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Winter is coming. Hike up the snow outside. Grunting pigs hiding in the house while doing little cake, and watching TV.
"Knocked!" Suddenly someone knocked at the door. Snoring pig thought it was the clever Wolf, but opened the door a look, and empty no one outside the door.
Grunting pigs are wondering, "shout" a voice came in a big wind. "The wind's really big!" Snoring pig hurriedly closes door, "strange, clearly heard a knock at the door!"
Suddenly in front of the light that came in the room a little wind sends out a beautiful light in the sky. Suddenly, the whole room become warm rise. "Is the brother of the sun, got lost in the snow?" Snoring pig is very strange, "little CARES, with the sun, I never afraid of the cold!" Continue to make their own small cake snoring a pig.
"One, one, a small sun in the home, warm and happy good comfortable!" Snoring pig singing happily.
"Knocked!" At that time, there was a knock at the door from outside. "This must be a clever Wolf!" Snoring pig scramble up the table, the little hug tightly in her arms, to the door and shouted, "wait a minute, you wait a minute!"
"Hide where?" Grunting pigs in the house out in a rash, "if he saw small sun, asking me to borrow?" Outside and knock on the door, a try so hard, the snoring little pigs will plug under the bed.
"What are you doing? The along while don't open the door!" Take the door, clever Wolf will Q.
"Can't you see I am making a cake?" Snoring pig answer. "How so warm in the house?" The clever Wolf is a little wonder.
Pig snoring quickly motioning with his hand said: "you walked away hot! I am nothing special in the room!"

Clever east Chou Chou west look at the Wolfsuddenly found that snoring pig there's a light at the end of the bed: "wow, 'how do you hid lamp under the bed ? "
Snoring pigs, under the bed if there is light, it was the small sun. "It's not a desk lamp! You!" Grunting pigs pushed the clever Wolf to the table, "I ask you to eat cake!"
Snoring pig wantto alert the Wolf's attention to the cake. But at this moment, the snow started to fall suddenly in the room. Soon, the sofa, bed, table, all piled up a layer of white snow.
"Strange, the room can also snow?" Clever at my desk and then snow Wolf. Grunting pigs in the cold Shivering, "the snow come from?"
At this moment, suddenly flashed through the house to a beautiful girl, to shout pig said: "I'm a genie winter, your room so cold, why don't you give me to take out your small sun together to keep warm?"
Grunting pigs embarrassedly held the small sun out from under the bed: "originally the small sun is winter elf!!"
Clever Wolf see, burst out laughing. Two little friend around together for warmth.
The laughter in the house, the house also gradually melted snow. After reading the parents interaction: Have a good things to share with friends. 冬天来了。外面飘起了雪花。呼噜猪躲在屋子里一边做小蛋糕,一边看电视。 “咚咚咚!”突然有人敲门。呼噜猪以为是机灵狼来了,可是打开门一看,门外空空的没有人。
“这阵风可真大!”呼噜猪赶紧将门关上,“奇怪,明明听到敲门声的呀!” 忽然面前亮光一闪,屋子里出现了一个小太阳,飘在空中散发出美丽的光芒。顿时,整个屋子变得暖和起来。
“难道是太阳的弟弟,在雪天迷路了?”呼噜猪很奇怪,“管它呢,有了这个小太阳,我再也不怕冷了!” 呼噜猪继续做自己的小蛋糕。

“藏到哪儿呢?”呼噜猪在屋子里急得团团转,“他如果看到小太阳,要问我借怎么办?”外面的敲门声越来越响,一着急,呼噜猪将小太阳塞到了床底下。 “你在干什么呢?半天不开门!”一进门,机灵狼就问。 “没看见我在做蛋糕吗?”呼噜猪回答。 “屋子里怎么这么暖和?”机灵狼有点纳闷
呼噜猪不好意思地从床底下将小太阳抱了出来:“原来这个小太阳是冬精灵的呀!!” 机灵狼明白了,哈哈大笑起来。 两个小伙伴围着小太阳一起取暖。整个屋子里欢声笑语,屋子里的雪也逐渐融化了。
The turtle's home, there was a will bear the orange tree. Orange trees is not big, but every fall, it will produce a full of orange trees, the golden one by one, especially delicious.
This spring, little turtle think: "I miss old turtle lived in the mountains in the distance, I gave him the orange tree."

The turtle put the orange trees carefully dug up from the soil, into the basin, on her back, the basin and bound together his own body. So, how far way, orange trees won't fell off his back. The turtle go.
Walk, he saw the roadside willow germination. Walk, he saw the lotus in the lake.
Walk, he saw some tree leaves are falling down.
Finally, the turtle walked into the distance of the mountains and found the old tortoise.
"Mountain turtle's uncle, I'll come to see you. Send you a orange tree, in this autumn, you can eat to sweet and sour orange." The turtle said. "Yeah, yeah." Old tortoise, laughing happily.
At that time, little turtle saw, the orange tree in his back, have filled with the orange, one is golden.
The turtle said, "what is this? I came out, is spring."
Laoshan the tortoise said: "ah, so you go so far, has come in the spring, and through the summer, now, is spring!" The turtle also smiled.
The turtle and old tortoise, began to eat an orange the orange on the tree. 小乌龟的家里,有一棵会结橘子的树。橘子树不大,但是,每到秋天,它就会结出满满一树的橘子,一个个金黄金黄的,特别好吃。
小乌龟把橘子树从土里小心地挖出来,装进盆子里,背在背上,把盆子和自己的身子捆在一起。这样,走多远的路,橘子树也不会从背上掉下来了。 小乌龟出发了。
走啊走啊,他看见路边的柳树发芽了。 走啊走啊,他看见湖里的荷花开了。

走啊走啊,他看见一些树的叶子正纷纷地落下来。 终于,小乌龟走到了远方的山里,找到了老山乌龟。
老山乌龟说:“哈,原来你走了那么远的路,走过了春天,又走过了夏天,现在,又是春天啦!” 小乌龟也笑了。
A blind ass, which had undertaken a long journey, wandered from the road into a forest.
As the night came on, our foolish fellow went so far into the thicket that it couldn't move either backward or forward; and even one who had eyes would have been unable to get out of that difficulty. But an owl, by good luck, happened to be in the neighbourhood, and offered to act as a guide to the ass. 夜幕降临时,这头蠢驴钻进了灌木丛,进退不得。就是视力好的动物也没有办法摆脱这个困境。幸运的是,一只猫头鹰恰好在附近,它乐意为驴子当向导。
We all know how well owls see at night. Hills, hillocks, precipicesall these our owl distinguished as if it had been daylight.By daybreak, it had made its way with the ass to the level road.
Now, how could any one part with such a guide? So the ass entreated the owl not to desert it, and determined to visit the whole world in the owl's company.

Our owl seated itself like a lord on the back of the ass, and the two friends began to continue their journey.
But did it prosper? No. The sun had scarcely begun to glow in the morning sky, when a greater than nocturnal darkness hid everything from the owl's eyes. But our owl is obstinate; it directs the ass at random.
但是,这能行得通吗?不能。清晨,太阳刚刚放射出光芒,猫头鹰眼前就出现了比夜幕还黑的黑暗,什么也看不见了。可是,它一意孤行,随意地指挥着驴子。 “Take care!”it cries,“We shall tumble into a pool, if we go to the right.”
There was really no pool on the right; but on the left there was even worse.
实际上,右边根本没有什么池塘,左边的情况反而更糟。 “Keep more to the left—another pace to the left!” “再往左边一点儿,往左迈一步。”
And, the owl and the ass fell into the ravine together. 结果,猫头鹰和驴一起掉进了深谷。



