
发布时间:1714366941   来源:文档文库   
run, run away. pick up things that are necessary, and then we should run away as possible as we can! 掌柜:去哪呀To where? 白:姬无命逃狱了Jiwuming escape from the prison! 小贝:唉,逃就逃呗,他要是再敢来,我就再给他一闷棍。
Ai…If he dares to come, I will hit him on his head.
白:然后我就给你收尸,他武功深不可测,上次不是因为被我点了穴,你们谁能治得了他。Then I just need to wait for your body. Nobody knows how strong he is. If there was not a exception for him, we would not have the chance to speak here today. 掌柜(面露紧张):那咋办呀 Then what we should do ,now? 白:赶紧收拾东西,准备跑路。
We can do nothing except run away as soon as possible. 掌柜:小贝,不要再写了,去通知一下秀才他们,快点快点。
Xiao Bei ,there is no point to study ,you ,now inform others. (秀才进)
Okay,Xiucai is coming ,now I will go to inform them! 秀才:你们好
hello 掌柜:你好你好。Hello hello. 秀才:我这次来啊,主要是想着重阐述一下,为什么说知识就是力量。
Em,I come to make you know why I say knowledge is power! 掌柜(摔掉手中的书):没看见我们正忙着么,去找小郭阐述去。
Don’t you see we are busy? Translate it to Xiaoguo! 秀才:那不行,她会攻击我的 No. She will hit me. 老白:(放下手中东西,指着秀才)你再不走,我也攻击你啊。
If you don’t go ,I will hit you,too. 秀才:君子动口不动手
It is better to say than do for a gentleman. 掌柜:(把秀才向门外推)他不动我动。 If he dont, I will. 秀才: 哎哎,你们怎么都这样啊,难道真理就那么难以接受。难道武力就能解决问题啊。
AI…why are you all like this. Is it every difficult to accept the truth. Only force can solve problems? 掌柜:(收拾手中的手饰)好好好,你说。你倒是说呀。
Ok ok ok, say it! You say it!!! 秀才:那得从任何宇宙的关系开始讲起的
It will begin with the relationship between the universe and the human being. 白:哎呀,太精彩太震撼太有说服力了,唉,枕头带不带啊。
Ah , Excellent! Beautiful ! meaningful ! Well, take the pillow? 秀才:那你们前面干嘛还笑话我呀。
Then ,why you were laughing at me? 掌柜:那是因为我无知,诶,我的镜子呢。
It is our ignorance .Where is my mirror? 秀才:您还知道自己无知啊。
You know you are ignorance.. 白:不仅无知,而且不以为耻反以为荣。 Not only that, but also take it as glory. 秀才:(疑惑)你们
you? 掌柜:我们,我们是禽兽,是败类。先凑合一下,快一点,路上在收拾吧。
We , we are stupid ,monisters ! quickly. Pack them on the way. 秀才:你们 you
白:我们是罪人,是耻辱,是你的绊脚石行了吧。 这个你带着吧。
We are crime, shame, we are you stumbling stone.
Will you take this? 秀才:知耻而后勇,你们还是有希望的。只要多读书,读好书
After knows the shame but to be brave, it seems that you are good. If you read more books, read good books…… (玻璃声)
Aiaiai , I havent say what books. 第二幕
姬无命:哎等等 ai, wait. 白:怎么了。
What? 姬无命:不对劲啊。 Anything wrong.. 白:咋了。What? 姬无命:我见过你么 have I ever seen you? 白:没有啊。
never 姬无命:你贵姓啊。 You name please. 老白:姓周。 Zhou
Why I feel so familiar with you? 白:那主要是因为我没皮没脸,自来熟,兄弟,这样,您在这慢慢想,我出去转转。
Thats because, I have a overly familiarok, my brother, you go on ,I take a walk..Cook the meal. 第三幕 众人决定用亲情来感化
姬无命:who am i????
老白:你是姬无命(老白和姬无命握手)Your name is 姬无命 老白:你就是我们原来的掌柜You are our old boss 老白,掌柜,小贝,书生:boss(一起鞠躬)
老白:后院有个丫头片子,那是你闺女。Shes your daughter. 1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word版本可编辑.



