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关于20XX年的春节跟往年的大不一样,很是特殊。 The Spring Festival in 20XX年的传统习俗,也取消了利用节假日外出旅游的流行安排,大家都“宅”在家中,用这种方式阻断病毒的传播,据说这就是对社会作贡献。
The outbreak of a novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan has been fierce and swift. It has been reported that tens of thousands of people have been infected in just 10 days. In order to take the overall situation into consideration, the people all over the country have cancelled the traditional custom of visiting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival and the popular arrangement of using holidays to travel. Everyone "lives" at home and blocks the spread of the virus in this way, which is said to be a tribute to the society. 好在现在是信息社会,信息传播手段繁多,我从电视、手机等渠道了解到,口罩卖断货了,蔬菜涨价了,医院病床不够了,没有特效药,这里那里封城封道了等等信息。
Fortunately, in the information society, there are many means of information dissemination. I learned from TV,
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mobile phones and other channels that masks are out of stock, vegetables are up in price, hospital beds are not enough, there is no special medicine, and the city is closed here and there, and so on. 让我安心的是国家对防控疫情十分重视,动员一切力量投入到防控疫情的战斗之中,我们看到:辛苦的白衣天使日日夜夜在面对死神对抗新型冠状病毒;军队和政府公务人员不畏艰辛奋战在防控疫情的第一线;广大民众积极响应号召,自觉配合疫情防控工作。
Novel coronavirus is the key to my country's concern for the prevention and control of the epidemic. We should mobilize all forces to fight against epidemic situations. We see: hard working angels are fighting against the new coronavirus in the face of death, day and night, and the army and government officials are fighting hard to fight against the first line of the epidemic. 我们全家也都在行动!我爸爸是共产党党员,他也成为了一名“逆行者”,从21日起,每天晚上1700-2200都去春天华府6506#监控从温州瓯海回来的居家隔离人员,坚守在这家的楼道口,一站就是五个小时,楼道口寒风呼啸,爸爸冷得瑟瑟发抖却毫无怨言始终坚持,让我十分担心他会不会感冒了。好在他们单位及时送来了火桶和机制炭,使得监控点的环境有所
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My father is a member of the Communist Party, and he has also become a "rebel". From February 1, every night from 17:00 to 22:00, he went to 506, building 6, Huafu in spring to monitor the house quarantine personnel who came back from Ouhai, Wenzhou. He stayed at the entrance of the building for five hours. The cold wind howled at the entrance of the building, and his father shivered with cold but no complaints Hold, let me worry about whether he will catch cold. Fortunately, their units sent fire buckets and mechanism charcoal in time, which improved the environment of the monitoring point, and also reassured me a lot. www.zuowenla.cn 我和妈妈也积极行动起来,我们取消了去清凉峰镇的瞭望农家的全家族聚会,买来了消毒水进行小区楼道消毒,尽量不出门,不串门,出门带口罩,勤洗手、勤通风、勤锻炼身体。 My mother and I also took active action. We cancelled the family reunion to look out at the farm in Qingliangfeng Town, bought disinfectant water to disinfect the corridor of the community, tried not to go out, not to visit the door, took masks when going out, washed hands, ventilated and exercised frequently.
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The most urgent thing is that we have to postpone the start of school. The homework for winter vacation has been finished long ago. I can only learn by myself at home, read extracurricular books and preview the texts of the second volume of the fourth grade on the Internet. Later, the "online school" was opened on the Internet. I started online classes on the Internet, but it's hard to make an appointment. Fortunately, I can replay them. Our class has also set up a group on the "nail". Every day, we punch in healthy cards, do online homework, complete questionnaires and so on. Our head teacher has also passed the certification of Alibaba digital teachers. https://m.zuowenla.cn “宅家”的日子是难受的。我默默的祈祷,希望科学家能尽快研制出特效药,希望新型冠状病毒能早日得到有效控制,希望感染病毒的患者都能康复……

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The days of "Homestead" are hard. I pray silently, novel coronavirus can be effectively controlled by scientists, and the patients with viral infection will be able to recover. 天佑中国,中国加油! God bless China, China come on!

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