
发布时间:2013-03-26 10:48:57   来源:文档文库   




美国西海岸寄宿服务中心(west coast home stay service),简称WCHSS,成立于200910月,总部位于美国洛杉矶,是一家专业从事美国未成年留学生寄宿管理和服务的机构。

The west coast of the United States boarding service centre (west group home stay service), hereinafter referred to as WCHSS, was established in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United States Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the United States a minor student management and services.


很多留学生家长选择住在当地居民提供的家庭寄宿,以提高其外语水平,了解当地文化,更好地融入当地。选择这类家庭寄宿的初衷,无可厚非。但从其实际效果来看,还存在不少 现实中的问题和认识上的误区,不仅远未达到学生和家长入住前的预期目标,而且还给学生本人带了不少负面影响。

Many parents of international students choose to live in the local residents to provide homestay, to improve their foreign language level, understand the local culture, to better integrate into the local. Choose this type of homestay, understandable. But from the point of its actual effect, there are many problems in reality and the misconceptions in understanding, not only far from students and their parents before the anticipated target, and returned to the student with a lot of negative effects.



Current high school students to study abroad is becoming more and more common, many people have trouble problems such as housing, room and board to the United States, most people chose the local agency to find suitable host family, arrange students to check in to the host family. Host families are part-time, however, are only responsible for simple meals and transportation, unable to realize comprehensive service and support for students. Most of the students came to the United States, in the life and study are not used to. And mediation, parents, host family, school, student more than 5 communication between the parties, causing information disconnect, this to students learning and life caused great problems and influence.


学生们来海外留学的目的,是提高其专业知识水平,真正了解当地文化和语言。人以类聚,物以群分,只有与有知识有文化的家庭住在一起,才能真正起到提 升的作用。如同会说中文的人不一定有中高层次文化水平和素养一样,在海外,并不是每一个会说英文的人都是中高级知识分子、工商业巨子或政治精英,能给留学 生带来提升。与普通的社会中低层家庭住在一起,的确可以学些这个阶层所使用的语言,但对学生本人的提高又有多少帮助呢?

The purpose of the students to study abroad, is to improve their professional knowledge level, truly understand the local culture and language. A person with type, content with group of points, only to have the knowledge and culture of the family live together, can we truly have the effect of improving. Like a chinese-speaking people don't necessarily have the high cultural level and quality, in overseas, not every people can speak English are all senior intellectuals, business tycoons or the political elite, can give students bring to ascend. With the ordinary low-rise family live together, in the society can learn the language used by this class, but the improvement of students and how much help?



As such special boarding services, the west coast of the United States boarding service center was established in October 2009, headquarters is located in the United States Los Angeles, is one specialized is engaged in the underage student management and service agencies in the United States. From the institution since its establishment, has been dedicated to international students study in high school. At present, the west coast of the United States boarding students service center is the only one to assume custody lodging management institutions. Can provide international students with comprehensive follow-up management services, comprehensive solution to parents of young children to study abroad including law, housing, study abroad life, management and other issues, truly guarantee for education, for study abroad course.

选择家庭住宿,一定要看该家庭成员的教育程度和文化素养等,而不能盲目地认为,与当地人呆在一起就一定能够提升自己的语言水平。与大学教授住在一起和与普 通工人住在一起,耳濡目染的效果,一定会大不相同。更为重要的是,与中高层次家庭住在一起,学生们可以学习其学习工作方式、思维习惯,进行学术交流,甚至 为其今后的进一步深造或就业,带来意想不到的机会等。近朱者赤,只有与高层次的人家住在一起,才能达到这些留学生们选择家庭住宿的最初目的。

Choose homestay, you must look at the family member's degree of education and cultural literacy, etc., but not blindly believe that stay with local people will be able to improve their language proficiency. Live with a professor at the university and live with ordinary workers, narrative effect, will be very different. More importantly, live with high level in the family, the students can learn the way of working and thinking habit, academic communication, even for the future further study or employment, an unexpected opportunities. Who lies, only with a high level of people live together, to reach the students who choose homestay's original purpose.



Traditional host family is responsible for the student only simple transport and diet, and the U.S. west coast boarding service center as the only one to take custody of the children boarding management institutions, to take the initiative to assume the responsibility of the student guardian, to take good care of the student's life, study and school life, and provide professional counseling, lectures, consulting, planning the future for the children. Besides comprehensive care of children's study, life and psychology, also regularly with parents, let parents timely understanding of children's life in a foreign country, really lets the child quickly adapt to life in the United States, let parents rest assured completely.

留学生在与当地的人家住在一起,还面临着一个问题:饮食问题。除非从小就生活在国外,否则这些来海外接受中学或大学教育的中国学生的第一饮食仍然会是 中餐。据众多长期生活在海外的华人华侨讲,只要青少年时代主要以中餐为主要饮食的人,即使在海外生活了50年甚至更久,他们依然会觉得中餐是最好吃的,中 餐是其天然的第一饮食。这也是海外众多的中国商店的主要顾客,仍然是中国人的原因。中国人可以吃西餐,但无法顿顿吃,长期吃,西餐只能起点缀和辅助的作 用,偶尔吃吃,是很享受的一件事,倘若长期吃的话,就接受不了。以外国人为主的当地寄宿家庭,按照他们饮食的标准和做法,为学生们提供的早晚餐,很少有能 真正适合这些学生的胃口的。学生们长期吃自己不喜欢的饮食,一是会影响到其身体健康和心情,二是由此会影响到其学习质量和整个留学效果。

International students live with local families, also face a problem: eating problems. Unless you grew up living abroad, these to accept overseas high school or college education of Chinese students, the first food would still be Chinese food. According to numerous overseas Chinese speak of living abroad for a long time, as long as the youth mainly Chinese food as the main diet of people, even in the overseas life for 50 years or even longer, they will still think Chinese food is the most delicious, the food is the first natural diet. This also is the main customers of many overseas Chinese stores, is still the cause of the Chinese. Chinese can eat western food, but can't eat at every meal, for a long time to eat, western food can only use of ornament and auxiliary, occasionally, it is one thing to enjoy, if eat it for a long time, can't accept. Is given priority to with foreigners of local host families, in accordance with the standards of their diet and practices, provide students with early dinner, few can truly fit the appetite of the students. The students eat their own don't like eating for a long time, it is will affect the health and mood, 2 it is this will affect their learning quality and the study effect.



In that case, overseas students should choose what kind of homestay? After much investigation and research, the author thinks that the best host family shall have the following characteristics:



Must be the members of the family received a good education, in a high level of family in the society, understand the local language, especially the academic language.


Can provide authentic Chinese food service, food is the first needs of the people to eat for a long time is bad to can affect the body health and academic performance.


Able to provide timely and thoughtful care services, overseas students, especially young students, is in the transition from juvenile to adult phase, physical and mental is immature, in the actual study abroad study life will encounter various difficulties, need someone to like their parents to their care to take care of, on behalf of its parent liaison with the local school, etc., to provide timely and accurate service.

4.最好能与其他来自中国的学生住在一起。有人认为与中国学生住在一起无法提高外语水平,但其实这是一种误区。学习最根本的是取决与学习者本人,没有 出过国的人只要自己坚持不懈的努力,也照常可以把外语学得很好。相反,在国外生活了几十年但不会说当地语言的华人,不在少数。如果只会说日常的工薪阶层所 说的语言,无法学习正规的专业的语言,那还是无法达到提升其学习成绩的目的。况且,与中国学生在一起,生活上也可以相互照应。现在是网络时代,可以学习的 资料和信息很多,海外留学生要学习的是能够上台面的正规的高级别专业语言和词汇。  

It is best to live with other students from China. Some people think that live with Chinese students unable to improve foreign language level, but it is a myth. Learning is the most fundamental depends on the learner himself, not been abroad as long as their own unremitting efforts, also can learn a foreign language well as usual. Instead, lived abroad for decades but does not speak the local language of Chinese, not in the minority. If only speak daily working class said by the language, unable to learn the language of formal professional that still can't reach the purpose of improve their grades. Besides, with Chinese students, also can look after each other in life. Now is the network era, can learn a lot of materials and information that overseas students have to learn is to be able to come to the formal high-level professional language and vocabulary.


Living abroad, received a good education of Chinese family or organization, can play a bridge role well, can not only play the role of guardian for international students, and to help them to improve professional foreign language level, with delicious Chinese food, also can help the students to integrate into the local as soon as possible, to participate in community activities, etc.

6.以连锁经营为模式,为海外留学生提供标准的寄宿、监护、选择学校、申请专业和规划未来职业等服务的专业性组织/公司,将在海外留学生的学习、生活 中,起着越来越重要的作用。这种专业性组织/公司,克服了传统家庭寄宿的弊端,由处于社会中上层的专业人士尤其是优秀华人华侨按照统一的标准运营,像酒店 一样提供标准的食宿,会让留学生们在享受中华美味的同时,学习专业英语,真正提升学习水平,说行话,达到留学初衷。这种模式是一种大趋势,优势明显。

To chain business model, providing overseas students standard lodging, guardianship, choose the school, apply for professional and planning for the future career services such as professional organizations/companies, will be in the study and life of overseas students, plays a more and more important role. Such a professional organization/company, overcome the disadvantages of the traditional family boarding, by the upper middle-class professionals in society, especially outstanding overseas Chinese shall, in accordance with the unified standard operation, like hotel provides standard accommodation, can let students to enjoy the delicious at the same time, learning professional English, really enhance the level of learning and jargon, to study abroad. This pattern is a big trend, obvious advantages.

如何选择美国的寄宿家庭走读私立中学这个项目非常注重家庭的选择,因为孩子到了美国之后,安全性以及生活的幸福指数是我们最关注的。当然,在选择家庭这方面仍然存在着一定的被动 性,因为,在美国的家庭挑选上咱们的孩子之后,我们才能有权利去选择acceptunaccept。在此和大家分享一下如何选择寄宿家庭并帮助大家走出 一些误区: 

 How to choose the host family day private high school in this project is very pay attention to the choice of the family, because after the children went to the United States, security, and the happiness of life is our most attention. Choose, of course, in the family that still exist certain passive, because, in the United States family pick on us children, we can have the right to choose to accept or unaccept. How to choose the host family here and share with you and help you out of some misunderstanding:

1) 寄宿家庭离学校的远近建议成为家长选择寄宿家庭首要考虑的因素。因为,在美国大多数学校都是有校车且可以接送孩子上下学,一般来讲,学生乘坐30-50 钟的校车去上学是很正常的。所以,如果家庭离学校很近,孩子乘坐校车就可以在30分钟之内到达,甚至可以走路上学,这真的是一件非常幸福的事情。 

Host family of near and far from the school suggested that as a primary consideration. Parents choose to host family Most schools are in the United States, because the school bus and to transport children to and from school, generally speaking, students take 30 to 50 minutes go to school on the school bus is very normal. So, if family is near school, children take the school bus can be reached within 30 minutes, can even walk to school, it is really a very happy thing.

2)一般可以接受中国孩子的这些美国家庭还是非常友好的,并且愿意接受和学习中国的文化,建议大家不要去挑剔寄宿家庭是单亲或者双亲家庭。因为,我始 终认为无论在哪里人的品质最为重要,只要家庭对孩子好且负责任,孩子愿意去融入这个家庭,那么家长也可以得到最大的安慰了。

Generally can accept Chinese children of the American family is very friendly, and willing to accept and learn from China's culture, recommends not to picky host families are single parent or both parents. Because, I think no matter where people start final quality is most important, as long as the family good and responsible for children, children are willing to go into the family, so parents can also receive the biggest comfort.

3) 很多家长非常注重寄宿家庭的生活环境,其实,我认为美国的中产阶级最适合成为寄宿家庭,而不是那些富人。虽然在富人的家庭孩子可能会得到物质上的满足,但 是一般富人家庭的费用也是非常昂贵的,并且他们通常非常忙碌而没有更多时间与孩子交流或者更贴心地照顾孩子。恰恰中产阶级的家庭,工作生活不会那么忙碌, 可以有更多时间关心孩子。

Many parents very pay attention to the living environment of host families, in fact, I think America's middle class is most suited to become a host family, rather than the rich. Although in the rich family children may get material satisfaction, but is generally the rich family expenses are very expensive, and they are usually very busy and have no more time to communicate with children or, more close to take care of the children. On the middle class family, less busy work life, can have more time to care for their children.


4)如何正确对待寄宿家庭是否有孩子,或者同年龄的孩子?建议大家不要刻意去追求或者要求寄宿家庭最好有孩子或者没有孩子。因为,任何事物都有两面 性,在有孩子的寄宿家庭,不会感觉到那么孤独,更容易融合进去;在没有孩子的寄宿家庭就不会考虑如何处理好和孩子之间的复杂关系,可以赢得相对安静的学习 环境。

how to correctly treat host families have children, or of the same age children? Suggest that we do not deliberately to pursue or requirements best host families with children or no children. Because, everything has two sides, in the host family, with children won't feel so lonely, easier to merge; In the host family without children wouldn't have to consider how to handle and the complex relationship between the child and relatively quiet learning environment can be won.







寄宿家庭必须具备以下条件:经济实力雄厚,有大型住宅,居住社区治安良好。家庭成员无不良记录,无心理问题,孩子与交换生同性别且年纪相仿,学习成绩良 好。乐于交友和助人,有爱心,有长期参加公益活动和慈善活动的记录,希望学习和接受异国文化,喜欢接触和关心少年儿童等等。

In a word, both students themselves or their parents, before going abroad, when choosing the future place of accommodation, must understand the pros and cons of various accommodation, lodging environment, choose the most suitable for students' growth is a huge education investment value.

Host family common problem:

Host family refers to family?

Host families are volunteers provide free room and board for the exchange students.

Host family is what kind of?

Host families must meet the following conditions: economic potentiality is abundant, has a large homes, community public security is good. Family members have no bad record, no psychological problems, child sex and similar age with the exchange students, study result is good. Willing to make friends and help others, has the compassion, to participate in public welfare and charity activities for a long time, I hope to learn and accept other cultures and like to touch and care for children, and so on.



 交换生将被寄宿家庭视为家庭的一分子,共同参与家庭活动,承担家庭成员的义务,从而更好的美国当地人接触和沟通,了解美国文化,融入美国人的生活;同时, 住在寄宿家庭也为学生提供了很好的英语语言环境,通过和美国家庭成员的交流,对英语的提高有很大帮 助。                                           


What are the advantages of living in host families?

Exchange students will be part of a host family as a family, to participate in family activities, and assumes the obligations of a member of the family, and thus the locals better contact and communication, to understand American culture, integrate into American life; At the same time, living in host families also provides students with good English language environment, through the communication and the American family members, is of great help to the improvement of English. Parents can directly contact with host family?


We don't recommend that you contact the host family often, this will affect the students in the United States during the period of study and life, at the same time will disturb the host family's daily life, is bad for students to live independently, the cultivation of the ability to deal with problems.


T he project is how to determine the host family? What are the principles and procedures?

美国国务院的下属机构,专门负责常年在全美范围内寻找和甄选志愿接受海外中学生的家庭,并且会派人专程评估和考察这些家庭的条件和每一个家庭成员的状况。 参与项目的接待家庭均为志愿家庭,均属于收入稳定的有产阶级,每一位家庭成员均没有犯罪记录,对异国文化十分感兴趣。他们很乐于敞开家门和心胸欢迎学生, 为学生们提供饮食及居住环境,照顾来自异国的学生。所有的接待家庭都衷心地希望与学生分享各自的文化。同时,美国国务院对中学生美国交流学习项目有相关规 定,即学生须无条件接受交流机构选择的接待家庭。

Agency, the U.S. state department responsible for annual nationwide search and selection volunteer accept overseas middle school students' family, and send all the assessments and review these family conditions and status of each family member. The host family take part in the project are the volunteer family, all belong to a steady income of middle-class, every family members do not have a criminal record, is very interested in the foreign culture. They are happy to open the door and heart to welcome students, provide food and living environment for the students, care for students from abroad. Sincerely hope that all host family and students to share their culture. At the same time, the state department learning program for middle school students to the communication with related rules, namely the students choose the host family shall unconditionally accept communication mechanism.


For host family routines, habits, learning requirements, such as how to treat?

交流学生作为美国接待家庭的一员,应该充分理解新家的一切,包括接待家庭关于吸烟、饮酒、约会及相关的家务分担的规定。这些也是你熟悉异国文化的重要环 节,了解并遵守这些规则,对交流学生尽快地融入美国当地的生活会起到至关重要的作用,也是日后和接待家庭建立信任和亲密关系的基础。一般来说,家庭将负责 你的早餐和晚餐,你只需要自己购买在学校的午餐即可。但是住宿家庭没有义务为你提供诸如学习文具、衣服、洗漱用具等个人品、电话费、上网费用等也需要学生 自己承担。

Exchange students as a member of the American host family, should fully understand the new home of everything, including the host family about smoking, drinking, dating and the provisions of the relevant share the housework. These section is also an important ring are you familiar with other cultures, understand and abide by these rules, for exchange students as soon as possible into the local life will play a crucial role in the United States, is also in the future and the host family to establish the basis of trust and intimacy. In general, the family will be responsible for your breakfast and dinner, you only need to buy their own lunch in school. But your host family has no obligation to provide for you, such as the appliance that wash gargle learning stationery, clothes, such as a character, phone, Internet etc., also need to students themselves.


If students cannot get along well with host family? Every student exchange has designated regional representative is responsible for the contact, and provide 24-hour service, have any situation, regional representatives are ready to offer help and coordination. If the above situation occurs, regional representatives to the student and host family to understand situation first,


Is usually caused by small misunderstanding between different cultures, is generally easy to solve. In all feasible solutions to be void, regional representatives as the case to replace the new host family.


A year in the United States in the learning process, students midway is allowed to return home? Winter holiday, Christmas, etc. How to arrange?


I n principle can't. General winter vacation, the host family has a Christmas arrangements, students according to the arrangement of the family to participate in the activities.


