
发布时间:2020-12-08 10:32:21   来源:文档文库   







第一部分 语文


1. 下列加点词语。读音有误的一项( )

A. xuān shùn xùn 闲情

B. chuò lín 水波lín

C. liǎn bèng zhù yūn xuàn

D. líng dīng jué jiàng diàn 忍俊不jīn

2.下列词语书写全对的一项是( )

A. 撺掇 凛洌 枉法 B. 信笺 贻误 义愤填鹰

C. 易帜 丘壑 消声匿迹 D. 瞬间 羸弱 张皇失措

3.依次填入下列各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是(  )。 




A.警告  显著  批评       B.正告  卓著  批评      

C.正告  显著  批判       D.警告  卓著  批判

4.下列标点符号使用有误的一项是( )。





5.对下列句子的修辞方法判断错误的一项是(  )





6.下列句子中没有语病的一句是( )





7.重阳节是哪天( )。

A.五月初五 B.正月初一 C.八月十五 D.九月初九

8.被称为亚圣的是( )。

A.孔子 B.孟子 C.庄子 D.荀子

9.《边城》的作者是( )。

A.贾平凹 B.钱钟书 C.沈从文 D.鲁迅

10.《劝学》一文选自( )。

A.《庄子》 B.《老子》 C.《孟子》 D.《荀子》

11.“诗圣”是指以下哪位诗人( )。

A.苏轼 B.白居易 C.李白 D.杜甫

12.《三国演义》中,“智绝”是诸葛亮,那么“义绝”是谁?( )。

A.关羽 B.赵云 C.张飞 D.刘备

13.天生我材必有用,下一句是( )。

A.古来万事东流水 B.千金散尽还复来

C.直挂云帆济沧海 D.何须身后千载名

14.《沁园春·长沙》的作者是( )。

A.辛弃疾 B.柳永 C.毛泽东 D.陈毅

15.变脸属于哪一种地方戏剧( )。

A.豫剧 B.粤剧 C.京剧 D.川剧

16.“不尽长江滚滚来”这句诗的作者是( )。

A.王维 B.杜甫 C.李白 D.高适

17.“日照香炉生 烟”一句中,横线上应填入的字是( )。

A.黑 B.紫 C.青 D.

18.“落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。”“落红”是指( )。

A.树叶 B.落花 C.雨露 D.泥土

19.以下哪个不是《西游记》里的人物( )。

A.华佗 B.唐僧 C.孙悟空 D.沙僧

20.申请书一般不包含以下哪个要求( )。

A.标题居中 B.称呼用敬辞

C.结尾要用“此致敬礼” D.内容一定要煽情


21.“四书”是指《大学》《孟子》和( )。

A.《论语》 B.《汉书》 C.《荀子》 D.《中庸》

22.“诗经六义”除了“风”“ 雅”“ 颂”,其他三义是( )。

A.赋 B.议 C.比 D.

23.小说三要素是以下哪三项( )。

A. 结局 B. 情节 C.环境 D.人物

24.下列文学文化常识正确的是( )





25.下列诗人时代都在唐代的是( )

A.王昌龄 B.黄遵宪 C.李商隐 D.龚自珍

26.以下均为山水诗人的是( )

A.谢灵运 B.陶渊明 C.王维 D.孟浩然

27.以下均为浪漫主义诗人的是( )

A.屈原 B.李白 C.杜甫 D.白居易

28.选出写梅花的诗句( )。

A.疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏 B.待到山花烂漫时,她在丛中笑

C.遥知不是雪,为有暗香来 D.幽丛不盈尺,空谷为谁芳

29.以下属于中国传统节日的是( )

A.重阳节 B.端午节 C.万圣节 D.愚人节

30.同属于婉约派的词人是( )。

A.柳永 B.李清照 C.苏轼 D.辛弃疾

第二部分 数学


1.设集合,则 )。

A. B. C. D.

2.函数的定义域是 )。

A. B. C. D.

3.若角的终边过点,则 )。

A. B. C. D.

4.下列关系中,正确的是 )。

A. B. C. D.

5.设函数,则的值为 )。

A. B. C. D.

6.函数的图象过 )。

A.第一、二、三象限 B.第一、二、四象限

C.第二、三、四象限 D.第一、三、四象限

7.函数在区间内是 )。

A.奇函数 B.增函数 C.偶函数 D.减函数

8.的值是 )。

A. B. C. D.

9.设全集,集合,则 )。

A. B. C. D.

10.的值是 )。

A. B. C. D.

11.圆的圆心和半径分别为 )。

A. B. C. D.

12.函数,则正确的是 )。

A.时, B.时,

C.时, D. 时,

13.直线的斜率是 )。

A. B. C. D.

14.不等式的解集是 )。

A. B. C. D.

15.已知,则 )。

A. B. C. D.

16.等于 )。

A. B. C. D.

17.已知点,点,则线段的中点坐标是 )。

A. B. C. D.

18.等差数列中,,那么等于 )。

A. B. C. D.

19.已知直线的倾斜角为,且过点,则直线的方程是 )。

A. B. C. D.

20.的值是 )。

A. B. C. D.


21、下列对象能组成集合的有( )。

A.中国最伟大的科学家 B.参加2008年奥运会的全体篮球运动员

C.小于1的自然数 D.某职校最帅气的男老师


A. B. C. D.


A.,则 B. ,则

C. ,则 D. ,则


A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.


A. B. C. D.


A.第一象限角 B.第二象限角 C.第三象限角 D.第四象限角

28.下列数列是等差数列的有( )

A. B.

C. D.


A. B.

C. D.


A. B.

C. D.

第三部分 英语



1. national

A.natural B.nation C. apply D. climate

2. export

A. exam B.except C. exercise D. expect

3. flood

A. look B. boot C. good D. blood

4. certificate

A. special B. cross C. dance D. club

5. follow

A. town B. grow C. down D. knowledge



6. What big____ the tiger has!

A. tooth B. teeth C. tooths D. toothes

7. Because of the snow, I’m afraid we have to ____the trip.

 A. put away B. put on C. put out D. put off

8.Who is ______, Jim, Lily or Lucy?

A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest

9. ―What are you?

― I am__________.

A. Peter B. a student C. a Chinese D.17 years

10. Does Jack want_________ a writer?

    Abe    Bis          Cto be D. been

11. There are sixty-seven_________ in our school.

A. women's teacher B. women teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher

12. There are little adults working in the country now,__________?

Aare there B. aren’t there C. are they  D. aren’t they

13.After 5-year’s training, he _______ swim finally now.

Acan         Bcould           Cis able to D. was able to

14.As a child, he’d better learn how to_____ before he goes to school.

A. get up B. get out C. get over D. get along

15.―What do you _______ my hometown?

 ―It’s a very beautiful and peaceful village.

A think over B think of C care about D care for

16. ―Would you like  some tea?

      ―______ .

   A. Yes, please     B.The same to you     C.Me, too.    D.My pleasure.

17. ―How do you do?


A.How are you? B.How do you do?

C. Fine, thank you. D.I do my homework.

18. ―What’s the day today?

―It’s ________.

A. OK B.Monday C. April 4th D. a fine day

19. ―_________ did you buy the cell phone?

―In Guiyang last week. D

A. Where when B.When where C.where and when D. When and where

20.____ is no use telling him about that.

A. This B. That C. It D. He



If we take a close look at successful language learners, we may discover a few techniques(技巧) which make language learning easier for them.

     21  , successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on(依赖) books or teachers; they   22   their own ways to learn the language. They try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves  2 3     waiting for  the teacher to explain everything.    They are good guessers who look for clues and form their    24    conclusions which are very different from others'.

     Successful language learning is 25    learning.  Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they  26  such a chance. They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them  27   they make mistakes. They will try anything to communicate. When communication is difficult, they can  28      information that is incomplete(不完整的).  It is more important for them to learn to_29  in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

     Finally,  successful language learners are learners with a   30  in order to communicate with  these  people and learn from them.   They  want to learn a language because they are interested in  the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language.

21. A. As usual    

22. A. explain    

23. A. instead of  

24. A. correct    

25. A. ideal      

26. A. look for    

27. A. until      

28. A. break      

29. A. agree      

30.A. purpose    

B. First of all

B. make        

B. after      

B. own        

B. informal    

B. care about  

B. whether    

B. check      

B. ask        

B. certificate

C. By the way

C. discover  

C. because of

C. only      

C. early      

C. workout    

C. before    

C. download  

C. think      

C. guide      

D. So far        

D. change        

D. from          

D. main          

D. active        

D. write down    

D. when          

D. accept        

D. read          

D. question      

四.阅读理解 ( 本题10小题,每题2,20)





visit Uncle Peter in General Hospital



swimming class



part-time job (业余工作)



Appointment (约会) Mr. Green





go to the airport to meet Sam



Meet Dave to study for test



Birthday party for Kate


31. __________ is ill in hospital.

A. Kate B. Peter C. John D. Sam

32. John has a swimming class on __________.

A. Sunday B. Tuesday C. Wednesday D. Thursday

33. John does his part-time job for _________ hours a week.

A. five B. six C. ten D. eleven

34. John meets Sam __________.

A. at Dave’s house B. In the hospital

C. at the airport D. Kate’s home

35. Kate’s birthday is from _________ to _________.

A. 2:00, 4:00 B. 12:00, 6:00 C. 12:00, 5:00 D. 5:00, 7:00


Johnny Smith was a good math student at a high schoo1He loved his computerHe came home early every day, then he worked with it till midnightBut Johnny was not a good English student ,not good at allHe got an F in his English classOne day after schoolJohnny joined his computer to the computer in his high school officeThe school office computer had the grades of all the studentsthe math grades ,the science grades, the grades in arts and music, and the grades in EnglishHe found his English grade from an F!Johnny changed his English grade from all F to AJohnny's parents looked at his report cardThey were very happy

“An A in English!” said Johnny's dad“You're a very clever boy, Johnny.”

Johnny is a hacker(黑客)Hackers know how to take information from other computers and put new information inUsing a modem(调制解调器)they join their computers to other computer secretlySchool headmasters and teachers are worried about hackersSo are the policefor some people even take money from bank computer account(账户)and put it into their own onesAnd they never have to leave home to do it!They are called hackers.

Although hackers are good at computers.they shouldn't do anything against the law

36.Johnny changed his English grade with the computer in         

Athe classroom Bthe school office

Ca bank near his house Dhis own house

37.When Johnny's parents saw the reportthey were happy because         .

AJohnny was good at math

BJohnny loved computers

CJohnny could join one computer to another

Dthey thought Johnny was not poor in English any longer

38.Who are worried about hackers in the story?

AJohnny's parents.

BSchool headmasters teachers and the police

CThe police

DSchool headmasters and teachers

39.What should the hackers know welldo you think,after you read this story?

AInformation BBack computer accounts.

CComputers DGrades

40.The third paragraph is about         

AJohnny Bcomputers Chackers Dmodem


