As retailers expand, they must build storefronts and distribution infrastructure, and settle for entering smaller and smaller markets, having already hit the largest ones.”如果传统的有形商店想扩大零售规模,必须设立店面和分销的基层组织,在占有最大的市场之后,还得勉强满足于进入越来越小的市场。

So get this: An online retailer with an auction site is being undercut by an online auctioneer that launches a truly cut-rate straight sales site.” 这样做的结果就是:一个拥有拍卖站点的网上零售商被一个在线拍卖商抢走了生意,而抢的办法则是通过发行真正廉价的直销。

Unit 16

For the Games of Athens 2004, the designer Andreas Varotsos selected the symbolic olive leaf.” 2004年雅典奥运会上,火炬造型犹如一片橄榄树叶。

“…the torch was carried to Spain, from where it would cross the Atlantic and follow the route of Christopher Columbus up to the Central American.哥伦布是意大利航海家,首次发现新大陆。而地处中美洲的墨西哥也是他最早踏上的地方,因此墨西哥人让奥运火炬重历哥伦布当年的航海路线。

“In Athens, a machine collected the ionized particles of the flame and transformed it in electronic impulses. They were then transmitted via satellite through the Atlantic to Ottawa, in Canada, where they activated a laser beam, which relighted the flame.”在雅典,由一个机器收集火焰的电离子粒,并将之转化为电子脉冲。然后通过卫星传送,经过大西洋到达加拿大首都渥太华,在那儿,这股电子脉冲将激活一束激光点燃火炬。

Unit 18

“Framton Nuttel endeavored to say the correct something which should duly flatter the niece of the moment without unduly discounting the aunt that was to come.”

Framton Nuttel力求把话说得周全得当,既可以适度恭维一下眼前这位侄女,同时也不至于无端贬抑那位即将下楼的姑妈。

An indefinable something about the room seemed to suggest masculine habitation.” Somehow, something in this room suggested that there were men living there. 房间里有某种东西似乎暗示着有男人居住。

“…who labored under the tolerably widespread delusion that total strangers and chance acquaintances are hungry for the least detail of one’s ailments and infirmities, their cause and cure.” 他为一种流传颇广的谬见所累,认为素不相识和萍水相逢的人渴望了解对方病痛疾患和病因治疗等种种细节。

One would think he had seen a ghost.” 大家都以为他见鬼了。

Romance at short notice was her specialty.”信口杜撰各种奇谈是她的拿手好戏。


“…the formula by which they raise them is almost a guarantee prescription for unhappiness.” This sentence means that the methods they have used to bring up their children will definitely make their children’s future life unhappy. 他们抚养孩子的方法却往往会导致孩子生活不幸福。

From there it is a short step to giving grown kids cars and excessive clothing allowances.” Here the author means that the parents dote on their children and spend lots of money on them such as giving them elaborate and themed birthday party, that’s part of causes that lead to their final complaint in the author’s clinic---their children still rely on them for cars and other excessive allowances. 给成年孩子买车或昂贵的衣服是不少家长向身为心理医生的本文作者最终倾诉的原因,而作者认为父母过分宠爱孩子,给孩子不吝钱财开主题生日会,这些是导致孩子成人之后继续依赖家长的直接原因。

“And they usually left their children’s schooling up to the teachers.” 他们将孩子的教育任务完全留给了老师。

This can strike parents of today as the height of selfishness, but the funny thing is that we kids actually kind of liked it.” 过去家长养育孩子的方法会让今天的家长觉得他们特别自私,但有趣的事情是孩子们却喜欢这种方式。

…money had to stretch further.”钱可以用得更久一点。

“That assumption became a self-fulfilling prophecy.” 这种假设成为了可以实现的预言。


“His father John Neville Keynes was a noted Cambridge economist. His mother Florence Ada Keynes became mayor of Cambridge.” 凯恩斯的父亲约翰.内维尔.凯恩斯是马歇尔的早期弟子,也是一位颇有名望的经济学家和逻辑学家,剑桥大学的研究员。母亲弗洛伦斯.阿达则是剑桥大学的第一批女毕业生,曾任剑桥参议员和市长。

He lectured at Cambridge, edited an influential journal…” 1908年,凯恩斯应马歇尔之聘任剑桥大学经济学讲师。1911年,由于马歇尔的推荐,28岁的凯恩斯出任《经济学杂志》主编。该杂志是英国皇家经济学会的季刊,凯恩斯负责这一杂志30多年之久,并为它写了不少文章。

“Keynes was called to Britain’s Treasury to work on overseas finances, where he quickly shone.” 1914年第一次世界大战拉开帷幕,英国爆发经济危机,此时身在剑桥的凯恩斯被任命为财政部要员,主要职责是处理协约国之间的金融问题。

“His first brush with fame came soon after the war, when he was selected to be a delegate to the Paris Peace Conference of 1918-1919.” 1919年,他担任英国财政部出席巴黎和会的首席代表,并以顾问身份出席四强会议。1919年大战结束,巴黎和会后,凯恩斯重返剑桥大学,于1921年出版了《概率论》。该书体现了他深邃的哲学思想和高超的逻辑演绎能力。

But he let out a roar when he returned to England, immediately writing a short book, The Economic Consequences of the Peace.” 凯恩斯在巴黎和会上,同赔偿委员会意见不和,离开巴黎,怀着满腔怒火写下《和约的经济后果》。该书预言和约会给欧洲带来不可估量的社会、经济恶果,他认为,过度的赔偿负担将使战败国不堪重负,必将激起再一次战争。

Us-based Internet Pictures Corporation(iPix): developer of immersive imaging for the Internet. The iPix video technology allows viewers the iPix freedom of navigation within a moving picture. 总部设在美国的因特网图片公司。其开发的成像技术可以使在线购物者通过画面的移动对产品进行仔细观察。

RichFX: an applications service provider(ASP) that offers audio, visual, and graphics tools and related services for online merchandising. Its marketing tools---Rich Catalog, Rich Zoom, Rich Color Change, and Rich Rotate---enable companies to create online catalogues that allow shoppers to zoom in on products to see details, view products in different colors, and rotate them. The company was founded in 1997 and it has offices in New York and Israel. 网络发展公司,出售诸如变焦、变色、旋转这样的特效技术。与iPix同时提供360度全景图片和照片,使在线购物者在付款前便能够详细观察商品的全貌。

Unit 24

Medicare and Medicaid: two U.S. government programs that guarantee health insurance for the elderly and the poor, respectively. They were formally enacted in 1965 as amendments to the Social Security Act(1935) and went into effect in 1966. The Medicare program covers most persons aged 65 or older while Medicaid covers most poor people aged fewer than 65. 美国联邦政府的两项医疗照顾计划。“医疗照顾”(Medicare)保险为65岁以上老年人和残疾人提供,而“贫民医疗”(Medicaid)计划则是为65岁以下的低收入家庭和残障者设置。

should they be unable to work because of extended illnesses or permanent physical disability: if they should be unable to work because of extended illnesses or permanent physical disability. 如果他们因为长期的疾病而不能再工作的话

the Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies: companies for the independent, locally operated Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans. There are 40 local member companies of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans which provide millions of American families with top quality, affordable health insurance for more than 70 years. One in four Americans carries Blue Cross and Blue Shield cards. “帝国蓝十字和蓝盾”保险计划,是美国蓝十字和蓝盾协会下的一个有多年历史的保险计划,也是帮助老年人的一个较理想的险种,在纽约地区比较有名。它的好处是:无需病人自己支付“自付金”,只要是医疗需要,承担百分之百得住院费,对住院时间长短没有限制;每次看病仅付10美元;在全世界任何地方看病,急诊一律实报实销。现在每四个美国人中就有一个持有蓝十字和蓝盾保险卡。

workmen’s compensation insurance: workers’ compensation insurance, sometimes called industrial injury insurance, compensates workers for losses suffered as a result of work-related injuries. Payments are made regardless of negligence. The schedule of benefits making up the compensation is determined by statute.


liquidate: to cause a person to spend all his savings paying his debts. Here, “liquidate their savings” means “use up their savings”. 这里指为支付医药费而花掉所有积蓄。

an artifact of the Industrial Age paradigm: a product of the Industrial Age pattern of business 这里是说传统的经理人的角色是工业革命的典型产物。

Middle managers’ heads are on the chopping blocks of budget-tightening corporations: middle managers are under the great pressure of controlling costs and find themselves in a tight corner and a critical situation.这里指由于公司预算紧缩,中层经理人的命运已岌岌可危。

the Accenture Institute for Strategic Change: founded in 1996 and based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The research center conducts original research focused on providing actionable insight and ideas into strategic business issues. And it is made up of experienced management researchers working in concert with business educators and executives. 美国埃森哲公司策略变革中心(原安盛咨询),该中心致力于为企业提供策略变革服务的研究。

One yardstick of intellectual output might be research citations in professional literature: One way of assessing workers’ knowledge achievements is to examine how much research work they have done. 衡量工人所做的知识创新的一个标准也许是看他们对专业文献做了多少研究。

Unit 26

mental health also entails being in touch with one’s vulnerabilities and limitations: if a person is mentally healthy, he/she is able to know his or her vulnerabilities and limitations all the time. 一个心理健康的人也会对自身的弱点和局限性随时有一个清醒的认识。

Unit 27

the U. S. Secret Service: a US government department that deals with special kinds of police work, especially protecting the President. The Secret Service also investigates financial crimes that include, but are not limited to, financial institution fraud, identity theft, computer fraud; and computer-based attacks on financial, banking, and telecommunications infrastructure. 美国联邦经济情报局(联邦密勤局), 与中央情报局(CIA)、联邦调查局(FBI)并列为美国政府三大安全情报机构,其主要使命是保护美国总统的安全和调查美国的付款及财政系统。

Unit 28

Many parents, on the other hand, seem to view children’s consumer wants as being practically nonexistent if it were not for ads: 另一方面,很多家长似乎觉得,如果不是广告的影响,孩子根本就不会有那么多消费需求。

Marketers have been shown to be abusive to children far too many times for their good will to be assumed: 事实表明,市场营销人员有太多的利用儿童消费者的行为,以至于不得不对他们用意是否善良提出怀疑。


