
发布时间:2018-09-20 12:22:52   来源:文档文库   


Lesson 1 Hello

Teaching content:

1. Greetings: hello, hi

2. Self-introduction: My name is

3.Asking for others names: Whats your/his/her name?

二、Teaching goals

1. Understand the text

2.Remember the words: hello, name, my, your, his, her, I, is, what

3. Make sure the Ss can introduce each other in English

三、Key points:

Whats your/his/her name?

My /his/her name is

四、Difficult point: Whats his/her name?

五、Preparation: A map of China and a map of Canada; some pictures of characters such as Sun Wukong, LanMao and so on.

六、Teaching aids: Recorder, pictures or cards

七、Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking

八、Teaching procedure

Step 1.Warming up. Discuss the following questions with the Ss in Chinese

1. Why do we learn English?

2. Where is English spoken?

3. Do you know any English words?

4. Is English interesting?

5. Do you often come across English words?

Step 2. Lead in. Discuss these questions:

1. What do you say when you meet someone?

2.Do you know what Canadians say when they meet?

3. How do you introduce yourself or someone else in Chinese?

4.Do you know how to introduce someone in English?

Today were going to learn something about them. Do you want to know?

Step 3. New lesson:

No. 1 Hello/Hi, my name is

1. Presentation

Pretend to meet someone. Say Hello or Hi, my name is.

Make sure the Ss can understand it. Encourage them to repeat.

2. Practice

Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to greet each other and introduce themselves. Then ask some pairs to act it out.

No. 2. What your/his/her name

1. Presentation

Say My name is___. Whats your name? Translate if necessary. Then repeat a few times. Encourage the Ss to follow until they can say it correctly.

2. Practice

Work in chain like this:

A: (to B) My name is ___. Whats your name?

B: My name is ___. (to C) Whats your name?


Then ask some Ss to act it out.

3. Presentation and practice: Whats his/ her name?

Show a picture of LAN Mao and say, Whats his name? His name is Lan Mao. Ask the question and help the Ss to answer. Then repeat. Work in pairs to practice the dialogue and ask some pairs to act it out.

4. Introduce the characters on the textbook: Li Ming, Jenny, and Danny. Teach the words China and Canada, using maps of them. Then explain the sentence I live in___.

5.Listen and follow

6. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.


Sum up the lesson briefly by practicing all the dialogues in the text.

8. Homework

Read the text and practice the dialogue.

Lesson 2 How are you?

一、Teaching content

1. Greeting: Nice to meet you

2. Teach the song How are you?

二、Teaching goals

1. Understand the text

2. Remember the mastery vocabulary

3. Understand and sing the song How are you?

三、 Key points: Greet someone with the phrase How are you?

四、 Difficult point: greeting and response in the text

五、 Preparation

1. Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb

2. Write the new words on the Bb

六、Teaching aids: audiotape and some pictures

七、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and singing

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up. Greeting and review. After greeting (Hi, Hello), review the dialogue in the last lesson briefly.

Step 2. Lead in. Ask the Ss the questions in Chinese:

1. What do Chinese say when they meet each other?

2. Canadians dont ask the questions such as Have you had your meal? or Where are you going?.  Do you know what they say expect Hi or Hello

Step 3. New lesson

1. Presentation. Explain that Canadians greet each other by saying How are you? and Nice to meet you. Explain the meaning of the expressions. Encourage the Ss to repeat a few times.

2. Listen and say. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

3. Practice. Work in pairs. Encourage the Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. Demonstrate the dialogue with one or two Ss, and then ask some pairs to act it out for the rest of the class.

Step 4. Demonstrate and practice the dialogue:

Hello! My name is ___. Whats your name?

My name is ____ .Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Step 5. Teach the song How are you?

1. Go over the words of the song and practice them.

2. Explain the last line

3. Play the song for the Ss to follow.

Step 6. Summary. Sum up the greeting and response, combining with the useful expressions in this lesson.

Step 7. Homework.

1. Read and practice the dialogue.

Sing the song How are you

Lesson3 Boy, Girl and Teacher

一、 Teaching content

1. The statement This is a teacher/boy/girl

2. Number one—five

二、 Teaching goals

1. Understand the text

2. Remember the mastery vocabulary: boy, girl, teacher, chair, book, desk, one—five

三、 Key point: This is ____; Number one to five

四、 Difficult point: plural forms of the nouns

五、 Preparation

1. Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb

2. Write the new words on the Bb

3. Bring ten books on the teachers desk

六、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, reading

七、 Teaching resources: audio tape, pictures, books, chairs and desks in the classroom

八、 Teaching procedure

九、 Teaching procedure Design for activities



Sing the song

Review the greeting

Introduce new items of the lesson

Make the Ss understand the text

Work in pairs: ask and answer

Practice the items

Act out the dialogue; count the numbers

Consolidate the items

Step 1. Warming up.

Say Hello, how are you? make the Ss respond correctly. Then sing the song How are you

Step 2. Teach the new words boy, girl, and teacher by pointing a girl/boy/yourself or pictures. Explain the sentence This is a _____.

Step 3. Let the Ss to practice This is a ____ by pointing at someone.

Step 4. Use the pictures to teach the new words: chair, book. Demonstrate Whats this? Its a ___. Then practice them with the Ss.

Step 5. Teach the numbers one –five, using your fingers to show the meaning. Then use the books on the desk to demonstrate. Pay attention to the plural of the word book.

Step 6.Encourage the S to practice the number by pointing boys, girls, desks, chairs, and books. Then ask some Ss o do this in front of the class.

Step 7. Sum up the items briefly

Step 8. Homework

Read the text. Try to use the items in the classroom

Lesson 4 Where

一、 Teaching content

1. Where is___?

2. New words: classroom, library

3. Sing the song

二、 Teaching aims

1. Understand the text

2. Remember the words: where, school, classroom, library

3. Sing the song

三、Key point: Where is____?

四、Difficult point: the words of the song

Preparation before class

1. Some pictures of school, classroom and library

2. Write the new words on the Bb

3. Bring 5 pictures about the song

六、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, response and singing

七、 Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up

1. Greeting. Greet the Ss with the expressions in L1 and L2

2. Sing the song How are you

3 Review the item This is a _____. and Whats this? by pointing something

4. Count the numbers

Step 2. Presentation

1. Use pictures to teach the words classroom, school, and library.

2. Pretend to look for your book everywhere, saying, Where is my book? Then point to the book and say There it is. Write the sentence on the Bb.

Step 3. Practice. Encourage the Ss to practice in pairs, using books, chairs, desks, etc. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Then ask someone to demonstrate for the rest of the class.

Step 4. Presentation: go over the words of the song

1. Do actions to demonstrate jump, look, point, reach, sit and stand, adding up and down. e.g. look up/down.

2. TPR activities. Demonstrate order and response with one student. Say stand up, look up and so on, and encourage the student to respond. Then do the same with the rest of the class.

3. Practice. Work in pairs. One gives the orders and the other do the actions.

4. Go over the words of the song. Make sure the Ss understand them.

5. Chant and sing.

Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Practice in pairs

Do it together

Step 5. Sum up the text briefly to consolidate the items. Play Hide –and –search game to review Where is___

Step 6. Homework

1. Read the text

Sing the song

Lesson 5 What this?

一、 Teaching content

1. New words: pen, pencil, pencil case, marker, blackboard

2. Whats this? Its a _____.

3. How many ____ do you have? 

二、 Teaching aims

1. Understand the text

2. Remember the new words

3. Ask and answer about How many____?

三、 Key points

1. Whats this?

2. How many___ ?

四、 Difficult points: The question How many___? And the answers

五、 Preparation

1 Prepare some pictures of school, classroom and library

2. Bring some real things such as pen, pencil, pencil case and marker

六、 Teaching aids: audiotape, some pictures, books, pens, pencils and markers

七、 Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up. Greet the Ss and review the last lesson. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue like this:

A: Whats this?

B: Its a ____.  (Using old words)

Step 2. Presentation

Use real objects or pictures to teach the new words. Write them on the blackboard. Play the tape for the Ss to follow.

Step 3. Practice.

Encourage the Ss to practice Whats this? Its a ___, (using new words). Then ask some pairs to act it out, using real things or pictures.

Step 4. Presentation

Hold up three pens and say How many? a few times. Make sure the Ss understand it. Introduce in this way: How many? How many pencils? How many pencils do you have?

Step 5. Practice

Let the Ss work in pairs. Lead them to practice like this:

A: Do you have any ___?

B: Yes/No.

A: How many ___ do you have?

B: _____.

Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Ask some pairs to act it out.

Step 6. Summary

Review the new words and the drill. Sum up them briefly.

Step 7. Homework

1) Read the text and practice the dialogue.

Finish the activity book.

Lesson6: My friend

一、 Teaching content

1. Letters A—G

2. The ABC song

3. Introducing others: This is___. He/she is ____.

二、 Teaching aims

1. Understand the text

2. Master the letters: A B C D E F G

3. Sing the song

4. Master the drills

三、 Key point:

1. The letters A---G

2. This is____. She is ____.

四、 Difficult point: words of the song

五、 Preparation

1. Make 26 English letter cards

2. Bring some real objects such as a book, an eraser, a pen, a pencil, a pencil case, a marker etc.

3. Some pictures of fish, door, girl, boy, teacher

. Teaching aids: audiotape, letter cards, pictures

七、 Type of the lesson: listening, speaking and singing

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up. Greet the Ss by saying Good morning/afternoon. How are you today? Encourage the Ss to reply

Step 2. Review the drill What this? Its a ____. and How many___?

Step 3. Presentation

Tell the Ss that English words are made up of letters and that English alphabet has 26 letters. Each letter has two sizes. Generally speaking, every letter makes a sound. e.g. the letter B makes a [b] sound in the word book. Demonstrate Aapple, using s picture of an apple. Then present the rest letters in the same way. Play the tape for the Ss o follow.

Step 4. Practice

1. Use the cards to practice the letters and words in this lesson. Write the letters on the Bb. The letters have arrows that show how, and in what sequences to make the strokes. On the Bb, show the Ss how to follow he arrows to write each letter. Then let the Ss practice writing them.

2. Work in pairs like this:

Whats this?

Its A/B/an apple. 

Ask some pairs to ct it out

Step 5. The ABC song

1. Go over the words of the song

2. Play the tape for the Ss to follow

Step 6. Presentation

1. Teach the meaning of the word friend and he/she

2 Point to a boy/ girl and say, This is ____ (name). He /she is my friend. Repeat it a few times. Explain the meaning if necessary.

Step 7. Practice

1. Play the tape for the Ss to follow

2. Work in pairs or groups. Practice the dialogue. Then ask some pairs or groups to act it out.

Step 8. Summary

1. Sum up the letters and words by showing cards and pictures

2. Sum up the way of introducing someone

Step 9. Homework

1. Read the text

2. Practice writing the letters

3. Sing the song

4. Act out the dialogue.

Say good-bye/see you later when closing the class.

Lesson 7: May I _______?

一、 Teaching content

1. The letters H—N

2. Use the expressions May I have/borrow____? to ask for something.

3. Request or orders: Open the___, close the____.

二、 Teaching goals

1. Understand the meaning of the text

2. Master the letters H I J K L M N

3 Ask for something in English

4 Use the Phrase Open/close the ____.

三、 Key point:

1. Letters

2. Asking for something

四、 Difficult point: borrowing things

五、 Preparation

1. Make letter cards or this lesson

2. Bring real things such as books, pens, markers and so on

Teaching aids: audiotape, cards, some books and pens

七、 Type of the lesson: Listening and speaking

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Warming up.

1 Greeting and review. Review the letters and words of the last lesson by using cards.

2. Sing the ABC song

3. Ask some pairs to act out the dialogue of the last lesson

Step 2. Introducing the new letters in the same way shown in the last teaching design, using pictures. Show the Ss how to write the letters.

Step 3 Practice and production.

1. Play the tape for the Ss to follow

2. Practice in pairs. Encourage the Ss to ask for real things like books, pens, marker, erasers etc.

3. Ask some pairs to act it out

Step 4. L7 N3. Teach May I borrow_____, please? working from old phrases to new ones and adding the replies Sure! Here you are. And Youre welcome. Use actions to make your meaning clear. Translate when necessary.

Step 8. Summary. Sum up the text briefly

Step 9. Homework

1. Read the text

2. Practice writing the letters

3. Practice the dialogue

Lesson 8: What do you know?

一、 Teaching content

1. Review the words and expression in this unit

2. Grammar: the verbs am and is

3 Exercise in the lesson

二、 Teaching goals

1. Master the drills in this unit

2. Master the letters A—N

三、 Key points: Expressions and grammar

四、 Difficult point: Grammar

五、 Preparation

1. Bring the letter cards

2. Bring real things to review the words

3. Prepare some pictures to review the drills

六、 Teaching aids: Letter cards and some pictures

七、 Type of the lesson: Review

八、 Teaching procedure

Step 1. Review the letters and sing the ABC song.

Step 2. Listen to the song Ten little Indians and review the numbers 1—10.

Step 3. Review the greeting How are you? and sing the song about it.

Step 4. Use real things and cards to review the expressions in this unit. e.g.

A: Whats this?

B: Its a ____.

C: How many ____ do you have?

D: I have ____.

E: Where is the ____?

Step 5. Combine the dialogues in this unit and encourage the Ss to practice:


Hi! My name is ____. Whats your name?

My name is____.

Nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too.

How are you?

Fine, thank you. How are you?

Im fine, thanks.

Where is ____?


May I have/borrow _____?

Sure. Here you are.


Youre welcome.

Or play the chain game to practice them. Then finish N4 of this lesson..

Step 6. Grammar. The verb be

1. Introduction.

Let the Ss tell you some sentences that include is and are. Encourage them to sum up the usage of the two words. Then sum up.

2. Practice. Complete the conversation in L8 N2. to practice using them.

If time is enough, have a short test.

Step 7. Homework. Tell the Ss to review all the text in this unit. try to use the expressions about greetings, introductions, giving thanks and saying Good-bye in their daily life.

Lesson 9 RedYellowBlue

[教学目标] 1 继续学习字母。Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt

2 学习颜色:red yellow blue

3 掌握单词:red, yellow, blue, paper, colour, yes.

4 掌握句型:What colour is it Its red.

[教学难点] 字母的读音和他们在单词中的读音。

[教学重点] 学习表达物品的颜色。熟练掌握:What colour is it? Its

Do you like? Yes, I do.

[教具] 多媒体计算机


Step I Lead-in

Look at the picture. How do you feel when you see it? Its colourful, right? It has red, yellow and blue. Thats what we are going to learn today. Well learn colors.

Step II Presentation

Task 1 Review some letters.

The teachers ask the students review the letters from Aa---Nn. Showing the students some cards which have some letters on it. First the single letter, like Bb, Dd, Jj, Kk ect. Then Showing some cards with several letters, like BBC, CAAC, AD,BC, a.m. ect. Ask the students to find more letters like that.

Task 2 Lets learn new letters.

Introduce a new letter Oo. Say What does it look like? It looks like an orange. The teacher shows the picture of an orange. The students observe the word and can find the letter O in it. O pronounce [ο]. For example, on, of, hot.

Teach Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss,Tt in the same way.

Pp [p] paper, pen, pencil

Qq qu[kw] queen, quite, quick

Rr [r] rose, red, read

Ss [s] school, six, sit

Tt [t ] tea, ten, teacher

Step III Learn how to write the letters.

The teacher shows how to write the letters on the blackboard.

Step IV Play a game Bingo

The students choose nine letters from Aa---Tt and put them in the blanks. Cross the letters when you hear. The one who has the crossing letters in line will be the winner.










Step V Presentation

Task 3 Find the colours.

Showing three colours and teach red, yellow, blue. Ask the students to find out what kind of items are in those colours.

Step VI Pair work.

Task 4 Practice the pattern drill:

A: What color is it?

B: Its red/ yellow/ blue.

A: Do you like red?

B: Yes, I do.

Step VII A guessing game. What colour is it?

Step VIII Listen and read.

Books open. Lesson 9, part 2. Listen to the tape recorder and repeat. Then ask the students talk in pairs.

Step IX Homework.

1. Write the letters.

2. Practice the dialogue.

Lesson 10 Pink, Orange, Purple, Green

Shijiazhuang No. 41 Middle School

Li Dong

[教学目标] 1 继续学习颜色:pink, orange, purple, green

2 掌握单词:pink, orange, purple, green, they, are, chair

4 掌握句型:What are they?

How many colours do you like?

[教学难点] 名词复数。one marker----two markers, one chair----three chairs

[教学重点] 1 教授颜色。

2 学习如何表达多个物品。

[教具] 多媒体计算机,实物。


Step I Revision

1 The teacher shows some letters and ask: What is it? What colour is it?

e.g. A: Whats it?

B: Its Oo/ a rose.

A: What colour is it?

B: Its red/ yellow.

2. Pair work

Ask the students to practice the dialogue in lesson 9. Encourage the students to use different items.

Step II Presentation

The teacher shows a picture of a pink rose and asks: Whats it? The students answer: Its a rose. The teacher says: What colour is it? Its pink.

Teach orange, purple, green in the same way.

Step III A guessing game

The teacher takes a lot of markers and show it to the students. They are red, pink, orange, green, yellow, blue. Then the teacher chooses one of the markers and ask the students to guess what colour it is. The students should begin with: Is it green?

Step IV Presentation

The teacher shows the students some colours and ask: How many colours do I have? I have four colours. Look, I have one marker. Then add another marker, say: They are two markers. What colour are they? They are yellow. They are yellow markers. The teacher shows the students some pictures to teach: one marker---two markers. one chair---three chairs ect.

Step V Practice the drills:

A: What are they?

B: They are chairs.

A: What colour are they?

B: They are blue.

A: How many chairs do I have?

B: You have three.

Step VI Listen and say

1 Listen to the tape recorder and repeat.

2 Practice Part 3 in pairs.

Step VII Learn this chant:

Red, yellow, blue and green, stand up.

Red, yellow, blue and green, turn around.

Stretch up high above your head,

Red, yellow, blue and green, sit down.

VIII Homework

1. Practice the drills after class.

2. Learn the letters and new words by heart.

Lesson 11 BlackWhiteBrown

[教学目标] 1 继续学习字母:Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy, Zz

2 学习颜色:black, white, brown

3 掌握单词:black, white, brown, window

4 掌握句型:Whats your favourite colour?

[教学难点] 字母的读音和他们在单词中的读音。

[教学重点] 学习表达物品的颜色。熟练掌握句型:Whats your favourite colour?


[教具] 多媒体计算机,实物。


Step I Revision

1 Revise the letters from Aa—Tt.

2 Revise the numbers and the plural forms of nouns.

The teacher shows some items and asks: What are they? How many?

3 The students practice the dialogue on P13.

Step II Presentation:

The teacher shows the students some new letters and says: Whats this? Its U u. Then write the phonetic symbols on the blackboard. [ju:]. Next teach the word umbrella. In this word, the letter u pronounce [ ^ ]. For example, us, up. Teach the other letters in the same way.

V v [v] vegetables, very, favourite

Ww [w] window, we, what

X x [eks] X-ray

Y y [j] yellow, yes, you

Z z [z] zoo

Step III Play the tape and read the letters

Step IV Sing a song.

Read the phonetic symbols and sing a song: The Alphabet.

Step V Presentation

1 Revise the colours.

2 The teacher teaches the new colours: black, white and brown.

The teacher says: Look at the blackboard, what colour is it? Its black. My pen is black. His book is black. Please show me something black. Then teach white, brown in the same way.

3. Lets sing colour song.

Step VI The students listen to the tape and practice in pairs.

Pattern drill

A: What colour is it?

B: Its black.

white, brown, yellow, red, blue, green, purple, pink.

Step VII Presentation

1 Listen to the tape and repeat. Lesson 11 Part 3

2 Reading aloud.

Ask several students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud.

3 Pattern drill:

A: Whats your favourite colour?

B: My favourite colour is green.

number/ nine, letter/ Kk,

Step VIII Homework

1. Learn the new words by heart.

2. Recite the dialogue on P14 Part 3

Lesson 12 How many?

[教学目标] 1 学习数词:6, 7, 8, 9, 10

2 掌握单词:six, seven ,eight, nine, ten, desk, close, door, open, draw, write.

3 掌握句型:How many?

4 掌握语法:名词变复数。

[教学难点] 名词变复数。Desk---desks, chair---chairs, apple---apples, marker---markers, pencil---pencils.

[教学重点] 1熟练掌握句型:How many?

2 多个物品的表达方法:six desks, seven chairs, eight apples.

3 生活中的数字

[教具] 多媒体计算机,实物。


Step I Revision

1 Practice the dialogue in Lesson 11

2 Revise the numbers 1—5 .

3 Revise the plural forms of nouns.

Practice the following dialogue:

A: What are they?

B: They are four erasers.

five apples, three markers, two chairs, four roses

Step II Presentation

The teacher shows some pictures. Say: What are they? The students say: They are desks and chairs. Then the teacher says: How many desks and chairs? Count them. The students say: Six.

The teacher teach the numbers: 6---six, 7---seven, 8---eight, 9---nine, 10---ten.

Step III Sing a number song.

Zero, one two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten. Begin again.

Zero, one two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Eight, nine, ten. Thats the end.

Step IV Read out the numbers

Can you read out these telephone numbers:








Please tell us your telephone number.

Step V Presentation

Show the students some pictures and say: Look at the pictures, Picture 1, walk to school. Picture 2, close the door. Picture 3, open the window. Picture 4, draw your classmate. Picture 5, write with a pen. Now lets put some numbers before them Thats a chant. Try to read it, please.

Step VI Learn the chant

1 Listen to the tape and read the chant

2 Read the chant in groups. Boys read the number, girls read the words.

3 Ask the individual student to read aloud.

Step VII Homework

1. Learn the numbers by heart.

2. Recite the chant.

Lesson13 Skirt and Shirt

Language goals

In this lesson students learn to talk about clothes.

New language

Whats it?

Is it new or old?

--I like your .


Words: skirt, shirt, sweater, new, old,

Additional materials to bring to class: marker, paper, pencil, and eraser

Teaching steps

1. Show the students these things one by one. And ask Whats it? Do you like it? The things are markers, paper, pencils, and erasers. Then lead in:

Do you like beautiful clothes? Lets see the Skirt and Shirt today.

2. Show students the pictures on PowerPoint. They are skirts, shirts, and sweaters. There are new and old ones. Ask students Whats it? Lead the students read the words under the pictures.

Ask them : Whats it? Do you like it?

3. Let them ask and answer --Whats it?

--It s a skirt/shirt/sweater.

--Is it new or old?

--Its old.

Play a guessing game Guess the clothes(sweater , shirt, skirt). Is it new or old? Is it a/an?

4. Lets see the new lesson today. Listen to the tape. Remember the clothes you hear.

Students may answer skirt and shirt Or a new skirt and an old shirt.

6. Listen and repeat. Then practice the dialog in pairs.

7. Fill in the blanks

Li Ming: I like your _____.

Jenny: ________.

Li Ming: Is it ______?

Jenny: Yes! Its _____my mom.

Jenny: I like ____ _____. Is it _____?

Li Ming: No. Its ____. Its my favorite _____.

Jenny: Its _____!

8.Make a new dialog like this and act out.

Lesson14 Dress and Hat

Language goals

In this lesson students go on to learn about clothes and find the owner.

New language

Whose _____ is this ?

Is this your ____?

No. Its too big/small for me.

New words

dress, coat, hat, big, small, Ms Liu, I see.

Additional material needed. Ask the student to bring one of their clothes to the classroom. And collect them before class.

Teaching steps

1. Chant

He wears pants on a school day,

Blue jeans on the weekend.

Something different all year round.

Ironed shirts on a school day,

Sweaters on the weekend,

Something different all year round.

Wool in the winter, cotton in the summer.

Something different all year round.

Change the words underlined.

1. Revision Dictation for the words we learned yesterday. Talk with several students about their clothes.

eg: --I like your shirt? Is it new?


2. Lead the new lesson.

yesterday we learned about skirt and shirt. Lets see some other clothes. Open the powerpoint show students Lesson14. --Whats it?

--Its a _______. (dress, coat, hat)

Repeat the words.

3. Big or small?

A big dress and a small one, a big coat and a small coat

--Is it big or small?

--Its small/big.

4. talk about the things whether they are big or small. For example, clothes, schoolbag, classroom, playground

5. Teacher takes out one of the clothes that have prepared. Ask whose _____is this ? Is this your____? Now lets see what Ms Liu found? And whose is it?

Listen to the tape. And answer the two questions.

Ms Liu found a hat, a dress and a coat. We dont know whose they are.

6. Listen again and repeat. And act out one of the three dialogs.

7. Fill in the blanks.

Ms Liu: Whose ______is this? Is this your ______, Danny?

Danny: No, Ms Liu. Its too_____ for me.

Ms Liu: Whose _____is this? Is this _____ _____, Danny?

Danny: _____! Its ______ ______ for me.

Ms Liu: Yes, Danny. I see.

Ms Liu:_______ _______is this? Is this____ ____, Jenny?

Jenny: No! Its too_____ _____ _____.

8. Activity Find the owner.

Whose ______is this?

Is this your______?

9. Read the chant again as the end of the lesson.

Lesson 15 Shorts, Pants, Shoes, Socks

[教学目标] 1 学习衣服名称:shortspants, shoes, socks

2 学习使用量词:a pair of

3 掌握单词: shirt, skirt, what, new, old, like, no

4 掌握句型:My favourite clothes are.

[教学难点] a pair of

[教学重点] 学习表达我最喜爱的……,熟练掌握My favourite clothes are

Do you like? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.


Step I Warming up

Answer these questions:

1. What colour is it?

2. What is it?

3. How many marker?

4. Do you like apples?

5. What colour is it shirt?

6. Please tell us your telephone number.

7. Whats your favourite colour?

8. Can you count from 1—10 in English?

Step II Presentation

1. Ask the students to talk about their favourite clothes and what colour their clothes are.

2. The teacher shows some pictures of shorts, pants, shoes and socks.

3. Teach a pair of.

When we talk about what we are wearing, we can say Im wearing a shirt. But we cant say Im wearing a pants. We must say Im wearing a pair of pants, because pants have two legs. And so is a pair of shoes.

4 Listen to the tape and repeat the phrases (1) in chorus (2) individually.

Step III Discussion

Group work. Discuss in groups: What is/are your favourtie clothes?

In a group, one is a leader. The leader should ask the other students: Do you like? The other students should answer one by one. Say: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Shorts/ Shirts/ Skirts/ Pants are my favourite clothes.

At last the leader should give a report to the class.

e.g. Pants are my favourite clothes. T-shirts are WangMings favourite clothes.

Step IV Presentation

The teacher ask the students some questions, like What day is it today? Today is Wednesday. How many days are there in a week? Do you know? Yes, there are seven days. Now lets get to know the days of a week. Then the teacher teaches Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Say, Sunday is the first day of a week. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We stay at home on Saturday and Sunday.

Step V Lets sing a song.

1. Ask the students what they are wearing on Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/ Thursday/ Friday/ Saturday/ Sunday.

2. Read the words in Part 3

3. Sing the song.

Step VI Homework

Learn all the new words by heart.

Learn part 2 by heart.

Make up a new dialogue as the model.

Lesson 16 Unit Review

[教学目标] 1 复习字母:Aa---Zz

2 复习颜色:red, yellow, pink, green ,purple, blue, white, black, brown, orange.

3 复习本单元的句型

4 复习本单元语法。

[教学难点] be 动词的用法。

[教学重点] 复习本单元所以内容,以及句型在情境中的运用。

[教具] 多媒体计算机,实物。


Step I Sing a song

Sing the song in Lesson 15 Part 3

Step II Play a game

Task 1 Do you know these colours? The teacher shows the students the two different colours can make another colour. For example, yellow and blue is green. Then ask the students how purple comes from.

Task 2 Try to learn how to look up the new words in the dictionary. We should look up the words in the alphabet order.

Step III Revise the numbers

Task 3 The teacher collects the students keys. Then ask the students to say their telephone numbers. The student who speaks out his telephone number can get his key back.

Step IV Grammar

Teacher the use of the verb be.

Step V Do some exercises

Finish off the Grammar in Use on page 19.

Step VI Make a survey.

Make a survey in your class. Ask the students their favourite clothes and colours. Then make a riddle. One should say something about a student and others guess who he/she is.

For example: He is a boy. His favourite colours are white and green. His favourite clothes are shirts and shorts. He likes blue shoes. Who is he?

Step VII Complete the dialogues on page 20

Step III Homework

Write a short passage about My favourite…”..

Lesson 17 Happy, Sad

Teaching Content Master the following

happy, sad, head, arm, leg, foot, hand, feel, foot, feet, hand, feel body

Teaching Aims

1. to know the body parts

2. to teach students to care about the feelings of their classmates in the everyday life.

Teaching Important Points

1.to know and be able to point out a certain body part

2.to be able to express the feelings hot and cold

Teaching Difficult Points

1. the structure in the simple present tense: Do you feel happy/?

2. How do you feel? And the answer such questions

Teaching Preparation

prepare some funny toys and other things that make students feel interesting.

Teaching Aids

a recorder, audiotapes, flashcards, projector, and some real objects

Type of Lesson

New Lesson

Teaching Procedure


Ask the students questions in the life. You give a student a present and ask his feeling now. Then lead the words: happy, sad.


Use your own body and the doll to say the words about body. From the top to the bottom, using the gesture language, teach the words. For example, step your foot and say foot loudly.


Now lets listen to the tape and read after it. Pay attention to the words that they read must correct.


Some students come to the front, pointing their parts of body; the others say the names that they are pointing.


Give the presents that you prepared to the students that do well. Then ask How do you feel? Explain it in Chinese when it is necessary. Help them answer Im happy. Then take their presents away and ask How do you feel now? Help them answer Im sad


Listen to the tape and read after it. Then let some students read in roles. The best one will get a present.


Begin happy, sad game in pairs, using the presents that we prepared before the class. The best one will get a present.


Lets sing a song together. Listen to the tape and sing happily after it. Encourage students to sing loudly because what we need is a happy feeling. The students can stand up and do according to the text.


Finish the activity book.

Lesson 18: Hot, Cold 

Teaching Content

1.To master these wordshot, cold, nose, mouth, eye, ear, ear, warm, cool

  To understand the followingvery, tired, ouch

2. some useful patterns

How do you feel? Im very hot. I feel tired. Do you feel warm or cool, Li Ming?

Teaching Aims

1.to learn how to express the feeling of hot and cold

2.to learn more about the body parts

3.to use what was learned in the daily life

Teaching Important Points

Are you hot/cold?

Do you feel hot/ cold?

Are you hot or cold?.

Teaching Difficult Points

The usage of DO

 Teaching Aids

A computer, a recorder, audiotapes, flashcards, dolls, fans and some other real objects.

Type of Lesson

New lesson

Teachng Procedure


Review the last lesson, using our bodies or the doll.

The teacher can point own body and the students say English names.

Step2 Presentation

.Some students come to the blackboard and draw a few pictures. Then write the names of the body parts. If they know the news of the body, they can also write them down.

Step3.listen and read

Listen to the tape and read after it. Then read it in roles. Remember to change the roles. As the students read the text, the teacher must walk around to correct the mistakes that they make.

Step4. Act out dialogues

Act the dialogue before the class. They can use the things that the prepared in order to make the class happy.

Step5. Listen and read

Listen to the tape and read part3. Guess the meanings of the new words.

    Step6. Read the dialogue in roles. Then change the roles. Choose the best team and encourage them.

    Step7 Act the dialogue out before the class.

    Step8 Finish the activity book.

   Lesson 19 Teaching Content

Master these new words and expressions: in, out, left, right

Teaching Aims

1.to be able to use these : left( 左边的), right(右边的); in(在里面), out(在外面)

2. to learn something about foreign countries

Teaching Important Points

1.some classroom english

2. dance while the students sing the english song.

Teaching Difficult Points

To follow the teachers instructions. To perform actions

Teaching Preparation

To show in out, left and right.

Teaching Aids

A recorder and some real objects

Type of Lesson

New Lesson

Teaching Procedure

   Step1. Revision

Review the words of the body. The students do what the teacher says

   Step2. Presentation

Use the gesture language to learn the new words. Guess the meanings of them.

   Step3. Perform actions

Use the objects to show the directions

   Step4.listen and read

Listen to the tape and follow it with the gestures in order to check if they can grasp the words.

   Step5.Listen and sing

Listen to the tape and sing the song with it. Because the song is too hard for them, the teacher can make a example.

   Step6.group work Lets do with it together.

   Step7. Activity book Finish the activity book.


Lesson 20  Body

Teaching Content

Master these new words and expressions: these, those, little, long, short

to under the followng: shoulder, stomach, elbow, knee, toe, finger

big ears, little feet, long legs, short arms

Teaching Aims

1. listen and tell whether it is right or wrong

2. to say the body parts in english

Teaching Important Points

1. be able to undertand the instructions and do the right reactions, pointing out body parts

2. In simple english , describe ones own looking and others

Teaching Difficult Points

how to describe oneself and other people

Teaching Preparation

prepare some pictures

Teaching Aids

a recorder, audiotapes, dolls and some flashcards

    Step1. Revision Let some students draw body drawings on the blackboard. Then write the body parts that they have known.

    Step2. Presentation Learn more new words about your body and write them on the blackboard, too.

    Step3. Listen and repeat Listen to the tape and read after it. Because some words are hard, we listen and repeat for several times until we can read the words correctly.

    Step4. practice Point to parts of your body as you and the class say the words.

   Step5. Practice for a while. When the students are practicing, the teacher must walk around and find the mistakes that they make.

   Step6. a game Ask volunteers to stand in front of the class and point to parts of their bodies as they say the words.

   Step7. sing a song Play the tape and sing after it. Then sing with it again and do the actions when they are singing.

    Step8. acting Divide the class into several groups. Let them act in front of the class. Then choose the best one.

   Step9. Activity book Come to the activity book.

Lesson 21  


