
发布时间:2019-08-01 07:55:07   来源:文档文库   


II单句语法填空1 an 2 absorbed 3 was suspected 4 to 5 is exposed 6 to handle 7 about

8 from 9 forward 10 makes 11 of; on 12 come to the conclusion 13 apart from/except for

14 forward 15 every/each time

阅读理解 A 语篇解读:本文是说明文。作者在文中主要介绍了英国和美国的一些异同点,特别是语言方面的异同。

1A 解析:推理判断题。作者先提出问题Do you think Great Britain and the United States are alike紧接着便引用了丘吉尔的话,目的是为了说明英国和美国很相似。

2C 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的Both the British and Americans use pounds...and gallons.Both use milesyardsand feet.可知选C项。

3B 解析:细节理解题。根据第四、五两段可知,四个词中只有Pram是英式英语。

4B 解析:标题归纳题。作者在文中主要介绍了英国和美国在语言使用方面的一些异同。B项以反问的形式表达了英美语言有差异之意,形象、准确地概括了本文的主要内容,作为标题很贴切。AC两项片面;D项太泛,且未涵盖相同之处

B 语篇解读:每个学习英语的人都渴望知道怎样把英语说得很流利,本文就此介绍了几条好的建议。

5B 解析:细节理解题。根据Roberto所问的问题及Susan回答的第一句话可知,Roberto想知道如何能更快更流利地用英语交流,B项符合题意。

6A 解析:细节理解题。根据What you do need to worry about is pronunciationespecially stress可知A项正确。

7B 解析:词义猜测题。根据他们需要时间思考时有时,他们会用一些哦、嗯之类的填充音可知,这是他们用到的一些技巧。have/keep sth.up/in one's sleeve意为有锦囊妙计,留有一招

8C 解析:细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,通过问问题的方式可以将其他说话人吸引到自己的谈话中。



1.privately 2exposed  3unless  4made  5. satisfied 6. tiring, tired 7. polluted 8. seated, absorbed 9. surprised, surprising

10. explaining 11. exciting, excited 12.broken 13. impressed 14. built 15. provided 16. joined 17. broken, broken 18. confused, confusing

七选五 语篇解读:本文为说明文,主要向读者介绍了如何开始宽恕别人或自己的方法。

1B 解析:第一段说明了宽恕的意义,该空格后的各段说明了宽恕的具体方法,由此可推断该空格处应为一承上启下的过渡句,故选B项。

2F 解析:根据段落中心句Calm yourself.和下文的关键信息think of something that gives you pleasure可确定答案。

3G 解析:根据关键词apology可迅速确定答案。

4D 解析:根据关键信息write a letter to yourself from your offender's point of view可确定答案。

5E 解析:根据段落中心句Don't forget to forgive yourself.中的关键信息forgive yourself可确定答案。


1 sorrow 2 darkness 3 branches 4 convey 5 flexible

6 being teased 7 appeals particular 8 warmthdarkness 9 Whatever

10 eventually 11 Sponsored 12 exchanged 13 Darkness 14 unloading 

15 appropriately 


1.去掉about 2.stay改为staying 3.made后加it

4why改为that/which或去掉why 5.easy改为easily

6.去掉been 阅读:1-4 CDCB 5-8 CCBA


1 exchanged 2 out 3 Darkness 4 unloading 5 appropriately 6 warmth 7 pianist8 abused 9 desperate 10 stress 11 strengthening 12 abnormally 13 breathlessly 14 having 15 embarrassed


1itself改为it 2.has后加been 3.abusing改为abuse 4I后加was 5.it改为that 6. have后加been

完形填空 1-5 DBDBC 6-10 DBAAC 11-15 BACAB 16-20 ABCDC



1.which/that 2 accusingof  3 (should) be returned 

4 where/in which 5 on 6 will be 7 did he 8. appointment 9. polished 10. depends 11. supposed 12. informed 13. deliberately 14. professional

15. concentrated

阅读理解A 1--3 ABD

【解题导语】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了美国、韩国和日本三个国家不同的手机信息应用程序。

B 4--7 CABC

【解题导语】 作者小时候有一次滑雪时差点撞到橡树上但在最后一刻作者翻滚到雪地里才得以化险为夷同时他学到了一个人生道理:学会自我掌控。



1 possession 2 adopted 3 shadows 4 controversial 5 ridiculous 6 techniques

7 specific 8 aggressive 9 permanently 10 exhibition 11 committee 12 typical 13 techniques 14 ridiculous  15 abstract 16 sculptures 17 predict 18contemporary 19 adopted 20 attempted 


1A 解析细节理解题。本段是承接上一段内容的。上段末句提到...you can not only talk to the search enginebut you can discuss with it what you are looking for.也就是TalkTalk的使用方法。

2B 解析:细节理解题。根据第三段的...easily spot if a certain source is aiming to cheat the searcher可知。

3A 解析:标题归纳题。文章描述了未来的搜索引擎TalkTalk,它可以与使用者对话,所以用A项作标题非常生动。

4D 解析:文章出处题。本文描述的是搜索引擎,故应该刊登在科技专栏。


二,单词填空: 1 were 2 are aimed 3 faithful 4 evident 5 preference

6 specific 7 permanently 8 figure 9 appealed 10 exhibition 11 carved 12 allergic 13 flesh 14 specific 15 appeal 16 attempts 17 adopted 18 techniques


1 faced 2 what 3 have used/have been using 4 raising 5 without

6 who/that 7 a 8 useful 9 are informed/ have been informed

10 fewer


visit改为visited but改为so/and go to anywhere... 删掉to


I liked best were中的were改为was

shared for中的for改为with taking改为taken

dish改为dishes such后加a friend of me中的me改为mine


.单句语法填空1getting 2drinking 3to 4staying 5winning 6it 7watching 

8.it 9that 10which 11 on 12 smoking 13 on14 Trapped /to explode 15 ashamed

16 becoming 17 addicted 18 into 19 before 20 it


1 being 2 to choose 3 on 4their 5 a 6 discovered7 which/ that

8rarely9 but 10 trips


where ---when and ----but them---it am ---was 5be去掉saw后加a immediate---immediately on ---at me ---I come----coming


I 单句填空:

1banned 2 effect 3 abused 4 mental 5 addicted 6 prejudice 7 judgement 8 desperate 9 breathless 10 illegal 11 accustomed 12 addicted 13 spite

due 15 stress ; ban 16 quit 17 stressed 18 judgement 


1B 解析:首段讲手机的广泛使用。

2E 解析:手机公司对于负面报道当然要辩解。

3F 解析:第三段谈一案例中手机的危害。

4D 解析:根据下句的The answer is radiation可知答案。

5G 解析:最后一段告诉人们合理使用手机。

七选五1. B 2. C 3. F 4. D 5. A


10套:二单句填空 1 breathless 2 be strengthened 3 abusing 4 abnormal 5 judgment 6 female  7embarrassed 8 prejudice 9 illegal 10stress 11breathless 12 unfit 13 ashamed 14 Being addicted 15 stressful 16 quitted

阅读答案 A 1-4 C C A B B 5-8 B D BD


二,单选 1--5 BBACD 6--10 DDCDC 11--15 DDDCD

B语篇导读本文为说明文。每年35月是世界各地节日最多的月份,本文主要介绍了四个地方的特色节日1 A 2 B 3 C 4 C 

C 语篇导读 本文为议论文。握手是见面问候最常见的方式之一,但美国总统唐纳德·特朗普与众不同的握手方式近来却被仔细研究了一番……

5 A 6B 7 B 8 C 


1. challenges 2. announced 3. defeated 4. handle 5. enthusiastic

6. consisting 7. attracts 8. clarified 9. plus 10. description / account

11. polluted 12. exposed 13.dividing 14.conflict 15.roughly 16. Alike



1. interested 2. living 3. To reward4. Faced; to complete 5. bored

6. to make 7. included 8. remaining 9. to have developed10. Having weighed

11. when  12. which 1 3. that  14. as  15. why / for which  16. which


1. watching TV 2. have one tooth pulled 3. Its surprising

4. the sun shining and birds singing 5. mean to eat; couldnt help trying


