
发布时间:2021-01-01   来源:文档文库   

]• Vovubular> und Structure

DirectionsBeneath each of the following sentencesf there arc four choices marked A, Bt C and ! Choos the

one thut best complete the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points

1. All the world is _____________ threc parts-fingrr-feeders# chupstick-feeders# and fork


A. fall into B.-separate from

D. tlivided into C. broken up
King Henry HI. 2. The bear belonged

LX on

3. She _________ wnited until they had finished• and then, she brgan to 5pc«k cfllmly

but firmly.

A. peculiarly B. pflthetically

C perfectly D. putirntly

L If one needs a lift over some obstacle that seems iniposstble to get beyond, the other
won11 leave until the obstacle is _____________ .

A. corrected B<. conquered
C. contrasted D. completed

5. For centuries• people have been amazed by children ol unusual __________________
A. temple B. talent

C. target D. length

6. Scientist discovered how to _____________ atoms decades before the invention of ntoniic


A. split C. destroy B. break D. tear 7 H< _________ he ho tren xmc very >enou> Accidents A. utRme H. Admits IX believes rtrni.
「• conniders
& Sime |k%ip|e in Sanfh Anicncn A. Hi
C tu , arc u-w to
Shr ________ for twenty months until they Gnally _____________ tu rurr h”. A> waited . . • CJimr C hud wnitrd .. • came
K watted . . • had come (X had waifrd .. . hd come IO. Incoherent like the h|(ht Irani the sun or the 1讪,bulb. _______________________ (rom itn •ourcc in al! direction^
A. move aw«y C. Eovnt iway [I C loic I nr r«ch numtxrrd blank in tbc follcmlng there arr four chokct marked At

moving uway I, moved *w«y Bt( ■nrf l>- < h th< bcM one und mark |oar answer on the ANSWER SHHET. (20 poinlw When the pUnc nrclctl over the airport• everyone felt that wmttbinx W*B wrong. The phnr WA% moving unstrftdily ihrouuh the and 11 _ the pynRrn hud hetrned thnr •cii belts• they were suddenly thrown forwartl At the moment> thr Atrho^tr%% 12 . She lookrd very juile hut quite elm. Spcnkinft quickly but in • whtupert >he 3 every one chai the pilot hod fainted and a^krd il any one n( rhe pat^ngrr% knew anythinit /iboul tntichinr^ or • J < huw to drive a w. Aher moment eii hmitatinru a man got up and (allowed die hointo the pih". cabcru Moving thr IS • the man took hit MNH ond liMcncd carefully to ihr urgent infitructionit that were betn^ rn, by radio from the airport 16 . The phne WMA now rlNngrruunly ck>r Uthe ground, but tn cvrtyotir1* R _ • it woon l>c|tnn io cliinh. J lu- m^n had to nrrlc tliv airport «cvcr«I nmeu in urdrr to herome 18 with the control*. Bm the mw had not yel pomd. The trrnbb IU mme whrn h< had h> land. Fallowing inRiriictirn^» iht mwn Hu=h,d tlie |ilnne toward ilu AirhvhL li “umk violently 2. it fotichwl thr Mrotind nnnipiilly MIUIIK ihv runw/iy And /dtrr n liitig run it ^inpjnul mkly. lb A. then H. while ft. shifted B. crtwrrd B. bc*f H. Iwick B. down H. pkanurc B. eloM? H. A((air B. «o (\ Although C- uppr/ired C inipnrvi! C. length C n(l C. nenr (' horror C. inthiintc IX ihcreftirc T>. prvMMHKl !>• ihMtrurird D. IftMMt IX fllxilll D. bcluw IX iruni D. untlcfHtoiHl 1. mavetnent IX A»
12. A. cxpu>c13. A. informed H. A. hrnt 15. A. idc 16. A. under 17. A. rclirf 18. A. laniiliar 19. A. ide* 20. A urilms H . Heudin|> Comprehension ( niumrnt C. while
Directions Ench of the pMIE K followed by Mime questions. K(ir cuch question (here carefull and chaow the bcM Mnnwtr arc faur mi'Kcni miirkni At Bt C and I. Rend Ihr In each of the questions Murk ynur answer ttn the ANSWER SHEET. (20 pointM Question% 21 25 are based on I he following pamanc.
An you nw^rc that you Actunlly PDMRCRH six nc、? Ihr s^xth M B mu^cidfir nenfte ri^pcinsible lor direcring ynur muscles iniclheently to the exAd extent necessary h>r each Action you perform. For rxM!nple« when you reach lor an object. the -icnwry nerves linkiriK TIK niu>cle> To rhe hram etep your hand a the mrrert Thin AUtamntic percent Jan uf thr pusitiQh of yuur nmacksi in rehtion tu the object h yuut musicular MUM in Mrnont
MUMCICN lire hundlw of filirr* varying from one fiver thouwindfh ol /tn inch to A bout ihrrr inrhr^. They hnvc three1 unique chanictrristicR. tlivy CJII become shorter and thickeri they CDO ^frrtchi and they enn rrtract to thrir original pa9 llrxlrr a high powerrd mu ro^copr• UIUM IC hwstir i> wren >3 lung. Blender rdh with N grAtny texture like wood. More th«n hnlf nf 4 p-rwin ■ ■ body IN rurnpoM d oi tnu«iclr ”hrr tn”l of whirh /ire invaluiHflryin other woniei< work without connctouB directIPIL Thr voluntary muNclene ihone that wr move consciously to |>erlonn purticulor uctiunst number mure thftn Gvr hundred. Wurnrn hnvit only 60 tn 7U prfernt murh niiiwdr rnrn for rhrir Inxly rnn%>. I hiH why nn nverngr womun CMII lift ■ mucht throw an far. cif hit NB hnrd AM nn i*vrr/igr rum 2L Accardinv to thr selection* thr muscular KCHM- in uncd for ______________
A. ihr effil irncy of our muMcIrn B, thr normnl hrmthing I unction C dircciinK uur fnu»dcs inrclli|l>e thr work of only our involiint^ry munclm 22. Intrlhgtfnt uur ol thr mutcle% mtttnit tlut ____________ .
A nnr always knowm what hit> rmiwclm urr doing It unr |>crformH simpk nctiunn without working (onef • muRrlc* nrc irH«d only io rhr extern necxbwny lor CACK Action they ptrfortn V. nnr iniprovrn muscuhr action conwrioudy 23. Muirlrt art unique hberM bccnutci they cm A> contFACt G rrtrwcl K stretch IX do ull o( thr ahovr . 21. Under a nncni^copci rnusclc ctllw wpprar to be ____________ A, textured like wood H, colored like wood(\ hfinKilh «nIX ihon and thick
Z5. According to thr nckclum more ihnn hall ul a pcr^jn * » l>ody 15 c nmpOM-d ol A. vnluntnry mu»ckA C. rnuAclc fibem B. invulunlary tnu»clcs [. ncnbory ncrve»
26 - JO are baxed an the foUawtnn puaxage.
In 1939 two brothers. Mae and Dick MctJonaldt NUrted n drive in rvMAuranl in San Hrrnndinoe CaHlornin They cArcfidly 1 ho^c » h“y comer for thrir locMirt Vhcy hnd run :heir own biMnc>Mc# kir yrnm# lirnt n thrater< then n l>Arbecue reAthurAnT• nnd ihrn another dnvr iru Hut in thrir new cipcratroru they offered n ncwt shortened mcmii French friciit hiimburKers« and MC!AA9 !O thin small ^election they added one hew concrpi 1 quick ncrvice. no nr wnHmwand no tips, I hrir h/imhurxrr% ftnld (nr (iflrrn rcntiK. Chretr WAS nnnfhcr four rr nt*t I hrir Frcru h nr* Mnd hnmburgrrn hnd n rcmArknblc unlfurmity< for thr bruiher# hnd dflcpcd n ^tnrt routine for the prcpurution of their food. And they in«ti5icd on their cookx* wticking to lheir routine. Thvit nrw dfiverin bcrAtrir incrrdibJy populnr• parlu uhrly (or lunch. Proph drovr up by thr hundrrdn during thr buny noM U-Mwrvice reHtAurnnt ^a> Mpopular vhAl fhc braihrrh had iillowrd Irn cupiev tif thrir rrstnuriint to be (ipcnrtl They wvrr ctinlrnt with this modest Mircc^w nrHil they met Rxy Kroc, Krrx- WBW n nnln^man who met I he Mrlknahl brothrrn in lt54. when hr wn» nelhriK milknhakr mixing tnachmcii< He quickly RAW ibc unique appral at thr brothers f fnm food rmtuiirnntu and bought the r*ht to franchise othrr mpir< of thrir rr»tAunin!». The .igrrt^nrni struck included fhr right tnienth fhc ei|iiipnieni • rvrn thrir red And white building* with lhe xolden urrhs. Todny Mcfkmnld^ in rc/illy n houwehold nnmc ltd nnniew lor iu sandwiche* have come to mrnn hnnibtirgrr in I hr drciule# aincr the dny liny Kroc wAtchrd people nmh up To order (ilrtrn rrnt hnmbiirRcr^t In lf7G Mcfkjnnld*R had over $ I billion in totnl h firm twenty two yr/irn in line of I hr nn«t incredible *uc< rf.3 ntories in fiiodvi n Arnrrienn htmirw*% hlmcry. 26, l ltifi po>?A. rhr dovrh^pHH ni n( I ft HI (ood M rvicrN . Be how Mrponrddhccamc H billion dolbit buMnrnn l\ ihr huNrw” IX Ray Kruc*n bujilne^t talrnt 27. Muc And Pick maiuiKrd nil o( the fallowing buHneoes exeepi A. • drive in
It ft HIK tllM t\ A ihcMtrr IX n bnrbrcnc rr^tnurMtit
28t Wr rnny infer from thi» pnsnagc ihai . A. Muc and Dick McDonald never been me wealthy for they <(ld their idea to Krot H. rhe locntion thr MdAohMtR rhtijir WAthe only source of the Krvnr popukrify of rheir dnveMn (\ Forty ytnrji auo there were nunirrou» font-food re«tAumnts D. Rfiy Kroe w。。u good buAinr«nmnn 29 Thr ggtm that __________ __ ___ . A. crcfluvny IM an importuni rlrtnrnt nt hiiMnrss MirctfMji B. Rny Kmc wnw thr CIOM partner cl thr McDonald brothers C. MAC and Dick MeDmudd beenmr hroken after they «ol>.(aliforma l« the bent plnrc to go into bininr*^ 30. A> uwed in the ^centu! ^rntrncr of (he third poruffrnpht the word ^urihiue"1 tnenn# A. hpcctal B. nnrncdvr C. finnhcial I. prcuhur IV • I runHktlnn Directh>n« Pul cnch nf the following ^ciilrnccM Into Enghwh or Chlni^v9 iisini the word Klvcn In thr lirmkrl If uny< Write y (5 pointu 31. FAMIMOII dcNiKnrrR arc olh n itdluctirrd by pop culturr • M> it didn r I Hike loriK (or the tfriinpc look to make it to thr rtiriwny^ 32. Not only did rich pcuplr ketp pein, they mmlr them do ^IrAngr ihingh for thrir rnlrrtMnmrn!«
33. Inrrvthhly» euLcrctkil m driving the rnoojir out of her t< arm but not before ROWIC of hrr duu-i hiwl brrfi urvrrcly injurrek 34.ft儿个"ftl*人们对神审现象 NfMU迎也方向的认RWWM4眼十 开的的• (fARChlMlH>n> . V h # MJttHM认为•儿f W fit frM女修户生从3的恋处於系为时太早
T.谊是他价速个的竹的fftt. (rrktion^hijO V. Writing Dlrvrlhim For thi* purl >OM arc allowc n>m|MK|i|(m In n*、、Ihuti 100 wonh iiriMinilnx Io Ihr inrrmulhm gEs. Wrilr ynwr nn^wcr on Ihr ANSWER {25
point* 46.HJ人类眼窟俊吸挑战. ⑵心为什么耳。接受旋故? 3当今”会.人类仍面临竹务恍故. You run write the composition in thrw punigrM|>ii^f Remember tn uritv it nvutly,
试题答案及评分标准 (仅供参考)
I分【20%.每小18 2分)

1. D 6. A 2. C 7. B

:k D 8. A

L B 9. C

5. B ID. C

II. M二辞分(瓦% .每小Z分)


12. C 17. A

13. A IM. A

IL D 19. C

15. A 20. D
U. I

m. JR三部分(加%.2分)
21. C

22. C 2L H 22. D 28. D 24. A 29. A 25. C 30. A 26. B 4第四那分U5X.80 3
(祚来月八 定要求与所价器左完佥 .ft W.无沿往精俱«1 3分,华本符介句 •孙火语佚情供.2$&符合何埼L有胴显剧携.《» 1分■不料合句H •句子无法 J豺•,神。分.共他惘况,的情加分.»:
WFL 1. P'n^hion dem^kc it to ihr runway. only did rich people krvp prln. they mndr them dn
thin*, fur their 33. Im-rrHI he r Ibid brrti *evrrrly Injured. w SJL-fti以来人们对tn nan.对―方atJAH研究印屋近q *
/f ((RftcihAtlOll 35.…个卜五,卜孩的妈姻认为.F和一位。方的女伐产1认应的仙处袈系为时太早 T.谊压他饴这个!M腰的(rclMionshlp
31. 时装役计师常常受到施行文化的影响•亿|.uw*fiui筋久就d. i r r w
itfr. 32. ff Af]不仅喂养斐物.他们还it它们来做 些奇怪的事情以供他们章乐
33. 今人惊讶的是.他电X把那头驼鹿从内队地』」「山卓但基有几只刑巳处严更受伤. 34. Evrn though ihrrr has hren n (ancniAlion with child protlinic* fur tenturir^. thtrr hn* been little
M,nou?» «tu3 H?rrS hlu answer to n fiftectr year old boy. whusr mother fell he w” loo young to hnve n Mcriou* rrUnonship with H girl who lived fnr oway.


.结构比较合理.文字比较岫帐 1620枚好 无函大语史错误.内容比牧切
11 15.沿法情找很多舶忤放乱.内容与题口四求不很 致•字散不缠. 0-9很差.沿句不通诂法帽误太多•文不对5构混乩.


