
发布时间:1714234682   来源:文档文库   
1. 三色:蓝白红 Three Colours: Blue | Kieslowski, Krszystof | 1993 2. 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction | Tarantino, Quentin | 1994 3. 穆赫兰道
Mulholland Dr. | Lynch, David | 2001 4. 辛德勒名单 Schindler’s List | Spielberg, Steven | 1993 5. 一一 Yi yi | 杨德昌
Yang, Edward | 2000 6. 破浪
Breaking the Waves | von Trier, Lars | 1996 7. 樱桃的滋味 Taste of Cherry, A | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1997 8. 永恒与一天 Eternity and a Day | Angelopoulos, Theo | 1998 9. 罗塞塔 Rosetta | Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne | 1999 10. 魔戒 The Lord of the Rings | Jackson, Peter | 2001
11. 禁闭双眼 Eyes Wide Shut | Kubrick, Stanley | 1999 12. 海上花 The Flowers of Shanghai | 侯孝贤 | 1998 13. 大象
Elephant | Gus Vant Sant | 2003 14. 纯真年代 Age of Innocence, The | Scorsese, Martin | 1993 15. 撒旦探戈 ntangó | Tarr, Béla | 1994 16. 冰血暴 Fargo | Coen, Joel and Ethan Coen | 1995 17. 撞车 Crash | Cronenberg, David | 1996 18. 鳗鱼 The Eel | 今村昌平
| 1997 19. 风儿带着我们飘 Wind Will Carry Us, The | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1999 20. 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump | Zemeckis, Robert | 1994
21. 肖申克的救赎( Shawshank Redemption, The | Darabont, Frank| 1994 22. 暴雨将至 Before the Rain | Milcho Manchevski | 1994 23. 钢琴课 Piano, The | Campion, Jane | 1993 24. 短片集
Short Cuts | Altman, Robert | 1993 25. 亲爱的日记 Caro diario | Moretti, Nanni | 1994 26. 地下 Underground | Kusturica, Emir | 1995 27. 千与千寻 Spirited Away | 宫崎骏
| 2001 28. 神秘之河
Mystic River | Clint Eastwood | 2003 29. 风吹麦浪 The Wind That Shakes The Barley | Ken Loach | 2006 30. 这个杀手不太冷 on | Luc Besson | 1994
31. 离魂异客
Dead Man | Jarmusch, Jim | 1995 32. 云上的日子 Beyond the Clouds | Michelangelo Antonioni | 1995 33. 橄榄树下 Through the Olive Trees | Kiarostami, Abbas | 1994 34. 戏梦人生 Puppetmaster, The | 侯孝贤 Hou Hsiao-Hsien | 1993 35. 红色警戒 Thin Red Line, The | Malick, Terrence | 1998 36. 花火 Hana-Bi | 北野武
| 1997 37. 重庆森林 Chungking Express | 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai | 1994 38. 花样年华 In the Mood for Love | 王家卫 Wong Kar-Wai | 2000 39. 关于我的母亲 All About My Mother | Almodóvar, Pedro | 1999 40. 瓦力 WALL-E | Andrew Stanton | 2008

41. 英国病人 The English Patient | Anthony Minghella | 1996 42. 洛城机密 L.A. Confidential | Hanson, Curtis | 1997 43. 中央车站
Central Station | Salles, Walter | 1998 44. 黑暗中的舞者 Dancer in the Dark | Lars von Trier | 2000 45. 卧虎藏龙 Wo hu cang long | 李安 | 2000 46. 断背山 Brokeback Mountain | Ang Lee | 2005 47. 鬼吸血
Irma Vep | Assayas, Olivier | 1996 48. 霸王别姬 Farewell, My Concubine | 陈凯歌 Chen Kaige | 1993 49. 赌场
Casino | Scorsese, Martin | 1995 50. 泰坦尼克号 Titanic | James Cameron | 1997
赤裸 Naked | Leigh, Mike | 1993
爱情万岁 Vive L’Amour | 蔡明亮 | 1994 活着 To Live | 张艺谋 Zhang Yimou | 1994
烈日灼人 Burnt by the Sun | Mikhalkov, Nikita | 1994 理智与情感 Sense and Sensibility | Ang Lee | 1995 仇恨( Haine, La | Mathieu Kassovitz | 1995 三轮车夫 Cyclo | 陈英雄 | 1995
勇敢的心 Braveheart | Mel Gibson | 1995 盗火线 Heat | Mann, Michael | 1995
玩具总动员 Toy Story | John Lasseter | 1995
尤利西斯的凝视 Ulysses’ Gaze | Theo Angelopoulos | 1995 远离赌城 Leaving Las Vegas | Mike Figgis | 1995 猜火车 Trainspotting | Danny Boyle | 1996 秘密与谎言 Secrets & Lies | mike leigh | 1996 妖夜荒踪 Lost Highway | Lynch, David | 1996 幽灵公主 Mononoke-hime | 宫崎骏 | 1997 美丽人生 Vita è bella, La | Roberto Benigni | 1997
意外的春天 Sweet Hereafter, The | Egoyan, Atom | 1997 不羁夜 Boogie Nights | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1997 罗拉快跑 Run Lola Run | Tom Tykwer | 1998
拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan | Steven Spielberg | 1998 楚门的世界 The Truman Show | Peter Weir | 1998 军中禁恋 Beau travail | Denis, Claire | 1998 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club | Fincher, David | 1999 酣歌畅戏 Topsy-Turvy | Mike Leigh | 1999
黑客帝国 The Matrix | Andy & Larry Wachowski | 1999 美国美人 American Beauty | Sam Mendes | 1999 木兰花 Magnolia | Anderson, Paul Thomas | 1999 站台 Platform | 贾樟柯 | 2000
梦之安魂曲 Requiem for a Dream | Darren Aronofsky | 2000 记忆碎片 Memento | Christopher Nolan | 2000



