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情景交际是中考英语试卷中的一个常见句型,此题主要考查学生在特定情景下进行语言交际的能力。主要考查打电话、购物、问路及指路、看病时医生和病人间的交际用语、课程标准中其他交际用语及表示情感的交际用语。 日常生活中英语情景的表达: 一、打电话
1. 拨打对方电话的用语
1Could/ May/ Can I speak to, please? 请找……接电话,好吗?
2Whos that (speaking ? 你是哪一位呀?
3This is (speaking ?我是…… This is here/ here speaking. 4Could you ask him/ her to call me back? 您能让他/她给我回电话吗?
5Im calling to tell/ ask you to我打电话是想告诉你/ 要你去
6Thats very kind of you (to help me.你能帮我真是太好了。
2. 接电话的用语
1Hello! 6098724. 你好!这里是6098724. 2This is (speaking. 我就是……
3Whos that (speaking ? 请问你是哪位? 4Yes, it is. 是的,我就是。 No, this is 不,我是……
5Hold on (for a moment, please./ One moment, please.请稍候,别挂机。
6Im sorry/ afraid hes/shes out at the moment. 对不起,他/她现在不在。
7Can I take a message (for you ? 我能替你捎话吗?
8I’ll leave a message on his / her desk.我会在他/她桌上留个便条。
9Whats your telephone numeber? 你的电话是多少?
10I’ll give/ take her the messahe. 我话捎信给她的。
1. 营业员常用的交际用语
1Can I help you? / What can I do for you?/ May I help you? 你要买什么?
2How many / much do you want? 你要多少?
3Is that all? 就这些吗?
4What color/sixe/kind do you like/ want?你喜欢/想要什么颜色/尺寸/种类的? 5I’m sorry. We have sold out thein your size.
6Here you are.给你
7No hurry. 别着急。
8Please take your time. 请慢慢来。
9You havent paid for it yet. 你还没有付钱。
10Thats the cheapest/ most expensive one we have, I’m afraid. 恐怕这是我们最便宜/最贵的了。


2. 顾客常用交际用语
1I want/ would like to buy some(for.我想(为……)买一些……
2Can you show me? 你能给我看看……吗?
3I would like (want some… 我想看看……
4Have you got any? 你们有……吗?
5Im looking for 我想买……
6May I have a look at it/ them? 我可以看看它/它们吗?
7Its too big/ small. 它太大/小了。
8Just have a look. 只是看一看。
9Yes. That’s just right. 好的,这个正合适。
10Have you got any other kind/color/size?你们还有其他种类/颜色/尺寸吗?
11That looks nice/ great.看起来不错。
12Have you got anything cheaper?你们有更便宜的吗? 13Can/May I try them/ it onplease? 我能试一试吗?
14Thats fine. I’ll take/ have it them, please. 不错, 我买了。
1. 问路
1Excuse me, wheres? 劳驾,……在哪儿?
2How can I get to?我怎样去……
3which is the way to theplease? 去……是哪条路?
4Can you tell me the way to theplease? 你能告诉我去…的路吗?
5Could you tell me how to get to the please? 你能告诉我怎样去……吗?
6Could you tell me how I can get to theplease?你能告诉我怎样去…吗?
7Which bus can take me to the?我可以乘哪路公共汽车去……?
8Which bus can I catch to the?我可以乘几路公共汽车去……?
9Which number do I need? 我需要乘几路车?
10Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?
11How far is it? 有多远?
12Thank you./ Thank you all the same. 谢谢。/同样要谢谢你。
2. 应答
1Go down this road until you see the white house.
2Turn right/ left at the traffic lights. 在交通灯处/右转左转。 3Youd better catch a bus/ taxi.你最好坐公共汽车/出租车。 4Its about two kilometers away. 大概两公里远。
5Its over there. 它在那儿。
6Its about 500 meters from here. 离这里大约500 米。
7You can take bus No.202.你可以乘202 路公共汽车。




