
发布时间:2016-02-24   来源:文档文库   
The two pie charts illustrates energy utilization and greenhouse gas emissions of situation respectively about household in Australian. It is clear that heating was the main reason for household energy consumption (42%. 30% and 15% of utilization were consumed by water heating and other appliances respectively. In addition, 7% energy was utilized by refrigeration. However, the proportion of household energy use duo to cooling and lighting just spent 2% and 4%. I can know the data which the main reasons about greenhouse gas emissions caused by water heating(32% and other appliances(28%. On the contrary, heating consumed much energy, but it just released gas(15% as similar as the refrigeration. The proportion of cooling and light about gas emissions as same as energy use were tiny, cooling was 3%, lighting was 8%. From those two chart, l can obtain a conclusion that energy use can not decide to how much greenhouse gas releases.


