小学英语语音教案 (2)

发布时间:2019-08-22   来源:文档文库   
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教师 姓名
上课年级 课题名称
四年级 What can you see
教学 内容
字母组合eeow在部分单词中的发音规律 ee——[ i] 以及 Ee为韵脚的rhyme ow——[ Əu ] 以及以ow 为韵脚的poem new wordssheep cheese coffee snow window yellow
在导入阶段,教师巧妙的利用组合简笔画逐步引出学生已学单词,在自然程中逐步引出关键次和主题句型,并且按照单词的难易程度合理安排了关键次的出生能够拾阶而上,扎实掌握直呼式拼读法的同时能够兼顾逻辑性和趣味性,由此 自然的归纳出字母组合在单词中的发音规律。语音课其设计意图不能光停留在单词方式上,最终新授的单词仍然需要被灵活运用得以巩固。因此操练过程中教师本着则,把看似孤立的关键词分别编成活泼的rhyme和优美的poem,并且用悦目的组分明的展现。即巩固了知识点又丰富了学生的语言结构。

知识目标1.学生能够听说拼读符合ee--- [I:]ow---[ Əu ]发音规律的新词 2.学习符合发音规律的新例词并能拼读和灵活运用 3.熟练掌握分别以eeow为韵脚的一首韵文和小诗
能力目标:学生能够自己发现发音规律并根据发音规律用直呼式拼读法拼读单词 .情感目标: 学生能够在教师的引导下自己找到答案,培养学生的探究意识. 1 能够学会直呼式的拼读方式,并能够初步掌握稍复杂新词的方法 2. 学生能在教师的引导下归纳出字母组合发发音规律
设计 思路
教学 目标
重点 难点

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bee tree green








b 板书 设计


snow snowman
window yellowlow---slow

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ning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.
活跃气氛,拉进师生关系,自eet you, too. 然引出下个步骤关于classroom提问。
be your friend, shall we sing a song together? “In the
the students sing the song together.
用学生熟悉的场景引出和本课的主题句型直接相关的真实对话,ll, the classroom is really beautiful. There are flowers and 温故而知新。同时使学生学会观察,为下一步教师在黑板上的简笔画nd this one, what can you see in this classroom? (cai bee作铺垫。
an you see ,I can see …
a door. I can see fans and lights
walls and windows.
boards… 只画出bee的头部和身体不但留以悬念吸引学生的注意,引起思he board? 考也能分散板书绘画的时间来增加师生的交流。
e wall.
the board, can you see? (T draws a part of a bee
教师完成简笔画 ,用学生熟悉的单词bee来第一次引出含ee单词的拼读,由于单词难度小,几乎所butterfly. I can see a flower.(T finishes the bee. 有的学生都会非常愿意尝试bee新读法: [b]-[i:][bi:] spell it ?S:b-ee(师四线格板书bee e [b]-[i:][bi:](师请多位学生用拼读法读单词
hat can you seeSs answer one by one I can see a bee. 画上tree,使bee处于树枝间,目的仍- up: 1.Sing a song --- In the classroom
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ws a tree with a green chalk and ask:now,look,where is the tree.(相同的方式板书tree以及请学生拼读
or is the treeSsit is green.(板书拼读r-ee-nreen---green can you see?(引导学生说:I can see a bee in the green tree. he sentence like this----xx xx x| xx xx x|.(按此节奏说歌谣
let’s revise it.
he whole rhyme step by step and chant together.

, Ss answer. Boys ask girls answer. Then choose some

k m s f p t 在用学生已学简单的词汇再次因出ee单词的发音,green的引出同理. 教师选择这样的三个例词来让学生熟悉拼读的方法为了后面的rhyme作准备,在交流过程中渐渐熟rhyme的内容远比一次性出现全篇更容易被学生接受. 用多种方式操练和巩固rhyme不仅不枯燥还很有趣味性,学生掌握的的更轻松,ee的发音已然潜移默化. 此时再回到单词的拼读方式中让学生再次回顾它的发音,便于他们自己总结出发音规律. 用一字开花的方式让学生来拼读新词,进一步巩固和运用知识点
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w b ee
bee Ss say them together

ss:[i:]. ture -1on the board step by step
read this?ss:meemee w to read?ss:m-ee meemeet. y to practice b-ee-f ,k-ee p…
e any two letters ,let S1,s2.. read the new words.

i, give some words more difficult, Ss try to read them .
fishsh sheep chairch cheese cock coffee co

ws a white Christmas tree on the board and ask: 简笔画白色圣诞树引出snow(首次出现ow的新词

问学生是否喜欢雪,不仅为了避免枯燥的跟读,也为雪人的出现打了基础. 简笔画snowman,可爱的造型具有一定的美感.再次出现含ow单词,教师直接让自己拼读. 只画出窗框,同样为了增加趣味性和师生的交流并引起思考. yellow引出 low再及slow层次分明,学生很容易自己读出新词加深印象. 为下一步的poem 做铺垫
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you see?
a tree.
r is it?Ss: it is white.(why? wer, T can add some snow.
e it ---snow? 板书snow以及请学生拼读n-ownow---snow snow. because I can make a ---------(draws a snowman all it snowman in English. (板书snowman请学生拼读
w window.(先画窗框 ask: what can you see? a picture\window\photo…
e windowSs: it’s a window.
is it? Ss: it is yellow. 用缓慢而优美的语调让学生体poem和节奏欢快rhyme 完全不同的意境
使学生能够在理解的基础上用同样优美的语调来诠释这首小诗. 回顾ow 的拼读并由学生自己归纳它的发音规律. 适时给出新词,此时 学生拼读新词的能力已经水到渠成. 给学生不同难度的造句练习,拓展学生的思维,加强新词发音的训练
先用单个的词造句,然后逐步增加到2(甚至是试着编绕口令看学生的水平和能力酌情采用. ndowyellow先后请学生拼读. w can you read this ? low----slow. what about this out the meaning of ‘slow’
ece of snow on the windowlook, where is the snow? e window.
small poem with the picture step by step
and teacher read it
to say the poem. Fall slow \On the window \ That is yellow

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e following, ss read them together snow
window ellow
ys____? Ss: [əu] ad these new words?

ord cards let ss make sentences with the word\words.
ow snow u get one card------coffee:---- ke coffee. white…
d coffee------sheep likes coffee, sheep has coffee…
s just as you did in the class
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re words that have ee says[ i: ]or ow says [əu] in them, write them down small poem with these words. 所有板书以及课件出现的eeow都分别用红色和绿色字归纳不至混淆. 教师 姓名
上课年级 课题名称
五年级 twinkle, twinkle, little star

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教学 内容
语音教学:诗歌 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
妙有趣的特点,所以极富美感。一首诗歌往往会包含许多的语音现象,所以是进行语音教学设计 思路
课选用学生熟悉的歌曲 Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 》题材的诗歌为教学内容,音乐等媒体创设一个美丽的语言情景来赏析诗歌:宁静的夜晚,鸟在唱歌,树随风起舞,了花朵,星星闪耀着光芒……,通过朗读和引导让学生发现一些语音现象,指导学生运用优节奏等朗诵诗歌,从而培养学生良好的语感及对学生进行美的熏陶。

教学 目标
1 . 能用优美的语音语调朗诵《 Twinkle ,Twinkle, Little Star》小诗,掌握诗现象:如连读 will you爆破goodbye押韵setwetlightnight重读等。
2.认读音标:/e//ai/ 及了解字母组合的发音,并能将/e//ai/与一些辅音/t//g//d//h/,/l//m//n/拼读。
3.能运用所学的语音知识分析并朗诵小诗《Row Your Boat 4.形成一定的语感及对美的感受能力。
重点 难点
朗读《 Twinkle ,Twinkle, Little Star》,掌握诗中的一些语音现象。 会读音标:/e//ai/,了解相关字母组合。 *教学难点:
能运用所学的语音知识分析并朗诵小诗《Row Your Boat》。

板书 设计

简笔画3 (clouds and the sunset /e/ /ai/ ing 简笔画 1 set light
singing (bird’s singing wet night dancing 简笔画2 (tree’s dancing 简笔画4 简笔画 5 row a boat (grass with dew

Teaching process
Design points
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歌曲:<> . 教师配乐范读诗歌:Twinkle ,Twinkle, Little 用学生熟悉的歌曲导入。

简笔画整体呈现歌曲情境,使学生初步感知 新的语言材料。 1观察教师所画情景:What can you see?” 学生从诗中找出key words,图文结合,进
2.学生读找出的词,引导学生发现相同发 相关音标:/e/ /ai/ set light
singing a.练习拼读: wet night dancing 学生在朗读中发现一些读音规律。
b联想含有/e//ai/的单词,找出相关的 /e/ eea /ai/ i, ie, igh, y, ye

a. 教师边带读边注重音符号和连读符号: 同桌讨论,尝试在其它句子上找一找重音和
b. 根据所注符号有感情地朗读全诗. c呈现诗的最后两句:twinkle, twinkle, little /e/,

/pe/,/me/,/le/,/se/ /lai/,/mai/,/dai/,/pai/ /et/,/eg/,/en/


/ait/,/aip/,/ai /set/,/let/,/men/ the bird is singing,

“Will you the tree is dancing, ___ ?”
学生试读并选择: A.sleep B. say ‘hello’
....ye’ 由此发现“押韵”规律。
注意: goodbye /d/ 不完全爆破 5.全班配乐朗读全诗,个人展示表演. 赏析<>
简笔画呈现情境: “The bird is singing, the g, the little star is shining, What a beautiful night! Look, there is a 通过填充的形式,让学生选择合适的词语,从中体会诗歌末尾的押韵。
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ping and dreaming. What’s in his dream?
听歌曲:<> 1. 教师简笔画帮助学生理解诗歌大意. 2. 小组合作,运用已学语音知识分析诗( 通过美丽的夜景引入美丽的梦,教师用简笔3. 小组表演朗诵歌曲,互评. 画呈现《Row Your Boat》的情境:划着小 4Close your eyesact the poemand 船,船儿自由自在地漂,小鱼在快乐地eams. …… Talk about your dream: (What ‘s in your dream? What color is your dream? My dream tastes …. My dream is….
请学生闭眼听歌想象,感受小诗优美的意 5.Homework: write a little poem <境。 > 歌曲<>. colortastedream is (具体的事物 dream指导学生写诗的方法和技巧,

上课年级 永嘉外国语实验小学
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教学 内容
设计 思路
PEP 5教材为蓝本,根据儿童心理特点,自编了本教学内容。本课适合各小学生。本课围绕教学内容,以有教育意义的小故事为主线,结合各种形式总结简单充满乐趣的小活动,来掌握、练习和运用这一规律。
教学 目标
1 知识技能目标:
a, 学会发音并能在已知单词中找出相同规律的单词。 b, 根据发音规律能够听,说,读和写基础单词。 2,情感文化培养:
a, 通过学习,理解团结就是力量。
b, 培养同学之间的合作能力,积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流。
重点 难点 本教学的难点是部分单词的发音, 如:the stronger brother, the thinner Peter达。
板书 设计
pa__ __ __ far__ __ __ ti__ __ __ dri__ __ __

激发学生学习兴趣。 互相认识 hant
, Peter, near the river, tears the paper! ee? paper!
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ll me where he is. river. do there? s the paper.
er father (单词依次出现,请学生说简单的句子 t a sentence for you.
super teacher.(学生跟读
are the same in these four words?
ore words. In which words er says // . harpener father dinner finger paper river
~l-er ~ ~k-er ~ ~n-er
~m-er far_ _ _ ti _ _ _ dri _ _ _ ger以及形容词比较级的发音
strong/ stronger thin /thinner,学生跟读。
tall taller

做:big bigger small smaller fat fatter short shorter
T: big S: bigger small smaller fat fatter short shorter der
Young younger Strict stricter nice nicer 课件读:
tall taller big bigger small smaller fat fatter short shorter der
学生初步接触了er”发音。在接触chant解决了接下来要接触的汇。 通过阅读已知的单词,生找出发相同音的单词时出现的句子意思,Pfather is a super teacher穿了整个故事的内容。 进行形容词比较级拓展学生六年级比较级的学作好铺垫同时也达到了习语音的效果。
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现学习stronger brother/ thinner Peter和单词winner brothers.
ger brother/ thinner Peter. rother PK the thinner Peter.
brother is a winner. 的绕口令。
ood at tongue twisters. Let’s have a PK.
s father’s brother’s teacher.
mother eat dinner together at a river. 单人,两人PK两人。
s brother PK的事情上,阅读含ER的句子。 nger brother PK the thinner Peter. ey? he river. r and why?
is a winner. Because he is stronger. 章:
her PK the thinner Peter. ronger, he is a winner. ach other?
er tears brother’s paper. Brother hurts Peter’s finger! ther: You tear my paper! Peter: You hurt my finger! 过的图片。
。一人讲解事件,另两人扮演Peter brother.
tronger brother PK the thinner Peter. The brother is stronger, he is a winner. The stronger brother Peter says: “You hurt my finger!”
an? Why is he here?
and Peter’s brother to tear a paper.(课件

teacher. He loves thinner Peter and stronger brother. He tells two brothers what is a winner. He aper(报纸.
通过学生熟悉的生活中语言让课堂更加贴近学 通过朗朗上口的绕口令同学们之间的绕口令P赛,把学习热情推向高 故事慢慢的发展开来。 学生模范此时此境兄弟的语气。酝酿情绪,为的表演做准备。 在趣味的故事中学习“发音。该活动设计照顾学生的听,读和演。 阅读小篇章,培养五年生的故事阅读能力。 借助熟知的传统故事,
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仿父亲:You two tear this paper! a paper?
thers can tear a paper. tack of papers?
can’t tear many papers
rs put together and become stronger. thers put together and become stronger.
us put together and become stronger, we can’t fight each other. We are friends. 过的图片进行事件再现和表演。
he stronger brother PK the thinner Peter. The stronger brother says: “You tear my paper!”. The 英语课再次传达给了学教育意义。 通过听,说,演把“e合的单词放在情景里让生慢慢地不知不觉中
hurt my finger!”. Father asks Peter and Peter’s brother to tear a paper. Father says: “You two tear er but two brothers can’t tear many papers. Because many papers put together become stronger. onger. They are good brothers and good friends.
k ut together and become stronger.
e words and make a tongue twister with “ER” words.
教师 姓名
上课年级 课题名称
四年级 What can you see
教学 内容
字母组合eeow在部分单词中的发音规律 ee——[ i] 以及 Ee为韵脚的rhyme ow——[ Əu ] 以及以ow 为韵脚的poem new wordssheep cheese coffee snow window yellow

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设计 思路
在导入阶段,教师巧妙的利用组合简笔画逐步引出学生已学单词,在自然程中逐步引出关键次和主题句型,并且按照单词的难易程度合理安排了关键次的出生能够拾阶而上,扎实掌握直呼式拼读法的同时能够兼顾逻辑性和趣味性,由此 自然的归纳出字母组合在单词中的发音规律。语音课其设计意图不能光停留在单词方式上,最终新授的单词仍然需要被灵活运用得以巩固。因此操练过程中教师本着则,把看似孤立的关键词分别编成活泼的rhyme和优美的poem,并且用悦目的组分明的展现。即巩固了知识点又丰富了学生的语言结构。

知识目标1.学生能够听说拼读符合ee--- [I:]ow---[ Əu ]发音规律的新词 2.学习符合发音规律的新例词并能拼读和灵活运用 3.熟练掌握分别以eeow为韵脚的一首韵文和小诗
能力目标:学生能够自己发现发音规律并根据发音规律用直呼式拼读法拼读单词 .情感目标: 学生能够在教师的引导下自己找到答案,培养学生的探究意识. 1 能够学会直呼式的拼读方式,并能够初步掌握稍复杂新词的方法 2. 学生能在教师的引导下归纳出字母组合发发音规律

教学 目标
重点 难点
bee tree green




板书 设计





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snow snowman
window yellowlow---slow

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ning, boys and girls, nice to meet you.
活跃气氛,拉进师生关系,自eet you, too. 然引出下个步骤关于classroom提问。
be your friend, shall we sing a song together? “In the
the students sing the song together.
用学生熟悉的场景引出和本课的主题句型直接相关的真实对话,ll, the classroom is really beautiful. There are flowers and 温故而知新。同时使学生学会观察,为下一步教师在黑板上的简笔画nd this one, what can you see in this classroom? (cai bee作铺垫。
an you see ,I can see …
a door. I can see fans and lights
walls and windows.
boards… 只画出bee的头部和身体不但留以悬念吸引学生的注意,引起思he board? 考也能分散板书绘画的时间来增加师生的交流。
e wall.
the board, can you see? (T draws a part of a bee
教师完成简笔画 ,用学生熟悉的单词bee来第一次引出含ee单词的拼读,由于单词难度小,几乎所butterfly. I can see a flower.(T finishes the bee. 有的学生都会非常愿意尝试bee新读法: [b]-[i:][bi:] spell it ?S:b-ee(师四线格板书bee e [b]-[i:][bi:](师请多位学生用拼读法读单词
hat can you seeSs answer one by one I can see a bee. 画上tree,使bee处于树枝间,目的仍- up: 1.Sing a song --- In the classroom
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ws a tree with a green chalk and ask:now,look,where is the tree.(相同的方式板书tree以及请学生拼读
or is the treeSsit is green.(板书拼读r-ee-nreen---green can you see?(引导学生说:I can see a bee in the green tree. he sentence like this----xx xx x| xx xx x|.(按此节奏说歌谣
let’s revise it.
he whole rhyme step by step and chant together.

, Ss answer. Boys ask girls answer. Then choose some

k m s f p t 在用学生已学简单的词汇再次因出ee单词的发音,green的引出同理. 教师选择这样的三个例词来让学生熟悉拼读的方法为了后面的rhyme作准备,在交流过程中渐渐熟rhyme的内容远比一次性出现全篇更容易被学生接受. 用多种方式操练和巩固rhyme不仅不枯燥还很有趣味性,学生掌握的的更轻松,ee的发音已然潜移默化. 此时再回到单词的拼读方式中让学生再次回顾它的发音,便于他们自己总结出发音规律. 用一字开花的方式让学生来拼读新词,进一步巩固和运用知识点
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w b ee
bee Ss say them together

ss:[i:]. ture -1on the board step by step
read this?ss:meemee w to read?ss:m-ee meemeet. y to practice b-ee-f ,k-ee p…
e any two letters ,let S1,s2.. read the new words.

i, give some words more difficult, Ss try to read them .
fishsh sheep chairch cheese cock coffee co

ws a white Christmas tree on the board and ask: 简笔画白色圣诞树引出snow(首次出现ow的新词

问学生是否喜欢雪,不仅为了避免枯燥的跟读,也为雪人的出现打了基础. 简笔画snowman,可爱的造型具有一定的美感.再次出现含ow单词,教师直接让自己拼读. 只画出窗框,同样为了增加趣味性和师生的交流并引起思考. yellow引出 low再及slow层次分明,学生很容易自己读出新词加深印象. 为下一步的poem 做铺垫
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you see?
a tree.
r is it?Ss: it is white.(why? wer, T can add some snow.
e it ---snow? 板书snow以及请学生拼读n-ownow---snow snow. because I can make a ---------(draws a snowman all it snowman in English. (板书snowman请学生拼读
w window.(先画窗框 ask: what can you see? a picture\window\photo…
e windowSs: it’s a window.
is it? Ss: it is yellow. 用缓慢而优美的语调让学生体poem和节奏欢快rhyme 完全不同的意境
使学生能够在理解的基础上用同样优美的语调来诠释这首小诗. 回顾ow 的拼读并由学生自己归纳它的发音规律. 适时给出新词,此时 学生拼读新词的能力已经水到渠成. 给学生不同难度的造句练习,拓展学生的思维,加强新词发音的训练
先用单个的词造句,然后逐步增加到2(甚至是试着编绕口令看学生的水平和能力酌情采用. ndowyellow先后请学生拼读. w can you read this ? low----slow. what about this out the meaning of ‘slow’
ece of snow on the windowlook, where is the snow? e window.
small poem with the picture step by step
and teacher read it
to say the poem. Fall slow \On the window \ That is yellow

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e following, ss read them together snow
window ellow
ys____? Ss: [əu] ad these new words?

ord cards let ss make sentences with the word\words.
ow snow u get one card------coffee:---- ke coffee. white…
d coffee------sheep likes coffee, sheep has coffee…

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s just as you did in the class re words that have ee says[ i: ]or ow says [əu] in them, write them down small poem with these words. 所有板书以及课件出现的eeow都分别用红色和绿色字归纳不至混淆.
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教师 姓名 教学 内容

五年级PEP小学英语教材五年级上册Unit 2 Unit 3中的Pronunciation中的部分内容PEP小学英语教材五年级上册Unit 2 Unit 3中的Pronunciation中的部分内容为最后的情景片断练习,让学生由易而难,潜移默化地掌握ow, ou, oa三个字母组合的不设计的发音。本课中以简笔画情景再现和小组合作为核心,脱离枯燥的语音教学模式,重点
1 学生掌握/au/ /əu/两个音标的准确发音。 2、掌握ow, ou, oa三个字母组合的不同发音。 能力目标:
教学 1、让学生在语音教学中寻找规律,认识到同样的字母组合可以有不同的发音,不同目标 2 学生学会小组合作学习和探究式的学习方式。
3 培养学生利用生活中真实的情景进行连词成句,成段的综合表达能力。 情感目标:
2、从教学中意识到语音教学的快乐,让学生学会会学习,善学习。 1、掌握/au/ /əu/两个音标的准确发音。 重点 2、掌握ow, ou, oa三个字母组合的不同发音。
难点 3 培养学生利用生活中真实的情景进行连词成句,成段的综合表达能力。
板书 设计

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Warming-up a Sing a song: Head, shoulders, knees and toes…… b TPR: Touch your head. Open your mouth.
Wave your arms. Shake your body…….
3. Show a mouth: Look, what’s this? Yes, it’s a mouth. Ou, ou,
/au/,/au/ mouth. Step2
Presentation 1. Present ou /au/ from drawing.
Draw a mouse on the blackboard: Look, what’s this? It’s a mouse. Draw a house out of the mouse: Where is the mouse? It’s in a house. Draw a ball next to the mouse: What’s the mouse playing with? A ball. Is the ball round? Yes, it’s round. Where is the round ball? It’s on the ground.
Try to make a sentence:
A mouse is in a house and playing with a round ball on the ground.
Try to find in these words ou is pronounced /au/. Show /au/ and read it. Then show the words under/au/ and let pupils spell them. 2. Present
ow /au/ from card. Show the card of ou. Then turn ou into ow : Ow is also pronounced /au/ . Let pupils read the words with ow. 3. Present ow /əu/ from pictures.
Show a flower: Look, it’s a beautiful flower. What color is it? It’s yellow.

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Show a flow: Look, what’s this?
Flow. Show some flowers growing along the flow: Yes, slow flow makes the flowers grow. Try to find here ow is not pronounced /au/, but is pronounced /əu/. flower flow yellow grow 4. Play a game: Looking for our houses. Show the cards of ow’s words:
Look, they are the children of ow. Now they can’t find their own houses. Let’s help them, ok?

Let half of the class take the card /au/, and the other half take the card /əu/. Then teacher show the Eg: Flower, flower, /au/, /au/, come here. Flow, flow, /əu/, /əu/, come here. 5.Present oa /əu/ from drawing. Draw an opening window:
Look, the children of ow find their houses. And the mouse is also in his house. Look, what’s in the hou Draw a goat: Let’s open the window and see who’s coming? A goat. Draw a yellow coat on the goat: What’s the goat wearing? A coat. What color is the coat? It’s yellow.
Draw a boat under the goat: Where is the goat? It’s in a boat.
Try to find here oa is pronounced /əu/ and let pupils read the word under /əu/. 6. Read all these words of ou, ow,

Try to make a chant:
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Open your mouth. Milk the cow. Catch the mouse. Now, now.
Clean your house. Put on your crown. Water the flower. Wow, wow!

Practice and consolidation. Activity 1: Game: Which is missing? Show all the words and hide one of them to let pupils guess whi

Activity 2: Making sentences: Show four words: mouse yellow house coat. And use them into sentences. A mouse wears a yellow coat and he is in a big house.
Let pupils choose the words and make sentences.
They can use one word into one sentence and get one mouth. If they use two words ,they can get two mActivity 3: Listen, read and clap. Step 3 Homework 1. Let weaker pupils make sentences with one or two words. 2. Let better pupils make sentences with three or more words.


《小学英语语音教案 (2).doc》
