
发布时间:2020-03-29 12:04:54   来源:文档文库   


The three flows of a supply chain 供应链的三种“流”

Supply chain management (SCM) is concerned with the integration, coordination and control of the flow of material, information and finances in supply chains.


SCM can be divided into three main flows:

The product flow or materials flow includes moving goods from supplier to consumer as well as dealing with customer service needs.

The information flow includes order information and delivery status.

The financial flow includes payments schedules, credit terms and additional arrangements.





The Bullwhip Effect “牛鞭效应”

The bullwhip effect (or whiplash effect) is an observed phenomenon in forecast-driven distribution channels. It refers to a trend of larger and larger swings in inventory in response to changes in demand. The concept first appeared in Jay Forrester's Industrial Dynamics (1961) and thus it is also known as the Forrester effect. Since the oscillating demand upstream a supply chain is reminiscent of a cracking whip, it became known as the bullwhip effect.

“牛鞭效应”或“鞭抽效应”是在预测驱动型流通渠道中的一种已观察到的现象。它是指在响应需求方面存货变得愈来愈大的摆动。这一概念首先由Jay Forrester在《工业动力学》中提出的,因些又称之为Forrester 效应。由于在供应链上游的需求震荡让人联想到脆响的鞭声,它就被称之为“牛鞭效应”。

Demand factors are the number one contribution fueling the bullwhip effect. These factors relate to consumer, retail, and wholesaler demand levels. When consumers demand more of a certain product, the retailers of the product demand more of it from their wholesalers, which causes an increase in demand from manufacturers as well.


As the bullwhip effect occurs, which is usually due to unmanaged entities within supply chains misreading or miscalculating actual needed product levels, increased cost and dissatisfied customers become present. Ineffective communication, order batching, and recessions often lead to the bullwhip effect as well.


MTO vs MTS 订货型生产vs备货型生产

Supply chains are often classified as push or pull systems.


The make-to-order MTOsystem, also known as the pull system, means that the manufacturer does not begin to make the product until or unless after it receives the order from the customer. MTO is an order-driven supply chain model in which, the manufacturer does not hold inventories in usual cases.


As opposed to MTO, the make-to-stock (MTS) system, or push system, is a supply chain model in which the manufacturer makes the production and distribution decisions on the basis of market forecasts.


Production planners forecast and estimate the effective demand and inventories are held in warehouses and at the retailers. MTS is a forecast-driven supply chain model.


Production planners forecast and estimate the effective demand and inventories are held in warehouses and at the retailers. MTS is a forecast-driven supply chain model.



