
发布时间:2014-10-16   来源:文档文库   
10 Most Dangerous Cities in the World 2014

#10 Camden, New Jersey 美国新泽西州,卡姆登县
Camden, New Jersey, beats out the USA’s two most notorious impovershied cities this year to become not only America’s poorest, but it’s most dangerous city as well. Unemployment is estimated at 30-40 percent with a 70 percent high school dropout rate. Corruption is rampant. In two decades, three mayors have been sent to prison and police have been found guilty of planting evidence, making false arrests and trading drugs for prostitutes. Over a hundred open air drug markets are run by the cities many gangs, from the Bloods to MS-13, and is one of the city’s few thriving businesses. 美国新泽西州的卡姆登县最近超过了美国另外两个臭名昭著的穷困城市,不仅成为美国最穷的城市,还是最危险的城市。这里的失业率在30%-40%之间,辍学率则高达70%。这还是个腐败成风的城市,在20年里,有三任市长下狱,警察也多捏造事实,非法抓捕,甚至与妓女做毒品交易。这里有一百多个公开毒品交易市场,由血帮、MS-13等黑帮势力经营, 这也是卡姆登县仅存不多的好生意。

#9 Maceio, Brazil 巴西,马塞约
Crack cocaine markets are on the rise in Maceio and drive much of its crime. Very addicting, and a favorite of the impoverished, many of Maceio’s poor find themselves quickly in over their heads. Unable to pay back their debt they are then made example of by the cartels. This instills fear in the people and ensures the cartel holds higher control than that of the government. And with the world cup coming this summer many are worried that violence may rise, not just in Maceio, but all of Brazil. 马塞约的高纯度可卡因市场不断发展,并诱发了很多犯罪。毒品是穷人的最爱,很多穷人都有毒瘾,但也很快为之破产。他们因为还不起债务而受到了卡特尔的控制。人心惶惶,卡特尔的控制度甚至高于政府。世界杯今年在巴西举办,很多人担心暴力事件可能不止在马塞约,甚至在整个巴西都会增加。

#8 Karachi, Pakistan 巴基斯坦,卡拉奇
Though the rates seem low at 12.3 murders per capita, Karachi’s rate is much higher than all other large cities in the world about 25 percent higher. Amongst the political in-fighting and
lawlessness, Karachi has become especially famous for its motorbike riding assassins, known as ―target killers‖. For $700-$1000, these target killers will assassinate police, protesters, businessmen, political opponents and innocent citizens without question. 在卡拉奇,每10万人中就有12.3人死于谋杀,尽管这一谋杀比例低于本次榜单中的其他城市,但就整个世界来说,卡拉奇的犯罪率比其他国家约高出25%。在政治混乱和无管制区,卡拉奇的摩托刺客几乎成了专业杀手。只要出7001000美元,他们就敢毫无理由的去刺杀警察,抗议者,商人,政敌和平民百姓。

#7 Mogadhisu, Somalia 索马里,摩加迪休
Coastal city Mogadishu has seen worse days, but it is far from safe for travel. All western nations still hold travel advisory warnings against all of Somalia, especially its capital of Mogadishu. While the city is beginning to gain a little footing in its fight for control, its steps are only minor with threats of kidnapping, terrorism and piracy still reigning high against westerners. Attacks are indiscriminate and often in crowded places and high-profiled events or areas frequented by foreigners. 摩加迪休是索马里的首都,现在的局势已有好转,但对于游客来说仍然很危险。很多西方国家依旧对索马里的所有城市发布旅游警告,尤其是首都摩加迪休。尽管这个城市正在努力控制局面,但是它做出的努力与对西方国家游客构成威胁的绑架,恐怖主义和海盗来说微乎其微。暴力袭击不分青红皂白,且经常发生在闹市、引人注意的活动现场或者外国游客较多的地方。

#6 Acapulco, Mexico 墨西哥,阿卡普尔科
The high rises, cute vacation homes and international stores do a good job of masking what lies under the surface, as Acapulco is Mexico’s most dangerous city – even over border town Ciudad Juarez. Acapulco, once a luxurious sea port and tropical retreat, has fallen host to drug cartel wars over territory due to its strategic location along trade routes. In an attempt to defend the city’s money-making tourist areas, locals receive second-rate protection from gangs and public beaches continue to make great dumping grounds for spreading messages beheadings are a favorite. 高楼大厦,漂亮的度假屋和国际商店很好的掩盖了这里的真实面目,阿卡普尔科及其到边境城市雷斯之间的范围是墨西哥最危险的地方。阿卡普尔科曾经是一个奢华的海港城市,是热带度假胜地,但是由于地处毒品交易路线的关键位置,已经深受毒品卡特尔战争所害。为了保卫这个城市的经济支柱旅游业,当地人接受了黑帮势力的微弱保护,但公共沙滩依然是毒品交易交换信息的垃圾场,常有斩首恶行发生。

#5 Kabul, Afghanistan 阿富汗,喀布尔
United Nations and American agents fear a risk of civil war in Afghanistan once American troops pull out of the country by the end of this year. With troops pulling out, Afghanistan is set to make decisions on their own like a recent announcement to release 65 alleged Taliban fighters from jail despite objections. In 2013, Afghanistan saw an increase in woman protestors demanding their rights, but have since regressed along with an increasing disregard for human rights in general. In lieu with such political turmoil and a history of terrorist extremists, an up-crease in suicide bombings in Kabul aren’t an if, but a when.

#4 Cape Town, South Africa 南非,开普敦
Though numbers appear low, Cape Town makes the list for the fact that violence in South Africa is increasing. Numbers had been on a downward trend for the past nine years, but are beginning to rise as of late. While the rise in the murder rate was slight, at 0.6 percent, the number of attempted murders rose by 6.5 percent, violent house robberies by 3.6 percent and carjackings by 5.4 percent. Drug-related crime rose by 13.5 percent and truck hijackings by nearly 15 percent. Attacks are described as opportune and indiscriminate. 尽管开普敦的犯罪率较低,但是南非逐渐增多的暴力行为导致开普敦也被列入最危险的城市。在过去的九年里,犯罪率曾经有所下降,但是近期又开始反弹。尽管谋杀率上升的幅度很小,目前是0.6%谋杀未遂的比例却已经升至6.5%暴力入室抢劫的比例达到了3.6%劫车的比例也上升到了5.4%和毒品相关的犯罪升至13.5%卡车劫持的比例将近15%这些暴力攻击都是有预谋且不分原因的。

#3 Caracas, Venezuela 委内瑞拉,加拉加斯
Violence and governmental protest continue to increase along with inflation and crime since the passing of Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, on March 5, 2013. Protestors flood the streets of Venezuelan capital, Caracas, almost daily. Numerous youth have resided to either engage in violent protest or have given up on the country, taking opportunities to study abroad in an attempt to trampoline out of the country as its living conditions have been described by citizens as
―impossible.‖ A coup d’etat has been deemed imminent.

#2 San Pedro Sula, Honduras 洪都拉斯,圣佩德罗苏拉
For the third consecutive year, San Pedro Sula in Honduras is the murder capital of the world, where random criminal violence took the lives of 1,411 citizens last year in a city of 752,990. As a nation, Honduras averages 20 reported murders a day. Experts say Mexico’s offense against drug cartels and the U.S. deportation of criminal immigrants pushes the problem south and due to Honduras’ convenient location, most activity has come to centralize here. 洪都拉斯的圣佩德罗苏拉已经连续三年都是世界的谋杀之都,去年这里的随机暴力犯罪已经夺去了1400人的生命,这个城市的人口总共才75万。洪都拉斯全国报道的谋杀案日均20起。专家称墨西哥对毒品卡特尔的反对及美国将其刑事犯人遣送至该国的行为将问题逐渐向南转移,而洪都拉斯由于位置便利,首当其冲成为暴力活动的中心。

#1 Aleppo, Syria 叙利亚,阿勒波
A city under siege. Citizens are crossing from Aleepo Syria’s economic hub – to Turkey in exodus fashion, as protests between citizens and government has erupted into an all out civil war. After three years of food and fuel shortages, along with governmental tactics of systematically dropping explosive barrels and chemical weapons on civilian areas, Syria has become unlivable. Since the new year, attacks continue to escalate killing citizens by the hundreds. Power and water is cut, trash piles up spreading disease. Over 100,000 civilians have fled the front lines of a genocidal regime, even risking a feared bridge targeted by snipers, to cross into Turkey. A 26 year old refuge names Sobhi desribes it best, ―It’s an entirely empty city — a city of ghosts. If you went there, you would be scared to even cross the street.‖


