
发布时间:2021-03-17   来源:文档文库   


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First published in July in 2003, We Three has been widely praised by literary critics and ordinary readers The author Yang Jiang is a famous writer, critic, translator and scholar Her husband Qian Zhongshu is also an influential scholar who is well known for his novel the 'Besieged City’. Apparently Yang Jiang wrote the book to fulfill the last wish of their cherished daughter, Qian Yuan who died of cancer in 1997 even one year earlier than her father
We Three tells Yang Jiang's family story The book is written in a unique style. In the first two parts the author describes an extremely long dream The scene of final separation is depicted naturally here. However, the seemingly calm narration cannot hide the author's immense inner pain. Life is just like a dream That's what Yang Jiang tells us after experiencing such a dramatic life The book records their over 60 years' family life which was, from time to time, struck by poverty political oppression and even vilification from some green-eyed people.

As for me,what attracts me most as regards to this book is the quality of realism
”The description is quite detailed and the story is vividly presented. I can imagine their simple but happy days when studying abroad and hardships they went through and I can almost feel their heartbreaking sorrow when they saw that they were being separated by death。”
And there is something perhaps we can learn from it is that the attitude toward the hardships and even deathJust like Yang Jiang says in other book,’I was the same person I had always been。’


