whatever 用法

发布时间:2020-08-04 22:55:06   来源:文档文库   

whatever,whoever,whichever,whenever,wherever, however用法归纳  


它们都可用来引导状语从句(让步状语从句),其大意为无论什么(就是谁、哪一个、什么时候、什么地方、如何)”,相当于英语中的 no matter what (who, which, when, where, how)。如:

Whatever [No matter what] you say, I believe you 无论您说什么,我都相信您。

Whoever [No matter who] telephones, tell them I’m out 不管就是谁打电话,都说我出去了。

Whichever [No matter which] day you come, I’ll be pleasedto see you 无论您哪天来,我都欢迎。

Whenever [No matter when] you come, you are welcome 您什么时候来,我们都欢迎。

We found the people friendly wherever [no matter where] we went 无论我们走到哪里,我们都发现人们很友好。

However [No matter how] much he eats, he never gets fat 无论她吃多少,她都不发胖。



:I’ll find him, wherever he is

:I’ll find him, wherever he may be


:Keep calm, whatever happens

:Keep calm, whatever may happen另外,whoever 的宾格也就是 whoever, 而不就是 whomever, 后者在现代英语已基本不用,有的词典已不收录此词。如:

Whoever you marry, make sure he can cook 不管您跟谁结婚,她一定要会做饭才行。


除引导状语从句外,whatever, whoever, whichever等还可引导名词性从句(主语从句或宾语从句)。如:

He does whatever she asks him to do 她要她做什么,她就做什么。

I will just say whatever comes into my mind 我想到什么就说什么。

Whoever breaks the rules will be punished 谁违反这些规则都将受到处罚。

I’ll give the ticket to whoever wants it 请想要这票,我就把它给谁。

Whichever team gains the most points wins 哪个队得分最多,哪个队就赢。

Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking 我们当中无论哪个先到家,哪个就先开始做饭。



Whatever [What ever] do you mean? 您到底就是什么意思?

Whenever [When ever] did you find time to do it? 您什么时候有空做这事?

Wherever [Where ever] can the children be? 孩子们究竟会在哪里呢?

Whoever [Who ever] told you that? 到底就是谁告诉您的呢?

Whichever [Which ever] did you choose? 您到底选了哪个?

However [How ever] did you escape? 您到底就是怎样逃出来的?


“ No matter+ 疑问词疑问词+ ever ”用法透析

1 “ No matter +疑问词意为无论……”不论……”,用来引导让步状语从句。如: no matter who / whom (无论谁), no matter what (无论什么), no matter which (无论哪一个), no matter how (无论怎样)等。如:

You are always welcome no matter where you are


No matter what may happen, they've decided to leave this evening


No matter who you may be, you have no right to do such a thing


No matter when my motherland needs me, I will go without hesitation


No matter how hard it may be, I will carry it out


2疑问词+ ever ”相当于“ no matter + 疑问词”, ever 本就是一个加强语气的词,加在疑问词后面作后缀,不仅使疑问词的语气加强,而且变为具有让步意义的一个复合词,可用于引导让步状语从句。例如:

Whoever ( No matter who ) breaks the law, he should be punished


Whatever you do, you must do it well


Whatever problem you have, turn to me


She is willing to help you, however busy she is


Wherever he is, he will be thinking of you


3 虽然“ no matter +疑问词疑问词+ ever ”都可以用来引导让步状语从句,但后者的用途更广,这类词( whoever, whatever, whichever, whenever, wherever )还可用来引导主语从句、宾语从句、时间或地点状语从句等。例如:

Whoever comes to the party will receive a gift


比较: Whoever comes to the party, he will receive a gift (让步状语从句) No matter who comes to the party, he will receive a gift


You can take whichever book you like best (宾语从句)您可以拿走您喜欢的任何一本书。

Whenever we see him, we speak to him (时间状语从句)每当我们见到她时,我们都跟她说话。


no matter what/who/where/when…引导的从句往往用一般现在时或一般过去时。如:No matter who you are, you must obey the rules 无论您就是谁,都应该遵守规则。


no matter what/whose/which修饰名词时,该名词必须紧跟其后;no matter how修饰形容词或副词时,该形容词或副词也必须紧跟其后。如:No matter how hard he works, he find it difficult to make ends meet 无论她多么努力工作,却总就是入不敷出。

三、注意“no matter+疑问词结构与疑问词+ever”在用法上的区别

1 “no matter+疑问词结构只能引导让步状语从句,这时可以与疑问词+ever”互换。如:No matter where he may be (=Wherever he may be), he will be happy 她无论在什么地方都快乐。

2 疑问词+ever”还可以引导名词性从句。如:Give this book to whoever likes it 谁喜欢这本书就给谁吧。(这里不能用no matter who)

3 whoever既可引导名词性从句,又有在从句中作主语、宾语、表语等;whomever也可引导名词性从句,但只能在从句中作宾语。如:You may invite whomever you like

4 whatever表示无论什么”,没有一定的范围限制;whichever表示无论哪一个、无论哪些”,其后可接一个名词。如:Eat whichever cake you like


1 team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships

A No matter what B No matter which

C Whatever D Whichever

2 we gave him something to eat, he would save it up for his little sister

A Whatever B However C Whenever D Whichever

3 Doctor Godwin says that what forceful arguments against cigarettes there are, many people insist on smoking

A though B however C no matter D even if

4 In peace, too, the Red Gross is expected to send help there is human suffering

A whoever B however C whatever D wherever

5 , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together

A However late is he B However he is late

C However is he late D However late he is

6 �Could you do me a favor?

�It depends on it is

A which B whichever C what D whatever

7 The old tower must be saved, the cost

A however B whatever C whichever D wherever

8 Sarah hopes to become a friend of shares her interests

A anyone B whomever C whoever D no matter who

9 You can eat food free in my restaurant you like

A whenever B wherever C whatever D however

10 much advice I gave him, he did exactly what he wanted to do

A How B Whatever C However D What


1~5 DCCDD 6~10 CBCAC




1 You should try to get a good night’s sleep _____ much work you have to do

A however           B no matter          C although            D whatever

【分析】答案选Ahowever作连接副词时,no matter how相当,后接形容词或副词,意为无论……”“不管……”。句意就是:不管您有多少工作要做,您都应该好好休息一个晚上。

2 He tried his best to solve the problem, _____ difficult it was

A however           B no matter           C whatever           D although





1 用作副词

(1) 表示让步:意为无论如何”“不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词,其词序为:however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语。这样用的however其实具有连词的功能,用以引导让步状语从句。如:

Phone me when you arrive, however late it is 您到达之后就给我打电话,不论多么晚也要打。

however much he eats, he never gets fat 不管她吃多少,她永远吃不胖。

however cold it is, he always goes swimming 不管天有多冷,她都去游泳。

You won’t move the stone, however strong you are 不管您力气有多大,也休想搬动那块石头。

however far it is, l intend to drive there tonight 不管有多远,我今晚也要开车到那儿去。



这样用的 however no matter how 大致同义。如:

People always want more, however [no matter how] rich they are 人总就是富了还想再富。

however [No matter how] hard I worked, she was never satisfied 无论我多么努力地工作,她从来没满意过。


Don’t laugh, however funny it may be 无论多么有趣也不要笑。

I’ll try to finish it in time, however hard it may be 无论多么难,我也要按时完成。


I refuse, however favorable the conditions 不管条件如何有利,我都不干。(conditions后省去了are)

I’d rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room 无论房间多么小,我宁愿一个人住一间,而不愿意与别人合住一个房间。

A grammar rule, however true (it is), is useless unless it can be understood 一条语法规则,不管如何正确,除非能懂,否则毫无用处。

(2) 表示转折:尤其用于谈及一个既成事实时,表示转折,其意为可就是”“仍然等。可放在句首、句中或句末,通常用逗号与句子其她成分隔开。如:

My father, however, did not agree 但就是,我父亲不同意。

My room is small; however, it’s comfortable 我的房间很小,但却很舒服。

He said that it was so; he was mistaken, however 她说情况如此,可就是她错了。

:however不能像 but(但就是)那样直接连接两个句子(注意正句中的标点符号)。如:


:We all tried our best, however we lost the game

:We all tried our best, but we lost the game

:We all tried our best; however, we lost the game

:We all tried our best however, we lost the game

(3) 表示惊奇或强调:相当于how ever的用法,其意为究竟怎样,到底以什么方式。如:

however did you get here without a car? 没有汽车您究竟就是怎样来的呢?

however does he manage to write music when he is so deaf? 她聋成这个样子,究竟就是怎样从事作曲的呢?

2 用作连词


however it may be, I shall take your word 无论如何,我将会相信您的话。

however I approached the problem, I couldn’t find a solution 这一问题我不管怎样都无法解决。

however you travel, it’ll take you at least two days 无论您怎么个走法,至少要两天时间。

The painting looks wrong however you look at it 这张画不论怎么瞧都显得不对劲。




1 直接考查however的用法。如考查其句型结构(尤其就是词序),考查它与其她相似词语whatever, whenever, wherever, whichever, whoever等在用法与意义上的区别。如:

(1) _____ rich one may be there is always something one wants

A whatever         B Whenever          C however    D Wherever

【分析】答案选Chowever 用于修饰形容词rich,在意义上相当于no matter how

(2) We should report any incident, _____

A however serious or minor it is  B how serious or minor is it

C it is how serious or minor      D it is however  serious or minor

【分析】答案选Ahowever 引导让步状语从句时的语序为“however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语

(3) _____ I say, he always disagrees

A however    B whatever     C Whichever      D Whoever

【分析】答案选Bwhatever 在此用作动词say的宾语,在意义上相当于 no matter what

(4) _____ she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her

A Wherever    B however  C Whichever    D Whoever


2 however作为干扰项进行考查。如:

An awful accident _____, however occur the other day

A does      B did         C has to       D had to

【分析】此题正确答案应选B,句末的 the other day 意为前几天”,所以句子应用过去时态,而选项D不合题意,故选B。此句有两个难点:一就是句中插有 however 一词,分散了同学们的注意力;二就是所填选项B为许多同学所不熟悉的强调用法。

 whatever, whoever, whichever引导名词性从句

1 whatever引导的名词性从句

Whatever的意思就是的一切事或东西”,可视为what的强调说法,其含义大致相当于anything that,whatever在从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语:

Whatever he did was right


Give them whatever they desire


I will just say whatever comes into my mind


Goats eat whatever (food) they can find


I’m going to learn whatever my tutor wishes


He does whatever she asks him to do


Talk to me about whatever is troubling you


One should stick to whatever one has begun


She would tell him whatever news she got


You can have whatever allowance you like


2 whoever引导的名词性从句

whoever的意思任何的人”,在意义上大致相当于 anybody whowhoever在从句中可用作主语或宾语:

I’ll take whoever wants to go


She can marry whoever she chooses


Whoever wants the book may have it


Whoever comes will be welcome


Whoever you invite will be welcome


Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine


I’ll give the ticket to whoever wants it



(1) whoever既用作主格也用作宾语(作宾语时不宜用whomever,因为在现代英语中whomever已几乎不用)

(2) 注意以下受汉语意思影响而弄错的句子:

:Who wins can get a prize / Anyone wins can get a prize

:Whoever wins can get a prize / Anyone who wins can a prize


《whatever 用法.doc》
