
发布时间:2021-02-01   来源:文档文库   

导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《关于简单英语小诗大全》的内容,具体内容:英语诗歌因其节奏、思想意义及艺术价值,在英语教学中占有一席之地。我精心收集了关于简单英语小诗,供大家欣赏学习!关于简单英语小诗篇1《再经胡城县》 杜荀鹤去岁...

关于简单英语小诗篇1 《再经胡城县》 杜荀鹤
去岁曾经此县城,县民无口不冤声。 今来县宰加朱绂,便是生灵血染成。 County Again Du Xunhe
Last year when I passed through this county seat, Everyone was making some or other complaint.
Now the magistrate has a vermillion official costume, Which no doubt has been dyed in the peoples lifehood. 关于简单英语小诗篇2
《渔家傲平岸小桥千嶂抱》 王安石 平岸小桥千嶂抱, 柔蓝一水萦花草。
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茅屋数间窗窈窕。 尘不到,
时时自有春风扫。 午枕觉来闻语鸟, 欹眠似听朝鸡早。 忽忆故人今总老。 贪梦好,
茫然忘了邯郸道。 平岸小桥千嶂抱, 揉兰一水萦花草。 茅屋数间窗窈窕。 尘不到,
时时自有春风扫。 午枕觉来闻语鸟, 攲眠似听朝鸡早。 忽忆故人今总老。 贪梦好,
茫然忘了邯郸道。 Pride of Fishermen Wang Anshi
Surrounded by peaks, a bridge flies from shore to shore; A soft blue stream flows through flowers before the door.
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A few thatched houses with windows I adore. There comes no dust,
The place is swept by vernal breeze in fitful gust. I hear birds twitter when awake from nap at noon; I wonder in my bed why the cock crows so soon. Thinking of my friends who have all grown old, Why indulge in a dream of gold?
Do not forget the way to glory is rough and cold! 关于简单英语小诗篇3 《寄蔡天启》 王安石
杖藜缘堑复穿桥,谁与高秋共寂寥? 伫立东冈一搔首,冷云衰草暮迢迢。 What Is There in Sight? Wang An-shi
Along the moat, over the bridge I go, stumping with my staff into the waning twilight.
Where in the depths of autumn is a kindred soul to be found? At the top of a hill I stop, bewildered.
What is there in sight but withered reeds stretching to the dim distance under a cold cloudydarkening sky! 关于简单英语小诗篇4 《戏答元珍》 欧阳修
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春风疑不到天涯,二月山城未见花。 残雪压枝犹有桔,冻雷惊笋欲抽芽。 夜闻归雁生乡思,病入新年感物华。 曾是洛阳花下客,野芳虽晚不须嗟。 To a Friend Ou-yang Xiu
Not on springs itinerary, perhaps, this half-forgotten town next to nowhere. Vernal equinox isnear, yet the hills around show no signs of vernal bloom.
Oranges there are, a hardy lot, clinging to branches still bowed with persistent snow. Andbamboo shoots, awakened by the first thunder out of a clear cold sky, are ready to break theground. Last night the cries of wild geese homeward bound aroused my envy. The new year is well on,nature rejoices in its renascent glory, but I?
Weve had our day in the Capital of Flowers. Why lament, though flowers come late in thewilds?

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