
发布时间:2020-12-31   来源:文档文库   
More than 250 million people in China suffer from hair loss, with an average of one in six people losing their hair, according to data released by the National Health Commission. 国家卫健委发布的数据显示,中国有超过2.5亿人受脱发困扰,平均每6人就有1人有脱发问题。
Among them is a large number of the post-90s generation. 受脱发困扰的人群中有大量的90后。

The rising number of people suffering from hair loss has fueled a surge in the wig and hair transplant markets. 受脱发困扰人数的上升带火了假发和植发市场。
According to the owner of one wig shop, the proportion of young consumers
visiting the shop has increased from 10 percent to 25-30 percent now, CCTV reported. 据央视报道,某假发店的老板表示,年轻消费者的比例从过去的10%增长到现在的25%30%
Unlike elderly consumers, young consumers are more concerned about their looks. 而和老年客户不同的是,年轻客户会更加在意外表。
And they prefer to choose products such as hairpieces or hair toppers to create a more natural look. 他们会更倾向于购买看上去更自然的假发片。
To save receding hairlines, many people have turned to hair transplant surgery. 为了挽救后退的发际线,很多人选择做植发手术。
About 57.4 percent of consumers who conduct the treatment are people born post 1990, the survey unveiled. 调查显示,在目前的植发群体中,90后占据了57.4%


