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Its new years day in a few days. Every family is preparing for the Spring Festival. My family is no exception. In addition to hygiene and window decoration, we eat dumplings every time we are young, but its not easy to eat them, because we make our own dumplings. 2019年是猪年,当然得吃猪肉馅饺子,所以奶奶早早就跑去买猪肉和饺子皮。上午我去上围棋课,回来时己经12点了。奶奶说吃过午饭,睡过午觉,下午我们来包饺子!这时我高兴地了起来。
2019 is the year of the pig. Of course, we have to eat dumplings filled with pork. So grandma went to buy pork and dumpling skin early. I went to go class in the morning. It was already 12 oclock when I came back. Grandma said that we had lunch, had a nap and made dumplings in the afternoon! Then I jumped up happily. 下午两点,包饺子大战正式展开。我们把手洗的干干净净
的,看起来没有一点细菌之后,就开始包了。因为我不会包,在一边玩的无聊,就用面做了一把短剑,我奶奶看见了,笑着把它放在盘子上,然后对我说:你做的饺子放在这个盘子里,等会儿自己吃。奶奶有点瞧不起我做的饺子,我有些失落,动作也慢了下来。爸爸见我不会包,就教我包。我看一遍流程后,大概明白了一点。于是,我按照爸爸教我的方法,包了起来。 At two oclock in the afternoon, the “battle” of dumplings was officially launched. After we had our hands cleaned and looked free of bacteria, we began to pack. Because I cant pack, I used noodles to make a dagger while playing. My grandma saw it and put it on the plate with a smile. Then she said to me, “the dumplings you made are put on this plate, and Ill eat them later.” Grandma looked down on the dumplings I made. I was a little lost and slowed down. When dad saw that I didnt know how to pack, he taught me how to pack. After I read the process, I got a little bit of it. So I wrapped it up the way my father taught me. 我把饺子皮放在左手上,用勺子舀了一大块肉放上,把饺子皮两边一按,一个饺子就包好了。我自信满满地给我爸看,包的比刚才好多了,他说。
I put the dumpling skin on my left hand, scooped a large piece of meat with a spoon and put it on. Press both sides of the dumpling skin, and one dumpling will be wrapped. I confidently showed my
dad, “the bag is much better than before,” he said.
Hearing this sentence, I continued to draw gourds and ladles just like that, and I wrapped 10 of them in one breath. Then my father said, “how are you? Yes, I can teach you how to use it! “ I was very happy, but I didnt answer him, just nodded. Dumplings seem very simple, but its hard to make them in practice, but as long as you master the tips, everything will come naturally. 一个小时很快就过去,饺子皮包完了,奶奶数了数,有100多个,看着整整齐齐摆在盘子里的饺子,我心想:过年的时候一家人开开心心聚在一起,也许这就是团圆的意义吧……” An hour passed quickly. The dumpling skin was finished. Grandma counted more than 100 dumplings. Looking at the dumplings neatly placed on the plate, I thought to myself, “when the Chinese New Year comes, the whole family will get together happily. Maybe this is the meaning of reunion...”


