
发布时间:2011-08-10   来源:文档文库   
提要:汉英结构和表达方式相去甚远,为了在译文中不露刀斧之痕,译者务必灵活运用转换、省译、扩译等主要实用技巧。 关键词:转换,扩译 ,省译
一、转换技巧(transforming 由于汉英结构不同,表达方式迥异,硬性翻译不仅读起来别扭,而且会闹出笑话。这就译者在翻译时灵活使用转换的技巧,有时将汉语中的动词转换成英语的介词短语,有时将并列句译成主从句,等等。法无定法,随机而化。力求做到云过无声,水过无痕。读来自然流利,移植的有如原生的。 1 词类的转换 (1 名词译成动词
The U.S. objected that North Korea was not a member of the UN. 你很有鉴别力。
You know what‟s what.

(2 动词译成名词
The firemen battled against the flames for nine days and nights before getting them under control.
Churchill arrived in Washington to talk Roosevelt out of an early invasion of Europe.
Franklin had a deep conviction that we must learn to understand and to get on with our neighbors in this hemisphere.
(3 动词译成形容词 先生曰:狼负我,狼负我!狼曰:吾非固欲负汝。天生汝辈,固需吾辈食也。 “ You are an ungrateful beast,” complained the man.
“Not at all,” retorted the wolf, “it is not that I‟m ungrateful, but you men were created for us to devour.” (颜惠庆译《马中锡·中山狼传》 他急切地想得到消息。 He was news-hungry.
The program was not popular with all of the staff.
(4 动词译成介词或介词短语

The most the Panamanians are after is a chance to get more income from the
Canal. 有这样一个对手,倒是我们的幸运。 We were fortunate in our opponent.
(5 动词译成副词
Each time out was a continuation, not a repetition. 电视剧已经开始了。 The TV play is on.
(6 形容词译成名词
We feels cautious optimism about the future. 他注意到两国在柏林问题上的看法非常一致。
He noticed a very close agreement between the two countries on the Berlin problem.
(7 名词译成形容词 该机票的有效期为一年。
The plane ticket would be good/ valid for one year.
(8 名词译成副词
官方宣布,联合王国政府于 199771日将香港交换给中华人民共和国。
It was officially announced that the Government of the United Kingdom will restore Hong Kong to the People‟s Republic of China with effect from 1 July
1997. 这家报社的社论说,两国目前还谈不上核合作。
The paper said editorially that nuclear cooperation between the two countries is out of the question for the present.
2. 主被动语态的转换 (1 主动译成被动
Serious cases of embezzlement, bribery, and bureaucracy have been brought to light recently. 《中苏友好同盟互助条约》已经名存实亡。
Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance and Mutual Assistance had now been reduced to less than a shadow.
(2 被动译成主动 聪明反被聪明误。
The clear failed because of one‟s cleverness.

3. 句型转换
(1 简单句之间的转换
简单句之间可以转换,来表达相同或相近的意思。可改动的部分可能是主语,可能是谓语,可能是宾语,可能是定语,也可能是状语。 改造人的思想不是一件容易的事情。
Remoulding of one‟s ideology is not an easy thing. Ideological remoulding is not an easy thing. 农民从改革中得到了实惠。
The peasants received benefit from the reform. The peasants benefited by the reform. 外国朋友对我们在空间技术方面取得的巨大成就感到很惊讶。
The foreigners marveled at our great achievements on space technology. The foreigners marveled at greatness of our achievements on space technology.
(2 单句与并列句之间的转换
带有因果关系的并列句可以的转换成简单句。 这套房子的窗户很大,可以接受充分的阳光。 The window of this flat is very large, hence it can admit an adequate amount of sunlight. (译成并列句)
The window of this flat is large enough to admit an adequate amount of sunlight. (译成简单从句)

(3 复句与单句之间的转换
复句与单句之间的转换的特点是将复句的一部分变成短语,这部分可能是主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,定语从句,或状语从句。 遗憾的是,你已经结过婚了。
It is a pity you have already got married. (复句) It is a pity for you to have already got married. (单句) 问题是如何发展。
The question now is how we should develop. (复句)
The question now is how to develop. (单句:复句中的表语从句变成短语) 格里利坚持要那位家伙买《纽约论坛报》来读。
Hollis Greely insisted that the fellow buy New York Forum. (复句)
Hollis Greely insisted on that fellow buying New York Forum. (单句) 愿意留下的可以留下。
Those who want to remain may do so. (复句) Those wanting to remain may do so. (单句) 万一陛下处死乔治·威瑟,那我就要沦为英国最蹩脚的诗了。
In case Your Majesty puts Wither to death , I will be reduced to the shoddiest poet in the UK. (复句)
Your Majesty putting Wither to death , I will be reduced to the shoddiest poet in the UK. (单句)

4. 省译技巧(pruning
1 汉语中一些特指的词,如问题、现象、方法、手段等,译成英语时可以省去。 例如,张雪静改编并翻译的《西厢记》——
(张生)凭着胸中锦绣才华,一举成名,独占熬头,成为天子门生。 Thanks to his exceptional talents, Zhang won the highest honor. 千艺将《三十六计》中的美人计译为将《三十六计》中的美人计译为Sex Trap,空城译为The Empty City, 走为上译为 Retreat,将借刀杀人译为Borrow Other‟s Hand to Kill等,都是省译技巧的典范。
贾赦领着各族子侄在西街门外,贾母领着各族女眷在大门外迎接。半日静悄悄的。 For a long time they waited in silence, Jia She and the young men of the family by the entrance of the west street, the Lady Dowager and the women on front of the main gate. the Lady Dowager and the women on front of the main gate中将谓语承前省去了。 面子问题 听到女儿在她的屋里呜呜地哭泣,妈妈悄悄地走了过来。怎么了?孩子。”“他和我吹了!女儿头也不抬的说。你不是本来也不喜欢他吗?”“可他先说的分手! Face-saving Hearing her daughter was whimpering in her room, mother came over silently." What goes? darling."" He and I have broken off!" Daughter said , even not raise her head. " Do you dislike him originally?" "But, he has said „break-up‟ to me first !" 在上面的小品文中,问题一词没有译出。
A reporter interviewed a group of couples from those who all wives are fat and all husbands are thin . 有人向保加利亚大诗人奥多尔·特拉亚诺夫求教:"怎样才能写出一首好诗呢?"他举例说:"你看到过母鹫没有?它们每次生三个蛋,先丢掉一只,另两只出世后,又只给其一只喂食,精心抚养.学学他们的方法,就可写出好诗来了."
Someone asked Bulgarian poet Odor Trayanov:How can I compose a superb poem?He illustrated: Have you saw the female vultures? They lay three eggs each time, discarding one first. Then they hatch the other two into babies,just feed only one of them in the end. Learn from them, you can write a good poem.

Qianlong , an Emperor of Qing Dynasty , arrived to Zhenjiang city. Standing on the Jinshan Temple , the emperor gazed at the Yangtze River starred of gulls and egrets, so he could not help sighing with emotion:" I wonder how many sails to and fro on the river all through ages!" 铁拐李是中国民间传说中的八仙之一,他蓬头垢面,袒腹跛足。
Tieguaili, one of the Eight Immortals in the Chinese folklore, was unkempt and lame and exposed belly. 因肺部感染发炎,佛朗哥要定期去医院打针。一天,他听到注射室里鬼哭狼嚎,动静不对劲,才知道是护士在实习,就在隔壁躲了一会儿。待风平浪静了,他才进去。这时,就听一老护
With a lung inflamed by an infection, Franco needed to go to hospital for injecting periodically. A day he spotted something suspicious in the injection room, setting up wild shrieks and howls . He then was apprised that nurses were in practice, so he eluded in the next door for a short while. He didn‟t enter until all was serene . Just at this time, a head nurse shouted loudly:" Barbara, coming to make up exam quickly."
3)汉 语中如重复出现一个动词,在英语中可译成省略句,即保留第一个动词即可。 勃烈日涅夫滥建私人别墅,仅在莫斯科郊外就建了好几处。一天,他把老妈从乡下请来,也让她老人家感受一下权力带来的实惠。没想到,老人家上看、下看、左看、右看,一脸的焦虑。
Leonid Brezhnev constructed private villas by prodigality, thus there were quite a few villas only on the outskirts of Moscow. One day, he fetched his mother from the country in order to let her enjoy the real benefit from the power. Unexpectedly, the elderly lady looked the villa up and down ,then from left to right, with apprehensions on her face . 1923年,邱吉尔退出了自由党,丢了内阁大臣的乌纱,因阑尾炎切除手术,又错过下院的竞选。出院后,邱吉尔自嘲地说:今年我丢了党票,丢了乌纱,丢了议员,也丢了阑尾。 In 1923 Churchill withdrew from the Liberty Party and was dismissed from cabinet minister and missed the election of the House of Commons due to appendectomy. After leaving hospital , Churchill consoled himself with soothing remarks :" This year I lost a Party card, a government post, Member of Parliament and appendix as well ." 闻听这次欧米伽是来定居的,接待他的人换成了牙齿不多、皱纹满脸的老太婆。欧米伽迫不及待地问:以前接待我的美女哪去了?那弓腰驼背的老太婆说:朋友,老实跟你说了吧, 观光是一回事,移民可是另一回事呀!
Hearing Omega would settle down this time, receptionist was changed to be an old woman who had a wrinkly face and few teeth left. Omega asked her waiting for no time: "Where are the beautiful women receivers before?" The hunchbacked old woman said:" Friend, to be quite honest about it, sightseeing is one thing, and immigrating is another!"
5.扩译技巧(amplification 1)汉语表达常常省略主语或宾语,译成英语时要补充上去,以免留下无头案。 这些太监会意都知道,说来了,来了,各按方向站住。
At this signal the other eunuchs said,” Her Highness is coming”. The all rushed to their posts. 杨宪益和戴乃迭 元妃省亲的这段译文中,补充了Her Highness(殿下),以示元妃身份的尊贵。
Hou-Baolin ,a master of comic dialogue, had hardly performed a segment Peking Opera when the audience applauded to the echo . 南北马路东西走,出门遇见人咬狗。 拣起狗来砸砖头,却被砖头咬了手。
Along a south-north run road I zigzag, meeting with man biting a dog,
I pick up a dog to hit a brick, but my hand is bitten by the brick 据民间传说,有一场命案中,抓到三个犯罪嫌疑人。包拯没把他们关进大牢,而是关进一座破庙里,并让狱卒传话,必须坐着过夜,三更后神灵要在凶手背上写字。
According to the folk tale, three suspects had been brought to justice about a homicide case. Bao-Zheng did not put them into the prison, but locked them up inside a dilapidated temple instead, ordering the prison guard to tell them not to sit overnight because the spirits were to write on the murderer‟s back after the midnight. (本文未注明出处的段落多出自艾临《幽默新大陆》

2)为使译文自然流畅,需要添加衔接词。 儿呀,快梳妆吧!天气热,早点上路凉爽些。
“Yingtai, hurry up and get dressed! Today the weather is going to be hot; it will be much cooler if you can be on the road while it‟s still morning.” (赵清阁译白话本《梁山伯与祝英台》
Someone objected to a monograph by a scholar who studied Bismarck :" Since you have not seen any prime minister at all, how can you be entitled to find fault with the diplomacy career of Bismarck?" 一个外国游客在布达佩斯的动物园里看到狼和羊在同一个笼子里,大为吃惊,问饲养人员:你们是怎么驯养的?
A foreign visitor was astonished to see a wolf and a sheep being reared in the same pen in a zoo in Budapest , so he asked an animal keeper: How do you domesticate them?” 3)汉语中暗含特殊寓意,相应的英语中应给予扩充和解释。 美国对台三不政策
Washington‟s “three no‟s” policy toward Taiwan——on support for Taiwan independence, no support for a two-China policy,and on support for Taiwan membership in international organizations on the basis of statehood. 风水
Fengshui--the location of a house or tomb,supposed to have an influence on the fortune of a family, geomantic omen.


