
发布时间:2020-07-03   来源:文档文库   
模拟试题(一) Section 1
Use of English Directions:
Read the following text. Choose the best word(s for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points

Music comes in many forms; most countries have a style of their own. 1 the turn of the century when jazz was born, America had no prominent 2 of its own. No one knows exactly when jazz was 3 , or by whom. But it began to be 4 in the early 1900s. jazz is Americas contribution to 5 music. In contrast to classical music, which 6 formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free-form. It bubbles with energy, 7 moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s jazz 8 like America, 9 it does today. The 10 of this music are as interesting as the music 11 , American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz 12 . They were brought to the Southern states 13 slaves. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long 14 . When a Negro died, his friends and relatives 15 a procession to carry the body to the cemetery. In New Orleans, a band often accompanied the 16 . On the way to the cemetery the band played slow, solemn music suited to the occasion. 17 on the way home the mood changed. Spirits lifted. Death had removed one of their 18 , but the living were glad to be alive. The band played 19 music, improvising on both the harmony and the melody of the tunes 20 at the funeral. This music made everyone want to dance. It was an early form of jazz. 1.ABy BAt CIn DOn 2. Amusic Bsong Cmelody Dstyle 3. Adiscovered Bacted Cinvented Ddesigned 4. Anoticed Bfound Clistened Dheard 5. Aclassical Bsacred Cpopular Dlight 6. Aforms Bfollows Capproaches Dintroduces 7. Aexpressing Bexplaining Cexposing Dillustrating 8. Aappeared Bfelt Cseemed Dsounded 9. Aas Bso Ceither Dneither 10. Aorigins Boriginals Cdiscoveries Dresources 11. Aconcerned BItself Cavailable Doneself 12. Aplayers Bfollowers Cfans Dpioneers 13. Afor Bas Cwith Dby
14. Amonths 15. Ademonstrated 16. Ademonstration 17. AEven 18. Anumber 19. Asad 20. Awhistled Bweeks Bcomposed Bprocession BTherefore Bmembers Bsolemn Bsung Chours Chosted Cbody CFurthermore Cbody Chappy Cpresented Dtimes Dformed Dmarch DBut Drelations Dfuneral Dshowed

Section Reading Comprehension

A Directions:
Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D]. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points

Text 1 The Sun has been strangely unblemished this year. On more than 200 days so far this year, no sunspots were spotted. That makes the Sun blanker this year than in any year since 1954, when it was spotless for 241 days. The Sun goes through a regular 11-year cycle, and it is now emerging from the quietest part of the cycle, or solar minimum. But even for this phase it has been unusually quiet, with little roiling of the magnetic fields that induce sunspots.
As of Thursday, the 276th day of the year, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center in Boulder, Colo., had counted 205 days without a sunspot. In another sign of solar quiescence, scientists reported last month that the solar wind, a rush of charged particles continually spewed from the Sun at a million miles an hour, had diminished to its lowest level in 50 years. Scientists are not sure why this minimum has been especially minimal, and the episode is even playing into the global warming debate. Some wonder if this could be the start of an extended period of solar indolence that would more than offset the warming effect of human-made carbon dioxide emissions. From the middle of the
17th century to the early 18th, a period known as the Maunder Minimum, sunspots were extremely rare, and the reduced activity coincided with lower temperatures in what is known as the Little Ice Age. Compared to the Maunder Minimum, the current pace of sunspots “makes it look like we're having a feast, not a famine,” Dr. Hathaway said. Scientists expect that sunspot activity will pick up in the coming months, but exactly what will happen next is open to debate. Dr. Hathaway had predicted two years ago, based on the Sun's behavior near the end of the last cycle, that the maximum this time would be ferocious. But many of the other competing predictions more than 50 over all pointed to a quieter-than-average cycle. The solar wind is another piece of the puzzle. The pressure exerted by the solar wind particles during the current minimum is about a quarter weaker than during the last solar minimum, Dr. McComas said, and scientists were still trying to figure out how all the data fits together. “There are a number of researchers who predict the next solar cycle,” he said. “There are also a number of investment counselors who predict the future of the stock market.”
21.From the first two paragraphs we can learn that ____. [A] the sun is dimmest this year since 1954 [B] the sun has been spotless for 276 days [C] this year, sunspots are fewest since 1954 [D] the velocity of solar wind had decreased 22.By saying “we're having a feast, not a famine” (Line 7, Paragraph 3, Dr. Hathaway
implies____ . [A] the spotlessness helps to reduce the CO2 emissions [B] the Maunder Minimum can bring about good harvest [C] current solar activity may be beneficial to the climate [D] in the Little Ice Age, starvation was not uncommon 23.The word “ferocious” (Line 3, Paragraph 4 most probably means____. [A] favorable [B] fierce [C] formidable [D] fertile 24.What can we infer from the last paragraph? [A] The decreasing solar wind puzzled most scientists. [B] Currently the solar wind exerts the minimum amount of positive particles.
[C] Solar activities keep pace with the fluctuation of stock market.
[D] The sun activity of next period is unclear so far. 25.According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE? [A] Sunspots keep minimal this year but the significance is unclear. [B] Global warming takes root in minimum sunspots. [C] Sunspots have negative influence on human activities.
[D] Scientists are sure about the influence of solar activities on climate.
Text 2 Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotiona world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation. People might not be able to stay alive: knowing neither joy nor pleasure, anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments. Society should soon disappear: people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relations would not exist; in a world without friends or enemies, there would be no marriage, affection among companions, or bonds among members of groups. Society's economic underpinnings would be destroyed: since earning would not bring enjoyment, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives of any kind. For as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them. In such a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero, because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation. Emotions structure the world for us in important ways. As individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True, we consider the length, shape, size, or texture, but an object's physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families, communities, and overall society. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. In fact, society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes, such as loyalty, morality, pride, shame, guilt, fear, and greed, in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in
a war, and uses the legal and penal system to make people afraid to engage in penal acts. 26.The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is that _______.
[A] they would not be able to tell the texture of objects [B] they would not know what was beneficial and what was harmful to them [C] they would not be happy with a life without love [D] they would do things that hurt each other's feelings 27.According to the passage, people's learning activities are possible because they _______. [A] enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thing [B] know what is vital to the progress of the society [C] believe that emotions are fundamental for them to stay alive [D] benefit from providing help and support to one another 28.It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of society is dependent on _______. [A] the ability to make money [B] the will to work for pleasure [C] the capacity to enjoy incentives

[D] the categorizations of our emotional experiences 29.Emotions are significant for man's survival and adaptation because _______. [A] they provide the means by which people view the size or shape of objects [B] they are the basis for the social feeling of agreement by which society is maintained [C] they encourage people to perform dangerous achievements [D] they generate more love than hate among people 30.The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they _______. [A] help society exploit its members for profit [B] encourage us to perform important tasks [C] help to perfect the legal and penal system [D] help us to adapt our behavior to the world surrounding us

Text 3 Gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two ways we would benefit from our growing mastery of genetic science. But there will be others as well. Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could make their way into mainstream medicine in the coming years. While it's true that just about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human, most of those instructions are inactivated, and with good reasons: the last thing you want is for your brain cells to start churning out stomach acid or your nose to turn into a kidney. The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy, when so-called stem cells haven't begun to specialize. Yet this untapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine. Most diseases involve the death of healthy cells brain cells in Alzheimer's, cardiac cells in heart disease, pancreatic cells in diabetes, to name a few. If doctors could isolate stem cells, then direct their growth, they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue. It was incredibly difficult, but last fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem cells and get them to grow into neural, gut, muscle and bone cells. The process still can't be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations. But if efforts to understand and master stem-cell development prove successful, doctors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power. The same applies to cloning, which is really just the other side of the coin. True cloning, as first shown with Dolly the sheep two years ago, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resetting its developmental instructions to a pristine state. Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full-fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent. For agriculture, in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow or low fat in hog have real market value, biological carbon copies could become routine within a few years. This past year scientists have done for mice and cows what Ian Wilmut did for Dolly, and other creatures are bound to join the cloned menagerie in the coming year. Human cloning, on the other hand, may be technically feasible but legally and emotionally more difficult. Still, one day it will happen. The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could give doctors exactly the same advantages they would get from stem cells: the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease. That could prove to be true “miracle cure”.

31.The author believes that _______. [A] there will inevitably be human cloning in the coming year

[B] the potential to make healthy body tissues is undoubtedly a boon to human beings [C] it is illegal to clone any kind of creatures in the world [D] it is legal to clone any kind of creatures in the world except human 32.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage? [A] Nearly every cell in the human brain has the instructions to make a complete human.

[B] It is impossible for a cell in your nose to turn into a kidney. [C] It is possible to turn out healthy replacement tissues with isolated stem cells. [D] There will certainly appear some new kind of cloned animal in the near future. 33.According to this passage, _________ isn't a step involved in true cloning. [A] selecting a stem cell
[B] taking a developed cell
[C] reactivating the genome within the developed cell [D] resetting the developmental instructions in the cell to its original state 34.The proper title for this passage should be__________. [A] Tomorrow's Tissue Factory [B] A Terrific Boon to Medicine [C] Human Cloning
[D] Genetic Research 35.What is the author's attitude towards human cloning? [A] It should be forbidden because it's illegal. [B] It may be difficult but may create a “miracle cure”. [C] It should be encouraged because it can cure disease. [D] It is legally and emotionally feasible but technically difficult.
Text 4 Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty. That compulsion has resulted in robotics the science of conferring various human capabilities on machines. And if scientists have yet to create the mechanical version of science fiction, they have begun to come close.
As a result, the modern world is increasingly populated by intelligent gizmos whose presence we barely notice but whose universal existence has removed much human labor. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms. Our banking is done at automated teller terminals that thank us with mechanical politeness for the transaction. Our subway trains are controlled by tireless robot-drivers. And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with sub millimeter accuracy far greater precision than highly skilled physicians can achieve with their hands alone. But if robots are to reach the next stage of laborsaving utility, they will have to operate with less human supervision and be able to make at least a few decisions for themselves goals that pose a real challenge. “While we know how to tell a robot to handle a specific error,” says Dave Lavery, manger of a robotics program at NASA, “we can't yet give a robot enough ‘common sense' to reliably interact with a dynamic world.”
Indeed the quest for true artificial intelligence has produced very mixed results. Despite a spell of initial optimism in the 1960s and 1970s when it appeared that transistor circuits and microprocessors might be able to copy the action of the human brain by the year 2010, researchers lately have begun to extend that forecast by decades if not centuries. What they found, in attempting to model thought, is that the human brain's roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented and human perception far more complicated than previously imagined. They have built robots that can recognize the error of a machine panel by a fraction of a millimeter in a controlled factory environment. But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. The most advanced computer systems on Earth can't approach that kind of ability, and neuroscientists still don't know quite how we do it. 36.Human ingenuity was initially demonstrated in_______. [A] the use of machines to produce science fiction [B] the wide use of machines in manufacturing industry [C] the invention of tools for difficult and dangerous work [D] the elite's cunning tackling of dangerous and boring work 37.The word “gizmos” (Paragraph 2 most probably means_______. [A] programs [B] experts
[C] devices [D] creatures 38.According to the text, what is beyond man's ability now is to design a robot than can_______. [A] fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery [B] interact with human beings verbally [C] have a little common sense [D] respond independently to a changing world 39.Besides reducing human labor, robots can also_______. [A] make a few decisions for themselves [B] deal with some errors with human intervention [C] improve factory environments [D] cultivate human creativity 40.The author uses the example of monkey to argue that robots are_______. [A] expected to copy human brain in internal structure [B] able to perceive abnormalities immediately [C] far less able than human brain in focusing on relevant information [D] best used in a controlled environment

Directions: In the following article, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable one from the list [A]-[G] to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices that do not fit in any of the gaps.

Shopping used to be nothing more than a way of obtaining food, clothing and other necessities of life. Today, however, shopping symbolizes the materialistic culture of western society and its popularity as a leisure activity reflects the rise of consumerism. (41___________. Having more money has meant spending patterns have changed. While traditional models of economic behavior assume that consumers are rational and weigh up the costs and benefits before making a purchase, anyone
who has ever walked into a shop and left five minutes later with a new jacket and 180 less in their wallet knows that this theory does not always hold true.
(42___________. Her research on consumer behavior identified impulsive buying as an attempt by shoppers to bolster their self-image, particularly for those who suffered from so-called compulsive buying or shopping addiction, a condition that affects 2 to 5 per cent of adults in the West. The three-year study compared excessive buyers to a similar group of ordinary consumers. Excessive shoppers were more materialistic and believed that buying goods was a pathway to success, happiness and identity. “Excessive buying is a coping strategy to fill the gaps between how shoppers feel about themselves and the person they want to be,” Dr Dittmar said. (43___________. Her research also reveals that certain types of goods are more likely to be bought on impulse than others. Those most frequently reportedclothes, jewellery, ornamentsare closely related to self-image and appearance. This finding is contrary to usual theories about impulse shopping, which explain it as a short-term gratification winning out over longer-term concerns such as debt. (44___________. In other words, shoppers were more willing to wait for “low impulse” goods such as kitchenware, than they were for clothes or other “high impulse” items. However, it was found that some of the 60 consumers asked to maintain a shopping diary for the study often regretted their impulsive purchases. Dr Dittmar said, “When people had explicitly bought for self-image reasons, regret was more likely to occur.”
But this finding was ambiguous because shopping addicts were more motivated by self-image than ordinary shoppers and were more likely to regret their actions. “It's not quite clear which way round this relationship goes, but there is a link between being very concerned with self-image goods and regretting impulse buying.” The conclusions drawn by Dr Dittmar about the treatment of compulsive shoppers are that prescribing anti-depressant drugs might solve the problem but only as long as sufferers continue to take them. Instead, they needed therapeutic help to address the underlying causes such as poor self-image. (45___________.“In no sense do these people directly force anyone to buy anything. But they are very sophisticated, making advertisements and shopping environments very seductive and playing on the idea that if you buy product X you will be much more attractive.”

[A] Dr Dittmar said that the idea that consumers' impulsiveness differed, depending
on the type of goods, was also supported by the finding that shoppers were less
willing to delay gratification for items bought on impulse. [B] But there are pitfalls, such as debt and addiction to buying. Addicts shop for shopping's sake rather than to buy what they need. [C] Helga Dittmar, senior lecturer in psychology at Sussex University, has found that consumer goods are the material symbols of who a person is and who they would like to be. [D] Her research also raises questions over the methods used to attract shoppers and encourage them to buy. Although advertisers and retailers increasingly appeal to consumers' self-image, Dr Dittmar said it was very difficult to argue that these factors were responsible for compulsive shopping. [E] Although there were other ways of dealing with poor self-image, such as over-exercising or alcoholism, she said that shopping had become one of the most important strategies. This was especially true for women, who were three times more likely to be compulsive shoppers than men, as shopping was a socially approved activity, and allowed those who do not go out to work to get out of the house, Dr Dittmar said. [F] Women make the majority of buying decisionsestimates anywhere from 60-80% and growing. Despite these facts, some industries have created frustrating walls and barriers failing to cater to the buying characteristics women are looking for. [G] This has been made possible by the 75 per cent increase in disposable income in the past 20 years. The number of credit cards in use has more than quadrupled, and the amount of outstanding consumer debt has almost tripled in the same period.

Part C

By now, just about everyone has heard of string theory. Even those who don’t really understand it-which is to say, just about everyone-know that it’s the hottest thing in theoretical physics.

But despite its extraordinary popularity among some of the smartest people on the planet, string theory hasn’t been embraced by everyone-and now, nearly 30 years after it made its initial splash, some of the doubters are becoming more vocal. Skeptical bloggers have become increasingly critical of the theory. (46Mathematician Peter Woit and Professor Lee Smolin both argue that string theory (or superstring theory, as it is also know is largely a fad propped up by practitioners
who tend to be arrogantly dismissive of anyone who dare suggest that the emperor has no clothes.
There were good reasons for the theory’s appeal when it first emerged in the late 1970s and early 1980s. At the time, physicists found themselves facing a crisis The two most important ideas of 20th century physics, relativity and quantum theory were known to be fundamentally incompatible. Quantum theory describes the universe as intrinsically discontinuous: energy, for example, can come in bits just so small, but no smaller. Relativity treats time and space and gravity as a smooth, unbroken continuum. Each theory has its purpose, and the usually don’t overlap.(47But when dealing with large masses or time periods that are infinitesimally small, like the core of a black hole or the first moments after the Big Bang, neither quite works. So lots of physicists began working on string theory.
Since then, however, superstrings have proved a lot more complex than anyone expected. The mathematics is extremely tough, and when problems arise, the solutions often introduce yet another layer of complexity. (48Complexity isn’t necessarily the kiss of death in physics, but in this case the new, improved theory posits a nearly infinite number of different possible universes, with no way of showing that ours is more likely than any of the others.
That lack of specificity hasn’t slowed down the string folks. Maybe, they’ve argued, there really are an infinite number of universes-an idea that’s currently in fashion among some astronomers as well-and some version of the theory describes each of them. That means any prediction, however outlandish, has chance of being valid for at least one universe, and no prediction, however sensible, might be valid for all of them.
However, it is that absence of proof that is perhaps most damning. (49Physicists have a tolerance for theoryindeed unless you were there to witness a phenomenon yourself-the Big Bang, say-it will always be, at some level, hypothetical. But the slow accretion of data and evidence eventually eliminates reasonable doubt. Not so-or at least not yet-with strings.
It’s true that nobody has any good idea of how to test string theory, but who’s to say someone won’t wake up tomorrow morning and think of one? (50The reason so many people keep working on it is that, whatever its flaws, the theory is still more promising than any other approach we have.

Section Writing

Part A 51.Directions
You are preparing for an English test and are in need of some reference booksWrite a letter to the sales department of a bookstore to ask for

1detailed information about the books you want 2methods of payment
3time and way of delivery

Part B 52.Directions
Write an essay of 160200 words based on the following drawingIn your essay, you should 1describe the drawing briefly
2explain its intended meaningand then 3give your comments

Section Use of English

1.B 本题首先考查词汇的惯用搭配,但能够形成搭配的选项不止一个。所以关键是要在文章已知信息中定位能够确定本填空答案的提示线索。这个线索就是后面的“when jazz was born,这是一个时间点的概念,即“当爵士乐产生的时候”。因此,本填空与后文组成的词组必须是表示一个时间点,答案就只能是BAt,因为At表达的是一个时间点,At the turn of”表示“当……之初”。本题最大的干扰项ABy,By the turn of”表示的是“到某个时间为止”
2.D 本题考查的是考生对文章主线的准确把握。本文总述句提出了两个核心主题词Musicstyle,特别是most countries have a style of their own;而本填空讲的是America had no prominent 2of its own,明确提到了美国,并且讲的是美国自己的(own;所以答案明显,应该是选项Down. 本题也可以用无关词排除法解题,即根据文章主题词musicstyle,可以先把与中心主线关系远的两个选项BsongCmelody排除。再根据上下文信息从剩余的两个选项中,选出更相近的选项Dstyle
本题同时也可以运用复现结构法解题,首句提到“most countries have a style of their own,而本填空讲的是“America had no prominent 2 of its own
3.C本题是典型的复现结构法或者对应成分分析法的题目。因为本填空之前出现了“when jazz (爵士乐was born,而本填空明显是与已知词“born”形成复现呼应关系,即在四个选项中选择一个与“born”意思最相近的词,答案为Cinvented
4.A本填空可以依据前一句中的提示线索定位,因为前一句的原文已知信息为“No one knows exactly when jazz was 3or by whom,即“没有人知道爵士乐确切的产生时间以及
谁创造”;然后本填空所在的句子为“But it began to be 4 in the early l900s,所以这
很容易确定本填空的大体意思应该为“被注意到、为人所知”,这个顺序是:爵士乐先被发 明,之后被人所知;在四个选项中,最能够准确表达“被注意到、为人所知”的是选项A noticed。最大的干扰项是Bfound“被找到”,显然是不合适的。
5.C本填空可以通过上下句之间的逻辑关系加上对应成分分析法迅速确定答案。首先本填空所在的句子和下一句之间有明显的逻辑关系连接词“In contrast to classical musicIn contrast to表达的是一种对比关系,这样本填空就与“classical music”形成了相反的对应。classical music是一种音乐形式,“古典音乐”与之对应的自然就是 popular music',即“流行音乐”,答案为选项C 6.B本填空是典型的考查动词的题。从语法的角度来看,本填空出现在一个定语从句中,而且待选动词的主语在前一句中,即“classical music;宾语为“formal European traditions"
恰当地连接。对 于音乐而言,traditions意为“传统”,音乐形式是应该跟随一种传统的,所以本填空最佳的选项应该为Bfollows(跟随、遵从;而Aforms表示“形成”,具体CapproachesD introduces与本题意无关。
7.A本填空在原文已知信息中有明显的提示线索,前一句话“jazz is spontaneous and free-form已经对爵士乐的特征进行了描述,spontaneous and free-form(即兴和不拘一格。本填空所在句子的主语为代词n,指的就是jazz,而且本填空要求考生选择一个表达动作的分词,该分词的宾语为moodsinterestsand emotions of the people(们的情绪、兴趣和情感,所以四个选项中最佳的为选项Aexpressing(表达。选项Bexplaining( 释、说明不合适;选项Cexposing犯了动宾搭配褒贬不一致的错误,因为exposing(曝光是贬义词,而宾语却是褒义词;Dillustrating(显示、说明也不符合本填空的意思。 8D本填空也是考查动词的题。首先仍然是确定该动词的主语为jazz后面的信息为like America,出现了美国;根据文章可知,爵士乐是荚国的代表音乐。音乐本来就是声音, 四个动词选项中自然是选项Dsounded最合适。这句话的大意是:爵士乐代表着美国。 9A本填空考查了一个英文中的固定常用句型,答案为选项Aas,即as it does today并且从语法上看,如果选其他三个选项BsoCeitherDneither,句子应该倒装。 10.A本填空出现在一个of结构中,而该of结构表达的是所属关系。本填空所在的句子又是第二段的首句,为对第二段的总述。我们只要读一下后面分述中的信息就会发现谈论的是
士乐的起源,由此确定本填空需要填入的是“这种音乐的起源”,最佳选项为Aorigins (。干扰项BOriginals作为名词更多的是表示“原创”。其他选项Cdiscoveries(发现Dresources(资源均不合适。 11B本填空考查反身代词的用法。首先从本填空所处的句子来看:The 10 of this music are as interesting as the music11,即“这种音乐的起源与其本身一样有趣”。此句中的this musicthe music指的都是爵士乐,因此应使用反身代词Bitself干扰项Doneself是代词one的反身代词;而选项AconcernedCavailable与本题要表述的意思无关。 12D本填空需要考生对原文信息准确把握。从表面上看,四个选项在语法、意义上都可以,但我们需要从中选出最符合原文的选项。本填空所在的第二段的首句是总述句,已经概括出
了本段的主题是谈论爵士乐的origins(起源。如果考生准确把握了这个主题,本题目的答: 案明显是选项Dpioneers(先锋、先驱者,因为只有这个选项与本段主题最相关。既然是 谈论origins(起源当然最可能提到这种音乐的“始作俑者”pioneers(先锋、先驱者其他几个选项均不如pioneers准确。本题目是一道可以应用无关词排除法解出的题目。 13B本填空考查了介词的惯用法,答案是选项Bas,此处为“作为(奴隶
14C从原文信息很容易判断出本填空需要填入表示“长时间”的内容,关键是在四个选项中确定哪个最能准确表达“长时间”的意思。首先,选项Dtimes不行, 因为time可数名词,意为“次数”而选项AmonthsBweekslong修饰在意思上是讲不通的;只有
选项Chourslong hours在英文中常表示“长时间”,所以是最佳选项。
15D本填空考查动词,而关键的线索是宾语procession(送葬队伍,四个选项中能够与此宾语搭配,构成“组成送葬队伍”的只能是选项Dformed;其他选项Bcomposed多的是 “创作一篇作文(写作文作曲,或者构成一些抽象事物”选项Ademonstrated(示威、
16B本填空是简单的复现结构,因为前一句已经明确给出了procession(送葬队伍,此处只是将该词复现一次,形成复现结构而已,答案自然是选项Bprocession. 17.D 本题目考查上下文逻辑关系。很容易判断出逻辑关系为转折,答案应该为DBut. 18.B 本填空也是利用前后句之间的对应成分分析确定答案。因为前句为“Death had removed one of their 18,而后句为“but the living were glad to be alive。这里the living指的是“活着的人”,对应前一句的“Death。不难判断出前一句的意思是说“死亡已经夺走了他们之中的一员,但活着的人为自己还活着感到高兴”,所以四个选项中Bmembers最为合适,其他选项为此填空均无关系。
19.C 本填空只要能够从17题的答案But所确定的转折关系判断出倾向就可以迅速确定答案。But已经确定了其后文的倾向与之前的“The band played slow, solemn(缓慢的、庄重的)music suited to the occasion.是相反的,所以这里乐队一定是演奏欢快的乐曲,答案自然是选项Chappy(欢快的、高兴的。本题也可以看做是一道同现结构的题止,只要把握填空所在意群的基本倾向就可以定位答案,答案为与主体倾向一致的选项。
20.C 本填空考查被动语态形式的动词。解题关键还是确定宾语,定位出“harmony and the melody of the tunes既然宾语是曲调,曲调是被演奏的,四个选项中表达这个概念的是Cpresented;其他选项Awhistled(吹口哨选项Bsung(演唱)Dshowed(均不合适。



Section Reading Comprehension


Text 1 一、文章题材结构分析
C From the first two paragraphs we can learn that ____.
[A] the sun is dimmest this year since 1954

[A] 1954年以来,今年太阳最为黯

[B] 已经有276天没有太阳黑子活动

[B] the sun has been spotless for 276 days
[C] this year, sunspots are fewest since [C] 1954年以来,今年的太阳黑子1954
[D] the velocity of solar wind had decreased

【解析】此题考查对文章中相关细节的理解。问题问的是从前两段可以得知什么,这种题事实上是一种开放式文体,需要辨别每一个选项的正确性。根据题干的信息我们锁定前两段:首段说明今年的太阳表面明亮无暇,200多天来,在太阳表面未发现黑子活动,这使得今年成为自1954年以来太阳表面最平静的一年。第二段说明太阳风的强度已经降低到了50年以来的最低值,这也是太阳宁静态的一个标志。正确选项应该与这样的主旨信息一致。从微观线索来看,第一段的“that makes the Sun blanker this year than in any year since 1954”就道明了这一现象,文中的the Sun blankerthan in any year就对应了活动最为平静

[D] 太阳风的风速已经减缓了

选项C中的sunspots are fewest。综合这些宏观线索和微观线索,可知选项C正是对这些内容的概括,因此选项C正确。
干扰项分析:选项A中的“最为黯淡(dimmest)”是对文中blanker...than in any year...(比任何一年都平静)的错误理解,文中blank(空白的)指的是没有太阳黑子活动,与明暗无关。选项B是断章取义的内容,原文第二段首句讲的是“到本年度第276天为止,共计205天无太阳黑子活动”。选项D偷换了概念,从第二段可知,太阳风减弱到了50年的最小值the solar wind...had diminished to its lowest level in 50 years),不见得是速度减小。具体地说,太阳风的粒子速度没有变化,仍然是每小时百万英里,只是粒子量减小了。
C By saying “we’re having a feast, not a famine” (Paragraph 3, Dr. Hathaway implies ____.

[A] the spotlessness helps to reduce the [A] 太阳黑子活动沉寂有助于减少二CO2 emissions
[B] the Maunder Minimum can bring about good harvest
[C] current solar activity may be beneficial to the climate
[D] in the Little Ice Age, starvation was not uncommon

【解析】此题考查考生根据上下文理解句子的能力。解答此类问题不可只看字面含义,需要结合句子所在段落的语境和主旨来考察各个选项。本段主旨是“科学家们不能确定该反常谷值期的原因,并探讨这种现象对全球变暖的影响”。本段通过当前太阳活动和蒙德极小期的对照来阐述哈特威博士的观点:蒙德极小期伴随着低温天气,可以补偿全球变暖的不利气候因素,因此当前太阳活动的影响是良性的(were having a feast, not a famine)。所以选项C正确。

[B] 蒙德极小期会带来好收成

[C] 当前的太阳活动可能对气候有利

[D] 在小冰期,饥饿随处可见

选项B中的“好收成(good harvest)”在文中没有提及,该选项属于无中生有的干扰项。选项D中的starvation虽然与famine意思相近,但饥荒与小冰期的关系在原文中没有提及。
B The word “ferocious” (Paragraph 4 most 单词“ferocious”(第四段)的含义最可probably means____.
[A] favorable [B] fierce
[C] formidable
[D] fertile

【解析】此题考查根据语境判断生词的含义。ferocious是超纲词汇,对它的理解依赖上下文的线索。从宏观线索来看,本段讲的是科学家们对太阳活动情况的预测,ferocious应该是对太阳活动状况的描观线看,本段威博预期would be ferocious和其他期(a quieter-than-average cycle)进行对比,因此ferocious应该是quiet的对立概念。综合考虑这些宏观和微观的线索,可以判断选项B正确。

[A] 宜人的;有利的

[B] 剧烈的;激烈的;猛烈的

[C] 强大的;可怕的

[D] 肥沃的;富饶的

24.【答案】D What can we infer from the last paragraph?

[A] The decreasing solar wind puzzled [A] 太阳风减弱使得多数科学家感到most scientists.

[B] Currently the solar wind exerts the [B] 目前太阳风携带的正电荷离子量minimum amount of positive particles. 最低。

[C] Solar activities keep pace with the fluctuation of stock market.

[C] 太阳活动和股市的波动保持同步。

[D] The sun activity of next period is [D] 下一周期的太阳活动情况迄今还unclear so far.

【解析】此题考查基于原文的多处细节的推理及理解句子之间关系的能力,着重考查考生对末段信息的综合理解。第五段前两句讲的是科学家们仍然在极力解释太阳风所带来的困惑;第五段末句引用了麦考莫斯博士的话“有很多研究者在预言太阳的下一个活动周期,也有很多投资顾问在预言股市的未来(There are...researchers who predict the next solar cycle, ...There are also ... counselors who predict the future of the stock market)”,将对太阳活动周期的预测和对股市未来的预测进行类比。综合这些信息可以得知,目前关于太阳活动的种种预测尚无定论,作这种预测(predict the next solar cycle)就像预测股市的前景(predict the future of the stock market),不能得出明确的论断。因此选项D正确。 干扰项分析:选项A偷换概念,其中的“太阳风强度减弱(the decreasing solar)”与原文内容“太阳风粒子压力(The pressure exerted by the solar wind particles...is...weaker)”不符;即使两个可以等同,选项A的概念也是未经推理的信息,不能作为推理题的正确答案。选项B所述的“正电荷粒子positive particles”属于无中生有的概念。选项C中提到的关系在原文中不能得到印证。因此选项ABC误。

A According to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?

[A] Sunspots keep minimal this year but [A] 今年太阳黑子活动不频繁,但其影the significance is unclear.

[B] Global warming takes root in [B] 全球变暖的根源在于太阳黑子活minimum sunspots.

[C] Sunspots have negative influence on [C] 太阳黑子活动对人类活动有不利human activities. 影响。

[D] Scientists are sure about the [D] 科学家们已经研究清楚了太阳活influence of solar activities on climate.

干扰项分析:选项B与文中的“人类排放的二氧化碳导致全球变暖(warming effect of human-made carbon dioxide emissions)”违背;选项C与主题违背,从第三段来看,太阳黑子极小期对地球的影响都陷于猜测(wonder...coincided with...look like...,而不像选项C描述的那么绝对;选项D的错误与选C相似;因此选项BCD要排除。

unblemished a. 无瑕疵的 phase n. 阶段,相位 spew v. 喷涌
episode n. 一段情节,一段插曲 famine n. 饥荒 counselor n. 顾问
sunspot n. 太阳黑子 roil vt. 激励,激发 diminish vi. 减小,变少 indolence n. 懒散,不活跃 ferocious a. 激烈的,凶猛的
1.That makes the Sun blanker this year than in any year since 1954, when it was spotless for 241 days. 【解析】这是一个复合句。主句的主干是that makes the Sun blanker...when所引导的从句为定语从句,when相当于in which。本句中的部分词汇在翻译时需要根据语境适当引申,如blank,不能直接翻译为“空白的”,而是“无太阳黑子活动的”;再如spotless在本句中不能直接翻译为“无瑕疵的”或“没有污点的”,该词在句中也指“无太阳黑子活动的”。
2.In another sign of solar quiescence, scientists reported last month that the solar wind, a rush of charged particles continually spewed from the Sun at a million miles an hour,
had diminished to its lowest level in 50 years. 【解析】这是一个复合句。句子的主干是...scientists reported...that...that后的从句为宾语从句;该从句中有冗长的插入语a rush of charged particles continually spewed from the Sun at a million miles an hour,这个成分由一个名词词组构成,是the solar wind的同位语。由于插入内容过于冗长,翻译时可适当调整语序,再用代词总结冗长成分,可以使句子含义更加清晰。
3.Some wonder if this could be the start of an extended period of solar indolence that would more than offset the warming effect of human-made carbon dioxide emissions. 【解析】这是一个复杂的复合句。句子的主干是some wonder...if引导的是宾语从句,是wonder的内容;that引导的是定语从句,修饰solar indolence。该句定语从句冗长,结构复杂,翻译时最好用分译法。

Text 2 一、文章题材结构分析
26.【答案】B The reason why people might not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion is that_______.
[A] they would not be able to tell the texture of objects

[A] 他们将无法判断物体的质地

[B] they would not know what was beneficial [B] 他们将无法判断什么对他们有and what was harmful to them

[C] they would not be happy with a life [C] 如果没有爱,他们将生活得很without love

[D] they would do things that hurt each [D] 他们将会做一些伤害彼此感情other's feelings

【解析】根据第一段第三句“people might not be able to stay alive...they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial”句中的冒号具有解释功能,因此冒号后面的句子是对其前面句子的解释,“反复地做伤害自己的事情就如同做有利于自己的事情一样”,即无法鉴别利害关系,所以选项B为正确答案。

27.【答案】A According to the passage, people's learning activities are possible because they ________.
[A] enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thing

[A] 做正确的事可以获得相应的奖励

[B] know what is vital to the progress of [B] 知道什么对社会的进步才是至关the society [C]
are 重要的

[C] 相信情感才是维系生存的核心

fundamental for them to stay alive
[D] benefit from providing help and [D] 在帮助和支持别人的同时能够从support to one another

本题可依据冒号表示原因这一点进行推理。根据第一段第四句“They could not learn: they could 【解析】not benefit from experience because this emotionless world would lack rewards and punishments(由于人们的行为得不到相应的奖惩,人们无法从经历中受益,因此人们就无法学习、进步)。按照逻辑推理逆命题成立,所以人们会有学习的行为,就要对其得体行为进行鼓励,因而选项A符合题意。 干扰项分析:选项BCD看似合理,但实则均属于主观臆断,与题干无直接联系。

28.【答案】C It can be inferred from the passage that the economic foundation of society is dependent on ______.
[A] the ability to make money

[B] the will to work for pleasure
[C] the capacity to enjoy incentives
[D] the categorizations of our emotional experiences

【解析】本题涉及冒号表示原因的功能。根据原文“Society’s economic underpinnings would be destroyed:..For as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them”,反之推理,社会的经济支柱要靠人们挣钱的收入,而人们愿意挣钱是因为有工作动力,而工作动力就是能在情感上享受工作的能力,所以推知社会的经济基础依赖享受工作动力的能力。

[A] 赚钱能力

[B] 为享乐而工作的意愿

[C] 享受工作动力的能力

[D] 对情感经历的分类

29.【答案】B Emotions are significant for mans survival ________.
because 情感对人类生存和应变十分重要的原因是_____

[A] they provide the means by which [A] 情感能够为人们判断物体的大小people view the size or shape of objects 和形状提供依据

[B] they are the basis for the social feeling of agreement by which society is maintained

[B] 情感是社会赖以维持的社会认同感的基础

[C] they encourage people to perform [C] 情感能够激励人们去做见义勇为dangerous achievements

[D] they generate more love than hate [D] 情感能使人与人之间产生更多的among people



30.【答案】D The emotional aspects of an object are more important than its physical aspects in that they_____________.

[A] help society exploit its members for [A] 有助于社会为其成员谋取利益

[B] encourage us to perform important tasks
[C] help to perfect the legal and penal system

[B] 激励我们去做重要的事情

[C] 有助于完善法律和刑罚机制

[D] help us to adapt our behavior to the [D] 有助于我们的行为适应于外界环world surrounding us


affection n. 爱情 adaptation n. 适应
categorization n. 分类,归类 penal a. 刑罚的,惩罚的
bond n. 纽带

survival n. 生存 engage in 从事,参与
underpin vt. 加强,巩固,构成(基础等) incentive n. 激励,鼓励
1.True, we consider the length, shape, size, or texture, but an object's physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. 【解析】总体而言,该句主干是由but连接的平行结构的句子,而but后的句子中也包含一个由what导的宾语从句作介词than的宾语。句中破折号的作用是解释说明,其后四个并列动词短语是对前面what it has done or can do to us的具体解释。

2.Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are “good” and others are “bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. 【解析】该句句型总体是由but连接的两个并列的复合句。前半句谓语comes置于主语a social feeling of agreement之前,该句属主谓完全倒装,而在主语a social feeling of agreement之后 that引导其同位语从句;后半句主干谓语是apply... to...,而破折号之后from...to...是对every aspect of our social life的具体解, 并由whathowwhich引导的从句作介词宾语。
3.It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal and penal system to make people afraid to engage in penal acts. 此句是较长较复杂的复合句。首先分析总体句型,主语it后的三个谓语动词gives..., makes...and 【解析】uses...是并列关系,其中it指代的是society其次逐一分析各分句,其中who perform important tasks such as surgeryindividuals的定语从句;make...out of ...意为“把……变成,使……成为”,而for...in a war部分作individuals的后置定语。

Text 3 一、文章题材结构分析
31.【答案】B The author believes that _________.
[A] there will inevitably be human cloning in the coming year
[B] the potential to make healthy body tissues is undoubtedly a boon to human beings

[A] 克隆人类必将会出现

[B] 制造出健康人体组织的潜能无疑会给人类带来好处

[C] it is illegal to clone any kind of [C] 克隆任何生物都是不合法的

creatures in the world

[D] it is legal to clone any kind of [D] 除了人类之外,克隆任何生物都是creatures in the world except human


32.【答案】B Which of the following statements is NOT true according to this passage?
[A] Nearly every cell in the human brain has the instructions to make a complete human.
[B] It is impossible for a cell in your nose to turn into a kidney.
[C] It is possible to turn out healthy replacement tissues with isolated stem cells.

[D] There will certainly appear some new kind of cloned animal in the near future.


[A] 几乎人脑内每一个细胞都有发展成一个完整的人的密码指令。

[B] 鼻细胞不可能转化为肾细胞。

[C] 有可能用独立的干细胞培育出健康的移植器官。

[D] 在不久的将来,一定会出现一些新品种的克隆动物。

33.【答案】A ______不是克隆的步骤According to this passage, ___isn't a step 根据文章内容,involved in true cloning.
[A] selecting a stem cell
[B] taking a developed cell
[C] reactivating the genome within the developed cell [D]

[A] 选择干细胞

[B] 提取一个发育了的细胞

[C] 重新激活细胞里的基因组

resetting the developmental [D] 把细胞中的发育指令重新调整到
instructions in the cell to its original state 初始的状态
34.【答案】A The proper title for this passage should be ______.
[A] Tomorrow's Tissure Factory
[B] A Terrific Boon to Medicine
[C] Human Cloning

[A] 未来的器官工业

[B] 对医学的极大恩惠

[C] 人类克隆

[D] Genetic Research

[D] 基因研究

35.【答案】B What is the authors attitude towards human cloning?
[A] It should be forbidden because it's illegal.


[A] 因为是非法的,所以应该禁止。

[B] It may be difficult but may create a [B] 可能很难,但是可能创造出一种神“miracle cure”.

[C] It should be encouraged because it can cure disease.

[C] 因为可以治病,所以应该鼓励。

[D] It is legally and emotionally feasible [D] 法律和情感上是可行的,但是技术but technically difficult.


mainstream n. 主流 cardiac a. 心脏的
genome n. [] 基因组,染色体组
Alzheimers n. 早老性痴呆病 pancreatic a. 胰腺的 pristine a. 原始的,纯朴的

rejuvenate v. 使恢复活力,(使)复原 full-fledged a. 发育完全的,成熟的 menagerie n. 动物群
The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could give doctors exactly the same advantages they would get from stem cells: the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease. the abilitycould give doctors exactly the same advantages-这是一个复合句。句子的主干是:【解析】to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state作定语修饰主语the abilitythey would get from stem cells是定语从句,修饰宾语advantagesthe potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease为同位语从句来解释说明the same advantages
对于农业来说,像奶牛产奶或肉猪产低脂肪肉这些纯自然的属性具有真正的商业价值,几年内,生物学方面的克隆就会成为司空见惯的事情。就像伊恩·威尔马特克隆多利一样,去年科学家们克隆出了老鼠和奶牛,明年,其它的动物也一定会加入到克隆动物的行列中来。 另一方面,克隆人可能在技术上可行,但是在法律和情感上却难以接受。不过,总有一天克隆人会变成现实的。把身体细胞重新调整到原始、未发育的状态的能力可能为医生带来他们从干细胞中能够获得的同样好处:即有可能培育出各种各样的健康的人体器官,从而利用这

Text 4 一、文章题材结构分析
36.【答案】C Human
[A] the use of machines to produce science fiction
[B] the wide use of machines in manufacturing industry

was initially 人类的心灵手巧的创造力最初体现在_______

[A] 使用机器来制造科幻

demonstrated in_______. [B] 在制造业广泛使用机器

[C] the invention of tools for difficult [C] 发明用来处理困难和危险工作的and dangerous work


[D] the elite's cunning tackling of [D] 供精英们处理那些危险而无聊的dangerous and boring work

【解析】文章在第一段开篇第一句指出Since the dawn of human ingenuity, people have devised ever more cunning tools to cope with work that is dangerous, boring, burdensome, or just plain nasty,关键词是工作

37.【答案】C The word “gizmos” (Paragraph 2 most 单词“gizmos”(第二段)最有可能的意probably means_______.
[A] programs
[B] experts
[C] devices
[D] creatures

【解析】此题需结合上下文语境来判断。首先从as a result可得知此句与前文存在因果联系,而第一段主要谈论机器人技术。其次从该句之后所举的各种现象都以mechanical machine展开讨论。该词就应该指代的是后面所提到的robot assembly armsautomated tellerrobot-driversrobot systems,因此,devices(设备、装置)能够很好的总结这类词。所以正确答案为选项C
思是_______ [A] 程序 [B] 专家

[C] 设备/装置 [D] 生物

38.【答案】D According to the text, what is beyond man's ability now is to design a robot that can_______.
[A] fulfill delicate tasks like performing brain surgery

[A] 完成精细的大脑手术

[B] interact with human beings verbally [B] 通过语言进行联系

[C] have a little common sense

[C] 没有足够的常识

[D] respond independently to a changing world


[D] 能够独立改变世界

【解析】文章第二段指出“大脑手术”和“人机对话”是可以做到的。所以选项AB不正确。选项C易被误选。第三段说we can’t yet give a robot enough ‘common sense to reliably interact with a dynamic world””(但我们还不能赋予一个机器人足够多的常识,来使它们能够和动态的世界进行可靠的交流)不是所有的常识都不能赋予,而是不能赋予能使他们能够和动态的世界进行交流这一常识。因此属于过度推理。所以选项C也不正确。选项D在原文中没有对应内容,且无法做到,因此是正确的表达。所以正确答案为选项D
39.【答案】B Besides reducing human labor, robots 除了减轻人类的劳力,机器人还能够做can also_______.

[A] make a few decisions for themselves [A] 独立地为自己做出决定

[B] deal with some errors with human intervention
[C] improve factory environments
[D] cultivate human creativity

[B] 在人的监控下可以处理一些问题

[C] 改善工厂的环境

[D] 培养人的创造力

The author uses the example of monkey 作者借用一只猴子的例子来说明机器to argue that robots are_______.
[A] expected to copy human brain in internal structure
[B] able to perceive abnormalities immediately

[A] 期望在内部复制人的大脑

[B] 能够立刻感知异常

[C] far less able than human brain in [C] 不能像人类大脑一样立刻聚焦于focusing on relevant information [D]


best used in a controlled environment [D] 在受控环境下被最好的利用

ingenuity n. 心灵手巧 cunning a. 熟练地,精巧的 nasty a. 肮脏的,令人厌恶的 robotics n. 机器人技术 gizmo n. 小发明 teller terminal 出纳终端机 transaction n. 交易,事务
miniaturization n. 小型化
NASA (国家航空和宇宙航行局 microprocessor n. 微信息处理机 a fraction of 一小部分 glimpse vt. 一瞥,一看 instantaneously ad. 瞬间发生地 neuroscientist n. 神经学家
burdensome a. 繁重的,难以承担的 transistor circuit 晶体管电路
1.And thanks to the continual miniaturization of electronics and micro-mechanics, there are already robot systems that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery
with sub millimeter accuracy far greater precision than highly skilled physicians that can achieve with their hands alone. 【解析】thanks to引导的原因状语从句。that can perform some kinds of brain and bone surgery with submillimetre accuracyrobot systems的定语从句,其中,with submillimetre accuracyperform的方式状语。破折号起进一步说明作用。that can achieve with their hands alone修饰physicians, 是一个定语从句。
2.What they found, in attempting to model thought, is that the human brain's roughly one hundred billion nerve cells are much more talented and human perception far more complicated than previously imagined. 【解析】基本结构为that引导的表语从句作what they found is的表语。in attempting to model thought插入语。从句中包含一个比较结构be much more talented than破折号起到补充说明的作用。 【译文】在尝试建造模型的过程中,他们发现人类大脑大约千亿的神¾细胞比以前想象的更聪明,而且人类的感知能力比我们所预想的要复杂的多。
3.But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. 【解析】前半句中,that is irrelevant修饰the 98 percent。后半句分词结构focusing on...in a big crowd导的从句是对前半句话整句的进一步解释。其中focus on有两个并列宾语:the monkeythe single suspicious face


Part B

Part B 41.【正确答案】
G 本题空格出现在第一段中间。上文指出了购物性质上的变化:从获得生活必需品的方式转为一种休闲活动。下文则指出其原因:拥有更多的金钱导致了消费模式的改变。后面部分指出传统经济行为模式受到质疑,仍然是为了说明消费模式的改变。因此可以推测空格处填入的内容要么续上文,继续说明购物性质的变化,要么接下文,开始说明金钱的增多是导致消费模式变化的原因。选项中没有谈及消费模式话题的只有选项G通过举例说明人们收入的上升。选项中Gincrease in income和下文中的having more money相呼应,选项中的this回指上文的the rise of consumerism,即收入的上升引起了消费主义的上升。因此选项G是正确答案。 42.【正确答案】
C 本题空格出现在第二段段首。首先下文出现了一个重要的特征词:人称代词所有格her由于第一段没有出现人名,因此空格处必然要给出具体人名。符合条件的是选项ACE选项D虽然也提到具体人名,但由于它一开始就用了人称所有格her与上文无法衔接。下文的内容是:这位女士的研究把冲动的购物行为确定为购物者支持自我形象的尝试。由于第一段的内容是消费模式的变化,而下文的内容开始探讨冲动的购物行为的心理原因。因此空格处的内容应起到过渡的作用。选项A讨论购物者对不同商品的冲动程度不同,选项E提到女性成为冲动购物者的可能性更大,这些内容更可能出现在下文之后,对冲动购物行为进行进一步探讨。而选项C提到人名的身份,表明是第一次介绍该人物,内容上延续第一段的讨论,指出购物的心理暗示,因此恰当地过渡到下文的冲动购物 43.【正确答案】E 本题空格出现在第三段段末。上文提到研究表明购物狂更崇拜物质,把购物看作改善自我形象的一种策略。下文提到研究也表明某些和自我形象相关的商品更容易成为冲动购物的对象。因此上下文都是关于冲动或过度购物是心理原因造成的研究。符合这个主题的有选项ACE。先排除选项C,因为上文已经提到过Dittmar博士。上文中出现的关键词a coping strategy和选项E中的other ways one of the most important strategies相呼应。因此,选E为正确答案。 44.【正确答案】
A 本题空格出现在第四段段中。下文中出现特征词in other words,表明下文是对空格处内容的说明,反过来说,即空格处内容是对下文的综述。下文指出,购物者购买厨房用具这类商品的冲动比购买衣服的冲动要小,即购物者对不同商品的购物冲动不同。只有选项A提到此内容,故为正确答案。选项A中的impulsiveness differed与下文中的low impulsehigh impulse相呼应。

45.【正确答案】D 本题空格出现在第六段段首。下文提到广告和购物环境对顾客的诱惑。和该内容相符合的只有选项D,其中出现的advertisers和下文的advertisement相呼应。下文中的these people回指选项D中的advertisers and retailers。选项F的内容正好相反,强调某些工业对女性购物垒起了屏障。


Part C








Section Writing

51. [参考范文] Dear Sir or Madam
As I am planning to take the National Entrance Test of Eng1ish for MA/MS Candidates(NETEM
I have decided to place an order of some NETEM books with due consideration of the good reputation of your bookstore and the high quality of your books
Firstly, please give me particular accounts as regards names, authors, publishing houses and prices of these booksSecondlyI also need to know the terms of payment and after-sell service

Thirdly 1 wonder if it is convenient for you to deliver these books by EMS to the headquarters of Beijing New Oriental School by September l2012I have arranged to pay for the service. 1would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration of my requests. I look forward to hearing from you soon
Yours Sincerely, Li Ming [全文翻译]
由于我计划参加全国硕士研究生入学英语考试,充分考虑到贵书店的良好声誉和所售书籍优良品质,我决定从贵店订购一些考研英语图书。 首先,请给我一份关于这些书籍的书名、作者、出版杜、价格等方面的详细信息。其次,我想道付款方式和售后服务情况。第三,我想知道您是否方便于201291日前,把这些书通过邮特快专递寄到北京新东方学校总部。我已经安排好了快递的付款事宜。 感谢您好心考虑我的请求,期待尽快收到您的回信。
您真诚的, 李明
52. [参考范文] It is shown in the drawing that a young man wearing a mask is staring at the huge CharactersPM25in the polluted skyIn the flourishing and prosperous metropolis with a great many carsair pollution is extremely seriousAnd below the portrayal, there is a caption which readsair quality
Motor vehicle exhaust is the primary cause for the notoriously poor air quality for cities 1ike BeijingJakarta and DelhiTodayWhether in BangkokBeijing or Berlinthe roads of the worlds most populous urban areas are flooded with more motor vehicles than at any other time in historySpecificallythere are now more than five million cars in BeijingWith over l000 new cars being registered everydayShanghaiGuangzhou and other big citesall home to over three million automobileshave also witnessed strong grow thin vehicle salesDue to the poorer quality of airthe rates of asthma and other lungrelated ailments are considerably higher in large cities than in rural areas
In my viewthe restrictions on vehicle driving are not only justified butindeedcan be extremely beneficial for the densely populated cities in China and elsewhereTo begin withimposing such measures in major cities can help alleviate air pollution and thus promote a cleaner environmentWhat is more, improved weather conditions and more blue-sky days can also help boost the localsgeneral health as well as psychological well-being.
[全文翻译] 如图所示,一个戴着口罩的年轻人正凝视着被污染的天空中的几个巨大字母:PM25在机动车数量庞大的繁荣大都市中,空气污染极其严重。漫画下方的小标题写着:“空气质量”
广州和其他大城市,机动车保有量都超过三百万辆,它们同样见证了汽车销量的强劲增长。由于空气质量差,大城市中哮喘和其他肺部疾病的发病率比农村地区要高出许多。 在我看来,机动车限行的政策不仅是合乎情理的,而且也确实对中国和世界上其他人口稠密的城市极其有利。首先,在大城市执行此类政策有助于减轻空气污染,并有助于营造更加清洁的环境。其次,改善了的天气条件以及更多的蓝天天数也有助提升当地居民的整体健康以及幸福感。


