作文 出国留学

发布时间:2018-07-02 08:52:50   来源:文档文库   


出国留学(On Overseas Study)

1. 现在每年有众多学生出国留学;

2. 有人觉得留学是个个人发展的最好选择,而有人认为在国内也有好的发展;

3. 你的看法

Nowadays, there are more and more students going to study abroad every

year. For example, students prefer to go to developed countries to further their study/study new technology. Some students are unwilling/refuse to go back to China. The phenomenon has aroused great concern among people.

When it comes to whether students should go to study abroad, there is no complete agreement (among people). Some believe that studying abroad can broaden students’ view and enrich their life. Those students who study abroad can gain more experience and new technology, which will prepare them for their future. However, others think differently. They maintain that students can also have good opportunities for personal development in our country, as China has rapidly developed.

Weighing up the two opinions, I prefer the former one. Students who have the opportunity to go overseas study should seize the chance. What they have learnt in foreign countries will surely benefit our country and their personal development.


认为:believe that, maintain that, hold the opinion that …

出国学习:go abroad to study, go overseas to study, go abroad to further their study

The phenomenon has aroused great concern among people.

出国留学的作用:broaden one’s view, enrich one’s life, gain experience, learn knowledge, sharpen one’s skill

加分点:Overseas study provides a chance for students to broaden their view.

Offer an opportunity to communicate with each other

Enable sb to do 使某人怎样

Overseas study enables students to gain more experience.

As far as I am concerned, (=in my opinion)


Choosing Careers

1. 有人认为中学毕业后能找到工作,就没有必要上大学;

2. 有人认为为了今后有更好的发展,就有必要上大学;

3. 你的观点是什么?并陈述你的理由。

The Pros and Cons of College Students’ Taking Part-time Jobs

1. 有人认为大学生做兼职利大于弊;

2. 有人认为大学生做兼职弊大于利;

3. 你的看法。


1. 理论付诸实践

2. 为将来就业打基础

3. 减轻家庭负担

4. 影响正常学习

5. 由于缺乏社会经验而受骗

6. 不能忽略学业

7. 时间允许的情况下


《作文 出国留学.doc》
