
发布时间:2011-09-21 22:18:31   来源:文档文库   

Part Five: Romanticism in England

the Age of Poetry

Teaching Arrangement:

I. Historical Background

II. Romanticism

III. A. poets

1. Escapist romanticists / Lake Poets(湖畔派诗人) (William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey)

2. active romanticists /demonic group/Satanic school (撒旦派) (George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats)

B. essayists (Charles Lamb, William Hazlitt, Thomas De Quincey)

C. novelist (Walter Scott)

I. Historical Background

(1) Industrial Revolution —transformed Britain from agricultural to industrial country, responsible for the change in the pattern of social life and the worsening of social contradictions;?

(2) American revolution in 1775— the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, with its emphasis on individual rights;

(3) The French revolution in 1789 —introduced the democratic ideals: liberty, equality and fraternity for everybody;

(4)the abolition of slavery in the British colonies;

(5) the introduction of system of national education;

(6)the Factory Acts《工厂法案》 by which the employment of children under nine was forbidden by the law.

(7) Lyrical Ballads, 《抒情歌谣集》 a collection of poem by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, published in 1798, which marked the start of Romanticism as a literary trend.

II. English Romanticism

1. definition—English Romanticism is generally said to have began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth & Coleridges Lyrical Ballads and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scotts death and the passage of the first Reform Bill《改革法案》 in the Parliament.

English Romanticism is a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason. The French Revolution of 1789-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution exert great influence on English Romanticism.

Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revolt against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.

2. The features of the Romantic writings:

1)? Dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society.

2) Their writings filled with strong-willed heroes or even titanic images, formidable events and tragic situations, powerful conflicting passions and exotic pictures.

3) pay attention to spiritual and emotional life of man. Most works are supernatural and full of imagination.

4) interest in the past, the unusual, the unfamiliar, the bizarre

5) strong desire to escape from the reality.

6) concerned much about the influence of nature.

7) Their writings free from any rules, they fight against the tenure of new classicism: order, harmony, balance, reason. They ask for the freedom of expression.

8) A feeling of loneliness & a note of melancholy

8) The glorification of the commonplace--- the aim of good poetry is “to choose incidents and situations from common life” and to use a “selection of language really spoken by men”, and to awaken in the reader “freshness of sensation” in the presentation of “familiar objects”.

9) characterized by 5 “I”s: Imagination, Intuition, Idealism, Inspiration, Individuality.

3. Two schools of Romanticism

A. escapist romanticists, the Lake Poets”湖畔派, represented by William Wordsworth华兹华斯, Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治 and Robert Southey骚塞.

B. active romanticists, the Satanic school”撒旦派, with Byron拜伦, Shelly雪莱 and Keats济慈 as representatives

湖畔派Lake Poets





III. poets—Lake Poets

1. William Wordsworth威廉·华兹华斯(重点)

1.1 life

Born in 1770 in a lawyer’s family

Orphaned when he was 14

Went to school in Hawkshead, developed a deep love for nature

1787-1791 Studied at Cambridge--political enthusiasm roused

1790-1792 visited France twice

In 1797, moved to Somerset with his sister Dorothy and made friends with Coleridge, all devoting their time writing poetry

Published Lyrical Ballads together with Coleridge.

Two periods of his literary career

A revolutionist with liberal politics idea and ambiguous religion

A conservative, coming to believe that man’s wild spirit is needed taming by the church

1.2 major works:

1) Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》

followed by “The Preface to the Lyrical Ballads”—served as the manifesto of the English Romantic Movement in poetry.

2) famous short poems

About nature: I wondered Lonely as a Cloud “独自漫游似浮云”,or The Daffodils “咏水仙”

Intimation of Immortality “不朽颂”

Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey “丁登寺” ; To the Cuckoo “致布谷鸟”; My Heart Leaps up When I Behold “我心雀跃” ; To a Butterfly “致蝴蝶” An Evening Walk “黄昏漫步

About human life:--sympathy for the poor

Lucy Poems 《露西组诗》

The Solitary Reaper “孤独的收割者”

The Old Cumberland Beggar “康伯兰的老乞丐”

Michael “迈克尔”

We are Seven “我们七个”

3) The Prelude “序曲”--Wordsworths autobiographical poem in 14 books published after his death, a spiritual record of his mind, showing his own thought and sentiment.

1.3 Comment on Wordsworth

A. The poet of nature

Nature---medium---revelation (启示)

Nature--- entity--- communicating with God, learning more about God, and enjoying the holy and awesome feelings

Nature--- purest, most uncorrupted form, a manifestation of God’s creation power

B. Wordsworth’s definition to poetry

Good poetry must speak “the real language of man” and write about the life of common people in an imaginative way.

Good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”诗是强烈情感的自然流露。

Poetry takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility. 诗源于情感,但在平静中回忆。

The objects which excited these emotions were to be ordinary ones.

The style selected for the new poetry was also to be simple.

A poet should give pleasure and reveal universal truth.

Poetry is “the most philosophic of all writing”

1.4 “I wondered Lonely as a Cloud”

























The poem contains 4 six-lined stanzas of Iambic tetrameter with the rhyme scheme of ababcc in each stanza.

Theme: eulogy颂词 for the harmony between things in nature and the harmony between nature and man

Analysis of “I wondered Lonely as a Cloud” :

A. the first and the second stanza--- a vivid picture of a host of golden daffodils dancing happily in the breeze

B. the third stanza --- the happiness brought to the poet’s soul by the dancing daffodils

C. the last stanza --- the happiness brought by the daffodils lasts forever in the poet’s memory.




































Give an analysis of “The Solitary Reaper”, which should include:

Metrical pattern(格律):

Rhyme scheme(押韵):

General meaning of each stanza:

The theme of the poem

(deliver your homework through the online teaching system)

Lucy Poems--

She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways”《她住在人迹罕至的地方















(1) What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?

(2) Are there any images in this poem? Please point them out.

(3) Can the second stanza be omitted? What role does it play in this poem?

(4) Please paraphrase the poem in less than 100 words.

(1)The rhyme scheme is abab, cdcd, efef

(2) Yes, there are images in this poem: “a half hidden violet” and “a star shining in the sky”.

(3) No. the image of the violet shows that she is so modest, shy and unknown that no one will pay attention to her; the image of the star shining in the sky indicates that in her lover’s eyes, she is like the single star shining brightly and beautifully in the sky.

(4) She lived in an isolated place beside the springs of Dove,

Nobody praised her and few people loved her.

She is like a violet beside a mossy tone, unnoticed by people.

She is like a star shinning in the sky, fair and loving in her lover’s heart.

When she is alive, nobody knows her; thus when she dies, few people feel sad about her.

But for me it is different to know her death( because I loved her so much and I feel so sad).

2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge(了解)

2.1 life

born into a clergyman’s family, a genius.

At 6, read the Bible, Robinson Crusoe and Arabian Nights.

full of fantasy and dreams.

made friends with Charles Lamb, the great essayist of English Romanticism in his Cambridge years.

ran away from the university and enlisted in the army;

returned to Cambridge without getting a degree;

joined Robert Southey in a utopian plan of establishing an ideal democratic community in America in 1749 which didn’t come to any fruition;

Split with Southey and married Sara Fricker, but an unhappy and short-lived marriage;

In 1796, addicted to opium with a view to relieving his headache and depression;

In 1797, began his friendship with Wordsworth;

In 1798, published The Lyrical Ballads with Wordsworth;

In 1810, quarreled seriously with Wordsworth. Reconciled later;

In later years, turned conservative and resorted to theology for his spiritual support.

2.2 major works:

Demonic Poems: 魔幻诗

The Rime of the Ancient Marine《古舟子咏》

Kubla Khan 《忽必烈汗》

Christabel 《克里斯塔贝尔》

Conversational poems 对话诗

Frost at Morning《午夜寒霜》

Dejection: An Ode 《沮丧:一首颂歌》


Biographia Literaria 《文学传记》

Lectures on Shakespeare between 1808 and 1815

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


It is Coleridge’s contribution to The Lyrical Ballads. It is a long poem, telling a story in the form of ballad. Three guests are on their way to a wedding party when an ancient mariner stopped one of them. The mariner tells of his adventures on the sea. His story is full of horrors. When his ship sails towards the South Pole, an albatross (信天翁) comes through the snow-fog and alights on the rigging.

Outline of the Story:

A. pointless slaughter of an albatross-- omen of bad luck

B. awful punishment that his crime brought about

C. realization of the sacredness of life


It is a psychologically profound study of guilt, of remorse, of the nature of evil.

Kubla Khan《忽必烈汗》

Kubla Khan is a dream-poem. During an illness in 1797 Coleridge retired to a lonely farmhouse. One day he fell asleep while he was reading a passage about Kubla Khan from a book of travels. While dreaming he composed a poem about 200 or 300 lines. On waking he began to write down the poem. But he was interrupted by a person and the vision faded. He left a fragment of only 54 lines and never finished the poem.



























































(1) identify the author

(2) What is his theory of poems?

(3) What kind of philosophy is behind the italic words His flashing eyes.milk of paradise? (北航08考研题)


(1) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

(2) Coleridge believed in the “feeling heart,” in the spiritual power of the individual imagination, the completeness and harmonious beauty of God’s creation.

though Coleridge shared with Wordsworth a desire to return poetry to the ordinary, the concrete, and the language of speech, he was also desirous of discovering the spiritual, supernatural and exotic.

Coleridge expresses his conception of poetry in terms of a synthesis of imaginative vision and of actual perception, of “outer” and “inner,” or of “object” and “subject.”

a poem is a growing unity, the parts related to one another and all comprising a whole. The “end” of poetry is pleasure, not instruction, and yet a poem tells a higher truth.

(3) The poet says that he once saw an Abyssinian maid who played her dulcimer and sang of Mount Abora. The song of the Abyssinian maid can be the poet’s source of inspiration. If he could receive “her symphony and song” within him, he could rebuild his own dome of pleasure in the air. And all who saw him would cry “Beware of ‘his flashing eyes, his floating hair!’ ”. The listeners would circle him and close their eyes with “holy dread”, knowing that he had tasted honeydew, and “drunk the milk of Paradise”. The poet wants to express that people have certain awe and even fear for nature and enjoys its beauty with utmost piety.


Christabel 《克里斯塔贝尔》

Another of Coleridges unfinished poem written in ballad meter. It tells a story of a sorcerer (男巫) who casts a spell over a pure young girl. Its mysterious atmosphere and the Gothic horror may freeze our blood.

Biographia Literaria《文学传记》

A literary autobiography. Point of view:

(1) The task of literary criticism is not to judge but to appreciate and interpret.

(2) The poet is a creator and the critic is an assistant to the work of creation. The critic must enter into the poet’s purpose and art, and interpret ideas and beauty for the benefit of the reader.

(3) The poet, as a man endowed with imaginative genius and fine perception, must be allowed to present the truth in his own way without regard to rules or models.

2.3 artistic features

(1) Mysticism神秘主义 and demonism魔鬼信仰with strong imagination;

(2) Depiction of unusual and supernatural images.

(3) pay close attention to language of poetry. He maintains that the true end of poetry is to give pleasure “through the medium of beauty”, not to instruct.

3. Robert Southey


3.1 One of the “Lake Poets”

Expelled from Westminster School for his outspoken composition against corporal punishment

In Oxford, made acquaintance of Coleridge and Wordsworth, and shared their revolutionary ardor in the 1790s

Radicalism faded at the turn of the century, changed from a revolutionist to a Tory, made Poet Laureate

3.2 major Works

epic— Joan of Arc 《圣女贞德》

Drama– Wat Tyler 《瓦特·泰勒》

Short poems— The Inchcape Rock《因尺角之石》

The Battle of Blenheim《布莱尼姆之战》

My Days among the Dead Are Passed《我与死者做伴的日子已结束》

Prose— The Life of Nelson《纳尔逊传》

Poetical romances--

Thalaba the Destroyer 《萨拉巴》


The Curse of Kehama《克哈马的诅咒》

Roderick, the Last of the Goths 《罗德里克,最后的高斯人》

1.1 life

Born in an aristocratic family

Became Lord Byron after inheriting the title and estate of his grand-uncle

a radical supporter of worker’s movement.

In 1811, took seat in the House of Lords(贵族院/上议院). He made vehement speeches to attack English governments policy for the Luddites (workers who destroy machinery).

Byron left England for ever in 1816.

He first visited Switzerland, where he made acquaintance with Shelley.

Then he moved to Italy, where he finished Childe Harolds Pilgrimage 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》and wrote his masterpiece Don Juan《唐璜》.

Upon hearing the news of the Greek revolt against the Turks, Byron plunged himself into the struggle. The Greeks made him commander in chief (总司令) of their forces in 1824. Due to months hard work under bad weather, he fell ill and died. April 19, 1824, Byron died with “ Forward! Forward! Follow me!” The Greek people mourned over his premature death.

Byron was regarded as the “satanic poet” by the English government when he died. It was not until 1969 that a white marble memorial to Byron was erected in Westminster Abbey.

Nowadays his name is put in the Poets’ Corner.

1.2 major works:

(1). Hours of Idleness 《闲散的时刻》 --his first collection of poems composed in college dealing with childish recollections and early friendship, but was mercilessly criticized by Edinburgh Review, a blow to the young man, but didnt discourage him;

(2). English Bards and Scotch Reviewers《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》--a satirical poem against Edinburgh Review, in which Wordsworth, Southey and some other celebrities of the day were satirized;

(3) Childe Harolds Pilgrimage 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》

an autobiographical narrative poem written in Spenserian stanzas. It tells the travels and the reflections of a pilgrim, Childe Harold, who is tired of the empty life of pleasure and is now seeking spiritual rebirth.

In this poem, Childe Harold was the poet himself. They both lamented over the corrupted reality and wanted to make a change; they loved freedom and were eager to build a marvelous career. The poem is an imaginative and romantic presentation of the poet’s disturbing emotion and eagerness for freedom. It also emphasizes individualism.

(4) Don Juan《唐·璜》

Byrons masterpiece, an epic satire in ottava rima(八行体) , A stanza of poem consisting of 8 lines in iambic pentameter rhyming abababcc. 16,000 lines long in 16 cantos.

Don Juan is an aristocratic libertine, amiable and charming to ladies—a great lover and seducer of women. In the conventional sense, Juan is immoral, yet Byron takes this poem as the most moral. And Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage, generosity and frankness, which, according to Byron, are virtues neglected by the modern society.

The unifying principle in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance and reality, or what things seem to be and what they actually are.

The third canto of the poem is different from the rest of the poem metrically. It consists of sixteen 6-lined stanzas of iambic tetrameter, the rhyme scheme being ababcc.

《唐璜》是拜伦后期最重要的一部长诗。唐璜原是一名西班牙家传户晓的一名传说人物,他并不是一个英雄,相反他却是一个因为诱骗了某贵族少妇而被驱逐并到处流亡的青年无赖式的人物。但在拜伦的笔下得以重新塑造,成为一个“极美貌、骄傲、大胆而又运气好的人” 。虽然他屡次身陷险境,但又每次都能从死神的身边安全逃开;虽然他经受过无数与情人生离死别的痛苦煎熬,但总有新的爱情给他带来新的幸福。他热情冲动、敏感正直,在遭遇饥饿的恐怖和沉船的厄运后,遇见了美丽的希腊少女海蒂。正陶醉于爱情和大自然时,一个游吟诗人的吟唱将唐璜带到了残酷的现实。这块如海蒂一般美丽的土地正饱受着土耳其的侵扰,并面临着即将灭亡的噩运。这段吟唱带给唐璜以巨大的震撼,诗人拜伦对这一切当然也感同身受。因为种种原因,作为希腊异族人的拜伦在他后来的生命岁月里选择了与希腊人民站在一起、并共同抵御外辱。而这段在《唐璜》中并不太起眼的第三章中的一节就在诗内和诗外的世界里也因此具有了特殊的意义。

Selective reading P 305

From Don Juan, Canto III— The Isles of Greece”《哀希腊》(read the first 6 stazas

Background: in the early 19th century, Greece was under the rule of Turks.


What techniques? What effect?

What theme?

1.3 Contribution:

chief contribution -- Byronic hero (拜伦式英雄)

Byronic hero-- Byron’s poetry is based on his own experience. His hero is known as “Byronic Hero”, a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. For such a hero, the conflict is usually one of rebellious individual against outworn social systems and conventions. Such a hero appears first in Childe Harolds Pilgrimage, and then further developed in later works such as the Oriented Tales《东方故事集》,Manfred, 《曼弗雷德》 and Dan Juan in different guises.

2. Percy Bysshe Shelley (雪莱)(1792-1822)

2.1 life

born in Sussex; father a conservative narrow-minded country gentleman; though gentle by nature, he could not stand any injustice

In 1811, expelled from Oxford for an anti-religion pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism《无神论的必然》

at 19, alone in London, homeless. married a 16-year-old schoolgirl Harriet

in 1812, went to Ireland, Address to the Irish People 《告爱尔兰人民书》

in 1813, back in England wrote Queen Mab《麦布女王》

in 1814, broke with Harriet

in 1816, married Mary Godwin, daughter of radical philosopher Godwin

in 1818, Shelley’s happy marriage was broken by the sudden death of Harriet who jumped into a river. The scandal made by political enemies compelled Shelley to leave England again, then he lived in Italy to support the independence wars of Italy, Spain and Greece.

in 1816 met Byron

In 1818 The Revolt of Islam 《伊斯兰的反叛》

in 1819, Prometheus Unbound 《解放了的普罗米修斯》,Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》 Masque of Anarchy 《专制魔王的化妆旅行》,The Cenci 《钦契》A Defense of Poetry《诗辩》

In 1820, To a Skylark 《致云雀》

in 1822. July 8th, a sudden tempest struck his boat, drowned. Inscription on his tombstone: P. B. Shelley. COR CORDIUM = the heart of hearts 众心之心




2.2 major works

A . Queen Mab 1813 《麦布女王》

A revolutionary poem condemning tyranny and exploitation and the unjust war waged by the rich to plunder wealth

B. The Revolt of Islam 1818 《伊斯兰的反叛》

a revolutionary epic--a brother and a sister are united in their common ideal of liberty, equality and fraternitythey arouse the spirit of revolt among their Islam people against their tyrants.

a sister-comrade --womens position

C. Prometheus Unbound 《解放了的普罗米修斯》1820

lyrical drama in 4 acts.

Greek myth--Prometheus is reconciled to Zeus.

But Shelley reinterpreted it. Prometheus is supported by public. He refuses to yield to the tyrant in heaven. At last Zeus is overthrown. Prometheus is released and throws off his fetters.

The figure of Prometheus has been symbolic of those noble-hearted revolutionaries, who devote themselves to the just cause of the people and suffer great pains at the hands of tyrants.

D. Ode to the West Wind 《西风颂》(重点)

best of Shelley’s lyrics

Expression of poet’s envy of the boundless freedom of the west wind

Melancholy in tune

But optimistic and resolute in theme

Poet’s conviction --- the good will certainly defeat the evil

frequently quoted epigram: “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”



Selective reading: P312 《西风颂》

(1) Form:

The poem is divided into 5 parts. Each part consists of four stanzas of terza rima and one couplet lines, rhymed aba bcb cdc ded ee

(2) content: the poet describes vividly the activities of the west wind on the earth, in the sky and on the sea, and expresses his envy for the boundless freedom of the west wind, and his wish to be free like the wind and to scatter his words among mankind.

(3) Theme:

Revolutionary spirit.

Wish to destroy the old and build up a new.

(4) In what way is the west wind both a destroyer and a preserver? (南京大学07)

The west wind is considered the “destroyer” for driving the last signs of life from the trees; it is considered the “preserver” for scattering the seeds which come to life in the spring.


terza rima(三行体)—verse form consisting of stanzas of three lines (tercets); the first and third lines rhyming with one another and the second rhyming with the first and third of the following tercet.




