Unit1 women of achievement高中英语必修4教案-

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Unit1 women of achievement Teaching goals 教学目标
1 Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇
achievement, behave, shade, worthwhile, nest, observe, outspoken, respect, argue. b. 重点句子
Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 2 Ability goals 能力目标
a. know how to tell the great women. b. Learn the way to describe a person. 3 Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching Important Points教学重点
By reading A student of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲)that made her successful. Teaching Difficult Points教学难点
Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall to one’s success.

Teaching Methods教学方法
Predicting to guess the content of the
passage. Skimming to get the general idea of the

2 能力目标
1.能够识别出伟大女性 2.学会描述人物
通过阅读文章,学生能够从主人公简.古道尔身上学到两点:1类应该如何对待,研究动物。2简的伟大人格博爱与慈悲。 教学难点
中的每一个人都能成为像简那样Scanning to get detailed information and get to 成功的人。
understand the passage better.
Task-based activities to get the students to 预测文章的主要内容 comprehend the passage and learn something 浏览文章获得段落大意 from Jane Goodall.
细读文章获得信息,深入理解文章内容 Teaching Aids教具准备
A multimedia computer 深层内涵,向主人公学习。

教具准备 多媒体
Teaching Procedures教学过程与方式 Step1 Lead-in 导入
【活动一】学生猜测图片中的人Introduce the topic of great women.
1Show some pictures of women for the students to 设计意图﹝图片导入,激发学生guess who they are and tell whether they are great 学习兴趣;比较归纳,引出文章women or not. 主题﹞ 2 Get the students to have a discussion about the qualities needed to be a great woman T: Do you think they are great women? What they have in common?
(Give the students two minutes to discuss in pairs.
T: Now what qualities do you think is needed in
order to be a great woman? Who would like to
share the opinions with us?
S: In my opinion , a great woman should be…
Other students add their opinions.
T:I agree with all of you. But in my opinion, most 步骤二:预测
importantly a great woman should be unselfish and 【活动二】学生欣赏﹑领会图片内容,预测文章主要内容。
willing to sacrifice. Otherwise they will not 设计意图﹝通过图片和文章题目overcome different difficulties and achieve their 的展示,训练学生预测文章大意ambitions. Do you think so? 的能力﹞
Step 2 prediction预测
Get the Ss to read the title and pictures to predict the main content of the passage.
T:Who is the woman?
Ss:Jane Goodall.
T:What is the animal?

Ss:It’s a chimp.

T:What is she doing?Ss:She is kissing the chimp.
T:If you meet a chimp in the forest, will you do that like Jane Goodall? T:Now let’s have a look at the title—A student of African wildlife. what do you think the passage is about?
S:I think the passage is about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in their environment T: Do you agree with her?Ss:Yes/ No.

T:Let’s read and find out whether you are right or wrong.
Step 3 Reading 阅读 Task1match
match the main idea with each paragraph after first reading
Task2- finish the exercises
Reading each paragraph carefully and finish the exercises on the blackboard
Task3 - Comprehending Page3 Ex.1
task4Listening and consolidation 巩固练习
Jane Goodall has studied the _____ for many years in Africa and helped people _______ how much they ______ like human. Jane wanted to work with animals in their own _________. She spent many years _______ and ______ their daily activities. For 40 years, Jane has been________ about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She ______ those who want to _____ the achievements of women. Step4 group discussion 小组讨论
【活动四﹑五】学生细读文章,完成任务23中的相关练习。 设计意图﹝结对学习,提升学生寻找关键信息的能力,并通过练习帮助学生深入理解文章﹞ 【活动六】学生边听录音边回顾课文主要内容,完成巩固练习。 设计意图﹝欣赏文章,巩固主要内容﹞ 步骤四:小组讨论

Make a dialogue to describe Jane Goodall. How can you describe Jane Goodall? Make a dialogue to describe Jane Goodall. By using following questions
1. What did she do to impress you most ? 2. Why did she choose to… ?
3. What kind of person do you think she is ? What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Homework
1. Surf the Internet to find more information about great women. 2. Write a short passages about the great women you choose.

Book4 Unit1 Women of achievement
Period 1 Reading

Teaching goals 教学目标
1 Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇
achievement, behave, shade, worthwhile, nest, observe, outspoken, respect, argue. b. 重点句子
Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. 2 Ability goals 能力目标
a. know how to tell the great women. b. Learn the way to describe a person. 3 Learning ability goals 学能目标 Teach Ss how to describe a person.
Teaching Important Points教学重点
By reading A student of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲)that made her successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation.
Teaching Difficult Points教学难点

Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall to one’s success.Teaching Methods教学方法

Predicting to guess the content of the passage.Skimming to get the general idea of the text.Scanning to get detailed information and get to understand the passage better.Task-based activities to get the students to comprehend the passage and learn something from Jane Goodall. Teaching Aids教具准备

A multimedia computer

Teaching Procedures教学过程与方式

Step1 Lead-in 导入
Introduce the topic of great women.

1Show some pictures of women for the students to guess who they are and tell whether they are great women or not.
2 Get the students to have a discussion about the qualities needed to be a great woman
T: Do you think they are great women? What they have in common?
(Give the students two minutes to discuss in pairs.

T: Now what qualities do you think is needed in order to be a great woman? Who would like to share the opinions with us?

S: In my opinion , a great woman should be…Other students add their opinions.
T:I agree with all of you. But in my opinion, most importantly a great woman should be unselfish and willing to sacrifice. Otherwise they will not overcome different difficulties and make great contributions to humans and our society. Do you think so? Step 2 prediction预测

Get the Ss to read the title and pictures to predict the main content of the passage.T:Who is the woman?Ss:Jane Goodall.

T:What is the animal?Ss:It’s a chimp.

T:What is she doing?Ss:She is kissing the chimp.

T:If you meet a chimp in the forest, will you do that like Jane Goodall?
T:Now let’s have a look at the title—A student of African wildlife. what do you think the passage is about?
S:I think the passage is about how Jane Goodle worked with chimps in their environment
T: Do you agree with her?Ss:Yes/ No.

T:Let’s read and find out whether you are right or wrong. Step 3 Reading 阅读 Task1match
match the main idea with each paragraph after first reading Task2- finish the exercises Reading each paragraph carefully and finish the exercises on the blackboard Task3 - Comprehending Page3 Ex.1
task4Listening and consolidation 巩固练习
Jane Goodall has studied the _____ for many years in Africa and helped people _______ how much they ______ like human. Jane wanted to work with animals in their own _________. She spent many years _______ and ______ their daily activities. For 40 years, Jane has been________ about making the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. She ______ those who want to _____ the achievements of women.

Play the tape for the students and ask them to read the text after the tape in a low voice, paying attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

Step4 group discussion 小组讨论 How can you describe Jane Goodall? By using following questions
1.What did Jane Goodall do for wild animals
2. What qualities do you think Jane Goodall have? 3. What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Homework
1. Surf the Internet to find more information about great women.
2. Write a short passages about the great women you choose ( about 100 words using the past tense form.


《Unit1 women of achievement高中英语必修4教案-.doc》
