电视剧《Lie to me》部分 笔记整理

发布时间:2012-06-15   来源:文档文库   
1.一般人每十分钟会撒三次谎 2.单边收肩膀,对所说的没信心
3.如果嫌犯的惊吓表情超过一秒,他就是在伪装和撒谎。 4.耸鼻子表示不屑

8.谎话可以顺着说,但倒过来说很难 9.假装微笑的时候眼角不会有皱纹
11.当人恐惧时,血液从手臂流向腿部,这样为逃跑做好准备,手会先冷下来。 12.提问者眼眉上抬表示他其实完全知道问题的答案。 13.低头并以手加额是极度羞愧的表现。

2.下意识的退缩(退步,双臂十字交叉)表示在撒谎。 3.就算你想要隐藏自己的情绪,它们还是会出现至少1/5秒。 4.语速加快,以障碍物遮挡在自己胸前,都是焦虑的表现。 5.眉毛上扬,下颚下垂,表示惊讶

10.法官的性别能影响判断是相信男人还是相信女人。 11.摸脖子是撒谎的表现。
12.女性在听到强奸经过的描述时,通常会脸红、转移视线或耸肩。如果没有任何表情出现,表明听者不相信事件的真实性。 13.下巴用力、向前伸,表示生气。


7.在自己并不完全相信自己说的话时候,尽量打消自己的疑虑,就会下意识轻抚自己的手。 8.如果真正生气,大喊和用手拍桌子应该同步,而不会出现前后顺序。

2.lightman形容婚礼——新娘假装她是个处女,新郎假装他找到了自己的“真命天女”,姻亲也假装他们互相喜欢,真是个骗子的圣诞节。 3.快速眨眼,表示可能隐瞒了什么。
4.手指指向一边,而眼睛看向另外一边,有时说谎时会有这种表现,绞尽脑汁捏造事实,但是肢体语言却跟不上。(又拿克林顿开涮~\(≥▽≤/~ 5.音调加重,语速变快,表明情绪加重,可能正在掩饰愤怒。 6.下意识象征性手势,如:竖中指,表明含有敌意。(奥巴马,国防部长)

2.如果提问与回答的间隔时间少于一秒,表明有可能是事先编造好了谎言。但如果响应时间过长,也可能是在临时编造谎言。 3.脸颊上扬,嘴角下垂——自责。
4.双手交叉相握,两食指放在嘴唇上,表明在使自己平静下来,并且有话要说。 5.适者生存的精髓不在于适应一时,而是与时俱进。
6.当我们话不对心的时候,就会下意识的轻微摇头否认。 7.人们通常认为愤怒是最危险的情感,但事实上,厌恶才是仇恨的反应(希特勒谈论犹太人,本阿登哥谈论美国人) 8.抬眉皱眉——害怕。

1.领养的孩子很可能因为缺乏归属感而难以和新家建立家庭感情,从而导致离家出走。 2.说话时潜意识的摇头表明对所说的话没有信心。 3.嘴唇紧抿,表示有所隐瞒。
5.Lightman的经验:自我阉割的恋童癖一般说的都是真话。。囧 6.吞咽口水表示强烈的情感。
7.斯德哥尔摩综合症——受害人对施害人产生感情。 8.突然好喜欢Loker\(^o^/

1.一个人准备说谎的时间越多,就越难看出来。 2.咬嘴唇是焦虑、想控制情绪。
3.人、猩猩、海豚,当他们想要表现的更有权势时就会尽力抬头挺胸。 4.抿嘴看地板——愧疚。

1.自杀会造成自杀效仿,玛丽莲梦露自杀后一年,自杀率增长10%,柯特科本也是。 2.不断地变换动词时态(在过去时和现在时之间转换),是撒谎的迹象。 3.一开口就用到大量消极词汇,心理学上表明,心里有愧。 4.怀孕荷尔蒙反应,会在脸上产生妊娠斑。

3.工作场所暴力与家庭暴力密切相关。(例如,一个会做出炸毁大楼等极端活动的人,在家里应该也是一个暴力分子。 4.一个女人,对男人和女人之间的暴力没有表现出强烈的敏感,表明没有遭遇过家庭暴力。 5.男女距离不到一英尺半,目光闪烁的瞟一眼,然后迅速离开,表示关系亲密。 6.迅速眨眼,表示有所隐瞒。

1.lightman`s ex-wife:所有人都会有迟疑,婚礼时、和朋友在一起时、在产房里,或者任何凝视着生命中最美好的一刻时,但这不代表仅仅只感到迟疑,而你只看到每一丝的迟疑、丝恐惧,到头来你就只看到这一些,你就死死抓住不放。不对我了若指掌的又怎么了?至少我可以在生日的时候给他惊喜,他不会戳穿每次我对其他男人有一点点的欣赏,当我半裸的穿着丁字裤时,不会去分析我的眉毛。
4.小孩可能被他信任的某人植入记忆,让他觉得是真实的。 5.我囧lightman跟他前妻站在一起的那个身高差距啊。



s1e12这一集好像没有什么好记的知识点,不过这集是本季最NB最好看的一集,线放的很长,像部小电影似的。 s1e13
1.激进组织喜欢找孤独的,对社会不满的孩子。 2.——Lightman:离国会大厦远一点 听见没? ——ex-wife:你总是喜欢拐着弯说 我爱你
3.Foster终于离婚了,哇哈哈,她跟Lightman的好戏要上场了吗?为毛现在Lightman跟前妻的关系又是如此的暧昧不明„„ 4.你很有天赋,但那是需要牺牲的。(情况确实总是这样。

S1E01 1. The average person every ten minutes will be three times and lie 2. The unilateral shoulder, to say have no confidence
3. If the suspect's scared expression more than one second, he is in disguise and lying.
4. Song nose in disdain 5. Man was lying may not transfer line of sight, and will have more eye contact, to confirm whether you believe in the listener to what he says.
6. Pupil dilation, anger, fear, sexual stimulation 7. In the narrative don't call him by his first name, and the "the man" refer to someone is usually abhor, shame that tries to hide some of the truth of the performance. 8. Lie along said, but it is difficult to get over 9. Pretend to smile canthus won't have wrinkles
10. Smile blinking is a true feelings of the performance. Insincerity smile, people will not blink. 11. When people fear, blood flow from the arms legs, so ready to flee, and his hand will be the first to cold down. 12. The questioner service said he is totally brows know the answer to the question. 13. Down and to hand the forehead is extremely to be ashamed of performance.
S1E02 1. The face 43 muscles can organise a ten thousand many kinds of expression 2. The subconscious retreat (worse, his arms cross said in a lie.

3. Even if you want to hide his emotions, they will still get at least 1/5 seconds. 4. Speak quickly, in order to keep out in his chest obstacles, are anxious performance. 5. Eyebrows rise, jaw sagging, surprised says
6. The corners of the mouth flat, the classic action, said in the said no confidence, in a lie. 7. Male fans want to be seen as socialist real man, they will pass rape to prove your own power. Such behavior is usually only a rape, is no premeditation and do not accompany other violence. 8. The FBI crime report confirmed that, 8% of the rape case is a false report
9. The victims of rape in retelling case pass will usually show a fear and shame. If she expression numbness, have the potential to be and is the influence of depression after. 10. The judge can influence the sex of the judge is to believe that man or believe that woman.
11. Her throat is a lie performance. 12. Women in hear the description of the rape after, and usually blush with shame, diverting attention or shrug. If no expression appeared, show that the listener don't believe the authenticity of the event. 13. Chin force, thrust forward, said angry.
1. Vocabulary have repeat, and some local tone tall. Lying performance. 2. Facial expressions if the words of grief not commensurate with that may be lying. For example: sad, forehead and eye should appear corresponding response.
3. Botox injection to beauty, paralysis, facial muscles, and terror in sorrow and other emotional won't appear below the corresponding facial expressions.
4. The more popular at school children, the lie, and they usually are eloquent, and good at conceal their emotions. 5. When a person is not the same as the expression on both sides, probably in disguise his emotions. 6. Without the correct the problem is not the right answer
7. In his own is not fully believe they said, try to reassure their suspicions, will the subconscious light fondle their hand. 8. If really angry, Shouting and strike table with the hand should be synchronous, and won't appear sequence. 9. The real murderer in to see their victims will show disgust, contempt, and even afraid, but not surprised.
S1E04 1. Eyebrows down tight knit, raise your eyelids, eye week take up, the expression is likely will attack others said. 2. Lightman describe wedding bride-pretending she was a virgin, the groom to pretend he found his own "ZhenMingTianNv", in-laws and pretend that they like each other, is really a liar Christmas. 3. Rapid blink, says it may hide what.
4. Finger to one side, and the eyes to the other side, sometimes lied has this kind of show when,
racking my brains to make up a story, but the body language but can't keep up. (took Clinton would ~ \ quartile (
than / ~ 5. Tone is aggravating, speed faster, show that emotion is aggravating, may be on the cover up anger. 6. The subconscious symbolic gestures, such as: vertical middle finger, show that hostility. (Obama, defense minister
s1e05 1. Bite lips, pull the ear, said nervous, and hope to control mood.
2. Ask and answer if the time interval of less than one second, show that could be up good lies in advance. But if the response time is too long, can also be in temporary have forged a lie.
3. The cheek to rise, the mouth cape droop-remorse. 4. Cross hands severe, two index finger on the lips, and suggest that in make myself to calm down, and have words to say. 5. The essence of the survival of the fittest is not adapt to the only for a moment, it is advancing with The Times. 6. When we words do not treat, will subconsciously mild shake head denied.
7. People usually think that anger is the most dangerous emotions, but in fact, disgust is hatred reaction (Hitler to talk about the jews, the ardennes elder brother talk about americans. 8. Carry eyebrow frown-fear. 9. Man was lying, always appears well behaved.
10. There is racial discrimination in subconscious are more likely to white face and the commendatory word is connected, when into black face, there is racial discrimination or will put these words and pictures is connected, but reaction, but slowly.
s1e06 1. The adopted children is likely because of the lack of belonging to a family and new homes feelings, leading to run away from home.
2. Speak of the unconscious that shook his head to had said no faith. 3. Lips tight work, says something to conceal.
4. Progestin--chemical neutered. 5. Lightman experience: self castrated pedophiles general said is the truth... orz
6. Swallowed saliva said strong emotion. 7. Stockholm syndrome-the victim was emotions of others. 8. Suddenly like Loker oh \ (^ o ^ /
s1e07 1. A person to the more time you lie, the ugly out. 2. Bite lips is anxiety, want to control the emotions.
3., orangutans, dolphins, when they want to be more powerful will try to hold your head up high. 4. Her mouth shut look at the floor-guilty. (friendship close


《电视剧《Lie to me》部分 笔记整理.doc》
