初中 中考 厦门市2016年教学质量监控(市质检)英语

发布时间:2020-12-07 13:42:10   来源:文档文库   





Do you like going camping? When the weather starts to get warm, many families like to experience the fresh air of the country away from the        29   of the city. They pack up their tent, which is their home when they are camping. They also prepare many important things such as food, water and      30   where they rest at night. After arriving at the camping place, the first thing to do is to    31    up the tent.

One thing people like to do in the woods is going hiking. Another thing they like to do is     32     by the river. Those who are lucky enough will catch a big one for dinner. At night, people sit around the fire and tell    33    stories. Although this makes them afraidto sleep alone, it brings much fun as well. If anybody gets    34   , they can eat hotdogs or cook over the fire. So somebody has to chop wood for the fire.

One of the worst things about camping is the insects like bees and ants. If they bite(咬) you, you will be uncomfortable or even badly    35   . That’s why it’s important to put on bug spray(驱蚊液) to    36    insect bites when you are in the woods.

Last but not least, please remember to bring a water bottle and not to drink water from rivers. Pack up and enjoy your camping now!

【小题1】29. A. pollution                  B. population                   C. pleasure

【小题2】30. A. hiking shoes                  B. cameras                         C. sleeping bags

【小题3】31. A. wake                             B. put                               C. take

【小题4】32. A. walking                         B. dancing                          C. fishing

【小题5】33. A. interesting               B. scary                           C. humorous

【小题6】34. A. hungry                           B. healthy                            C. heavy

【小题7】35. A. built                      B. cut                                  C. hurt

【小题8】36. A. avoid                       B. protect                                        C. cause


【小题1】A 【小题2】C 【小题3】B 【小题4】C 【小题5】B 【小题6】A

【小题7】C 【小题8】A




A couple was going for a walk after supper. With the moonlight, the wife noticed a blind man on the other side of the street with his seeing eye dog.

“Wow! What a helpful dog!” said the wife, “look at that blind man doing the same thing just like us.”

They continued walking for a few minutes longer. Suddenly, they heard the man let out a loud yelp. The dog had walked him right into a parked car. As a result, he had clearly knocked his knee into the car pretty hard.

Rushing over to help, they saw the man in pain reach into his pocket and take out a treat(奖品) for the dog.

“Isn’t that strange?” the wife said in a low voice, “giving him a treat even when he’s mad.”

“Why are you giving him a treat?” questioned the husband.

“I am not giving him a treat!” said the angry man, “I’m just trying to find out where his head is, so I can give him a sharp kick in the behind!”


 37. The story probably took place __________.

         A. in the morning                        B. in the afternoon                     C. in the evening


 38. The man was __________ when the couple saw him.

         A. feeding a dog                          B. taking a walk                          C. parking a car


 39. The man probably looked like Picture __________ when he let out a loud yelp.

         A.           B.                    C. 


 40. The couple felt __________ when the man gave his dog a treat.

         A. angry                                        B. surprised                                 C. worried


 41. We can infer(推测) that the man __________.

         A. wanted to punish his dog seriously

         B. had lost his seeing eye dog

         C. felt angry about the couple










A picture is more than a thousand words. A mind map tells what you think. Different from a map that guides you home, it paints out the way your brain works. On mind maps, ideas are shown as pictures and key words reaching out from a central topic. A good mind map usually turns out to look like “a spider” or “a big tree”. By setting your mind free, mind maps encourage you to think outside the box. The only thing might get in the way between you and your next big idea is your imagination. Here are some tools that can be useful in showing key points, and say a lot without saying too much!

A flow chart explains how things work with symbols and text. It shows you every step and decision you need to make. Each step is in a different shape and connected by lines and arrows(箭头). Each arrow points to the next stage of a process. This allows anyone to see the map and follow from beginning to end as easily as reading a story book. For example, you can make a flow chart to show your grandparents how to use a smartphone!

A fishbone map points out the reason behind a problem. You create it in the shape of a fish. Start with the head, which is the problem in question. A straight line leading to the head is the fish’s backbone. Lines connecting to the backbone are the “reasons” of the problem. Each reason will then need to be explained. The closer you get to the fish head, the closer you are to a solution.


42.   A mind map helps us __________.

         A. find way home                        B. think clearly                            C. draw pictures


43.   The underline phrase “think outside the box” means “__________”.

         A. step outside                                     B. draw boxes                             C. become creative


44.   We know that Picture __________ is a flow chart.

         A.   B.  C. 


45.   We should start with __________ when drawing a fishbone map.

A. a problem                                B. a reason                                   C. a solution


46.   Which of the following statement is TRUE?

         A. Mind maps allow us to see our ideas in drawings.

         B. The steps are in the same shape when a flow chart is drawn.

         C. Fishbone maps are used to show how to cook a fish.









         Do you ever think about turning your knowledge into real money? Join ABC’s hit game show Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. Just sign up with your phone, you might get to win big money live on stage!

         There are 15 questions standing between you and a million dollars! For each question, you will be given four possible answers. Only one of them is correct - your job is to pick the right one! The more questions you answer, the higher prize you will get.

         To make things easier, there are three “life lines” for you. Use them wisely! The life lines are: Cut it Half, Phone-a-Friend, The Wise Man.

         Cut it Half: The computer will take away two incorrect answers, leaving the right answer and one wrong answer.

         Phone-a-Friend: As the name suggests, you can call a friend and ask the question, and the phoned friend will give his answer.

         The Wise Man: You can get professional advice from experts. For example, you can ask a programmer for answers to computer questions.

         Use all the help you can get, but remember if you miss a question and the game is over! Players will be given two choices each time they beat a question. One is to play safe, walking away with the money they have won. The other is to head for the million-dollar question. This is the moment when everyone holds breath. It is likely to see players in a cold sweat since they have too much to lose!

【小题1】47.         We can know that Who Wants to Be A Millionaire is __________.

A. a TV program                          B. a phone game                        C. a website


48.   Players can use the “life lines” to __________.

A. meet friends                                      B. ask for help                             C. fix a computer


49.   Players will have a __________ chance to answer correctly when Cut it Half is used.

         A. 25%                                           B. 50%                                           C. 75%


50.   We can infer that players who head for the final question might __________.

         A. be in danger                            B. have a cold                              C. get nervous


51.   This passage mainly talks about __________ of Who Wants to Be A Millionaire.

         A. the rules                                  B. the players                              C. the history









Grass and flowers are growing from Chinese people’s heads - few people know why.

The interesting trend(趋势) has spread across China for some time. In fact, the “grass” is a kind of hairpin made of plastic. The grass hairpin costs a few yuan. When the trend started, a person could easily buy the hairpin at a place of interest, making it easy to “grow” grass on the head. But why does it become popular? You will find that it is not rocket science to answer the question. The answers will show up clearly after reading what they said below.

Gao Xuanyang, a teacher from Shanghai says, “In ancient China, people who put a piece of grass on their heads were showing they had to sell themselves or their children as servants(佣人) for money. But now people just need something fresh to make their normal life interesting. ”

“The one who follows the trend doesn’t want to know the meaning behind it. For example, I just follow what others do,” says Wei Ming, a tourist from Fujian Province.

According to an American professor named Thomas, it reflects a common social psychology (心理学), that is “group psychology”, which can be usually seen in everyday life. People like to act like most people with no reason. As for grass hairpins, people don’t really care about the meaning. After all they are cheap enough to make them “fashionable”.


52. When the trend started, you might buy the hairpins at places like Picture __________.

A.    B.             C. 


53. The underlined phrase “not rocket science” means “__________”.

A. strange                                   B. important                                C. easy


54. In ancient China, people who put a piece of grass on their heads were __________.

A. busy                                          B. poor                                         C. helpful


55. According to the last paragraph, people buy the hairpins just because __________.

A. most people buy them         B. they are cheap                      C. they know them well


56. __________ have the same opinion about the reason why the hairpins become popular.

A. Gao Xuanyang and Wei Ming

B. Wei Ming and Thomas

C. Gao Xuanyang and Thomas









Every living thing must have energy to live. Plants get energy from the sun. Animals live on plants as well as other animals for energy.

    The flow(流动) of energy from green plants to one kind of animals and to another kind of animals and so on is called a food chain. It is usually made of at least three kinds of living things. For example, this is a food chain for a lion:

There are names to describe each link(链接) of the food chain. Green plants are the only things that can get energy from the sunlight. They are called “producer”. A food chain must start with the “producer”. The animals that feed on green plants are named “primary consumer(初级消费者) ”. Animals who eat primary consumers are called “the second-level consumer”. The rest can be done in the same manner. For example, the lion above is called “the third-level consumer”. Energy is lost when it flows from one link to another, because consumers use the energy to get food and do other activities.

Links higher up in the food chain live on the lower links. Even though foxes don’t eat carrots, they wouldn’t last long if there wasn’t any carrot, because then the rabbits wouldn’t have anything to eat. The study of food chain helps in understanding food relationship and respecting other living things. No matter what they are, the living things have their own value in the environment. We people should know that any break of a food chain will cause big trouble.


57. Picture __________ shows an example of “producer”.

A.                        B.                         C. 


58. There are __________ consumers in the lion’s food chain above.

A. two                                            B. three                                        C. four


59. In the food chain, the energy that a lion gets is __________ the energy that the carrots made.

A. less than                                 B. the same as                                     C. more than


60. The main idea of paragraph 4 is __________.

A. What a food chain is

B. What makes a food chain

    C. Why we study a food chain


61. We can know that __________from the passage.

A. a food chain may start with a tomato

B. sheep and tigers can make a food chain

C. the energy can flow from one rabbit to another rabbit








Alex: How’s your school life going?

Brian:Oh, terrible. I always feel stressed out these days.

Alex: Maybe you should 【小题1】66. __________ yourself when you are free. You can go to the movies or do something interesting.

Brian: The problem is that I really have 【小题2】 67. __________ time to do anything else except studying. You know, on school days I have to 【小题3】68. __________ most of my time on lessons during the day, and at night I have to do my homework.

Alex: What about your 【小题4】69. __________?

Brian:On Saturdays, I have piano lessons. On Sundays, I have to practice tennis. My father says it’s good for my 【小题5】70. __________. He wants me to have a strong body. In fact, I really want to have a rest.

Alex:I think you should tell your parents about your feelings. I am sure they will understand you.


【小题1】relax/enjoy 【小题2】 little/no 【小题3】spend/use 【小题4】weekend(s)





  71. Excuse me, could you tell me ___________________________________________?

【答案】where the post office is / how to get to the post office


  72. __________________________________________________________________________.【答案】I used to be short.



  73. We are supposed to _________________________________________________________.

【答案】shake hands / say hello



  74. _________________________________________________________________________?

【答案】What kind(s) of music do you like?



  75. I ________________________________________________________________________.

【答案】drink milk every day


《初中 中考 厦门市2016年教学质量监控(市质检)英语.doc》
