
发布时间:   来源:文档文库   
Editor: Echo Hello, boys and girls, I'm Lex. Long time no see! Did you have a funny holiday? Let me guess the things you did in the long holiday. Maybe, you watched a movie in deep night, you listened to delightful songs, or you were brave enough to walk through huge crowds of people to go shopping. Anyway, whatever you did could bring you something that is tending to be meaningful. Ok, what about me? I climbed a mountain called Heng mountain which was at the hight of 1300m. In today's program, I'd like to talk about journey and the meaning of traveling with you. 好久不见,亲爱的朋友们,我是小西。刚刚过去的十一假期,让我猜猜大家都去做了一些什么有趣的事呢?看一场午夜电影?听几首欢快的歌?还在大街上摩肩接踵的喧嚣中提回大包小包?无论是什么,我想大家一定在长假中获得了自己想要的。而我在长假中,去爬了一千三百米高衡山。今天,小西就和大家说一说旅行,谈一谈旅行的意义。

Together with me were classmates who I worked with in the laboratory. We woke up at 2:00am in the early morning, and hoped that we could see the sun rise once reaching the peak. It was absolutely dark around us at the beginning. What we could see was a piece of narrow grand which was lighten by a torch light. The tapering and towering old trees seemed to impale the high sky, and remained some narrow pieces of mazarine sky. There was no star in our visual field. A delusion occured in our mind, maybe, we were staying in the castle of Hogwarts magic school in the movie Harry Potter. Some speechless mysterious atmosphere attractived us to go ahead. 和我一起同游衡山的是实验室一起工作的同学。我们凌晨两点起床开始爬山,希望能爬上山顶时可以看到日出。刚启程时,四周都是黑黢黢的,只有我们手中手电筒微弱的光照亮周围狭窄的一片。远处高耸的古树尖尖的树顶直冲云霄,露出点点深蓝色的天空。天上没有一颗星星,我们就像置身于《哈利波特》中霍格沃兹城堡,神秘的气氛吸引着我们向前。

It was a pity that we didn't meet the sun rise because of the bad weather. Layer upon layer of brume wind hided the figure of the sun, but no other than the wind enabled us not to miss a beautiful fabled abode which was appeared merely in our mind. All my tiredness vanished away by fresh wind the time I got to the top. Took a broad view, around me were cliffy mountains, vast sea of clouds, and climax that tended to hide in the sea of clouds. I believed that I was standing at the top of the world. Without a noisy world, I gradually calmed down in a peaceful frame of mind, I can absolutely feel my heartbeat. A buddha says, everyone can be a buddha if only he or she has a real peaceful heart. I think I must had a buddha's heart at that moment. 遗憾的是,到山顶的时候因为天气原因,我们并没有看到日出,层层的水气做成的云挡住了太阳的身影,可也正是这山间飘渺的雾,让我们没有错过一直只在脑海中想象过的蓬莱仙境。登上顶峰的一瞬间,身体的劳累被迎面吹来的清新的风吹散,放眼望去,周围是陡峭的山壁,茫茫的云海,还有隐藏在云海间偶尔探出头来观望的小山尖,我似乎站在的是世界的顶端。再不见周围的喧嚣,心情由上山时的激动慢慢平复,渐渐静得几乎能让我数清楚空气中飘过的每一滴水珠。佛说,若是心中别无杂念,心静,人人皆可为佛。我想,彼时,我一定拥有一颗佛心。

Go out with friends, your journey must be full of happiness. We laughed turgidly
without caring about whether we look gentle when we feel happy. We hold each other's hands when we feel weary, and we lean on friends' shoulder and sleep together when we feel dreary. 和许多朋友一起结伴出行,旅途一定是被欢乐包围的。开心时,大笑着不用顾及形象,疲惫时,互相牵着手一起走,困倦时,有一个肩膀可以靠着一起入眠。

But sometimes, I travel by my own. A Sang sang, loneliness is a revelry by one's own, yet, a revelry is lonely for a throng of people. She just likes a piece of leave. When someone is travelinng by her own, she has to expose her loneliness under the sunshine. The stark-naked hurts tend to give no choice to you. There are so many memories appear clearly in you mind, like a unforgettable person, happy memories, sleepless nights which were wetted out by tears. However, what you should do is to look out of the window, light rosy coloured sweet scented oleanders smile brilliance, people who will be your new friends are sitting around you, and your destination is not far away from you. Now that you have no choice, just give up your past. Change your mood, and get a new glorious life. 但是有时,旅行是一个人的。阿桑唱着:“孤单,是一个人的狂欢,狂欢,是一群人的孤单。就像一片叶子。一个人的旅行,将寂寞彻底暴露在阳光下,赤裸裸的伤痛往往让人无从选择逃避。那一个你似乎永远也忘不掉的人,那一段段开心的回忆,那一个个被泪水打湿的无眠的夜,在这个时候分外清晰。但是,看看车窗外,是花枝累累的淡玫瑰红色的夹竹桃在阳光下鲜艳地微笑,周围是即将成为你新朋友的陌生人,目的地就在前方。既然无从选择,就只有割舍。换一个心情,世界依旧美好。有时候,人们就像叶子,以为世界是黑暗,其实只要转身,就会发现,是自己挡住了阳光。

I have seen a sentence in the Internet, there are two impulses which should be possessed in one's life time, one is to fall in love with someone who enables you to regardless of danger, another is to start a journey without much more pondering. Traveling is a simple thing which needn't much redundant preparation, just go on the way with a fresh mood.

One of my friends notes, the meaning of traveling lies on gorgeous sceneries, she thinks herself stubborn. But I insist that her bravery and stubborn belief spawn her journey fascinating. And in my opinion, the meaning of traveling is to search heart's peace, and to find out what we really want. In fact, life is a long journey, just be happy every simple way, every single day. 我的朋友说,旅行的意义在于美景,她说她固执地想要看尽人间美景。勇敢与可爱的偏执,让她每一步旅程都很迷人。在我看来,旅行的意义在于寻找宁静,在于给自己一段时间审视前路,再无比坚定地,昂首挺胸迈出下一步。人的一生就是一次长途的旅行,我要寻找到旅行的意义,让旅途充满欢乐,每一分每一秒。

Ok. Today's program is going to an end, see you next week, sweeties~


